yoki96 posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 06:04PM
ACROSS THE WORLD TRIO - the jolly three buddies from different planets *I mean* continent brought together by Hetalia
- Tinekraut

Tinekraut - The kyonshi zombie lost in the Philippines. Usually called Tine or Tin (I call her Tine-chan), her goal is to get Philippines in Hetalia. A big fan of Prussia, Austria Germany and England, she tends to join the shenanigans going on in the group. Listening Tokio Hotel and reading manga and encyclopedias, she is also interested in history and comedy

HertfulStitch - The Sweet Latina who's the only sane and normal one in the group. She also happens to be a water spirit. Lives in the U.S. The shy, but also the sain one of the group, she brings the voice of reason. Referred to as Stitch or Ren (I call her Ren-chan), she is the onee-chan of the group. While listening to Owl City she wishes to read Alice in Wonderland

Yoki - A Hungro-Romanian vampire living in Serbia. Also the mastermind of all the shenanigans in the trio, she tends to be aggressive at times. Even though a big fan of the Bad Touch Trio, she wishes to live in Greece. A otaku at heart, she enjoys rock music (3 Days Grace, Foo Fighters, RHCP, etc.), and just living a carefree life

Our theme song:
last edited on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:17PM

Hetalia 1605 replies

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over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Wow, looks like it really fits you to have a dragon pet (virtual dragon). :3

I'm born under year of the monkey by the way so no wonder why I'm mischievous... wait, did I just say that?
But my ascendancy sign though is dragon since I'm born about 8:00 AM... So that makes us the same in terms of supposedly having some dragon traits.... hehe am I not such a reader of horoscope? Na, I don't know that much.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I love reading Horoscopes for fun. I don't take them seriously but, they are fun. I can't say I know anything about horoscopes either my dear friend. It's not often I read them.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Same here. I actually prefer those that tell about personality like colorastrology and Chinese sign traits, etc..
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Ah I see. I like the personality horoscopes as well~
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ah, I see you're talking about personality horoscopes. I just checked mine, and apparently, I'm Year of The Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac. "Brave, competitive, and polite." Hmm, I'm not really sure whether that fits me or not, but it's interesting to see the personality traits of different years!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Ah I see~ Yeah it is pretty fun to read them. I've read my Chinese Zodiac many times before and well I don't think I'm anything like it.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Well, what animal are you?
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
My Chinese Zodiac is a Dragon~
over a year ago yoki96 said…
I'm a rat/mouse. At first I was like "Dafuq?" but when I read the personality of this sign, I was like "link"
I'm a rat/mouse. At first I was like "Dafuq?" but when I read the personality of this sign, I was lik
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
@both: Ah, cool~!
Somehow, I always end up linking zodiac signs with this anime/manga. link
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Oh I love Fruits Basket~! I do the same sometimes too~ x3
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ahaha, awesome~! :3 If you don't mind me asking, who's your favorite character~?
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hatori and Ayame are my favorites~
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ah, cool~! I like Momiji, Ayame, and Kyo. Fruits Basket was my first anime ever so I'll always have a special spot for it in my heart. <3
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Awww~ <3 Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing were my first anime.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Cool~! ^^

...What are we doing, talking about other anime on an Hetalia fanclub? xD
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hah good question. -laughs softly- It happens~
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Well, it's our HQ, so we can talk about anything, right? My first anime was Naruto, and it's still on air (they are making new manga/anime). Funny thing is that Sakura was born 2 days after Greece, thus making her an Aries, just like me
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Oh? I share my zodiac with Rock Lee~

Also, I have a small story I wrote a while back~ It's very short. Only about... I'd say a few paragraphs or so. Also, I did use the name "Ren" for the girl in this story.

link I hope you enjoy~
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Σ(e▽⊙); ....... BWAHAHAHAHA~ WOW! That's, that's *tries to hold it but bursts out laughing*
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hehe, I didn't think it was that funny -gigglesnort- Glad you liked it~
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
X3 kekeke XDDDDD hahahahahahahaha
Ren will be embedded in my memory now.
I'd love to have Ren as a friend. I won't mind being Shino.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-gigglesnort- Happy to hear you and Yoki-chan liked it~! I'm surprised it was that funny though. I didn't quite think it was but, I'm glad I made the two of you laugh~!
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
No, I was more surprised that you find it surprising that we chuckled at it. It was funny... Gott! Keep it up. I like those novel ideas of Ren *pun intended* ~_^

I see so you're also talking about character birthdays..... I got the same birthday as Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) but considering the time difference, my b-day should be celebrated Dec. 13 in the West so that would be like Mello's (Death Note) b-day.
My first anime is the same as Ren nee-chan. It's Sailormoon, which I first watched when I was like 3 years old. O yea, I've been an otaku for a long time now. An older cousin of mine who was like my babysitter got me into watching anime. He even watch shoujo animes so no wonder I'd be drawn to watch it too. After that was Rurouni Kenshin, when I was 5 (imagine a toddler watching a violence-oriented anime), and Magic Knight Ray Earth, then Yuyu Hakusho and Dragon Balls/z. Gundam wing was very popular also. Too bad I wasn't able to follow it 'cause it was the same time slot as the primetime drama that my mother was following. Fruits Basket... I saw some episodes when I was still in gradeschool *it's been so long now*... I did not finish it 'cause it happened to be the same schedule as the weekly brownout *sigh*... Naruto.... Gott! I was obsessed of it before. i started watching it when I was in my last year of grade school *it's been a very long time now.*... We even had a Naruto fanclub when I was still in High school (equivalent to middle school).... Ah, it brings back memories... The good old fun days....

I see, so Izzy is Tiger..... Dignified one.
And Yoki-chan is Rat....
is this one a coincidence?....

"First Trine

The first trine consists of the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey. These three signs are intense and powerful individuals, capable of great good or great evil. They make great leaders, but the three may have different approaches. Frustrated when hampered, these signs are ruled by highly potent energy and unpredictability. At their worst, Rats are ruthlessly power-hungry, vindictive, and Machiavellian; Dragons are inflexible megalomaniacs and narcissists; and Monkeys are destructive manipulators and hedonists. They are intelligent, magnanimous, charismatic, charming, authoritative, confident, eloquent, and artistic. They can also be tyrannical, bombastic, prejudiced, deceitful, imperious, and ruthless."

~From wikipedia :link

It seems Monkey has a favorable reading. I just hope I can live up to it. Though I don't agree with the description saying that I should be a good politician and that I'm very modern... 'cause I actually suck at politics. I'm not even gregarious. And Gott! I'm just plain old-fashioned person.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-jaw drops open in shock-

....That's a little scary... -clears throat in attempt to get over the shock- Well, I suppose this makes us "official"
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over a year ago Tinekraut said…
O yes! Even the ancients supports our trio. *thumbs up* *grins*
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-gigglesnort- I suppose so~
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*looks at earlier comments* Σ(⊙▽⊙) ......... I... guess... you are right *reads again* It's true to every letter (at least for me). Trio Canon lvl.: Chinese Zodiac
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Indeed~ It's a little scary but, it's awesome~
over a year ago yoki96 said…
A perfect Halloween story. While we're at Halloween, (I forgot to ask) what's everybody going as for Halloween? Naturally, I'm a vampire *grins*

Oh, and I found this cool video which would be perfect for my Halloween....
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I don't plan on dressing up really. I actually just bought cat ears and a tail as my costume. So, I'll end up wearing that with my regular clothes.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Me neither. I'm just gonna put on my red bed spread as a cloak, and I'm done XD I'm already transperently white and have natural fangs (my teeth look like fangs) so there is no need for the fancy stuff
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-nods- Indeed~ Though my little sister (irl) is having a costume party for her birthday with just the family so, she's making me dress up... I do have a vampiress costume so, I might end up wearing that. I was going to just wear my cat ears/tail and my normal clothes but, she wouldn't have it...
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over a year ago yoki96 said…
You could go as Japan to her party and sing her a song *points at video posted earlier* I think she would love it *mischievous smirk*
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I can't cosplay Japan~!! ........ AND I'M NOT SINGING THAT SONG~!!!!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
I didn't mean to cosplay him, I meant to use the link. And why don't you wanna sing the song? Get some Halloween spirit out of it
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
It's sounds strange I mean well, I like it, it's just... it would freak out my little sister. She's not into Japanesey stuff like I am.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
That's why it's perfect for Halloween. After all, Halloween is for pranks like these. Especially once you tell your family the translated lyrics link
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hah, you do have a point there. Still, I'm not one for pranking anyone. If I pranked anyone I would feel horrible about once everything was said and done.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Too bad. But I'm doing it on my family. There is a graveyard near our house and on the 31st I'll ask for a walk with them. And once we reach the center of the graveyard somewhere, I along with my little sis (she is in it as well) will start singing the english lyrics link link
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-facepalms and chuckles- Oh sis...
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over a year ago yoki96 said…
What, it's a good plan. It would be funny, no, hilarious, watching them going link
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Haha that is true. It would be pretty funny~
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XDhaha, I guess I'll agree with that part about Monkeys being hedonistic. Being destructively manipulative... it is yet to be tested. >X3kukuku
By the way, that vid kinda messed up my mind. I don't know which one is more freaky - the lyrics or the crack pairing.... Let me think... We have Russo-Japanese War (I forgot the year)... Ainus are also believed to have originated from the Eastern tip of Russia... well, I guess, we can make out some historical basis.... But... it still messed up my mind... Russia and Japan. As to the lyrics... Now I'm questioning the psychological soundness of the person who wrote that song. And you're planning to sing it on halloween (and your family will be in it too)? If Ren nee-chan is going to get along with it then probably I'm the one who needs to check my psychological health. I'm not feeling good about it. That's right Ren nee-chan, wear those kitty cat ears instead. That should neutralize the effect of that freaky song. By the way, advanced happy birthday to your sis. That sure will be a lot of fun.
Haha, this the time of the year when our horror looks works to our advantage. No need for a fancy costume for me as well. Just with my baggy pjs, tired panda eyes, and pale skin (my usual looks at home)... perfect zombie... no effort, no sweat. There's nothing special about it really. I always look like a zombie throughout the year. And if my brothers get freaked out of me I don't think I'll take that as a compliment on my "halloween looks". That's when horror movies/documentaries come in handy. It somehow diverts them so as to get scared instead of the horror shows rather than my looks.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Oh~ Thank you Tine-chan~ I'm sure my little sister would appreciate that~! -smiles- And yes I will be wearing my cat ears/tail along with my normal clothes. Dressing up every year is getting a bit old. I believe it's high time I just keep it simple~
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
But still, that would be fun. I haven't even experienced dressing up for halloween before.
Well, since it's your sister's birthday, that would be just fitting for her if she's the one to stand out.
Hey speaking of cat ears and tails, do you know about this mechanical nekomimi cat ears and tails that moves?
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hm... I can't say I've heard of it before. Sounds interesting though~!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
@Ren: link Then again, I feel like that as well. Oh, and happy birthday to your *insert age here* sis ^_^

@Tine: *grins mischievously* Then the video worked. And it will work a lot better on Halloween night when we go to our local graveyard at night, and we start singing the english lyrics (my little sister is in on my "interesting" plan) XDDDDDDDD My awesome plans from my "Book of plans". You should sing it, as well. Your and my family's reaction to our "singing": link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Thanks Yoki-chan~! -smiles- Ah, I see I'm not the only one.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
@Ren: Even those kind of stuffs are getting upgraded now. XD It's weird. Ah, the things that Japan comes up. No wonder why he is associated with cat ears.
@Yoki: Al...right. So I guess my reaction only encouraged you even more. XD Good luck. The graveyard is not haunted, isn't it? *gulp*