yoki96 posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 06:04PM
ACROSS THE WORLD TRIO - the jolly three buddies from different planets *I mean* continent brought together by Hetalia
- Tinekraut

Tinekraut - The kyonshi zombie lost in the Philippines. Usually called Tine or Tin (I call her Tine-chan), her goal is to get Philippines in Hetalia. A big fan of Prussia, Austria Germany and England, she tends to join the shenanigans going on in the group. Listening Tokio Hotel and reading manga and encyclopedias, she is also interested in history and comedy

HertfulStitch - The Sweet Latina who's the only sane and normal one in the group. She also happens to be a water spirit. Lives in the U.S. The shy, but also the sain one of the group, she brings the voice of reason. Referred to as Stitch or Ren (I call her Ren-chan), she is the onee-chan of the group. While listening to Owl City she wishes to read Alice in Wonderland

Yoki - A Hungro-Romanian vampire living in Serbia. Also the mastermind of all the shenanigans in the trio, she tends to be aggressive at times. Even though a big fan of the Bad Touch Trio, she wishes to live in Greece. A otaku at heart, she enjoys rock music (3 Days Grace, Foo Fighters, RHCP, etc.), and just living a carefree life

Our theme song:
last edited on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:17PM

Hetalia 1605 replies

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over a year ago Tinekraut said…
eh... the dress is for women with bust.... I won't fit on that dress. you can give me the moe maid dress instead *I hate having to consider that alternative... no choice... everything for fun*
Yea, Ren nee-chan, tell her about your awesome piercing. *kirakira eyes*
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
*reminded that Romano has no boobs wearing the dress on the pics* *yikes, think of more way to get out of this*... save me ren nee-chan.... eh... she's already asleep.... A, e, how about Izzy-chan and Stella-chan. The dress will fit them.
*hears the salsa music starting* *gulp* uhoh... *sweatdrop*
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*in union with Spain* Join us Tine-chan, we have more pinatas *evil smirk*

Come on, you like candy, don't you. Besides, it's just for fun, at least you aren't wearing the German one
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
*looks at dress*
...OH SH--
No thank you. ._.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hmm if Tine-chan won't wear the dress... I would be happy to~ -smiles- It's very pretty.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
*phew* Okay, then, problem solved. *hands Ren-chan the dress*
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Thank you Iz-chan~ -smiles-

@Yoki-chan: Yes it is a piercing. I got my nose pierced~ I also did lots of other things for my birthday~
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
You're very welcome. ^^
Oh! You got a piercing? Cool!
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-smiles- Yes I did~ It was a venturing out kind of thing. My little sister more or less talked me into it. She was thinking I should do something crazy since it was my birthday and piercing something came into her mind.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ah, I see. *smiles* Cool!
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hehe I suppose so~ Though I'm very happy that I got it done~ I love my piercing. Once it's healed, I want to hopefully get a small flower or something instead of my diamond stud.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
big smile
Hey everyo~!..........hm, as amazing of a dress that is....
What was I going to say? Oh yeah!

Dropped by to wish everyone a Happy Doomsday! :D
last edited over a year ago
Hey everyo~!..........hm, as amazing of a dress that is....
What was I going to say? Oh yeah!

over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-chuckles- Happy Doomsday~!!!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Oh, seriously! You guys, too! Why does everyone believe in that! The entire link is occupied by people who think that they will be "safe" from the apocalypse there! Why do people believe in that *beep*!

*clears throat* Now that I got that out from me, moving on. Christmas is coming! It's almost the 24th and Monday is just around the corner! I'm getting really excited (even though I don't celebrate it) it's gonna be fun when you go outside into the town and feel the lively atmosphere around you!
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Hey guys! Haha, Happy Doomsday!
XD whoa, Serbians there took it seriously. I heard the same happened in one place in France and in Mexico (among the shamans). Hehe, actually, since I’m pretty much open to and readily accepts ideas (in short, gullible), you could just imagine my link the first time I heard about it 2 years ago (no no, not France, I’m pertaining to Japan). Engraving some kind of hieroglyphics on walls even came to our mind :P haha… e…(which could have resulted to “suspension from school due to vandalism”)…. But still, this day marks another milestone of the Earth’s existence…. Time goes by so fast. We were just celebrating Ren nee-chan’s birthday and now it’s already Doomsday, I mean, Dec. 21…. Yea, it's almost Christmas - only 4 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!

And another one to celebrate besides the supposedly Doomsday…. American friends, your country won in the Miss Universe pageant. Congratulations! 2nd victory after the Olympics. Well, that was so close for us, we got 1st runner up. Haha, I really think we should have won that… kukuku~ I can’t say I didn’t think our contestant answered the best in the Q&A portion. Nevertheless, I should congratulate the US for winning….

*caught the attention by…* Wait what’s this! Yoki-chan with Spain… Pinatas… candies… candies… Is this a dream? *trance mode*… drawing near to Yoki-chan’s direction… to where the Spanish dress is o.O ! No, Ren nee-chan already agreed to wear the dress for me… Gracias Ren nee-chan!..... Eh.. What’s this?! You brought enough dress for the 5 of us?! I thought I only brought 1 dress for Yoki-chan’s salsa-dance-of-redemption-for-coming-late-­on –Ren-nee-chan’s-birthday.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Apparently, the end of the world has been postponed to September 3rd, 2015.
...A.K.A., my 17th birthday.
This is not a good birthday present...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Whoa! Here it comes again. And there's even a so-called postponement theheck!
What the?! o_o Of all the date. Doesn't it make you're b-day even more special? :P
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
I know right?! .__.
And heh...yeah, I guess. xD
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything but... I find it rather funny that it's been "postponed" It's almost like...

Night before the end of the world...

Apocalypse: Oh boy oh boy!! Tomorrow is the big day!!

Next morning:

Apocalypse: -overslept- SH** I OVER SLEPT AGAIN!!! ....Oh well I'll try again next time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Haha, don't worry. I find it funny as well. I just wish it wasn't postponed to my birthday...
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
In the words of England...

"I wouldn't worry. The end of the world is never going to happen."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Haha, yeah, I agree.
But on Tumblr, there are all these posts about how the Pictonians are going to invade Earth again. It's actually quite funny, to be honest.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-chuckles- Hetalia fans can be so funny sometimes~
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
It would be funny if today nothing happens the whole day and everyone's like "Haha we survived" but then at 11:59 the earth just blows up and that's it...

We would all die but it would be hilarious! :D
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Good morning guys! But here it's already Dec. 22. Safe! :P
Pictonians you say? Then prepare our pen markers.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Haha, yeah. I'm not kidding, this post was on my dashboard. xD
(click to enlarge)
Haha, yeah. I'm not kidding, this post was on my dashboard. xD
(click to enlarge)
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XD Wow... It'll... It will boost the sales of markers in the next 2 years.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Yep. xD
And this:
Yep. xD
And this:
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Too bad the only sanctuary, Switzerland, hates intruders.
Ay, that day will likewise give a boost on Switzerland's tourism sector and hotel reservations.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
@Iz-chan: Pffft XD!!! Better stock up on Sharpies~!

@Tine-chan: I can just move in with my older sister~ She lives in Switzerland.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*looks at previous replies* -_-; I give up. Though, tomorrow is gonna be even worst (referring to the "I survived the apocalypse" posts on the internet)
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Heh, yeah...it's gonna get annoying after a while...
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
@Ren nee-chan: Lucky you. You'll be saved. Send me chocolates when you go to Switzerland. I shall keep myself alive. So I'll start hoarding markers now. So far I can only afford markers so it's the only thing I can rely on. *checks out my marker* eh, it's not permanent ink *whiteboard marker*... this is bad...

@Yoki-chan: What will be tomorrow? I don't seem like worried about that worst thing to happen. X3 (right, not worried.. while here I am starting to collect markers :P)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
I know it ain't the worst thing but it's kinda annoying, if you ask me
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Switzerland just so happens to be where I want to live when I'm older. It's so beautiful and peaceful there. :) link

Oh and about the annoying Apocalypse posts...
Switzerland just so happens to be where I want to live when I'm older. It's so beautiful and peaceful
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XD ya, annoying. and also interesting to see how people take this apocalypse thing. and the surrounding "theories". XD just making it sound not-so-bad. but ultimately, that really is annoying.

Switzerland... good choice there Stella-chan. I agree. One of the best country to live in.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
@Stella "The "I survived the apocalypse" posts are coming" XD It's like that at my place, as well...

@Tine I second that. Our link is fluded by tourists. They even begged to stay --> link Dafuq? world
last edited over a year ago
@Stella "The "I survived the apocalypse" posts are coming" XD It's like that at my place, as well...
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Haha… Since we all feel annoyed of this end-of-the-world thing... how about feeling the holiday season instead. I got something to fill the HQ with the Christmas atmosphere. Something I recorded hours ago. Kukuku…. This is what was going on outside. Our house is not sound proof so I got that one kukuku~ We have a fine weather tonight so the street Christmas caroling resumes. (No buzzing about the apocalypse) ....Groups of youngsters and college studs are having fun going house to house singing Christmas carols which happens every night, from Dec. 16 to 24, except when it’s raining hard. And that jolly singers on my recording… he sings with “utmost passion”, I got carried away. Even the DOGS JOINED HIM. And the kids were having fun :P

Here it is: link

eh? why it isn't in hyperlink? But it should direct you to my account where i uploaded it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Awwww~ that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside ^o^
Well, ours is still preparing (because of the large amount of tourist, it has to be VERY BIG), but I do have this year's beginning clip. It's the New Years's Eve Firework in Belgrade - The Ada Bridge (The link)
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Haha, warm and fuzzy... that's weird. The drunk-like-Prussia-like wacky guy singing on the link made you feel warm and fuzzy... I see, i see, you really have a weird taste in music, Yoki-chan XD

Wow! Such a wonderful sight in Belgrade. *kira kira eyes* love the fireworks! That's what you call a festivity.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-stares at video- Yoki-chan, I'm going to your place for New Years~ I LOVE fireworks. <3
over a year ago yoki96 said…
@Tine We are party people, I'm used to those kind of people who party hard XD The thing which made me feel warm and fuzzy is the fact that everything is just so carefree

@Ren And we will gladly take you in. I'll be your tour guide. I'm sure we will have something awesome planned this year, as well. And to prove it, here is this --> link
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
"Food Is Delicious" -smiles-

Reason number 3 is enough for me to visit~ -chuckles-
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over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Serbia seems like a very interesting country :)
Serbia seems like a very interesting country :)
over a year ago yoki96 said…
big smile
*claps cheerfuly* Yay! I knew you guys would like it. Finally someone who doesn't judge us by the stereotypes. Feel free to stop by any time. You will have a warm welcome for sure
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Aww~ -smiles-
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…

There are...

Approximately 3 Days Til Christmas
last edited over a year ago

There are... 

[b] Approximately [u]3 Days Til Christmas[/b][/u]
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Ah, that's right. And Santa is coming, as well (Santa=Finland/Tino)! *jumps up and down out of joy* Can't wait. Food, parties, gifts, fireworks... It's gonna be awesome *fist pumps*
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I can't wait either~ And speaking of presents... I had a surprise happen to me the other day... -blushes and smiles-
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Oh, really? What is it? Is it the piercing (I already know that)? Did you get a gift? Wait, I know! You saw Santa, didn't you? *curiosity rises*