yoki96 posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 06:04PM
ACROSS THE WORLD TRIO - the jolly three buddies from different planets *I mean* continent brought together by Hetalia
- Tinekraut

Tinekraut - The kyonshi zombie lost in the Philippines. Usually called Tine or Tin (I call her Tine-chan), her goal is to get Philippines in Hetalia. A big fan of Prussia, Austria Germany and England, she tends to join the shenanigans going on in the group. Listening Tokio Hotel and reading manga and encyclopedias, she is also interested in history and comedy

HertfulStitch - The Sweet Latina who's the only sane and normal one in the group. She also happens to be a water spirit. Lives in the U.S. The shy, but also the sain one of the group, she brings the voice of reason. Referred to as Stitch or Ren (I call her Ren-chan), she is the onee-chan of the group. While listening to Owl City she wishes to read Alice in Wonderland

Yoki - A Hungro-Romanian vampire living in Serbia. Also the mastermind of all the shenanigans in the trio, she tends to be aggressive at times. Even though a big fan of the Bad Touch Trio, she wishes to live in Greece. A otaku at heart, she enjoys rock music (3 Days Grace, Foo Fighters, RHCP, etc.), and just living a carefree life

Our theme song:
last edited on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:17PM

Hetalia 1605 replies

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Showing Replies 1401-1450 of 1605

over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Wait, what's this? Did Stella-chan forgot her compass?
Wait, what's this?  Did Stella-chan forgot her compass?
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
I don't quite think Stella-chan forgot her compass, Tine-chan~ -laughs lightly- over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD haha, ya. She's back~ over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
XD I did promise to sing, Ren nee-chan.
And I blame you for encouraging me --> link

Sorry, my sense of shame lost its compass and it couldn't find its way back to me. XDD
The only thing I can say is... XD enjoy (making fun of ) my epic fail performance. haha XD And enjoy also trying to figure out what's wrong in the recording. XD


*epic facepalm*..
I was choking at my own singing and there are some unnecessary noise. *serious face*
lols, it was raining... Some other people are playing loud stereo. And I don't know, I think I also heard some people singing in a karaoke. *more epic facepalm*... And more noise from vehicles passing by. lols, you can just imagine what I went through XDD... And I'm guessing some people from outside might have heard me singing some foreign song like a weirdo. XDD... I was barely croaking... XDD
Go ahead go ahead. Feel free to make fun of me. I'll just drink some tea in a corner while I lament at my own incompetence.
I swear, it's the noise outside that ruined my performance. >o<... XDD I even gave my "best", with feelings, while singing. XDD
Man.. what have I gotten myself into? XD But who cares, this is not North Carolina. I just felt free to embarrass myself. XD I don't know what have I eaten.

How about you all join me? kekeke *grin*

XD I did promise to sing, Ren nee-chan.  
And I blame you for encouraging me --> http://www.fanpop.c
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Omg Tine-chan I LOVE you!! -glomps you- over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
*hugs Ren nee-chan tight while she glomps me* over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XDD @Mae-chan: You're keen huh. You almost got it right. I guess my accent reveals much which part of the country I live. I'm indeed from the Visayas region, at the eastmost island. @Stella-chan: XD O wow, thanks~ ^//^... I never thought of it that way 'cause many people here can pull off the American accent and I'm one of those who can't. XDD We always admire such fluent accent as yours. It's just interesting to know an American's point of view regarding my accent... And well, as I said, we love to surprise and be surprised. It was actually a rainy day so my senses was somewhat numbed XD (lol, flimsy alibi).. But I was like drunk who was unaware of how silly I did. I wasn't wary about getting thrown the "famous scotch eggs" (lyrics from that England's song)..But you'll realize it was fun. You gotta try it. XD over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
lols. I listened to it again. Only to find out that... grr... that annoying ice cream cab jingle that passed by earlier is on the recording.. Ukyaa!!!
lols.  I listened to it again.  Only to find out that... grr... that annoying ice cream cab jingle th
Tinekraut commented…
lols, who wants an ice cream? over a year ago
kakukun commented…
I have a questionable one too, especially when it comes to singing. XD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Tine-chan you are my hero~! <333333
Tine-chan you are my hero~! <333333
Tinekraut commented…
XDDD The trolling worked out. XDDD... I actually don't mind if you all make fun of me 'cause I also make fun of myself. And I'm worse when I do... so yea... I'm giving you a "partida" (that's how we call it here). XDD... over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
I wouldn't make fun of you Tinecchi! X3 You'rw to awesome for that! <3333 over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Romania! *glomps* Sooo adorable! X3 over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Just so Tine-chan doesn't feel too embarrassed about recording herself singing, I have recorded myself doing a Hetalia voice meme~ I hope you like it~! :3 Oh and I apologize for the length~!

last edited over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Kira kira~ Cool! Cool! Alrighty, I'm going to check it out now. Just bare with me 'cause connection here is pretty slow. But I swear this is getting more exciting. over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
It was embarrassing doing this actually~ -laughs lightly- I don't know if I'll be doing another one and if I do, I'll try and limit the giggles the next time~ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD See, just a good thing that you did this Ren nee-chan... And why you asked? 'Cause it's fun to listen to. And well, besides that I also want to remember my friend's voice. So it won't really matter if you aren't too confident of your voice, Stella-chan. Just look at what I did. XD... Any antics of this sort has proven to be something that always amuses everyone. It's all for fun. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Answer to that...


umn... my voice pretty rough.. and so as the accent..
Tinekraut commented…
XD haha, I won't qualify as a voice actor. XDD... But I sound like a horrible old hag.. XDD over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Aw no you don't! It was cute~ <3 I wish I could have done the spell thing but, it was way to embarrassing and all I probably would have said was "Abra kadabra" Pfftt~ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD Wow... Thanks again Stella-chan. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
So here's another more...

Tinekraut commented…
XD Apparently, I'm enjoying this recording thing... Though I realized I actually have a lot more faint voice than Ren nee-chan despite her saying that her voice is similar to Canada. over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Mm. I hope it does Nee-chan :) over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
*kira kira* O cool! Angel-chan is going to post her recording. I'm looking forward to it now. It' like waiting for a new delectable flavor of an ice cream... over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Since Ren nee-chan pointed it out... I guess I got nothing more to lose.. So if you're going to embarrass yourself, better let it be all out.

So here's an encore...
And this one is another duet with England... The song is "MY FRIEND"... The title is quite fitting.


*awkwardly laughs* egh... The song is quite a tongue twister, esp. on the ad lib part. I was almost just mumbling in the end on that "rap-like" part. England sure has a lot of friends.
Tinekraut commented…
This is quite ironical. I'm probably the worst singer here but look at it. I started this.... over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
O d*mn. My bro is here. Good thing I finished this before he came back home or else.. I'll be dead. That kid is totally sarcastic. He's going to fry me if he catch doing sill stuff... Hmnph... I can just imagine. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
That would be nice~ over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Oi! Kurokocchi! Why did you remove that post ~ssu?! I JUST commeted on it! -pout-
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
I chickened out! I'm sorry. I'll repost it~ over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
X3 Ok ~ssu! <333 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Post? What post? You posted something? Did Ren nee-chan sing? Aw, I always wanted to hear Ren nee-chan sing. I've been waiting for it. Did I just miss a chance? over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Sorry for deleting this post earlier. -sweatdrops- I kind of chickened out a little and found it embarrassing but.. Here it is anyways!

A few of my Hetalia Confessions:


-turns red-
last edited over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
A confession? Awesome! I was thinking of doing some of these with Hetalia and other animes~ They seem like fun to make! :D over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Yeah they are~ I find mine a little embarrassing.. -turns red- Especially my Prussia confession. >///< over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Aw, It's not embarrassing at all. And yup, Stella-chan is right~ over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Hey everyone! *swings open door to the HQ* I'm baaack!~....Wow, I see you guys had a lot of fun. XD
So yeah, this is basically what I feel like...
Hey everyone! *swings open door to the HQ* I'm baaack!~....Wow, I see you guys had a lot of fun. XD
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Stella-chan~! -hugs- Good to see you again~! over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Good to see you all again as well~! *hugs back* over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Welcome back Stellacchi! <3 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XDhaha, you sure is/was really tired. Yup, welcome back! over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
I had to hike at least 2 miles through mud, rain, and various vegetation to get to this one beach we were camping on. While packing a backpack full of supplies. It was very beautiful there though~! Not your tropical paradise you would see somewhere like California or Hawaii but...still nice. There's these huge rocks there that are at least 100 or so feet high with lots of trees and bushes and everything growing on them at the top that are really fun to climb up. Kind of dangerous though but, you can see everything from up there! Also the beach I was on was the same beach where this huge Japanese dock washed up last year. They already hauled it away sadly but there was still fragments of it there with a bunch of neat Japanese writing on it. I also found a bunch of Japanese soda bottles and other things that are always washing up there also. It's really interesting! Oh and not just Japan but we have a lot of things from even China and Russia washing up as well and even some from your country Mae and Tine~Chan X3. My dad loves smothering me so as soon as I get out of school each year he'll constantly be taking us on camping trips, road trips, various vacations.
The hike there was beyond awful. But the hike back was really nice! The sun was actually nice for once and we weren't rushing through rain and mud so we actually took the time to admire the beauty of the forest~ And this is why green is my favorite color <3

So, that's what I've been up to. How have you all been? :D
last edited over a year ago
I had to hike at least 2 miles through mud, rain, and various vegetation to get to this one beach we
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Wow!!! That's all so cool Stellacchi! I'm glad you had gun even though your hike to the beach wasn't really good!! X3 Your dad seems pretty cool too and wow! Did you brimg back any of those? :3 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Whoa! What an adventure you had Stella-chan! And I really like it that you're taking us there as you tell us all the action. ... Yup, you said it Angel-chan, pretty cool dad indeed. over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
-sighs- Reading all that makes me want to go on a trip~ I'm glad you had fun even if your first hike wasn't too fun. At least everything turned out good in the end~ -smiles- I love seeing forests and nature. It's so relaxing! Your picture is very green and pretty~ over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
@Angel~Chan: Thank you ^ ^ And yes, my dad is I think is extremely cool. He's so funny and caring and very smart! The things he says are so inspirational. Though he's quite...silly and odd. Though aren't we all~ I couldn't be more happy to have him as my father <3 And yes! i brought back several of the Japanese bottles. I wish I could have brought back more but my backpack was heavy enough XD @Tine~Chan: Well, I'm happy to share my adventure with you and I'm glad you enjoy it! ^ ^ @Ren~Chan: Oh, I know right? ^ ^ I absolutely love nature~ It's just so beautiful and even uplifting. That's why I love where I live so much xD over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
And I see Angel~Chan has officially joined us! Welcome! <3
Lets see that makes...7 HQ MEMBERS!
Wow, we have quite the growing family~ No wonder there's been so much going on while I was away.
And I see Angel~Chan has officially joined us! Welcome! <3
Lets see that makes...[i]7 HQ MEMBERS![/i
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
I know right? -smiles- I love the picture! <3 over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Awnh! Stellacchi!! Arigato! <33333 I'm glad to be part of the family! over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
How sweet Tinecchi!! How can I not enjoy when everybody's so awesome here?! X3 over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Oh hey! Are you guys going to look at the super moon tonight? It's going to be the closest the moon has been to Earth all year so it will be huge! It's going to be so beautiful. It's always so cloudy here so I hope it will clear up tonight so I'll be able to see it <3 *gets camera ready*
last edited over a year ago
Oh hey! Are you guys going to look at the super moon tonight? It's going to be the closest the moon h
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Aw there's a super moon? Hmm... I hope the sky clears up a bit so I can see it~ It's been overcast here all day. over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Oooh!! It was here too!!! Wasn't it beautiful?! over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Aw, that would have been amazing. But! There will always be more in the future. You might just have to travel somewhere else to see one ^ ^ over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Anyone giving out hugs? Because I need some. I'm just frustrated. Yea, it's probably '"just a phase", but I'm tired and I hate these teenage hormones when every little thing stings! When I try to do something good for others -especially family- and it blows up in my face. I hate the fact that I can't stop my self-loathing and I hate how I'm so complicated even I can't understand myself... how even my silently staying out of the way makes everyone mad at me
last edited over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Aw... *hugs you Angel-chan... tight...* In the end, it makes someone stronger and wiser after overcoming it.... over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Some things are just beyond our control. As what it seems, you've always done the best you could. You deserve not to be too hard on yourself. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Aw Angel~Chan! *hugs you* You are just the sweetest thing~ You have such a kind heart, you try your best to help people. You love making others happy! You should be proud of yourself because we need more people like you in the world. You care about others and that's beautiful~ If it blows up in your face then it shouldn't matter because it's the thought that really counts right? Trust me, most teenagers go through this type of thing. But years from now this wont matter, you'll look back at it and laugh! You just need to look towards the future~! Everything happens for a reason. We go through our ups and downs in life because it all adds up to teach us what life is really about~ I do hope you start feeling better soon ^ ^ over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Alright... group hug to Angel-chan~
Alright... group hug to Angel-chan~
Tinekraut commented…
Um... is this the appropriate pic? over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Aww~ <3 That's so sweet~! I think it fits~ over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Aw~ how sweet. I loved that episode XD over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
How about if we play something like this....

Which one?


(oh yea, old-school idea from an old woman like me :P)
last edited over a year ago
How about if we play something like this....

Which one?


(oh yea, old-school idea
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
... or Suikawari (Melon smash)?

Angel-chan will somewhat forget about her problem for a moment when she spins around, release the tension and ease stress when she hits the pinata or melon, enjoy the game, and so do we. It's hitting 4 birds (or how many was it?) in one stone.... If only we can do this all together in real life. (but we don't have to be in bikini get up, of course.)
last edited over a year ago
... or Suikawari (Melon smash)?

Angel-chan will somewhat forget about her problem for a moment whe
hetalianstella commented…
O_O *stares intensely at melon* *slowly raises bat* This seems like fun...XD over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
How about we try both ~ssu? I like the Melon Smash more though X3
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
-holding bat- Let's get the bashing started. -smirks, glint in my eye-
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Gehe! Yea! Kurokocchi's in the mood too! Yosh! Let's start with her! -grins-
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
*stares at the bat Nee-chan is holding* lols, this doesn't sound it will go the right way... *starts to survey some safe location I can run into once this starts.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Well, I like my fair share of destruction every now and then. -grins and holds out bat- So when do we start? -swings-
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
-laughs and shoves Tinecchi out of the way of the bat- Well, I guess it's already begun XD
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Great~ -grins crazily and swings- Viva la Pinata!!! -breaks pinata-
kakukun commented…
Aww, was I late for the pinata? D: over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
^Don't worry, I was late too ;_; over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
We can always have another one~ over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Yaaayyy!!! -jumps and applaudes- Awesome Kurokocchi!
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
big smile
Go Angel-chan. Pick as many candies as you can.
Go Angel-chan.  Pick as many candies as you can.
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Gehe! -lifts front of shirt, making a large pocket and stands under the falling candies- Yaaayyy!
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
-glomps Angel-chan- You're just like a little girl! So cute!! <3
Tinekraut commented…
<3 ah yea~ You said it~ (Feeling the senior moment with Ren nee-chan <3) over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
-giggles- I'm glad I can amuse you Kurokocchi!! :3
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
You're so cute and sweet I can't help it.... -hugs you- over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
-picks up candy- That was very welcome indeed. -smiles-
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Tine-chan wanted it... She got it. Here you go. -runs off and hides in a dark corner-

The more I listen to this piece of pure embarrassment (Especially the beginning) the more I think... CANADA!!

last edited over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Oh wow!!!! I loved it nee-chan! over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
I agree, it wasn't so bad. Probably, way better than any of us (or me at least). Think you could make a carrier if you practise? Or are you gonna stick with writing? Oh, I know! I composer... for lyrics, at least over a year ago
kakukun commented…
I agree, I really liked it! ~ :3 over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Whoa~ .... Just... whoa~.... Wow.... You really did it!.... *glomps Ren nee-chan*.... uwee!!!!!.... Thanks very much Ren nee-chan.... Just seeing this already made my day, how much more when I finally hear it?!.... I'm on my way to listening!.... I want to hold on the suspense... XD....... Here it is (slow mo...).....
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
<333 over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
So sweet *listening*..... Aw, You certainly made my day, Ren nee-chan. I personally like your performance, Ren nee-chan... What else can I say? Your voice is so adorable. <33333
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
-grumbles- Seriously it's no big deal. -turns red- Well, thank you Tine-chan. I'm glad you liked it....
-grumbles- Seriously it's no big deal. -turns red- Well, thank you Tine-chan. I'm glad you liked it..
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
XD What a tsundere nee-chan! over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Aw, look at Ren nee-chan. She's blushing X3... Well, I like likable things, you know. *grins*
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Okay, so how many times did I replay it already?
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
C-cut it out! I don't see how THAT was likable but... thank you. I'm no American Idol singer so, don't give me too much compliments...And I'm sorry for my soft voice.
C-cut it out! I don't see how THAT was likable but... thank you. I'm no American Idol singer so, don'
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Ah, I told you, my voice has proven to be a lot weaker... so don't say sorry.
And how that's likable you asked?... Mellow voice.. It's true that you can still work on the pitch but set aside the petty things and if you listen to it more closely I can see the potential, that's why I particularly like it. And, well, it's catchy. You make me want to sing along. XD
last edited over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
I wasn't exactly trying to sound amazing but, I see what you're saying. over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Awh nee-chan!!!! -sob- You're just giving me too much credit! over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
-ruffles your hair- So cute Angel-chan~! I bet you do sound like an Angel~ over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Aw, Ren~Chan, what are you so embarrassed about? I don't think you are a bad singer at all. It sounded cute to me! ^_^ Pfft, you should hear my singing! XD...I sound like a dying dolphin gasping for breath o_o

Now, if I could just get one of you to sing...XDD
hetalianstella commented…
Yeah my...dad tried to sing this while we were camping ಠ_ಠ over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Well... maybe not... We'll see in the future~ And your dad tried to sing it? Omg that's awesome XD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Aw, what a dad!.. On the other hand, my pop was, how should I say it? He was on the either side of the extremeties. Most of the time he was as serious as a tyrrant. o_o... And his comedy was more of a dry wit..... You're dad is just totally fun and awesome. over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
-sighs- The things I do for you guys... -laughs lightly-

Note: Sorry for the weird sounds at the end. My mic likes to make noises.

last edited over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
*glomps you* That was HILARIOUS! XDDD Thank you so much! I didn't think you would actually do it :D That made my day Ren~Chan~! XD over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Pffftt~ I'm glad you liked it~ You're very welcome~! over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Hmm... I don't know... I don't think my voice really works but, thanks for the advice~ <3 over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
I have news! They're transfering my mother out of ICU~! <3 I'm so happy~!!!
kakukun commented…
that's great! :3 over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
That's wonderful news! <3 I told you~! She'll be better in no time =) over a year ago
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Yaayyy!!! -sprays everybody with snowspray- That's awesome!!! <3333 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Thanks goodness your mom's finally gotten a lot better now. I'm glad to know about it. :-) over a year ago
over a year ago kakukun said…
Awww, I missed a lot of things. TT^TT Freaking school keeping me busy.

Oh, by the way, I'm thinking on making one of those singing things, it sounds so fun. XDD Ren-nee-chan and Tine-nee-chan kind of inspired me to do it. ~ But I'm kinda scared that people from my school would find it though. O_O
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Ah I say go for it~! I don't think anyone will make fun of you~ Look at me~! I sang the Campfire Song Song. XD over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
I think you should do it! And don't worry~ I have that same fear too but I'm sure it's unlikely XD I would love to make one too~! But...I don't have anything to record myself ;_; over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Ren nee-chan, we're setting a good example to the youngsters. XD.. As to the danger of getting busted by friends irl.... XD Same worry... but none of my acquaintances know fanpop. And even with the slimmest chance of finding this, they won't suspect 'cause they know I don't sing. XDhahaha So yea... what I did previously is somewhat a big deal. XDDD over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
You know, all this singing talk reminded me of a video a found a few days ago.
You thought Hetalia couldn't get any more random? Well, think again...
WATCH OUT: The randomness may burn you XD
last edited over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
You can find the lyrics here --> link over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Hekhekhek... you got the music, you got the lyrics... All that's left is to do your share of randomness... If you know what I mean. *grins* over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
O-O;|| over a year ago
over a year ago kakukun said…
Okay, I may have chickened out on the whole singing part. XD I started recording a few hours ago and it literally started raining here, and it was really scorching hot for the past few days . . . O_O *clears throat* So to make up for it, here's just a recording of me playing the piano instead. XD It's a song I had to play for music class and it's a Spanish (I think) song called Eres Tu. ~ It was the only song I ever recorded beforehand so . . . yeah. Maybe I think I'll just do a piano cover on a Hetalia song instead instead of singing. :3

There are a couple of background noises so . . . sorry about that. ~ And you could probably hear the metronome in the background. XD Sorry this isn't a Hetalia song.

last edited over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
:O....Fail?! That was beautiful~! <3 *sigh* Wow, now I really wish I was eight again and could still play the piano. I long to play that song~ it has such a beautiful tune to it ^ ^ You did a wonderful job~! over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
That was not a fail! I agree with Stella-chan, that was beautiful~! -glomps you- You did an amazing job! The music was really nice and relaxing~ <3 over a year ago
kakukun commented…
*I probably couldn't, since my violin's still being fixed. ;n; over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Nice to see you guys having fun lately.
yoki96 commented…
Nice to see you come around, too! Did yo say a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" to Canada and Hong Kong? over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Ow, not yet! Thanks for reminding me. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Alright, since you don't want to sing, I got you what I promised, Yoki-chan.
Apparently the punching bag is made in China. It's all I can afford these days.
last edited over a year ago
Alright, since you don't want to sing, I got you what I promised, Yoki-chan.  
Apparently the punchi
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
So now I'm free to proceed to the original modus operandi I had in mind.
So now I'm free to proceed to the original modus operandi I had in mind.
Tinekraut commented…
Nah, you don't have to sing. Just saying hello is enough. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
The punching bag is still around in case you break lose.... >X-}
The punching bag is still around in case you break lose.... >X-}
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
That... is one BUFF kangaroo!! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
That's a kangaroo? o_O.... XDD over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
It's surprising but, Kangaroo's have some serious muscle~ They're pretty awesome~ over a year ago
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
Oh my gosh!!! I didn't know it needed SO much guts!!! -totally red- ..

I-I....Well..-tries to stay calm- ...I made a recording...of about 44 seconds in which I jus said Hi to Kurokocchi,Tinecchi, Nalucchi and everybody...I was too nervous to think straight!!! And I sounded like an idiot! And my voice kept going high and low! And I was too embarrassed and I deleted it immediately!!! -out of breath and still red-...-hides under bed-
Tinekraut commented…
Tsk! *snaps finger* I'm too slow to intercept that. I lost my chance!...... XD I was looking forward to hearing another recording. I'm going to dive for it under the sea of nothingness. We gotta bring it baaaaack.... No worries about us liking it or not 'cause we always appreciate, or I should say, enjoy everyone's surprise~ <3 Actually, even the bloopers on the audio is part of the entertainment.... But you can do it some other time when you've finally decided. (at the back of mind: Aw, I really would have wanted to hear that before I disappear again.)... Well, you already tried to upload. It will be for nothing if you won't brave this.<3.. You can do it, Angel-chan! *fist pump* over a year ago