yoki96 posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 06:04PM
ACROSS THE WORLD TRIO - the jolly three buddies from different planets *I mean* continent brought together by Hetalia
- Tinekraut

Tinekraut - The kyonshi zombie lost in the Philippines. Usually called Tine or Tin (I call her Tine-chan), her goal is to get Philippines in Hetalia. A big fan of Prussia, Austria Germany and England, she tends to join the shenanigans going on in the group. Listening Tokio Hotel and reading manga and encyclopedias, she is also interested in history and comedy

HertfulStitch - The Sweet Latina who's the only sane and normal one in the group. She also happens to be a water spirit. Lives in the U.S. The shy, but also the sain one of the group, she brings the voice of reason. Referred to as Stitch or Ren (I call her Ren-chan), she is the onee-chan of the group. While listening to Owl City she wishes to read Alice in Wonderland

Yoki - A Hungro-Romanian vampire living in Serbia. Also the mastermind of all the shenanigans in the trio, she tends to be aggressive at times. Even though a big fan of the Bad Touch Trio, she wishes to live in Greece. A otaku at heart, she enjoys rock music (3 Days Grace, Foo Fighters, RHCP, etc.), and just living a carefree life

Our theme song:
last edited on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:17PM

Hetalia 1605 replies

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over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Oh my g- I haven't been able to get online that much recently because I've been so busy studying so I didn't even realize...Ren-Chan...

Well...I will be sincere, I...all of us do wish for you to return. But, I will not go on begging you to come back, for I know this was probably a difficult choice as it is and I don't want to make it any harder on you.
To be honest, you were the first friend I made on Fanpop. Actually, my first online friend ever really. I don't know if you ever really considered me to be an actual friend but, I really did enjoy your presence here. You were so nice and you just had this special atmosphere around you that made people love you. And just because you were so nice and carefree you made so many friends here. There are so many people that care about you. I personally have a lot of respect and admire people like you. I just wish we could have became closer friends, because we actually have so much in common and I felt that I could relate to you more than anyone else on here. Unfortunately my paranoia and shyness got in the way, so I wasn't able to speak up and try to start conversations with you, as much as I would have liked to.
And now that you're gone....well, it will certainly feel significantly much emptier around here. But I completely understand why you had to leave. You have a lot of dreams you wish to fulfill and there's nothing wrong with that.

I sincerely hope the best for you in your life. You have so much passion and dreams I know your future will be bright. And I wish to read your stories when you fulfill your passion as a published author, because we all really enjoyed your writing ~ I hope that one day you will come back to us but if you don't then we understand~ Have a beautiful happy life ~
Thank you so much Ren~Chan <3
hetalianstella commented…
Darn...and I was really looking forward to that celebration for when we were supposed to get to 100 pages as well... over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Oh god...this sounded so cheesy. I'm sorry, I'm horrible at this type of thing... over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Thank you Izzy~ And I'm with you there. I really would have liked to have celebrated my next birthday with her too... over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Oh god. I just heard the news. In truth, I wish she were still here, but I understand her decision. If I'm correct, she's 24, and she's plenty mature. She's probably made the decision that was best for her, even if it was a hard one. Ren-chan, if by some chance you're reading this, please know that you've made a huge positive impact on me. You're a great friend and super nice, and it's hard to know that you're going, but I understand your decision. You've made the decision that was best for you, and you have your own dreams that you want to accomplish, so I say go for it! All I hope is that you'll remember me, even if you only remember me a little bit. Thanks so much for being an "elder sister" to all of us. <3
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Kurokocchi will definatey remember you!...I guess lots of us selfishly wish she were still here. Demo, I'm glad we can see she needed to do this and wish well for her. I'm so thanful she had you giys as friends. over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
I'm glad she had you as a friend as well! I certainly hope she'll remember all of us. I'll never forget her. <3 over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Sorry, if I’ll just feel free to express myself again, since it’s been a while now, I’m guessing Ren nee-chan is no longer taking a look at what’s happening to us.

Why is this particularly unpleasant for me to deal with, it goes like this. They say when you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. That’s why I hang out here. Visiting here and seeing you guys let me loosen up whenever real life’s choking me again. It comforts you when you know that, when you come back here, somebody cares, someone’s waiting and they will welcome you. It’s like… home. But now that Ren nee-chan’s gone……… Of course, I’m happy with each and everyone here but… you know it’s half empty when someone’s gone. It’s so incomplete. It’s different without the sweet, comforting big sister. I never had that kind of person before as a friend and she’s the only big sis I had around (remember I’m already old myself as well). So yea, needless to say how much I can relate to what you all said up there.

Apparently, I haven’t gotten over it, but just give me sometime. I’m actually used to not seeing my friends for a very very long time, even in real life. I really have no problem with that but it’s a different story when you know you won’t be able to see her ever again. Dammit, I certainly need to get pulled up from the depth… but spare me sometime to wallow in mushy flashbacks before we move on. Since we’re all cheesy here, then let’s add more extra cheese. We got beer, we got cheese, all we need is wurst and it’ll feel like October altogether with the messages which sound like that in a eulogy. I know, I know. My comic relief is in bad taste these days. But I remember, last year’s October was our Golden Age, and this year we would have been enjoying the aftermath of our first anniversary. (And I also remember, 6th Volume will be released on that month, right?)

I don’t know. If we even still make it ‘til 100th page or maybe on our anniversary, maybe the best gift we can ever have is Ren nee-chan’s presence, if ever miracle happens. But she better not force herself to come here if it won’t do her good. It’s actually better if she will forget about us for sometime otherwise she’ll remain feeling bad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Anyway, we are still keeping this spot. We’ve made quite some good memories out here. I think it won’t be that bad if we add more pages. Told you I’m going to wallow in nostalgia so get your mug of beer, cheese and wurst while I tell some story worth recollecting. I’d rather remember the happy past rather than the sad present.

This is something not everyone knows. The first time me and Ren nee-chan became friends a long time ago (that was just Aug. last year actually) is quite an irony from how we are now.

One time I was bored. link Ren nee-chan was “unlucky” enough to "lose her way" and end up in my "lair". She left comment and she always answered back my replies on that thread. The chain of replies continued and so I no longer felt alone. You know when you’re not alone it encourages you on something. So were at the peak of our mischievousness and silliness that time that I just feel free to poke fun of anyone who comes our way to pass the time. It’s what they say, the devil makes work for idle hands. No hesitation, afterall, Ren nee-chan was there to knock me off whenever. I kind of feel guilty of what I was saying to Ren nee-chan back there, and so as the other brother who joined us. But it was all fun.

I was quite amused of Ren nee-chan. She’s young adult as me but she never mind getting along with the silliness. It was a silly contest of who should be the big sister between us. And we’re practically FORCING anyone who dropped by to be our younger sibling… (more like, I was just the one forcing anybody. Izzy can relate to this since it’s the same thing I did the first time she came here at HQ.). I wonder how you would have took it if, perchance, you guys ever got caught up by us at that time. It was already late there in the US though. I was just “helping” Ren nee-chan stay awake, I’m guessing it was until morning. XD But expect how she get by on it. And so she hit me on the head, I did even worse, there was yelling. XD I was knocked out by a stranger XD But I appreciate it, yes I did. XD That’s how easy going she is Stella, you didn't have to be shy around her. At that time, I didn’t really thought of her as a stranger. We’re already friends before we even knew it, even before we added each other.
Since I was “acting way more mature” as an elder, I declared myself the winner of the contest. lol… Looking back those days, it still makes me laugh. And it really is quite ironical that I’m the only one here who addresses her as nee-chan.

Another irony is this. Back then, we used to be left with each other. But now…..... she’s the one who left….
Anyway, we are still keeping this spot.  We’ve made quite some good memories out here.  I think it
Tinekraut commented…
I wonder, if we never came across each other and never became friends maybe she wouldn’t have started getting tied down at fanpop. She could have left fanpop early without keeping in mind anyone waiting for her. Then it wouldn’t have been difficult for her. To think about it, maybe it was all my fault. I'm such a troublemaker, am I not? Is saying sorry enough? The best I can do is accept her departure. Though, I’m sure she did enjoy the company. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Then Yoki found us two. She’s a founder (pun intended)…. expect that it’s triple the mischief, I mean double… ‘cause you know how Ren nee-chan is, she’s more like the martinet one. She said, if she be like us herself then it’ll be total chaos.

Again, before we even knew it we all became friends. The tripartite alliance came next. Ren nee-chan just woke up one day without knowing that we’re already that rat-monkey-dragon type of link She got involved in a mess without her knowing (joke intended).

-- link
-- link

(Aw, the memories!)
last edited over a year ago
Then Yoki found us two.  She’s a founder (pun intended)…. expect that it’s triple the mischief,
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Here it is… It did take the time to look for this “document” and piece the “contract” all together. You know I’m feeling mushy these days. This should serve as a memento.
Here it is… It did take the time to look for this “document” and piece the “contract” all t
Tinekraut commented…
That’s how it all started. That’s how Ren nee-chan’s “Day Care Center”, aka ATWT:HQ, was established. Now, I feel like a history teacher telling all these. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
We’re just lucky enough to have link It’s Izzy, from link We have a new member and so it became a lot more fun and exciting. Izzy-chan sure have her own bedroom for herself here since the HQ started.

“Curiousity killed the cat. But cats have nine lives, haven’t they?” XD If we were an anime, that’s probably how the episode is called.
last edited over a year ago
We’re just lucky enough to have [url=http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/hetalia/forum/post/192274/title/ac
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Shortly before the Christmas season we were on a Dark Age.
Shortly before the Christmas season we were on a Dark Age.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
But link to brighten up the HQ. (lol, I’m so cheesy with intro.)
last edited over a year ago
But [url=http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/hetalia/forum/post/192274/24/across-world-trio-headquarters#comm
Tinekraut commented…
If we look at it, it’s always Ren nee-chan who welcomed you and Izzy-chan first. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
She was so welcoming~ She seemed to always be the first to reply whenever one of us posted something. She really kept watch over this place~ over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Stella-chan just saved our butt from monotony and silence when she brought with her spongebob and everything. She’s like a Christmas present herself. The HQ was alive once again.
Stella-chan just saved our butt from monotony and silence when she brought with her spongebob and eve
hetalianstella commented…
A....Christmas present? *smiles and turns bright red* over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
If we tell all these in details (as if it ain't detailed already as it is), why, this can be a good bed time story. This would have been appropriate for anniversary or 100th page, like a recap episode in an anime, but from the looks of it, it will be a struggle now for us to come to that. So I'm just letting myself get carried away by all the mushiness now that we're less than one active member.

I’m sure Ren nee-chan cherish all the times we spent together. (And no doubt she considered you as her friend, Stella, and so as everyone else.). Here’s what she said about this.
last edited over a year ago
If we tell all these in details (as if it ain't detailed already as it is), why, this can be a good b
Tinekraut commented…
I don’t think she’ll get mad at me if I post that pm. Some parts are omitted for privacy. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I was supposed to be trying to cheer up myself... then I came across that scene from Hetalia.
last edited over a year ago
I was supposed to be trying to cheer up myself... then I came across that scene from Hetalia.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I'm hopeless, am I not?
I'm hopeless, am I not?
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Yea, I should make it up to you guys... for being too mushy. Here's to redeem the gloomy atmosphere.
last edited over a year ago
Yea, I should make it up to you guys... for being too mushy.  Here's to redeem the gloomy atmosphere.
Tinekraut commented…
Himaruya is still showing strong vital signs. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Oh! I saw this online the other day~ I'm so excited~ I can't wait to see the historical events or if there's any new countries~ *prays for the space race to be in Hetalia* over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
*joins you in praying* I pray for the Philippines to be included. Himaruya already made Madagascar so I hope he make our country and so as Serbia as well. over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ren-chan might not be on here anymore, but wherever she is right now, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want us to be continually gloomy. I don't think we should dwell on the past, although I do admit that I miss Ren-chan quite a lot. She was like the sister I never had, but I think we should focus on the future. We should be happy that Ren-chan's going to achieve her dreams. So on a more happy note, I believe that we shouldn't mourn over the loss of her on this site, but instead be happy that she's going out to achieve her dreams and wish her best of luck. C:
MallowMarsh commented…
Oh, god, that sounded horribly cheesy, didn't it... over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
That's right! Ren-Chan wouldn't want to see us being so depressed like this. It would just make it harder on her~ We should be happy that even though she left Fanpop this will greatly help her work towards completing her goals for life. And besides, it's not like we'll NEVER get to see her again. She might eventually come back to us once she completes her dreams. And even if she doesn't, she'll be happier and that's all that really matters =) over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Yea, I really need some people to remind me of that. It's just I was having a hard time moving on myself without being able to let out those "excess" in my mind. I already did, so there's a lot more space now for happy thoughts of wishes for Ren nee-chan to succeed and to have a happy and fulfilling life. (And adjunct wish for her: Ren nee-chan, do not shun married life. You better get a husband. XD) I'm back to my goofy mood. We're all rooting for you. *fist pump* over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
We should bring back the cheery atmosphere of this spot so here I brought some presents. As you two said, "focus on the good memories" and "stay positive". Let's say, this is a new beginning.

Let's start out... with a guessing game... Not pretty sure how everyone exactly look like. I just let my "psychic power" to work. You also have to make your ESP work 'cause I won't name who are in the drawings. You're going to guess WHO'S WHO.
We should bring back the cheery atmosphere of this spot so here I brought some presents.  As you two
MallowMarsh commented…
Hmm...just a guess, but is it Ren-chan? over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
This design is actually inspired by a Hetalia character.
This design is actually inspired by a Hetalia character.
hetalianstella commented…
Well I know that's gotta be Ren-Chan~ Hetalia character hm...? The first character that came to mind was Canada but, maybe Monaco? XD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
What did I say? No challenge no sweat. Yea, you two got it right. :D Ren nee-chan did say before that she has the personality of Norway, Iceland and Canada. But she's sweet, nice and easy going to us, and well, she's curly-haired and wear glasses in real life, so I'm reminded more of Canada. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
The only thing I know is that you said you look like those two certain Hetalia characters. I didn't know how to pull that off avoiding Himaruya's pre-made characters, so I ended up with this.
The only thing I know is that you said you look like those two certain Hetalia characters.  I didn't
MallowMarsh commented…
Oh god...I love it! ;u; over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Wow, thanks Izzy-chan! I'm glad you like it. over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
You're welcome! The picture actually reminds me quite a bit of Seychelles and India. C: over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
:D That was really what I had in my mind while I was doing this since they're my only clues. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
If there are corrections, I shall make a new version.
If there are corrections, I shall make a new version.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I won't give a clue on this hehe.
I won't give a clue on this hehe.
hetalianstella commented…
Well, *pokes picture* that looks a lot like me. But what I'm wondering is *squints suspiciously at you* How do you know what I look like?~ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Told you I have psychic power........ XDD Just kidding. I would have wanted to keep it a mystery but I might be freaking you out even more (joke), I'll give it away. I actually saw the pic you posted on a question thread by Alyssabys asking anyone to act like a Hetalia character. I remember you played as Switzerland. That was cool. That's where I got the design. So basically I used "cheat". XD.... Glad to know that I manage to make the drawing resemble you. Both of our randomness paid off. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Oh yeah~ I forgot about that. Well, I really do love it~! You did a very nice job Tine~Chan =) over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Wow, thanks again! *bows* over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
The challenge here is to make a tsurime-eyed design yet with a cheerful personality.
The challenge here is to make a tsurime-eyed design yet with a cheerful personality.
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
This one should be easy XD.. Just the pose itself should give away the name of this member.
This one should be easy XD..  Just the pose itself should give away the name of this member.
hetalianstella commented…
I believe...that is Yoki~Chan, correct? :) over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
That's right! :D over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
This is a newer version of that design above. This makes it a lot easier now to figure out. No challenge, no sweat.
This is a newer version of that design above.  This makes it a lot easier now to figure out.  No chal
Tinekraut commented…
Yoki-chan's new bangs style reminds me of ---> link over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
The captain's still busy, though. She should be focusing on her exams before I nag her to drop by the HQ. XD over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Hey, i just remembered. You, Izzy-chan and Stella-chan, are probably going to graduate from middle school after this spring exams. Wow, members here are taking a new stage in life. I guess, more wishes of good luck and congratulations should pour in.
hetalianstella commented…
I'm actually a Freshman in High School right now going on to be a Sophomore...XD But, how I wish I was still in Middle School. *pats Izzy on the shoulder* I hope you're prepared ~ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Ah, I see so you started Freshman High School at the age of 14. We're the same on that one. I also get to be most junior in our batch since my birthday is late, on the last month of the year.... Anyways, congrats to you for conquering the first year. And more cheers for Izzy-chan as she is heading towards the next level. Didn't they say, high school life is the best? over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
Thanks, guys! I kinda have mixed feelings about high school, to be honest. xD Sure, it means more freedom, but with that freedom comes more homework, more tests, etc. I am quite excited to head towards the next level, though, even if it means starting all over again. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Ah, you'll do just fine, no doubt. *thumbs up* over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
In my mind, Ren nee-chan is like Canada. Izzy-chan has the personality of Poland and the looks of India and Seychelles. Stella-chan has the personality of Italy and Lithuania and I adapted the tsurime eyes of female Prussia. Yoki-chan has America's personality. Not yet sure though if I should use matte eyes like Prussia or glossy eyes like everyone else's.
XDhaha, sounds like serious business. That's just how I am.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Hey guys! I just wanted to notify you that I'll be in India starting on June 12, and I'll be gone for about a month. I'm quite excited about it; I haven't visited India in 6 years! I figured you guys might want an early warning, haha. C:
I'll be sure to bring back some food and souvenirs to HQ~! :D
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Wow cool! You'll have a vacation in your motherland. You deserve to have a memorable summer this year. Advance greetings: Happy trip and enjoy well your stay there in India! That sure is exciting. It's nice that you'll finally be able to visit again after a long time. Yea, good thing you told us so we'll not wonder.
Hey, that sounds like a treat! *kira kira eyes* We'll be looking forward even more to the things you'll share when you come back~
MallowMarsh commented…
Haha, thank you! I'll keep an eye out for stuff you guys might like. xD over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
How exciting~! You'll get to see your home country again, I hope you have a great time!
Be sure to tell us all about it when you get back, ok? :D India is such an interesting place ~
last edited over a year ago
How exciting~! You'll get to see your home country again, I hope you have a great time!
Be sure to t
MallowMarsh commented…
Thanks~! I'll be sure to tell you guys as much as I can! C: over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
You're all.... ahh you're all amazing!! I don't even know what to say... I'm so amazed by every last one of you. Holy flying mint bunnies I love you guys~!! -glomps all of you- I swear your messages and things you said are so touching and just awesome! I love you guys~ Seriously I love you all so much~!!! I want to just find you all and just hug you. ...It's 2013! Someone invent a teleport machine!! Okay seriously though, I love you guys. Stella-chan I had no idea you had so much admiration and respect for me... That's really awesome~ I have to say I felt the exact same way with you. -chuckles- Izzy-chan you're so sweet~ I always found you to be such a sweet and mature young lady~ You're so awesome~! <3 And you Tine-chan. I feel like I should be the one to call you Nee-chan. I feel like now you're more like my Nee-chan than the other way around. I just... ahh Tine-chan you're so sweet and amazing and beautiful and just plain awesome. I love you so much~ I'm so happy to know you seriously. Any one should be happy to know someone like you and the same with all of you~! You guys are amazing~!! Honestly~! You all deserve to go far in your lives too~ I do wish and hope that you do~! <3 You're all amazing and special and beautiful and just plain awesome~ I love you guys and I'm so happy to see that all of you are doing so well~ :)

And Izzy-chan, I'm so happy you get to see your home country and your family again! India is such an awesome place!! Bring back some tasty food and mail it to me! I so want to try those fried things you were telling me about~! I hope you have a great time!! I just know you will~ <3
last edited over a year ago
You're all.... ahh you're all amazing!! I don't even know what to say... I'm so amazed by every last
Tinekraut commented…
Aw, I'm just so glad i could get to know what you'd say of that. In other words, I'm so happy to see you again! We all are.... And wait, XD Looks like the older people I know calls me A-te/big sis. I'm getting what I want XDhaha (joke...) But, seriously, We all look up to you as our big sis. The one and only. Well, WELCOME BACK to the HQ, comrade! over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ren-chan! <3 You have no idea how much all of us missed you! I can't even explain it. We thought you were gone for good...how are you doing? God, I just can't express how happy I am right now...and thank you so much! I'll be sure to bring back a few samosas~ xD
You know what? Your return calls for a celebration!! <3
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Oh that's what they were called? I couldn't remember so I just called them "Fried things" Sorry about that. -chuckles- over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
It's fine. xD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
ya, happiness is overflowing we can't express it enough... And yes! Celebration! over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
I can only imagine really~ I've had so much time to think while I was gone. I'm doing quite good actually~ I'm glad to see you're all good as well~ -smiles- Aww -chuckles- You guys make my heart die of sweetness~ <3 A celebration? Maybe I should have brought a cake with me~ -chuckles- But, really you don't really need to. I'm just happy to see you all again~ :)
last edited over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
I insist, though! I bet everyone else would want to celebrate as well. :) over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
All right, let the celebrations commence~! *looks around* Looks like I'm all alone at the moment...might as well get the cake ready!
All right, let the celebrations commence~! *looks around* Looks like I'm all alone at the moment...mi
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Agjaoighdahg!!! Strawberry Cake!!! <33333 over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
I made sure it was strawberry just for you! I'm glad you like it~ ^^ over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
-stares at knife and backs up- S-sure... Just.. be careful.. over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
I have balloons~ -smiles-
last edited over a year ago
I have balloons~ -smiles-
MallowMarsh commented…
That'll be sure to add some color~! C: over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
How pretty :) over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
*catches a some balloon* Yay! But wait I'm getting carried away~ over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
And of course, we'll need some Hetalia, considering what club we're on. Grab a chibi of your choice~!
And of course, we'll need some Hetalia, considering what club we're on. Grab a chibi of your choice~!
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Aw such a cute picture~! I feel so odd doing this but... -glomps Chibi Prussia- over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
Aw, don't feel odd! xD *grabs poland and italy* over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Aw they all look adorable! X3 But wait...*searches through crowd* Spain, where are you?! Oh well, I suppose I'll just take Ital- *grabs thin air* *dives for Russia* He's mine~! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Prussia is taken... umn... Germany or Austria? Germany or Austria? I picked Germany but all of the axis hangs with him. XD over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Have some Owl City too~ Probably not the most fitting kind of music but, hey, I love his music~
last edited over a year ago
MallowMarsh commented…
If you like it, that's good enough for me! After all, it's your party. C: over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Yea, anything. Owl City's always nice. over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Ren~Chan!~ I really don't know what to say! It was so empty around here without you! *glomps you*

Ok, I'm late for the celebration but, *lights fireworks* better late then never!~
Ren~Chan!~ I really don't know what to say! It was so empty around here without you! *glomps you*
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Yes! Fireworks make everything awesome~! <3 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
In the morning we had ballons and now we have fireworks. I'm feeling really feeling all the mirth with that. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
big smile
What more can I add? Maybe... I should abduct our captain from her lair so we can be all together.... Just kidding.
Just lots of excitement out here. Good thing I made it here today. God! I was just totally surprised myself of what's happening. I had dream just last night that ren nee-chan finally returned. I already had it in mind that Ren nee-chan will no longer come back, at least not this year, but I just took my chances coming here today 'cause I was sure there's something to surprise me when I return here, and... there you go.... Ren nee-cha's finally back. For real. Can't believe it. Somewhat creepy that I had premonition of this.
I guess, we'll still have the birthday parties we've been looking forward to, right izzy-chan and Stella-chan?
I'm just so happy that our sentai is complete again. Once again we'll make more and new good memories together.
You are right guys, we don't have to be gloomy for long and that Ren nee-chan might come back. Now, we have her again.

over a year ago yoki96 said…
............................. Am I in Sparta again? Looks like madness was going on around here *spots Ren* Heeeeeeey!!! You're back, finally *gives a huge and tight bear hug* *purposely shouts for everyone to hear* I knew you would be back!
Still can't make up your mind to leave us, huh? Hopefully, you are here to stay this time... ... link... I'm pretty sure that's a song...
Well, it's good to have you back. Now we are all together again. And ready to be REALLY random. Like these guys (I think I was on the weird of YouTube last night, again):
Tinekraut commented…
Finally! You're alive again! over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
Trust me, EVERYONE ends up looking like a complete retards in those dancing games (I tried it myself, so I know). But it's just for the experience. You know, to have fun over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD Nah, you're certainly enjoying it, you're bring it here XD(ribbing).... Retards? o_o And now you're going to involve us with that? o_o I... think I'll be just contented observing in a corner. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Lols what the heck did I just watch? XDD That's why you have to look around 'cause you never know when you'll get tagged along and you'll be in a "Japanese game show" before you know it. XD But that looks like a frat initiation to me. XD Gott! That was totally inspiring! That should revive the randomness back to this spot!
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Sounds a lot like us doesn't it? -chuckles- over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Well, that's what I had in mind. But I don't want to point out who's who 'cause I don't want to be the beaten guy XDD over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
*gulps* She is planning something, I just know it. Can we have the 1st host back? over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Hey I got a back to back celebration. The day after Ren nee-chan's come back is the Independence Day of my country. So this day for me is both a celebration of Philippine Independence and ATW camaraderie :D

June 12 here. Back to 1898. It was the day when Filipino revolutionaries won over Spaniards. (Well, without knowing the Philippines was already ceded to US.) We only truly became Independent on July 4, 1946, when American govn't finally granted independence. That was unprecedented. So until, I think that was around 1960's we celebrate it on that date. But it was changed since the 1898 event was a lot more triumphant and symbolic.

Activities here. Just patriotic displays and family bonding time. There ain't much partying though. At least here in our place. But it's a free time for us.
last edited over a year ago
Hey I got a back to back celebration.  The day after Ren nee-chan's come back is the Independence Day
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Oh wow, really? That's awesome! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
O yes. Quite a coincidence isn't it. What a timing! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Aw, thank you Stella-chan~ My country smiles back at nice friends. over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
You know Tine-chan, every time you mention something about the Philippines the more I wish I could go back there~ It was really interesting being there and I wish I could have seen more of your country. The most I saw was when I was living in Manila so it was mostly city things. Not that it was bad~ It was so interesting and totally different. It was such an experience being there. I'm totally going to consider going there some day again~ It would be so awesome to go back there~ <3

Oh yeah and I found this while searching around Zerochan~ I'm sure you've probably seen it already but, hey, I thought I'd share it anyways~
last edited over a year ago
You know Tine-chan, every time you mention something about the Philippines the more I wish I could go
Tinekraut commented…
Cool! You got that one. Ya, I also have it. That art's just so awesome. Well, a lot of better things about the Philippines, you'll find it far away from the capital. What I love the most is, well, the nature and food *grins* It's a lot more relaxing here in our place, here in town than in the city. over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
That's awesome! -smiles- I totally want to go see now~! <3 It would be awesome to visit! I would totally write about it~! I can just imagine the inspiration. <3 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Aw. It's always nice to know someone's taking interest in visiting our country. Ya, I guess in many ways, our country will inspire you because of its variety. Our country is an archipelago, lots of islands, so it's multicultural. Every island has something different to offer. I haven't been in many places myself but you know, you get much more interested with the unknown, and there are a lot or corners here yet unexplored and still to be discovered. over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Ah I see~ That's really cool. -smiles- over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
This spot is certainly getting a lot more lively. :D
last edited over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
So true~ -smiles- I'm happy to this place active again~ I've missed it being so lively. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
All hail ATW-HQ! over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Back to that fanart...

This is where I live...
last edited over a year ago
Back to that fanart...

This is where I live...
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Awesome~! It seems like each place has it's own unique culture~ That's awesome~ :3 over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Pffftt~ Awesome~! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
I haven't checked Rosel's account lately. Only to find out that he's a guy. Man, i was already sure she, I mean he was a girl.. How could he sing in girl's voicer? It's even more feminine than my voice. I thought you can't bend male voice to female voice even using audio editor. over a year ago
over a year ago Cheshire_Pasta said…
Read about my home state~ The picture is our state's flag~ <3

last edited over a year ago
Read about my home state~  The picture is our state's flag~ <3

Tinekraut commented…
I should have learned this one from college but... eh.... I skipped reading the states.... Just good thing I'm friends with Americans this time so my interest's getting revived. over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
Wait there. When I come back I'll be a step more knowledgable about California. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
For the meantime. I'm wondering what a Cheshire pasta is. ^^\ Pardon my ignorance. But wouldn't it be nice for today's celebration meal?
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Oh. My username? It was just something random really. You know Alice in Wonderland right? Well, I was thinking of that, Hetalia and Italy so, this spawned in my brain. -chuckles- over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
Talk about being original. With the name, I mean. But I'm pretty sure none of us here will be "randomly weird japanese game show epicaly awesome remake" original over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD The Cheshire Cat. It does sound British. So I was wondering how can it go together - pasta = British dish. As to being that original.... I guess we still have to work our our way on that. "serious face* over a year ago
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Blame my thought process~! I don't know! -laughs lightly- over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Going a bit off topic here, but... ... When Ren-chan mentioned Zelda, it reminded me... This Friday I'm going to attend a gaming tournament in *drum roll* Mortal Kombat 9!!! -insert mortal kombat war cry here- With Scorpio, my all time favorite MK kharacter! See what I did there :D So, wish me luck to at least beat the pre-rounds, OK *flashes a cheesey grin and gives a thumbs up*
last edited over a year ago
Going a bit off topic here, but... ... When Ren-chan mentioned Zelda, it reminded me... This Friday I
Tinekraut commented…
*thumbs up* We'll channel our energy to you so it will boost your power. *strikes a weird pose*... We're rooting for ya! Good luck! over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
-_-|| We shouldn't gave her more dose of power booster..... Now we're going to need to inject tranquilizer to you to get you to sleep. *syringe in hand* Have a rest, have a rest. *not sure how to handle the syringe* over a year ago
yoki96 commented…
*sees the syringe* GET THAT SICK THING AWAY FROM ME!!! *takes Scorpion's spear* If you come near me, I will cut you! (has a needle phobia) I'm serious! *trying to look serious* ... ... *hides behind the game show host and his ninjas* Take them, not me! Just take them, and go! over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Hey I remember.... *scroll up to the 1st post on this page* That's right, Izzy-chan's bound for India on this date. She'll be absent for a month. We'll certainly miss her but she'll have fun there. We gotta wish her to
and a good weather too.
Hey I remember....  *scroll up to the 1st post on this page*  That's right, Izzy-chan's bound for Ind
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Have a safe trip Izzy-chan!! Bring back lots of stories and tasty food~! <3333 Hope you have fun~! over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Oh yeah! Wow, a whole month. It will surely feel somewhat empty with her gone but, I hope she enjoys her trip! I hope you have an awesome time going back to your home country Izzy! =) over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Talk about US. I think I've already gotten caught up by the NBA finals. I certainly have no personal stake in that finals but my bro is rooting for Spurs. I'd like to go against him so I'm rooting for the Heat.... XD but looks like I suck at gambling. I think I got "culture shocked" when I saw the insultingly funny cardboards of Miami's star players raised by some San Antonio spectators. What a colorful display XD US certainly has the best of the best and is unbeatable in the world of basketball - established fact.

But here's a sport with a more precarious set of ranking and lots of twist and turns - tennis. I'm just somewhat keeping track of the ranking. Look what we got link. Yoki-chan, your cousin is back to no. 1 spot.

One time, while I was browsing through the channel, I spotted the telecast of French Open awarding. Nadal looked like he was teary-eyed receiving the championship trophy, I was touched T^T... Nah, but seriously, I think it's also amazing that in the end of the French open it was a rivalry between the top two Spaniards. Now, I'm starting to notice how competitive in sports these Spaniards are. Aren't they the current rank 1 in FIFA as well? But what Spain would say?...
Talk about US.  I think I've already gotten caught up by the NBA finals.  I certainly have no persona
Tinekraut commented…
Spain. Humble as always. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
^Indeed. Poor Spain~ *pats him on the head* over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XDD That sure is a lot of awesome stuff there... lots of awesome tomatoes *dodges a tomato* over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I don't know which is worse compared to these two.
I don't know which is worse compared to these two.
hetalianstella commented…
I loved that strip XDD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD Austria really had to wear that Australian shirt. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
How the heck did i even end up talking about those stuff? I sure am lost again..... Ow, wait where am I? *spots the signpost*... Speaking of Austria's name.... o_o (I just thought I should bring home this rather fascinating find.)
How the heck did i even end up talking about those stuff?  I sure am lost again.....  Ow, wait where
Cheshire_Pasta commented…
Pfftt -stifles laughter- This is one reason why I love the world we live in~ over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
BTW, I did NOT steal that sign post. (defensive)... Just don't wonder how I brought it here. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
There's also a town with that same name in Australia as well XDD over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
*faceplam* Wow... o_o over a year ago