yoki96 posted on Sep 04, 2012 at 06:04PM
ACROSS THE WORLD TRIO - the jolly three buddies from different planets *I mean* continent brought together by Hetalia
- Tinekraut

Tinekraut - The kyonshi zombie lost in the Philippines. Usually called Tine or Tin (I call her Tine-chan), her goal is to get Philippines in Hetalia. A big fan of Prussia, Austria Germany and England, she tends to join the shenanigans going on in the group. Listening Tokio Hotel and reading manga and encyclopedias, she is also interested in history and comedy

HertfulStitch - The Sweet Latina who's the only sane and normal one in the group. She also happens to be a water spirit. Lives in the U.S. The shy, but also the sain one of the group, she brings the voice of reason. Referred to as Stitch or Ren (I call her Ren-chan), she is the onee-chan of the group. While listening to Owl City she wishes to read Alice in Wonderland

Yoki - A Hungro-Romanian vampire living in Serbia. Also the mastermind of all the shenanigans in the trio, she tends to be aggressive at times. Even though a big fan of the Bad Touch Trio, she wishes to live in Greece. A otaku at heart, she enjoys rock music (3 Days Grace, Foo Fighters, RHCP, etc.), and just living a carefree life

Our theme song:
last edited on Oct 05, 2012 at 01:17PM

Hetalia 1605 replies

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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Also... there's a big chance you may set off the alarm.
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
We have an alarm?

*drops pickax and begins to call out*

Meh...it's no use. I doubt my screams could reach all the way to Serbia : /
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Yeah... I do believe Yoki-chan was the one who installed it. I can't quite remember. It's better not to risk it. If she's the one who installed it, who knows what will happen if it goes off. We could all be chased off by dobermans, hit with rotten tomatoes, or something crazy like that.

-sighs- We have no choice but, to wait for her. If I had known we'd be stuck out here, I'd have brought some snacks with me... I could really go for a scone at the moment.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Funny for you to say because look what I just happen to have in my pocket~!
Funny for you to say because look what I just happen to have in my pocket~!
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-kira kira sparkly eyes- I love you, Stella-chan~!! -hugs you tightly-

-takes a scone- Sweet, sweet scone~ <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Aw, no problem! :)

I am prepared for anything and everything o_o
Aw, no problem! :)

I am prepared for anything and everything o_o
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I see. -chuckles-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*visiting HQ and spots everybody at the front door* Oh, you are all here. Safe and alive. Thank God *picks up the note and reads the new message* ... IT'S NOT FAKE, DAMN IT!!! *crosses arms and puffs cheeks* You just didn't see it that's all, count yourselves lucky on that part

Stella: *raises hand* So, how do we get back inside the HQ?
Izzy: Yeah, knowing you, you probably put some sort of alarm
Me: What? Alarm? No, just these chains are enough, 'cause I'm the only one who can break them *motions for everyone to step back* I'll show just how much fun it is to have vampire super speed and strength *raises leg and starts kicking the door in a rapid speed*
Ren: That's...
Izzy: Chun-Li's move...
Stella: Lightning Kick...
Me: *stops kicking the door jumps and runs a few meters away from the door* This last move will do it *runs full speed at the door, with head in front, like a charging ram* Time to go inside! *rams the door with her head, sending the door flying into the living room*
Everybody: link
Me: *with leftover chains on her head, she raises her body in victory, not a single scratch anywhere* That was easy, don't you think so *turns around and sees everybody's reaction* ^_^; ... It will sink in don't worry

After "entering" the HQ, Yoki still inspects all the rooms. Even though she was scared to the point of dying, she wasn't going to let her friends suffer the same fate she did

Me: *finishing inspection in the bathroom* And it's safe here, too *phew* Thank God, it would be really awkward if he jumped out of the toilet while someone is using it *starts laughing out loud* *still laughing* Dafuq did I just say!?
Ren: *behind Yoki, at the bathroom door* I'm the one who should be asking that
Me: *jumps onto the toilet, scared half way to death* Oh, it's you. Don't scare me like that
Ren: You were the one who scared us when we heard your laughing in the living room. We thought you were having one of your "ideas"
Me: *puffs cheeks* Very funny
Ren: So what happened?
Me: Huh? *tilts head with a puzzled look on her face*
Ren: I mean the thing which scared you. White face, was it?
Me: *panics and covers Ren's mouth with her hand and drags her in the bathroom, locking the door behind her* Be quiet, he might hear you
Ren: *mumbles through Yoki's hand*
Me: Huh? What did you say? *uncovers Ren's mouth, but still in her firm grip*
Ren: Who is HE anyway. Is this another one of your jokes?
Me: *looks at Ren and sighs, she then places Ren on the toilet*
Ren: Eh!? -_-;
Me: Fine, I'll tell you what happened...

Yoki's story --> link

After 10 minutes...

Me: *still talking*
Ren: -_-; *inner mind: idiot* You do know that is not true
Me: It is! I'm not done yet...

Yoki's story (part 2) --> link (13:35)

Me: And that's what happened
Ren: ...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
*Appears out of nowhere* Hey guys! Whew~ At last! After having escaped from those aliens (aka my cousins XD) and successfully fleeing from their planet (aka aunt’s house X3) It’s nice to be back! Ahehe ^^\ What happened here huh? Quite a mess here. Is it about time to renovate the door? I’m getting left out but I’d rather be when it comes to paying for the expense of renovation.

By the way, It’s the last day of the Christmas season here in the Philippines - The Three King’s Day. Tomorrow will be Christmas there in Serbia, right? So I guess this is why I feel like someone’s keeping an eye on me or something. Probably the Russian Santa watching over those who will be given a gift. Ahehehe (wry laugh while looking around the HQ with a seemingly suspicious and worried look on my face…. *gulp*). I’m already happy enough seeing our old friend Italy on the way (pertaining to the updates posted by Izzy-chan.). And hey , I see we got some new firearms here. I thought Ren nee-chan already disposed the first batch. Being more tight with the security huh *looks at Yoki-chan as she checks around the room, now suspecting that something’s really wrong here* Since we’re going to have a new door, we might as well have new stocks here as this year’s start up. I should order more weapons then.
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Tine: *opens bathroom door with a fire cracker* Why was this- o.o
Ren and me: *shocked look at Tine*
Ren: Ummm~ this is not-
Me: *runs up to Tine* You believe me, don't you?
Ren: -_-; Not again
Tine: Believe in what?
Ren: Something called white fa- *Yoki's hand covers her mouth again*
Me: Shhhh~ *looks around* He can probably hear us
Ren: *mumbles something through Yoki's hand*

What Yoki heard: jkbgvycfcxdfhxjfcvklhb;ilvgkcfjdkhgvkfycjf­cky­cyt­f,u­gtl­ucu­lcu­lop­
What Ren said: *sarcastic voice* Yeah, he is probably hiding in the toilet -_-:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
So the burglar is called white fa** or something. Well, yea, that trespassing entity has clearly entered our premises. *looks at the misplaced firecracker* *Japan-like determined face expression with a matching pumped fist* I always consider the worst case scenario so whatever threat it is that's lurking in secrecy we shall not ignore it. *heads toward the basement to get the stored weapons*

after 5 min...

*rushes back to the living room where everyone is... with nervous look on the face*...

Ei yoki-chan, we're trying to pull prank on me earlier?! The basement is already messy you don't have to disarrange things while I'm not looking. And what's with the weird noise? It's too early for april fools' prank.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Everybody: AH!?
Me: *looks at Ren with a surprised/shocked face* See, he is there! He does exist
Tine: So it wasn't you?
Me *nods in disagreement* I'll tell you what happened...

Look at Yoki's story links
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
O my. what have you been into lately Yoki-chan? XD Checking out horror games. You really are feeling the holiday atmosphere. Kinda weird. The game has poor graphics but I'm amazed by how it evokes that eeriness. Don't tell me you downloaded that game? You sure it isn't malware or something? I'm kind of worried when it said it has a life of its own. It just pops up even when it's already game over. Hey if you insist on playing that, well, make sure it won't get into your head. I mean, it won't cause a nightmare, will it? *worried face*... it kind of reminds me of HetaOni.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
You couldn't have said that 2 days ago -__-; But it is a little creepy. Since I was "blessed" with vivid imagination and am prone to overreacting... well, you know what happens
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Yikes! Gotta agree. At first I thought it was silly that the guy playing the game is reacting like that while playing the game. He did keep on saying though that it's actually scarier when you're playing the actual game than just watching the playthrough. If you think of it he's actually right. i was imagining myself playing that game (better if I play it alone). I think it would have the same effect... which I wouldn't want to further imagine 'cause it'd be ... scary. I no longer finished the whole youtube vid. It makes me worry about whoever downloads the game. Just look at that. It just pops up. Isn't he already game over but then that white face thing is still making him play. tsk tsk. Hey, and don't tell me you played that game while you're alone.
It sure is quite a nightmare for me to play that game. You know that I have no sense of direction so the gameplay itself is already a nightmare for me. Gotta give credit also to the sounds. Only makes it scarier.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yoki96 said…
*in emo corner with a baby blanket over her head* Now you know how I feel
over a year ago yoki96 said…
But don't worry about that. Tomorrow is Christmas! *using her speed spreads link throughout the HQ* Tonight is Chrismas Eve (link)
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Wow! This room shall be filled with Christmassy atmosphere once again. Alright, perhaps we can also let white face join us celebrate Orthodox Christmas, how about that? It's my first time to welcome this holiday.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Well, it seems you two have had some fun this year in your countries~ -smiles-
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Haha, just the usual thing we do during holidays... only in a different setting. Remember i was making fun of myself last Christmas 'cause I was stuck in our house alone? Things happen when you least expect it. I got tagged along by my cousins so I was at their place during the season.
Today though is Christmas there in Serbia. So why don't we greet Yoki-chan!

Merry Christmas, Yoki-chan and Serbia-san!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
Me: Hristos Voskrese everyone!
Everybody: *cricket sounds*
Me: It means something like Christ is Risen. Kinda like saying Merry Christmas
Everybody: Ohhhh~
Me: And I even brought the Slavski kolač
Everybody: *cricket sounds again*
Me: It's cake
Everybody: Ohhhh~
Me: ^_^; *clears throat* Slavski kolač is a traditional Serbian cake (also a type of bread). It's made for the link. It is customary that housewives bake it and then a priest consecrate it, water it in red wine and divided into pieces for all the household members before lunch. It usually has a gold link in it, and whoever finds it is (supposed to be) blessed with good luck by Gods
last edited over a year ago
Me: Hristos Voskrese everyone!
Everybody: *cricket sounds*
Me: It means something like Christ is Ri
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Ah, cool! It looks delicious!
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
It does~! I feel hungry just looking at it <3
over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Ah man, I haven't had any food since breakfast and now I am reminded of my hunger O_O
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Aw man...well, I hope you've eaten something by now! I'm starting to get a little hungry, too...
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Then we should all make something~ -smiles-
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Great idea! ^^
I'll make some bundi laddu.
It's and Indian pastry consisting of roasted balls of chickpea flour coated in spices and drizzled with honey.
last edited over a year ago
Great idea! ^^
I'll make some bundi laddu.
It's and Indian pastry consisting of roasted balls of ch
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
-sighs- Those look and sound wonderful but, I sadly probably shouldn't eat them... I had the most unhealthy lunch today.... I got a bit upset about something and I ate....

A Double-Cheesburger, Chili Fries WITH cheese and a Root Beer Float. I'm going to get fat.... -sits in Tamaki corner-

....I'm such an American...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Aaw, don't worry, it's not like you eat like that every day!
*pulls you out of Tamaki corner*
((You watch Ouran? :D))
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
True.... And yes~ I do watch Ouran. I love Ouran~! -smiles-
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Awesome, I love Ouran as well! ^^
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Ah wonderful~! -smiles- Probably one of the funniest anime I have seen~ Hetalia being one as well~
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Haha, I agree. ^^ It was my second anime. I got into it over a year ago...but I'm still into it very much. <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Ah I see~ Oh your second anime? My second anime was DBZ~ First being Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing. Well mostly Sailor Moon. Gundam Wing was a bit too serious to keep my attention since I was only about 10 years old at the time.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Yeah,my second anime...It's only been 2 years since I've gotten into anime. back when I was around 12. Fruits Basket was my first anime...I've never watched the classics, like Sailor Moon.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Ah I see~ I've been into it since I was about 10~ So that's about... Let's see I'm 24 so... -thinks for a moment

About 14 years? If my math is correct... Never was my favorite nor best subject. -mumbles something about hating math with a burning passion-
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over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Yes, your math is correct. And I hate math as well...
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Oh~ Awesome~! -smiles- I failed almost all my math classes while I was school. -chuckles- Worst. Subject. EVER.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Indeed. It's so complicated...and there's so many things you have to remember...
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over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Far too complicated if you ask me... Honestly I have to wonder if you need half the things they teach you... I do understand you need some of it but, ugh... Seriously when in life are you going to use/need Calculus or Trigonometry? Seems a bit useless after a point if you ask me. Well, unless you're going into a career that requires such things then well, USELESS!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Yeah...I haven't learned trigonometry yet, is it really complicated?
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Honestly I can't really tell you. I've never taken a class on it myself. I can imagine it is. All those numbers and symbols... It's like trying to decipher some text from an alien planet or ancient race of some sort.
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Wow, I can imagine...and to think that some people in my school are part of the math club...I can't enjoy that stuff no matter how hard I try, but I suppose some people can.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Some people are passionate about math~ Look at mathematicians~! I got to hand it to them. Doing something so complicated for a living is quite amazing~ -smiles-
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
It is, but I don't think that's the right job for me.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Like wise for myself~ I'll stick to writing any day~ -smiles- I adore writing so much. Will forever be my passion <3
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
I love writing as well, along with drawing. I'm not the best author or artist, but I just can't stop drawing and writing because I love both so much!
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I see~ I don't often draw since, without a reference, I can't draw to save myself. I prefer writing over drawing anyways. Writing is one of the most beautiful forms of expression and art in my opinion. I just adore how it can take you to magical places and inspire you just by using a magical concoction of words and descriptions. Gosh writing is such a beautiful thing~ I absolutely love it~! <3
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
I agree! There are so many possibilities, and...wow, I just can't put it into words, how much I love to write. <3
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Indeed~ Writing is amazing. -smiles-