Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@KateDenali - I feel that Stelena has more Puckleberry qualities. They have that adorable, light, cute factor.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali Love Stefan as well no one hurts my Stefan LOL.@ApplePie88 Do you like Cherry?. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

of course they would complain even if DE had a bunch of scenes. They already do.

Because they won't never accept one fundamental reality- Elena's love for stefan is not only part of the foundation of this show, it's also an integral part of who she is.

She loves Stefan because of who he is and because of who SHE is - because they fit.

the insisting rabidly that SE is overrated by the writers and that trying to make them 'meant to be' is coming across like forced, it's a fat, pathethic lie.

I love Stefan, I love Bonnie more than I do Elena but...

it doesn't make me to ship SB together because i understand that loving Elena is part of who Stefan is... and i love stefan for being his awesome broody selfless self.

Why can 't they grant Elena the same benefit, if they adore her so much?

but no, they are too busy projecting their desires on her, totally disreagarding how Elena feels or what she wants.
how intelligent of them.

I bet whenever Elena chooses again, they will turn on her in no time.

or will convince themselves that she is in denial, for whatever reason.

they are good at mass brainwashing, after all.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
LOL, Finnchel, Quick. I have to say some of these ship names are funny. I dont watch Glee so...me no shippy them.

Who's Puckleberry?
over a year ago KateDenali said…
I feel like everyone I've ever liked on TV, or every couple I've ever shipped, I've had to defend my opinions and them. I guess that's what I get for going against popular opinion. But you know what? I don't give a shit anymore. I'll wave my flags high and proud, and take whatever rath comes from it.

Did anyone else realize that we as Bamon supporters recieve more hate than any other ship fans for TVD? I hate it.
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ItalianAngel89 Puckleberry is the best Glee ship EVER.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I think the DE fans only care about Damon they dont really care about Elena otherwise they would want her to be happy with the one she loves Stefan.@ItalianAngel88 Puckleberry is Puck and Rachel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Chazzaf - Yes, I also like Cherry as well. I'm a self-described multi-shipper. As long as the couples make sense, I can and will ship them but I still have my OTP's :)
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali I think it is because we are a big threat to DE and we all know that the DE fans act like DE is TVD.Laughable I know. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
what's Cherry?
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@chazzaf: Ah gotcha. LOL Puckleberry. thats cute.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Honestly, in terms of BTVS (another vampire series), I hated Spuffy (Spike/Buffy) with an undying passion. The most destructive and abusive relationship ever. The idea that anyone could actually ship such a toxic relationship is beyond me. However, with that being said, I did greatly enjoy S/B chemistry. I thought they were sizzling on-screen and it was highly entertaining but their relationship was another thing. This is the ONLY thing that I believe Bamon have in common with Spuffy is the hot chemistry. Other then that, I don't wish a relationship like the one Spuffy had on Bamon at all and I strongly hope that the writers don't go that route with Bamon. I literally HATED Spike/Buffy and was and always be a hardcore Bangel supporter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Im a big Cherry fan where it is as brother and sister friends or something more I love them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
Chazzaf is right; DE fans don't care about Elena. But to an extent, they don't care about Damon either. They love and obsess over him, but if they truly loved either of them, they'd be happy with whoever they ended up with (Stelena/Bamon) as long as they were happy, and I can't say I honestly believe they'd be like that. They want them to be happy, but with no one other than each other.
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ApplePie88 I felt the same way; loving Bangel and hating Spuffy. Spike was just so wrong for her, and Angel was (most of the time) compeletely perfect.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle Cherry is Chuck and Serena out of Gossip Girl.@Applepie88 I didnt like Spuffy either I am a Spillow and Bangel fan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali I agree before Rose died she got loads of hate and then when she died they were like I hate you Rose but your death was so sad.They dont like anyone who is with Damon except from Elena. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­x
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Spuffy remind me of Delena: TOXIC AND DESTRUCTIVE.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
There is another troll on the wall just ignore them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

just watch like Damon/Caroline shippers get massively ignored, because it's popular knowdledge that Damon still more or less despises Caroline.
KATHERINE/DAMON shippers are tolerated as well...

Yet... bamon is not. Why?

Because Carline/Damon or Katherine/Damon are no threat, and there's been no hint so far than any of those couples might be endgame.

Damon/Bonnie instead... they get random, exquisively done scenes every few episodes, and then they relate to each other as equals.

Do you get my drift? ;)
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Elena is the happiest around Stefan, not Damon. And DE fans can't see that cuz they refuse to. As long as they (DE fans) are happy and get what they want (Delena endgame), then its all good. Selfish idiots.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ItalianAngel88 DE fans are hypocrites they say SE is boring when actually DE is boring.Well to me anyway LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Kate Denali - Yeah, Bangel was basically the most beautiful love relationship written seriously. They were such star crossed lovers. Part of the reason why I am such a solid Stelena supporter is because Stelena inherently remind me of Bangel.

@Chazzaf - I do really greatly enjoy Chuck/Serena interactions, much more then Chuck/Blair and Dan/Serena. Maybe it's because I am a HUGE Dair shipper but then again, I used to be a Chair and Derena shipper as well, especially back in the first couple of seasons. But season 3 came and Chuck really screwed up with Blair. He became such a douchebag in season 3 if i'm being honest.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 do you like Spillow out of BTVS? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@chazzaf Ugh, I hate trolls.

She called us losers. =/ Well, I guess I'm a loser that reported her sorry ass then.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@chazzaf: LOL not to you honey. I find DE boring too. Boring and well...dull. DULLENA DB on the other hand....come on, a witch and a vampire pairing. Who doesnt want that? That pairing is just so interesting to me.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I went, reported the troll, commented to the general post while ignoring said troll.

It's interesting that this wave of trolliness came after the promo. they are truly desperate if they can't stand the idea of us having scenes after the hiatus.


over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Chazzaf - Yes, I do! :) Like I said, I'm a multi-shipper. I just won't ship couples that don't make sense.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I hate trolls man.They just cant help themselves they always have to come over and ruin my buzz LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
Trolls can kiss my ass. I seriously don't give a shit what they have to say; I refuse to be bothered by them.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Someone please tell me that they don't have chemistry. YOU HAVE SERIOUS GOT TO HAVE BLINDERS ON.

over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 im a big Spillow fan they were cute.@ItalianAngel88 yea Dulena is just plain dull I have never saw any chemistry between them not even when they went on their road trip. x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I loved that episode. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Bamon's teamwork in Plan B seriously OWNED the Dullena mind-trip...err, road trip, sorry.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
If there's yet another DE road trip next season i am going to slap a bitch.

And I love that scene!
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ApplePie88 Delena fans have blinders on for anything that isn't their ship. I think it's programed into them or something, once they convert.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…

over a year ago chazzaf said…
I have noticed that a lot of people how dont even watch TVD hate the DE fans because wherever you go the DE fans always spread their DE crap around. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Delena is such a emotionally and mentally draining relationship and dynamic. Like, I get exhausted by simply watching their scenes. I really don't know what these Delena/Nian shippers are seeing but to me, it's all so overrated. Ian/Kat have 100 million times the fire and chemistry that Ian/Nina have. And it really does irk me when these Delena fans run around saying that Paul/Nina don't have chemistry, when the own producers of the show chose Paul and Nina because of their chemistry. Paul/Nina's chemistry is almost as fascinating as Ian/Kat's because Paul/Nina's chemistry is significantly more diverse then one-dimensional and forced Ian/Nina's chemistry. THESE ARE JUST THE FACTS. Yet, Delena fans continue to live in their own little world of delusions.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KateDenali said…
Oh. My. God.

I was just on my page, and for some reason, I ended up around the section where it shows people I'm a fan of. Imagine my shock (and horror) when I see SpuffyDelena as part of the group. I checked my eyes at least three times while looking at it, thinking it had to be wrong. After a moment or so, I clicked on the 'fans' button and saw that it was true; I had become a fan of the bitch (no doubt in my earlier days, when I actually thought she was decent). I've fixed it now, and unfanned her, but I'm still upset I was even a fan of hers to begin with.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I have noticed that a lot of people how dont even watch TVD hate the DE fans because wherever you go the DE fans always spread their DE crap around.


Really, chazzaf? how did you notice?

over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali dont worry we all make mistakes im quite surprised that SpuffyDelena hasn't been deleted yet I and a lot of people have reported her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@KateDenali: OMG. Seriously? That's.....traumatizing. :O
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

I hug you. I know that if it had happened to me i would be in shock.
it must be like nightmare.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@My Older brother was on youtube on a song I cant remember what it was and a DE fan came on and said this song is perfect for Damon and Elena and my brother asked my who the hell was Damon and Elena after that hundreds of DE fans came on and started talking about Delena my brother was furious. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
It is a nightmare. I'm still upset about it.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
Dont worry you have your friends there for you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Also, can I just say that I really do think that Nina has a huge crush on Paul? I watch all of the interviews with the main cast members (Paul, Nina and Ian) and it is so obvious that Nina has a thing for Paul. It is almost like when Paul is around, Nina hardly pays attention to Ian. She checks him out a lot and looks at him a lot whenever they are doing interviews. :O

Look at this interview. Nina is totally checking out Paul at 1:50 - 2:10.
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over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ApplePie88 Haha. Delena/Nian fans would beg to differ, but I agree with you. I think she does have a little crush on Paul.