Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Yes... with Anna, i felt he had a more equal-on-equal relationship, and I really liked Jeremy's rebel, raw phase. Now the rawness it's gone and although some Beremy scenes are intense, because Kat and Steven are amazingly talented, i don't see this relationship going anywhere.

I don't see how Jeremy might offer Bonnie anything more than s sense of safety.

It's not even that i mind Gilberts' fascination with the supernatural anymore... i just think Jeremy comments around Bonnie make him out as an overeager puppy.

And it's okay that Bonnie has anyone's adoration to bask in, but i feel she is more in love with what he gives her than the person he is.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I think Bonnie needs a man.Remind you of anyone LOL.But Jeremy is so immature and in my opinion Bonnie is very mature so they dont match at all for. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I read the first 10 chapters of Midnight and let me tell you, I don't think I want to buy this book after all...
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
indeed... although one might argue that Damon is also quite immature for his age... and he is quite older than Jeremy.

Of course, there's also the fact Damon is ALL man, even when he's being immature. ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I know what you mean.At the start towards the middle of the book we had our Bamon and Stelena scenes and then when Elena and Stefan joined Bonnie and Damon it was a whole load of Delena it was really annoying after SS which was clearly a DE book I thought Midnight was going to be OUR book. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
But then I'm hearing Bamon fans saying that the book is worth it. I don't want to waste my money on another useless DE crap-fest book. I feel like L.J. Smith is forcing the DE connection to impress one fan base and it's ruining her story. I'm almost glad she got fired in a way, no offence.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
you never know, things might hugely improve with Phantom.

As a matter of fact, i got a gut feeling they will.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SkySamuelle: I'm really not so sure at this point. I feel like L.J. Smith has basically ruined her storyline with this Delena garbage she has implemented into her books forcefully.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Hope So !!!!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I really hope that things improve in Phantom because IMO the Bamon connection is to strong to just go to waste. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
It's just so incredibly disgusting how Elena fawns all over Damon in the first few chapters, and poor Bonnie is standing there, watching Elena basically cheat on poor, innocent Stefan! And not only that, Bonnie is so heartbroken on the inside, you can tell if you read between them lines when she's watching Damon and Elena. But IMO, that is how it's always been when it comes to Bonnie, Damon and Elena. It's like Rhett, Scarlett and Ashley from Gone With The Wind, with Bonnie being Rhett, Damon being Scarlett and Elena being Ashley (this is repeatedly why I compare Damon & Bonnie to Rhett & Scarlett). I feel so bad for Bonnie, because I know that she really deeply cares for Damon and not only that, but she feels bad for Stefan because his one true beloved is obsessing over Damon. It's just sick. It's like Bella cheating on Edward and I can't even picture that.

One thing I noticed when reading the first 10 chapters was how naturally happy Elena is with Stefan. She automatically lights up and is blissful and joyful. Damon doesn't do that for her at all. She's always giggling, smiling and laughing around Stefan like she is experiencing ultimate heaven whenever she is with him or near him. I can see why the publishers were sick and tired of the forced DE garbage she was purposely putting into her books in order to impress ONE fan base.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree they force DE down our throats when there is actually no need for it all.You know if it was me writing those books NO ONE else would tell me how to write my story or which characters to put together. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Mha, LJS has already said that the immediate future of the bookseries will be more enojyable to SE and Bamon fans than the future SHE had in store so...to me, it sounds like the garbage is getting dealt with and the real good stuff is on the way.

I also remember reading that it's not rare that editors take over a ghostwriters of a bookseries when their authors are losing their touch. So it's likely that new GW is LJS's editor and her style will be respected.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SkySamuelle: So, you think that the future TVD books will be in our favour then? From reading the first 10 chapters of Midnight (I might buy the book tomorrow, I'll see), it seems with the Delena storyline and connection, it all seems so crammed and forced. It's like she put all that Delena mush in there to impress one fanbase. It doesn't flow with the story at all, and it looks downright out of place in the story. Now that I am remembering, Midnight was actually supposed to come out in July of 2010, last year, and then the date was changed to December of 2010 until finally, the last date for it's release was March 2011. I don't know, why were there so many change in dates for this one book to be released if L.J. Smith didn't feel the need to force and cram all of these OTT Delena moments into the book? Her editors and publishers must have given her absolute chaos and hell over this ―and much deserved chaos I might add.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I hope it will be because if Phantom comes out and it has a load of DE in it and we have been tricked I will go ballistic. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I don't think both the publishers and the editors will stand for all of the excessive Delena nonsense anymore. They could clearly see that it was ruining her story.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
WTF?! I go too the bathroom think's to meh mum's secert medical cure, only to come back and see this shyt! Phanthom is a DE book? Oh plz say it aint flippin so mates *pulls Sam Haim knife out* Arugh! Meh has bloody decided to murder myself saving meh, from the horrible pain that is Dumb Entertainment.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
It was the most stupidest thing L.J ever did making out that Elena loved Damon when it is very clear that she doesnt it is only lust.I dont know what she thought she was doing was she just going to make Stefan disappear or kill him off. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
DamonsLilBird: No, Phantom is not a DE book. Relax. LOL. We're just saying that if Phantom has DE in it (because part of it is going to be L.J. Smith's writing), then we are going to be pissed.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird No make dont kill yourself.No I dont think Phantom is a DE book but Im to wary to hope that it will be a Bamon book.Im scared we will be disappointed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf: OMG, if L.J. Smith killed Stefan off, I would go absolutely ballistic. I adore Stefan both in the books and on the TV show (even though I've always loved Book Damon) and if L.J. Smith plotted to kill Stefan off, I would be really angry. Besides, if there's no Stefan, there's no Elena. Elena has repeatedly said that if Stefan dies, she dies too. ELENA CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT STEFAN. END OF STORY.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
Don't worry guys Bamon relationship will be awesome !!!!! Have faith !!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Dont worry mate I dont know if she was going to kill Stefan off but I dont understand what she was planning to do if DE got together she couldnt just make my Stefan disappear. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
In the back of my mind and deep within my heart and soul, I am cautiously optimistic that the future TVD books will feature much Bamon loveliness. <3
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Bottom line is, I love ALL of the characters in the TVD series. You see that, Delena fans who are spying on this forum? Yeah, I LOVE ALL OF THE CHARACTERS IN THE SERIES and I don't want any of them to die or be killed off. TVD wouldn't be what it is without all of the amazing and different characters both from the past TVD novels and the present.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I hope so hun because if there is no Bamon my heart would break.Okay maybe I am being a little dramatic okay very dramatic but it is the way I feel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@chazzaf don't lose faith!!!! We'll will some epic Bamon . It is mean to be.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Hinata26: Wow, you're so optimistic. LMAO.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 Thanks mate it is great to have mates like you to lift my spirits up you are a great mate. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I don't know how people can even consider calling Delena "epic". It is nowhere near epic at all. Stelena is known to be the epic love story of the series because of the fact that Stefan and Elena did something to each other that most people don't do to each other; they awakened each other because they are each other's half. THEY ARE LITERALLY ONE SOUL (TWO HALVES OF A WHOLE) who fatefully found themselves back together again after being forever apart. They were two "dead" souls who were fatefully brought together and became a live again. As KW and JP said, THAT'S epic. Lusting after someone is not epic IMO. Also, Bamon is epic because Damon has proven that he has unconditional caring feelings for Bonnie even though he can't admit it to himself, but the deep feelings he has for Bonnie are sheltered deep inside every part of his soul. Damon's soul burst and emerged because of his deep feelings for Bonnie. THAT is epic.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
big smile
You know what I think lj last Book is the swan sing for ............. I won't it beurk because I could be ill after that. Lol and The beginning of Bamon epicness.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@ApplePie88: i'm fully optimistic. The bamon connction is already been strongly implemented in the previous books and i can't think that any intelligent writer invested in killing Delena off and reuniting Stelena will let DB fall off unresolved.

If anything, i'm confident that Elena will realize that her love forDamon was only lust and survivor guilt, and Damon will realize he has more obsessed with Elena than anything else.

I'm not a bookseries full reader, but from the exceperts I found, it looked obvious that when Damon described his feelings for Elena, it was obsession, not love.

And yes, i mean that specific part about the 'record in Elena overlooking'.
When you keep a concept or a person on your mind 24/7, that's OBSESSION. Abad case.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SkySamuelle: That's really creepy. But then again, Elena couldn't stop thinking about Stefan after she first met him. I think it was because of the kind of connection they have though. It is nothing like the way Elena and Damon obsess over each other, because that is all about lust.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
I personally hate the DE bond because IMO they are so overrated in both books in the show that I cant even enjoy them at all.But to me Bamon and Stelena are what people call epic because there is just something about the two pairings that work in both books and show and I personally feel that one day the Bamon bond will be explored in the show. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@ApplePie88: I THINK YOU ARE RIGHT! SE and DE might never be compared without SE coming out as the 'real, forever deal'.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
You guys check out meh new topic even wrote almost american style. Lol
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Oki ;-)
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
thnks mate meh trying to get the red string of fate across as Bamon. Lol
over a year ago aceg said…
In the past, the word "epic" is associated with noting to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style. For example, Anna Karenina and Doctor Zhivago can be defined as epic novel; Spuffy and Bangel can be defined as epic couple (I am not only considering the theoretical side of epic. I am taking the actuality into account as well) In summary, one could come up with explnation that epic means imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary. But when taking these and applying it on TVD, there are very little elements that even come close to resemble the word "epic" yet (despite some of its nice moments)
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg Yeah I know what you mean but what could be more epic than a Vampire and a Witch I find very little things that could be. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: that is why I add the word "yet" at the end of my last sentence lol.

by the way, your new icon are lovely as always
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg Thanks mate Kat is the best person for Icons IMO.Yeah Yet our time will come LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: Yeah Kat is definately the one for icons and photoshot. wating sucks but at least we are getting closer to Apr 7 each passing day.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg Yeah each day is a step closer to Bamon awesomness I for one cant wait.I have got to sign of now I was at the hospital all night last night my older sister Rosario had a beautiful baby boy she named him Carlo So Im very tired but will see you all soon Bye love you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Oki kiss @chazzaf !!!
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Congrats to your sister!!!!
over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: congrats to your sister mate.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Eek congrats to ya sis mate meh mates r having babies too lol. Love ya!
over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Once again this girl drives me insane. Why not mention the others? Why always Bamon?


over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
@DamonsLilBird Congrats! <3
@chazzaf Congrats! <3