Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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Showing Replies 2651-2690 of 2690

over a year ago Bangelusfan said…
HPcouples said the perfect truth
over a year ago pattykirsche said…
trolls? where?
over a year ago Bangelusfan said…
on our wall
over a year ago pattykirsche said…
Ow, I've already seen it and reported...
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
If True #TVD are going to use a Book Bamon Scene for DE that is Lazy Writing its Sad That DE has to use Other Ships Stuff 2 seem" Good " its just like that Rose Scene in the Back of the Car If you have to Tell

The Viewer that a Pairing is Great then They are Not
If you have to take Other Pairings Scene to Made DE Look Better as a Pairing Then they are Not
If you Have to Put Down Other Characters to Make a Pairing Work then They are Not Great and Don’t Work

over a year ago kindhiya3 said…
over a year ago kindhiya3 said…
ginbell84 you're so right about this!!! what a pity.... they have to use a bamon book scene to show us that DE is a good couple and so romantic etc...like that pathetic Rose scene in the car with jeremy.... trying to cinvince tvd fan that DE is a good choice!!!!
thats just pathetic!! and direspectul toward bamon fan!!!! they act like they never read the book and didn't know about bamon in the book and suddendly they used a bamon scene as a DE in the tvshow loooooooooooooool
over a year ago Bangelusfan said…
Chill out ppl, it's not confirmed to be the after hours scene jeez...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago elena1 said…
I'm not surprised about the writers they already ruins the character of Meredith Sulez and Sage in the show was a woman and not a man like in the books
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
over a year ago Kurenai24 said…
And so the After Hour scene was used.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I'm really pissed that they took an epic Book!Bamon scene (more like short story) and gave it to a pairing as disgusting as Delena. PATHETIC. FUCK YOU JULIE PLEC.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
over a year ago samjhart said…
I've quit this show too. JP just ran this show into the ground
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
I'm so Done JP you can bloody manky Kiss it! Da Dun Dun!
over a year ago Jolie-Monster said…
I haven't watched this show live since the coined tossed over Bonnie's life.
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
I will Be Watching TVD from now on the WEB / Downloads
over a year ago jasamfan09 said…
i should of know that fat cow julie De fangirling self was going to pull something like this.i glad i didn't trust her and i am watch online from now on i not give that fangirl any of my rating or second chance. it sad she had to steal a Bonnie/Bamon book scene to make DE a viable couple. DE is low rent and cheap as julie fangirling butt.i hope KW come back because jp has ran this show into ground.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheWuzzy said…
Hi, I'm a DEer but I'm not here to troll. :) Just was wondering what the Bamon fans think of the finale. I'm also kinda here to spread the love and inter-ship mingling, because I think it's tragic that our ships are like enemies even though we both support Damon!

I agree with some previous comments, Bonnie is neglected too much, she had some great storylines in S1 but after that they kinda dropped her for Caroline. :L

^ That last comment made me smile, if it makes you feel any better us DE shippers are all convinced that Julie is a Stelena shipper. So it seems like EVERYONE hates her, poor woman. She can't win! I bet the Stelena people think she loves DE too. The truth is she's just doing her job, and she has to cater for the largest fanbases, which are DE and SE. DB unfortunately is not a large enough factor (though its probably the biggest 'rogue ship') that they'll want to pay attention to it.

I am surprised though, there seems to be a lot of Damon hate here? How come Damon is shipped with Bonnie if lots of people here actually don't seem to like Damon at all? Well I guess it's similar to lots of people on the DE spot being currently annoyed with Elena for dumping Damon's butt AGAIN. :) But be positive guys. Love your whole ship, not just the half.

I personally love the DB scenes because Damon and Bonnie are brilliant together as 'forced-to-be-friends', they always make me laugh. They have a really sparky relationship, I like the banter, and how Bonnie is always exasperated with Damon.
over a year ago pattykirsche said…
Which After Hours scene was turned to be a DE scene?

I gave up on that show since Bonnie's mother came to town... Apart from DE ou DB or SE, the show is really boring... They changed Damon too much from the books.
over a year ago aceg said…
TheWuzzy: lol nice to see a patient DE fan in the "fire zone".
over a year ago Realist1 said…
I'm not sure if they did steal After hours, yet, to give to DE instead. I answered a question before, regarding if I was mad that they stole a Bamon scene to give to DE and I will repeat what I said there.

Even though they showed that Elena met Damon before Stefan, it does not show if Damon met Bonnie before he met Elena. I will wait and see what the following seasons will bring.

Again, I posted this else where - I hope that they show the After Hours scene first, before they explore Bamon, as it will help to show that they just did not come out of no where and from where they begun.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@Realist1 Many have stated on the wall the only reason Damon met Dopple was because he heard Bonnie's name mentioned. When he heard Bonnie he got up out of the road and moved toward the voice which he probably assumed was with Bonnie. Notice he didn't go obsessive or even seem to care much she looked like Kat and he compelled her to forget. That little bit told me that he was in town passing through and checking up on Bonnie. I felt that scene was more covert Bamon than DE because it was because of Bonnie (a name that could be replaced by any name but they CHOSE that name) he got up and met dopple. Also because he was in town, Bonnie's witch powers kicked in. Now we need the Bennett back story and what deal did he make with Emily (specifics) because i have a feeling, and I could be wrong, that its more than protecting her line(on Damon part that is).

over a year ago LuCe60bis said…
^ THIS !
over a year ago Viky11 said…
Wow, you give me BamonHope @lacage!!! <3 So true! When he heard Bonnie's name, his eyes popped open and were full with interest and curiosity.I believe in what you say. He was in the town because of her. We definitely need the Bennett backstory!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tigerlily888 said…
@lacage0 perfectly said! So much hope right now!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Lacage) I thoughted the same things, I have a feeling Damon made a blood Bond with EMily and her children from the bennett line. Thats my bloody theory and Im manky stickin to it. lol
over a year ago BonnieStan said…
@Lacage0 you gave me hope for S4!
over a year ago ducky8abug4u said…
@Realist1 I doubt TVD (writers, executive producers, etc) are interested in pursuing any historical or romantic link between Bonnie and Damon. They've made it clear that they're only interested in the three main characters. I doubt they will ever make any effort to show Bonnie and Damon's connection on the show, whether that involves a past meeting or their present. Julie Plec never wanted to pursue the story in that way.
over a year ago aceg said…
lol Isn't it the main theme of TVD involves a triangle between one girl and two brothers? The producers already set the tune even before TVD start to air.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg you've been very rude like since coming back into the bamon spot. Yes this is the theme but as you yourself knows that is also not manky true. Especially if you were to bloody look at the books the trio is no more really since anybody is hooking up with everybody. Damon&Bonnie, Stefan&Caroline (Shortly but did hook up after Elame was dead) even Matt&Bonnie sometimes hook up. You should voice your opinons somewhere else they have a right to believe and not believe but not to be laughed at by someone who claimed they were a flippin DB fan. Good day mate.
over a year ago aceg said…
What do you like about this couple if tptb turned to write a random hook up for them? No offense I am just curious?
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over a year ago ducky8abug4u said…
@Aceg Mind if I step in for DamonsLilBird?

Before I answer the question, I'd like to impart a few Bamontastic thoughts. The chemistry, the witty back and forth banter and the juxtaposition of a sensitive witch restoring the natural order of life while partnering with a socipathic, manic-depressive, freak of nature, are some of the things that intrigue me about Bonnie and Damon. They make an interesting partnership; two supernatural beings working together for a common outcome. So far, I've found that aspect of their interactions interesting and it still continues to draw me in.

Now, Aceg, the question you asked cannot be answered because "a random hook-up" did not take place. At least, not yet (here's hoping, though). When it does, I am confident our lovely LilBird (that's you, @DamonsLilBird) will regale us on all the details involving this stunning pair.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aceg said…
@ducky8abug4u: lol it is strange that you ship you fave character with a sociopath (your word) anyway . It seems to me that your Interpretation fit more in category of passive fellowship like the dynamic between Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling. Two people were literally forced to work together and eventually find a special connection with one another. However this type of "polar opposite attraction" may not evolved into romantic companionship. It is true that polar opposite romance does exist like Sonny/Emily, Danny/Michelle because the whole good girl/bad boy with gold heart dynamic works. However, Show Bamon and Clarice/Lecter would not work that way.

"Now, Aceg, the question you asked cannot be answered because "a random hook-up" did not take place"

I think you misunderstood. It is my question to DLB's philosophy of "anybody hook up with anybody so Bamon should hook up".

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Ducky*abug4u: Hiya mate I bloody miss ya *Gloomps you* lol yes I know Bamon has this fire that pulls eachother closer wither they wanted to be or not to be You can simply look at their realationship in different point areas but come back to one conculison they are bloody meant to be. Of course DE fans believe this but thats because the writing is telling them this I did not manky become a Bloody DB fan because of the writing, know I watch their actions in the books. An saw that these characters who keep crossing eachothers paths are foruming a un noticed bond between eachother only few of these people have seen it. Klaus being the first witness lol @Aceg You can fluant your knowledge and say this and that mate but to be fair Bamon is not a random hook up I'm simply suggesting that the books are showing you anybody can hook up. But for Bamon they did not just randomly swap partners like Ms. Angel Slut herself nope they simply were drawn to eachother.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
The more a See about TVD Season 4 The More I feel I will Just Be Watching the Bonnie Ep’s and just Read about the Other Stuff That will Work Best for Me looks like season 4 will be all kinds of wrong and will top season 3 .
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: It seems that the reasons you ship bamon is due to the book and you seems to project your feelings of book bamon on show bamon which seem to have little relevance. While I respect your personal choice, I disagree...But I leave that since our discussion reaches a dead end.
over a year ago DarkSoulz said…
Heh, that's exactly how I started shipping (Show) Damon and Bonnie. Because of the books. I was expecting the show's plotline to be exactly like the books. But it wasn't... they have disappointed me. Sigh, sigh. So, I don't ship DB on the show anymore. It became clear to me that there's wasn't going to be any deep connection between them like in the books... sure, the chemistry is interesting, but that's not what I'm looking for. :/
over a year ago ginbell84 said…
I never saw any books I am a 100% TV Bamon Fan But i know some Book Bamon Fans and from what they tell me I think Bamon in the Books are Great . OK Now WHY are the Writers Redoing the same story over now that Elene is a Vamp ??? I hope there going to come with something more then that Weak ass Story Telling . I want a actual Story not Plot point Writing or writing that is there to pimp ships that was pulled out of some ones ass 2 mins ago
over a year ago silverdot16 said…
hei guys! soo... am new here and if i unknowingly break any rules i am not supposed to plz forgive me :) alright so here goes my first rant. well this article here says that Damon is gonna go all jello on Elena, i mean come on!! he already is jello like over her, how much more? i feel like puking. cherry on top apparently Bonnie can be only seen by Jeremy :( , well am not entirely sure about that but still kinda sad
Viky11 commented…
I feel sick. Literally. I'm so done with this shit! This article...Oh my GOD!! Elena elena elena elena....we got it for god sake : YOU THINK Elena suffered a lot or wait YOU THINK only Elena and maybe Damon who suffered but guess what MsGoddesofthe Writers? YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG!!! Oh my God I cant believe this shit.. sorry silverdot for the rant but arghhh :@ over a year ago
silverdot16 commented…
no.. yea its alright, i get it over a year ago