Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago aceg said…
@ducky8abug: I don't care about and have no interest in her personal choice. I am not trying to lecture here. But after viewing many similar remarks, I think it is needed to be reasonable on this particular topic. sometimes there are certain topics and words that are sensitive that you may not want to bring them on the table. Imagine a canadian citizen's (or Jewish, German, French) reaction after view a person who said "Seig heil" . There foreher comments can be easily perceived as offense by to general population and certain group of people.

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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SMH haters of DE are just jealous and bitter because A) They ship Bamon or that fail ship SE. 2) DE is the winning ship so they try to find EVERY reason to hate on it. 3) They’re idiots that call DE “morally wrong”. Hooking up with your boyfriend’s brother is not wrong and IDGAF what anybody says. Stefan can go off with Katherine because that’s his true love. Elena is Damon’s true love. DELENA = Damon Eternality Loves Elena Not Another. Suck it bitch

LMFAO! Haters? Haha. Delena has haters? Oh wow, that's something really shocking. BIGGEST SHOCK OF THE CENTURY. Considering that the Delena ship has a BIG cult following. Elena is Damon's true love? REALLY???? That's not what L.J. Smith wrote in her own writing, dumb bitch. Hooking up with your boyfriends brother is NOT morally wrong, you say? Wow, then I'm guessing that you must be a fucking whore yourself with no morals or standards. And yeah, the woman who caused so much turmoil and pain for both of the Salvatore brothers is Stefan's true love. What a fucking dumb bitch this person is. Guess what, you're WRONG. Suck it, BITCH.

I apologize for the language. I'm just tired of responding to ignorance and stupidity.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
ApplePie88 your posts are beautiful! I couldn't agree more!
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Oh wow……you just pissed off 83% of the fanbase that ship DE. You have no idea what TRUE LOVE is! Damon and Elena are MADE for each other and when DE happens it will be amazing. Elena brings out Damon’s good side, Damon brings out Elena’s fun and happy side, and they have the best eye sex on TV. GTFO and go ship AU Bamon or cheesy STALENA because DE is endgame.

I can't even reply to this nonsense.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Sesshomaru_Girl: Thank you. I appreciate it. :)

What I don't understand is why are Delena fans so angry? If they really believe in their ship so much, then why are they outbursting and taking it out on the DB and SE fan bases? It's because they know their ship is doomed from the start and has absolutely ZERO chance for success. NADA. ZILCH. ZIP. DELENA = ILL-FATED AND DOOMED FROM THE START RELATIONSHIP. Delena fans can continue to live in their little world of delusions. They are so ridiculous, it's not even funny. I just laugh at them and make fun of them now, whenever I see them make comments like the ones posted above.
over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
My feelings towards DE is a mixture of disgust and vile. I mean seriously they are the most concieted bunch of fans I have ever encountered!For starters- they post themselves on the Damon spot and harass anyone who doesn't ship them. Seriously it's the Damon spot meaning it's all about him and not DE! But being the dumb cretins they are they post on it anyway. I'm really getting sick of their behavior it's extremely childish and annoying. We all know they love their beloved ship but they don't have to advertise them every waking moment that they get! And don't get me started with the fans! They are the most rudest people I had ever mean tin my life.

I mean why ship a couple that lacks in the chemstry department. It makes them seem desperate and pathetic! Delena is a just a cheap way to make you vomit. They are gross and I really don't see the appeal between them. Hopefully DE fans will relaize that!
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Sesshomaru_Girl: The truth is, they are never going to realize it. Because they are BRAINWASHED. They believe that it's Delena or NOTHING. They don't believe that Damon can find happiness with someone who isn't Elena. And they also don't believe that Ian has chemistry with anyone else on the show that ISN'T Nina Dobrev. So what's the point? We can keep trying to argue our stances, and views with them in a logical and sensical manner. Do you really think that is going to have any influence on their opinions and change the fact that they are brainwashed? No. And don't get me started on the Damon Spot, or even the TVD spot. I had to unsubscribe to those two spots, because the hatred being thrown at Damon lovers who like Damon with Bonnie is absolutely atrocious. Also, the TVD spot. Any poster who's a fan of both SE and/or DB gets harassed and attacked by a bunch or whole herd of DE supporters. Never mind that, if any poster in the TVD spot doesn't worship Delena/Nian the way they do, they get viciously attacked like a pack of wolves attacking an innocent person. It's really sad and that's why I feel so scared of going on either spot any more. Because I know I'm going to come across excessive hatred against SE and DB.
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over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
@ApplePie88: Amen! What you said deserves to be speeched to the whole world lol! DE are brainwaished I mean look at them I wouldn't be surprised if they think that god was Damon and Elena. Their utopia constantly revolves around them and it is very sickening! I mean I wouldn't mind if they were actually nice fans... but no they are the exact flipping opposite. DE fans are just one-dimensional just like Damon and Elena they only know how to function one way and that is to harass every TVD who isn't a DE fan. If you think about they are very angry people because they know DE has no chemsitry of what so ever, so they decide to promote them as if they were a big movie and bully anyone who doesn't worship them. The DE fanbase is just incredibly STUPID!
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Sesshomaru_Girl: I hate to sound like I;m a mean girl when I post my comments and rants regarding both DE and the DE fan base, but then again, I feel like it is so necessary sometimes. I've seen the way that many Delena supporters have treated so many SE and DB supporters everywhere on all of the social sites. Sites like Twitter (Twitter is the WORST), FaceBook, Tumblr and not only that, what about all of the blogs, message boards, and forums used to discuss about TVD. I STOPPED posting on the CW forum, and the TVD.net forums because of the Delena supporters. I even deleted my Twitter, because I was cyber-harassed by a bunch of Delena supporters. And I even had to de-activate my own FB account, because I posted pro-Stelena and pro-Bamon comments on the TVD FB page. I had to delete all of my comments and de-activate my FB account because of being sent endless hate mail, along with some of my other FB friends who also supported SE and DB and got attacked for it. Now, I know not the entire DE fan base are this terrible, but unfortunately, the bad most definitely outweighs the good. Some DE supporters are not as extreme as others, but even if they are not as extreme, they can still be pretty mean-spirited and nasty and normally when they are mean, they are mean for no reason. When I respond the way that I do and call them out, I'm not doing it for no reason. I'm responding to them and their bashing against the SE and DB fan bases and also the bashing of the SE and DB ships. I'm not going out of my way to personally threaten a whole bunch of Delena supporters because they ship Delena. No. I am calling out the excessive amount of DE supporters who are just downright extreme and hateful. And you know, maybe I do sound like a mean and hateful bitch when I do respond, but you know what? As far as I'm concerned, there has got to be at least some SE and DB supporters willing to stand up for themselves, their ships and both of these fan bases. Because the way I see it and i hate to say this but most of the SE and DB fan bases are generally rather passive in nature. Most of us just sit back and lay back and let the DE fan base walk all over us and bash our ships in such an extreme, excessive and hateful manner. I used to be the same way, but after I experienced being cyber-bullied and harassed by them over the internet because I support and defend SE and DB (logically, I shall add), I have felt the need to step up, defend myself and the ships in which I support, as well as those other innocent SE and DB supporters who have been viciously attacked by the Delena fan base the way that I have in the past. I know that most SE and DB fans are for the most part respectful, humble, nice, calm, gentle and quiet. but I'm sorry, I refuse to let the Delena fan base treat our fan bases like shit and bash our ships excessively and just get away with it. Enough is enough, seriously.

Also, I find it so hilarious that Delena fans use the same excuse to justify their ship over and over again, when it's an excuse or reason that's not even true in the first place. Damon brings out Elena's fun and happy side? Really? What show are they watching?? Because last time I checked, Elena has never smiled or looked happy with Damon the way that she does with Stefan. Also, Elena brings out Damon's good side? Really? Or so that's why he's always either really depressed/emo/whiny or irritated/angry/violent when he is with her or in her mere presence. Oh yeah, Elena brings out such a "good side" of him, that at the end of 2x12, after Elena had tried to comfort him, no subconsciously manipulate him, due to Roses death, Damon ended up going off and killing an innocent girl (Jessica). Yeah, Elena and Damon REALLY bring out the best in each other. -Sarcasm-

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Sesshomaru_Girl: I hate to sound like I;m a mean girl when I post my comments and rants regarding bot
over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
@ApplePie88: Yes enough is enough! I will always and forever stand up for my ship, if I didn't I will not only disrespect myself but Bamon also. It's not fun being bullied and I hate when the bullies do it. Wow! You had to delete your FB account! I wasn't even awarethat there's DE fans there. Gosh there everywhere!
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over a year ago aceg said…
I just finishing my voting for that "who ships who" pick. As I scrolled down the page, It is really funny that many people trying to figuring out actress or actor's preference/answer on behalf of them. I could not stop myself from laughing. why care so much about what actors/actresses think about couples that is fictional? Is it about winning competition or geting a award? lol
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Sesshomaru_Girl: Yep, I've endured plenty of cyber-bullying to last me a lifetime. LOL. And the fact of the matter is, I never even did anything for them to even cyber bully me in the first place. All I did was post my reasons (and they were many reasons, like literally, it was essay/novel format but then again, you know me LOL) and I got viciously attacked because of it.FOR SIMPLY SHIPPING SE AND DB. The only reason I can think of on why they harassed me for simply stating why I ship both SE and DB is that they were insecure and jealous or they knew that my reasons for supporting these ships made sense, were logical and completely justified. There is no other reason why I would end up getting endless hate mail for simply stating my support for these two ships.

@Aceg: I think many of the TVD fans are just really curious. Personally, and I'm not being biased, but when it comes to the actors and the actresses on TVD, this is who I think they support (non-biased from my POV):

Nina Dobrev: Stelena ― Although, she has talked about Delena and even mentioned in one interview that the idea of Delena would be entertaining, there is no doubt about it that Nina is most definitely more of a Stelena shipper. She talks very highly of their relationship and believes Stefan and Elena's love for each other. Plus, she has also said repeatedly (and most recently, in which she got bashed for by the Delena supporters for saying) that Elena is completely and stoically loyal to Stefan and that she loves him more then anything and would do anything for him. Nina also said recently that it would be very OOC for Elena to reciprocate Damon's affections.

Paul Wesley: Stelena ― 100% Stelena supporter. Paul endlessly gushes about how beautiful and epic Stefan and Elena's love for each other is and how much Stefan loves her and can't live without her how Elena can't live without Stefan. Oh yeah, definitely a staunch Stelena shipper.

Ian Somerhalder: Delena ― Although, I do find that Ian does feel incredibly stifled to talk about Delena because most of his fans happen to be DE supporters, unfortunately. So in reality, he could be a non-shipper if I'm being honest. I think Ian is just willing to talk about anything that needs to be promoted regarding the show and his character of Damon more then anything else. I mean, this is his job as an actor, so I think Ian just talks about Delena, because that is what is being explored on the show right now in regards to Ian's character, Damon. And he's being paid for it so..

Katerina Graham: Stelena & Bamon ― She said in an interview that she openly thinks Stefan and Elena belong together. Also think Kat supports Bamon, although she has not confirmed this in public because of all of the excessive hatred and vitriol that she would receive from the DE fan base as a result. However, it is so obvious that she really likes and supports the idea of Bamon.

Candice Accola: Delena ―But IMO, she probably goes back and forth. If I'm being honest, I think she said Delena at the time, because it happens to be the popular thing to support right now. And that was her exact reason for saying Delena at that moment, which IMO, is a rather shallow reason but...

Steven R. McQueen: Beremy ― Obviously, Steven likes and supports Beremy, because he has a humongous crush on Kat Graham, which is beyond cute if I'm being completely honest. :P

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over a year ago ducky8abug said…

You're right. I do agree. Maybe its only fair for certain fans to take the heat for posting/tweeting offensive comments. Once a person has shown insensitivity towards others and is brazen enough to share it in a public forum, then its only reasonable to expect a fair amount of backlash.

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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
"Um yeah….How will she be a whore?? She won’t love Stefan anymore once she gets with Damon or Damon will make her see that Stefan is a spoiled little child who is always whining and bitching about every little thing that goes wrong in his perfect little world. He’s St Stefan with the mentality of a damn child! He has ALWAYS been the golden boy, used getting what he wants, so when he loses Elena to the better brother he will most likely have the biggest cry feast ever. And guess what NO ONE IS GONNA CARE BECAUSE IF ALL THE SHIT HE HAS DONE! Only people with morals like you are gonna come to Stefan’s altar and defend him….."

ROTFLMFAO! Hahaha, OMG, I can't even..this is the most STUPIDEST and most illogical comment that I have come across today. The Delena fan base really are proving what a laughing stock they really are to the rest of this fandom. If I'm being honest, I'm almost EMBARRASSED. Stefan is the one who whines and bitches about every little thing??? Oh yeah, that's right it was Stefan who was moping and whining in the bathtub to Andie and crying about how he can't be himself around Elena, because she wants him to be something that he's not. Yeah, it was Stefan who cried and whined at the end of 2X12 about how he has an existential crisis and how he's such a fucked up little vampire. Oh yeah, it was STEFAN who selfishly compelled Elena while crying his eyes out like a whiny baby (CGI tear inserted). Oh yeah, Stefan is SUCH a whiner and complainer. -Sarcasm- I swear, these Delena fans are beyond fucking delusional.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
"Everyone has morals BUT we honestly don’t care who ends up with who! I don’t think it’s morally wrong for Elena to be with Damon…..

"Most of the TVD cast like Candice ships them, Mike (one of the VD writers) ships them, and some of the characters in the show (Rose, Elijah, Katherine) ship DE"

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over a year ago lacage0 said…
big smile
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I knew I couldn't take that DE supporters comments seriously when she mentioned that characters on the show ship Delena. OMFG, so hilarious.
over a year ago aceg said…
@ApplePie88: Thanks for the replay. I think I overreacted a little. I apologize for that. I hope you (and @sducky8abug) don't find my comments offended. Sometimes I may momentarily lose my sanity. If yes As always I enjoy reading your thoughtful analysis. Word cannot express my appreciation for your deep understanding. Only if there are more rational fans like you and our bamonators then then it is likely to enjoy peace in tvd spot.

"I think Ian just talks about Delena, because that is what is being explored on the show right now in regards to Ian's character, Damon. And he's being paid for it so."

I agree. I don't think Ian is really a hardline DE shipper and Damon defender that the cult claimed to be. Based on some of his interview and that Taxes tour (with Candice), he is the "go with flow" type guy. He talks about many flaws of his character's personality and justify other character's wariness (especially Bonnie)when it come to his character. He's also a open-minded guy and likes to work with other actors. As for Kat, she always has a soft spot for Bamon. She talks lot about Bamon in the past and in her chats. (like Ian)She is also a open-minded person and really enjoys working with Ian and they are great friends in real life (though I could not remebmer if Ian has ever said the same about Kat in public). But what really worries me is that such a "who ship who" topic may result in another bloody wars. (considering the nature of tvd forums and many fans)They will twist and exaggerate actor/actress's comments to suit their own agenda even if that comment is made up by fans (this happened a lot). This happened a lot and what bother me the most are some fans give a bias view like Ian and Kat doesn't like Bamon blah blah blah. So they can prove themselves are superior to the fans who shared different views from them. Besides, I may be a little bias when it come to tvd spots and forums. But they turn every chance they have to deliberately trigger shipper's wars with every repetitive or hostile pools. Sometimes I shake my head and ask myself whether the purpose of watching TVD is enjoying their couples or winning contest. Because with the way they act, I kwould thin they care more about winning bloody shipper's wars than they care their own couples.
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over a year ago Minaftw said…
Kat Graham confirmed she likes Bamon

boo yeah bitches!

also see this:
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
“It’s fairly obvious why Bamon has the fanbase that they do. All the black girls who watch the show want the sexiest man in the history of television to be with the only (consistant) black girl on the show. Well, it’s not going to happen. When Bamon becomes a couple, Britney Spears will be president and Charlie Sheen will own the CW.”

Where the fuck do these people come from?!

“Stefan needs to kill Bonnie. That way, Bonnie will be dead, and Elena will totally be turned off of Stefan and get with Damon. Two birds, one stone. Three birds, actually. Yay for birds!”

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over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Yay for birds!

Absolutely. Bonnie's cute pet nicknames in the books given by Damon. Little redbird, baby bird... seriously every time I see birds i think of Bonnie.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

Come on, girl you know by now that those people got brain damage. After seeing the sheer stupidity of their comments how do you manage the energy to spare them any consideration?

I've read so many utterly meaningless things like that lately, I resigned myself to the fact they are living in an alternate realitity. They are getting to desperate than it's actually obvious.
And not only on the Bamon front comments -

i mean, the only fact they actually think Damon brings out happy, fun Elena makes you to wonder if they are on meds... or acids.

Because even loving Delena or considering a cute couple, one should be able to admit the circumstances DE usually bond over are hardly happy.

When was ever Elena happy in company of Damon?
During the georgia trip, when she was desperate to distract herself from her idea of Katherine/Stefan?
During that one dance in Mis Mystic Falls, when she had Stefan in his addict phase to worry over?
Right over or right before Damo killed her little brother, her best friend?
After knowing he had killed her biologocal mother?
When Damon let know to Elija he could kill John Girlbert, because Elena would not care?
When they had their second roadtrip, and she was pissed off over Jeremy?
After the tomb got open, when Damon was devastated, and she tried to offer some symphathy?

When was ever Elena happy, in any of those histances?
Maybe she was amused on occasion, but this as far it goes, if you are looking at it RATIONALLY.

But then, those are the same people who think Stefan's true love is Katherine.

Well, as a person who loved the potential of KS, and hoped to see more of them, I got the lucidity to say that facts prove otherwise.

Stefan was over Katherine long time before he met Elena - the only unresolved feelings he has toward Katherine were anger over her 'mindraping' him and shame for having loved her.
Also, unlike Damon, Stefan never had the chance to know the full gory, murderous, psycho glory of Katherine when he was human.

Also, I'm oliveskinned. Should I ship DE because of it?

Honestly, I will never understand how some people can type things like that and not be embarassed of themselves and their low QI later.

But then, I suppose low QI would not allow them to realize their flaw.

Oh, well.
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over a year ago nikki_A said…
@ApplePie88: I LLoovvvee your posts man !!
you go girl. These Dumb Entertainment fans do need a wake up call and I'm proud to see you standing up to them :D

Also, When did Candice say she was Pro-DE??
over a year ago kindhiya said…
big smile
why its only now i find this forum :/ i suck
anyway i love all the comments loool
over a year ago kindhiya said…
ok so...my though about the show....
i've to admit im really disappointed by the show...i was expected so much better than that,i mean some vampire seems to be too young...in their act. they're not like i always see vampires (i love vampire since im a child and not since the twlight saga lool)
i see vampires like lestat in th queen of the damned or interview with a vampire or dracula...mysterious dangerous unpredictable.....and classic (thats why i like elijah some much because he's the only vampire who seems real...and interesting) and katherine too.
the writers make a teenage vampire diaries....thats so sad.
over a year ago iLauren said…
Yeah, longtime lurker and Bamon fan from way back.

I just need to toss in my 2cents about the quote that "only black girls ship Bamon." This group alone is probably one of the most diverse groups on FP. There are members of different races, members from different countries, and members who speak various languages all united by our love of Bamon; on the wall and in the forums you will find a variety of reasons in several languages why so many people love this couple and not a damn one was "Well I'm black and Bonnie's black, so she a Damon and belong together because I want the only black girl with Damon because Ian is so hot!" Meanwhile on the other side, I can bring up quote after quote of why people don't want Damon with Bonnie based solely on TV!Bonnie's race.

My Rant: I hate how the fangirls of the TV show pretty much invaded the book fandom and ruined it with their catfighting and shipper wars. Before the show the fan communities were a fun and cool place to hang out, everyone got along no matter who your favorite character was or which couple was your favorite; now you can't even go in without seeing someone starting drama. Most of the book fans I knew are gone, I can't really blame them, no sane person wants to deal with the current insanity plaguing the community.

Rant 2: Damon and his weekly supernatural beat down, it seems like each week a new supernatural creature shows up. Rather than have Damon spy on said creature or talk with them to get a feel for what their alignment is; they have Damon just attack the new character only to have him get his butt handed to him in the fight.

Damon vs. Shelia: Damon is pwned
Damon vs. Pearl: Damon gets beaten down by big mama vamp.
Damon vs. Mason: Uncle Wolvie wipes the floor with him, he had to tag in Bonnie to help him.
Damon vs. ...you see where I'm going with this? At this point, whenever I see Damon get that, "I'm going to beat this guy up." look on his face, I think to myself, "No, just don't do it Damon; you're just going to get beaten up." I just want to tell the girls screaming that Bonnie is going to hurt Damon to save their breath, because whatever Bonnie does will pale in comparison to what happens to Damon when he eventually goes after Klaus and loses an arm or something.
over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
@iLauren:Your post was beautiful! I agree with every word you said. I'm black too and msot of the time I find it extremely annoying when DE fans or fans of the t.v show in general say 'oh your black? So that's why you ship Bamon because Bonnie is Black and you want her to be with Damon'. It's very nerveracking to a point where I want to strangle somebody! Urgh I really can't stand DE and I'm glad this thread was created. So I can RANT all day and night lol!
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over a year ago lacage0 said…
@MinaFTW Thanks for posting that but I will have to say that reading those comments made my IQ drop several points. I had to come back to this site to raise them again. As an African-American female, I will say that those who make racist comments are primarily a product of their raising so I don't hate them, I pity them for not knowing any better.

As for wanting Bonnie with Damon, Damon is his true self when he's around Bonnie, snarky witty and oh the sexy ust stares they have. Damon is obsessed with Dopple because of Kat but he's fallin for Bonnie because of who she is and how she calls him on his true self and lets him know what time it is.

As for Ian, he knows if he says anything positive about Kat or Bamon, it would be like last time where Kat would get alot of hate mail and even more colorful comments made about herself and her character. I think he just rather speak at nauseum about Delena than to put Kat through that. Personally, I think Ian doesn't ship he promotes what's happen in the moment and right now the show and writers want Dumb Entertainment (this cracks me up everytime)

I am interested in seeing the last of the season episodes and the Bamon moments. I didn't get to see the pic of the bedroom but based on the comments I read it could be Bonnies and now I'm curious. Was Bonnie at the Salvatore house when she was working with Damon? SO many questions April 7th needs to get here with a quickness lol
over a year ago Sesshomaru_Girl said…
@lacage0: Yes that's another big thing that I've forgotten about and that is racism towards Bonnie! Whenever a DE fan or a TVD in general complains about Bonnie being an African American in the show I want to punch the living day lights out of them. It's extremely childish I mean it's like hello were in 2011 not in the 1960's. so grow the hell up!
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over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
iLauren: I 100% agree with everything you said. As a long time book fan, I can honestly say that even though I like the show, one of the things I resent it for was all of the crazy fans it brought into the book fandom when it became popular.

Before the show, the Vampire Diaries fanbase was peaceful (shocker right?). Like Lauren already stated, everyone got along for the most part, regardless of who you shipped, or what characters you liked/disliked. There were none of these pathetic "shipping wars" (which I hate).

I'm not saying all of the fans brought in because of the show are crazy (a lot of our fellow Bamonators and friends came from the show), but I rarely saw any of the bashing in the fandom when it was just the books like we do now.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Aceg: I forgot to reply to your comment last night and I apologize. I was so caught up in the nonsense coming from the TVD fandom last night and I was having a laughing fest reading some of the delusional comments coming from Delena fans. Now in regards to your comment, yes, I agree with you that Ian probably doesn't really ship any particular couple on TVD, but he is willing to promote and show support whatever his character happens to be going through on the show at a current time. I have a feeling that down the road, when the Bamon relationship is explored in the future, Ian will have to talk about it and promote it as well, the exact same way that Ian is talking about and promoting Delena at the moment. It's all about promotion, that's all it is. Plus, aside from the fact that that is his job as an actor on this show, I think it is also about Ian trying to cater to and impress his fan base. He knows that a large portion of his fans are Delena supporters (Delena nutzos would be a better word for them) and because of this, I think this stifles Ian and forces him into talking about it non-stop. Ian, deep down, may not want to talk about all the time the way that he does, but he has to so that he can impress his fans. I'm not going to try to speak for Ian, because I really don't know what he thinks or feels but judging by the way he acts in interviews, it all seems like one big promotion on Ian's part on the show's behalf and also, his fan bases behalf.

Maximum: If I'm being honest, before the CW show came out, most people who were TVD book readers were Stelena/Bamon fans. Sure, there were some Delena fans as well, but the vast majority of the novel series TVD readers supported both Stelena and Bamon. When I started reading the books, the original series, when I was 13 years old, almost all of my friends and everyone else that I knew who were reading the TVD books were SE and DB supporters. The only reason why DE picked up such a rabid and cult-like following is strictly because of the CW show; mostly because these stupid silly fangirls are obsessed with Ian Somerhalder and because he has pretty blue eyes.
over a year ago skater_girl1 said…
Well I have not read the books but yeah my friend reads them and she ships Bamon for 6/7 years now, she used to go to forums because she loves DB in books and show but she has now stopped because some DE fans mock her opinion about DB, as for me, although I have not read the books but I'm loving them in show, I'm a white girl but these racist comments are making me embarrassed to be a part of TVD fandom, that's why I only come into this bamon spot and don't go to any TVD related spot, it's so embarrassing to see those comments.
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over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
Apple: What really pisses me off is when show Delena fans who haven't read the books come and bash Stelena and Bamon fans from the books, when they don't know what they're talking about. THE SHOW AND BOOKS ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT. There was this one girl one time (not naming names) who came on the book spot and bashed us about Bamon, and tried saying she had read the books. (Which she pretty much proved wasn't true when she started talking about "Jeremy's" roll in the books when he doesn't even freaking exist in the books.

Before the show, I agree, it seemed like Stelena and Bamon were the bigger fanbases, but that all changed when along came Ian Sommerholder *rolls eyes*. I really sometimes wonder if it would be different if Ian played Stefan and Paul Damon (not that Paul isn't smoking hot himself).

Skater: I know what you mean. And Fanpop is actually one of the sane spots when it comes to the TVD fanbase. Have you been to the CW boards? People are INSANE there.
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over a year ago aceg said…
@ApplePie88: those crazies are like pests lol.
@skater_girl1: that's why I haven't join any tvd spots other than bamily.
@Maximumridefan lol CW forum is perhaps one of the worst TVD spots, next to youtube, followed by twitter.
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over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
aceg: Agree people are crazy on C.W boards. I don't even go on them anymore. As for YouTube I just choose to try not to look at the comments when I watch a VD video. LOL
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Skater_Girl1: I completely understand and I totally agree. I think it is beyond embarrassing to belong or be a part of a fan base that displays close-mindedness and bigotry. Some of the Delena fan's comments really anger me, but the ones that just get my blood boiling are most definitely the racial slurs/comments. And I hate when they try to stereotype and say that all the girls who ship Bamon on the show are Black, when that is just NOT TRUE. Let me just say one thing to break this stereotype: I'm half Cuban/Mexican (Latina), half Irish/Italian (White/Caucasian) and I'M NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH. Racism is something that I don't take lightly and it angers me when people bring the subject of race and even sexuality into fiction, when they both have absolutely no place in fiction. Because Bonnie happens to be AA and Damon happens to be Caucasian, that means that they shouldn't be in a love relationship because of it? NEWSFLASH: This is fucking 2011, get with the current times. Inter-racial relationships are the BIGGEST thing now a days. Everyone is blending with each other now, nobody is really one particular ethnicity or race anymore. We're multicultural, we're all mixed in some way. That's why when I read some of these racist comments made by Delena supporters, I go ballistic, because it is so wrong on so many levels and so greatly unnecessary.

Maximum: Most Delena fans haven't even read the books to begin with and this is rather factual. Most of all these DE supporters you are seeing acting like a nuisance are a bunch of brainwashed, mindless zombies who worship him and are obsessed with fantasizing about Ian Somerhalder fingering them 24/7. Most Delena fans who say that they have read the books are lying. And even if they have read the books, most of them only read the Delena parts and skip through everything else. Also, it beyond annoys me when more then half of the Delena fans who strictly watch the TV show and have never even read the books, flock to L.J. Smith's site and basically tell her how to write her own story. And another thing, that time with the "Just For Fun" polls that L.J. had put up on her site asking the fans, who should end up with who, and L.J. Smith took down the polls immediately, because she knew that they were all show fans voting on those polls. It caused a lot of drama, because Delena nutzos were flocking to her site and trying to rabidly vote on the polls over and over again. The Delena fans are really a bunch of whack jobs when you think about the way that they act and their general behaviour within this fandom. It's really embarrassing when you look at it and think about it.

Aceg: They are pests. I can't even go on any TVD forum discussion board anymore to have a decent discussion about the show in general, because it will always be spammed up with mindless, and useless Delena infested nonsense and garbage. I'm always going to come across the ignorance that much of the Delena fan base promotes over the forums, blogs and discussion boards. They are seriously like a virus that won't go away.
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over a year ago Minaftw said…
@skysamuelle I so agree with everything you said, Elena never is happy with Damon
over a year ago Minaftw said…
This so so stupid, am I the only one who noticed that Damon has told Elena he loves her more then three times already.

1. Isobel said Damon was in love with her, and Damon just stared at her not denying it while Stefan was there
2. Stefan knows Damon loves Elena, that's why he told Damon to back off
3. Damon asked Elena if she loved him and then tried to rape her
4. When Elena found out he kissed Katherine thinking it was her, Damon asked why Elena was surprised she would kiss him, Elena said that she wasn't surprised about the kiss, she was surprised that he thought she would kiss him back
5. Rose even told Elena that Damon loved him
6. Bonnie says Damon would help for Elena *again inferring that Damon loves her, at this point you would have to be blind and deaf to not see that Elena knows Damon loves her already*

WTH, the big plot line where Damon goes "vocal" is not surprising, interesting, or shocking at all, in any way, shape or form.

Because guess what? Damon, Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie all know that Damon loves Elena, so what would be so surprising if Damon says it again for the millionth time, this is just getting repetitive and stupid.
over a year ago ducky8abug said…
Aceg: Don't sweat it! I enjoy your comments.

MinaFTW: Yes, the Elena/Damon angle is a yawn-worthy, repetitive storyline.

Maximumridefan: The CW boards are quiet these days. You should give it a try.

ApplePie88: Every fan-dom has its mix of intellectuals, hot-heads, crazies and class clowns. Don't let a few bad apples discourage you from befriending a really nice/cool DE fan.

over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
MinaFTW: Agreed. that spoiler came off like its supposed to be *gasp*.. shocking! :O Umm no, it wasn't. I eye-rolled so hard when i read it.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Ducky8abug: It's going to take a lot more than one really nice or cool DE fan for me to ever have any respect for their fan base. I just can't respect their fan base, I'm sorry. A lot of them have said a lot of terrible things that I find really offensive, some things that are highly personal and have nothing to do with TVD. Not just to me, but also to many of my friends who post online. They've crossed the lines too many times. I know that not all of them are like that, but like I said again, the bad most definitely outweighs the good. I'm stubborn so it's kind of pointless to make me see it any other way, at least for now. I'm done trying to extend an olive branch to something that just keeps disappointing me over and over again. What's the point?
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over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Agree with ducky8abug, I just joined and I really don't see any shipping wars... :P
over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
^^ Maybe it's changed since the last time I was on it...maybe I will give the CW boards another shot. I haven't been on it in a while...
over a year ago kindhiya said…
why i think elena brings out the worse in damon....
when you re watch very carefully the episode you can see that every time elena talks to him and his feeling and says the "be a better man"
damon is totally devasted and kill many people...re watch the episode 13 season 2 (just an example)
every time elena talk to him to say "be a better man...i know you're hurt etc.... blablabla
damon KILL PEOPLE/USE PEOPLE/ABUSE PEOPLE.....so please tell me where is his humanity there? are you sure elena brings out his good side?? really?
i think all this DE thing is just a part of the vampire diaries's promo...just to create a drama and deep down you know that.
to me its just because of DAMON...because he's hot,because of
his beautiful blue eyes(lol) and because many of fan dreams to be elena.
for example in the season 2 episode 1 (ok i have to admit when damon kill elena's bro it was because of katherine)
episode 12 (the end) damon play with a girl and kill her after seeing and talking with Elena
episode 13 the andie things its about elena again...and damon uses her because of elena

those episode show us that actually elena brings out the worse in damon.
at the episode 3 damon tell her that she's like katherine she manipulated him to get what she wanted (at the episode 13 too)

Rose (even if i've never really like her) was good to him because for once,someone accept him (with his flaws and all) she understood him and don't try
to change him.
Elena wants damon change but she didn't do it in a good way...she forced him and damon think if he did it in her way maybe she will love you.
you can't force someone to change just because you want...he has to change himself because he wants...its his choice

Damon is like a child...he need someone to show him How to act as a good person? and he don't need someone to tell him he's bad bad bad or be a better man
i think he needs some example like stefan his brother or bonnie (example in the episode 22 in season one)
over a year ago katesbon said…
hi guys ,@applepie88 i totaly understand what u saying,for me i will never be fan of de fans ,cos they all are a like ,afew days a go i went to a forum on tv fanatic i am bamon fan which i think is the only left there defending bonnie,and let me tell u they were so mad about that, but one of them ask how old i was and that i can love bonnie somewhere else and also wishing for her (bonnie)to die and tht is anti bonnie thread so i can't defend her ,my point is they are so delusiona and kind of immature they can't accept any one defending her ,i felt bad and attack them cos they only hate bonnie cos of the new eps and that is immature and i am stupid for making them understand,then i was told to correct my grammer first in another word i was called stupid which is funny considering they understand what i wrote and never had a problem wit it when i write about everything except bonnie, i love stefan but i hate elena and i always tought he deserve better.so they were like hurt cos i was insulting them and delena which i didn't get and bonnie is bitch,stupid,arrogant,bossy and a bad friend ,hypicret who don't take responsiblity for her action,god i hate them i have a few friends who are delena but i can't take it any more ,i care less about them every day,cos of them i converted to a fully bamon fan and hate delena with a passion!!!the worest place in the world for bonnie is tv fanatic ,i keep defending and making threads for bamon and bonnie since i become a bamon fan and before that but no one cares ,which is sad ,i was called alot of names in other forums just cos i love bamon and bonnie,hey i love ian somerhalder because of lost and he is the reason i watch the show and my fav character is damon and elijha so they think tht i love bamon cos i am black,i was a delena fan first no one said anything about that,and my family has white,parsian,black so they attack my level of knowledge and understanding so sad ,so i am stupid cos i am bad writing in english which is not my native languege but i can speak perfectly and understand that they are stupid,i am now anti delena fans !!!ask them bonnie lit damon like ten eps ago and we already know that and they should make something new guess what they said i used the jeremy thing which is sad then i was a delena fan and i never used that for argument !!so my point is i hate delena and fans of them and i can't wait for thire stupid ship to happen!!!so i can have a reason not to watch tvd until bamon happens !!!love this place!!
over a year ago Minaftw said…
To the stupid Delusion Detards who think that Bamon shippers are all black, go look at the Bamon birthday board and see how many fans are actually A.A. and then after your done with dropping your chin to the floor you could leave and stop stereotyping, okay thanks
over a year ago aceg said…
@katesbon: Your reaction is totally understandable and is merely a defensive measure against them. But it is really hard to get rational with certain people when they are who lack of common sense. If they have common sense,they won't be plauged by the perputal insanity. It is such a shame waves of their own fellow fans abandoned DE due to the display of immaturity and rudeness. As a former semi-DE fan, I share your feelings.
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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
kindhiya: I understand only too well how you feel. I keep thinking that TVD would be so much better if it was thought-out as meant to a more grown up public. Focusing on the semi-sexual aspect of the show, while keeping the spiritual, psychological development related issues as subtext compromises a lot of the basic potential of the show.

There are many subjects of social and supernatural origin that might be explored instead of being barely hinted while we get saddled with two supposedly grownup men pining over a teenager princess.

The same character of Elena might become much more complex if they did not keep her under those unlikely wraps of supposed perfection, in order to allow the early teens masses to identify with her.

It's a shame.
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
lol You guys can go back to the CW hell hole if you want, just wait the peace WILL be broken. That's why I haven't gone back except to pop up in a Bamon topic. Because it never fails over there. Just wait. lol
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
" I hope Bonnie dies. Just saying. With Jeremy is HORRIBLE and she has nothing to do it with him.He's perfect,she's not."

Wow...I swear, these girls are just jealous of Kat/Bonnie.