Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago lorastefens said…
@crazy DE troll,

GTFO from our spot, never come here to bash DB fans and oh yeah you are respecting DB fans by calling them delusional.WTF!!!Do you know DE/DB are fictional but we are not and difference between real people and fictional people. so GTFO, never visit our spot, we love DB, get over it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
LOL I love DE trolls, they kind of prove to me that no matter how bad my life is, it'll never be THAT PATHETIC.
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
/\ lol sooo true!

i love how DE trolls call us delusional when its the same thing for them! Delena HASNT happened yet... so technically doesnt that make them delusional too!
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@CrazedBamonFan: LMAO, So true.

On Ian interviews: Right now it's part of Ian's job to publicize Delena and say pro-DE comments during interviews... just like it's Nina 's job saying something encouraging about DE aonce in awhile.

It's not personal... when DB happens he's say plenty of pro-BD things.

I notice the cherry troll had not the nerve to come back and argue her hypocrisy. Good.

ApplePie88: never stop being an awesome Bamon supporter.

This is a Bamon RANT furum, meant to be the place where we can get off some steam. Any intelligent fan understands that.
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over a year ago lorastefens said…
@applepie, I have taken this path that I will not talk to the persons" who can't respect my opinion, that's why I don't even address them here, I only address them as trolls in my Bamon spot, as for other place, If anyone insult me because of my shipping preference, I answer them back, otherwise I don't care .Anyways rant over.

Guys have you seen this.


I love this DB video.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Again, thank you everyone for your support and kind words. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys and your support. Means alot. Just know that if anybody attacks any of your personally or anyone within this fan base, they will answer to me. And trust me, I will put them in their place.

over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Hi mates sorry was at the bloody market all night but too Applepie yee is most welcome. I hated how she came into a sum what funny zoo and disrespect one of us. @Berry18 should stay too being bloody Dumb over the flippin Entertainment that is DE. @Aceg hey mate good to see ya your right they can get sued meh Aunt Besty works for Washignton State. Lol can you see DB justice?
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Yep I don't know why they always come to our spot to post all those stuff. We don't go in their spot to call them names.
Why can't they do the same for us?
over a year ago chazzaf said…
On with rant.Im sick of being called names when I go on a Bamon video.Im sick of being called a Guinea and im sick of being made out the bad one when I say something back and make the other person upset.But I was brought up in a very street wise area and was told not to take anyone's crap.Well ive had it up to hear I know there is a lot of nice DE fans but all the ones that arent nice give the nice ones of their ship a bad name.Im sick of having to defend myself all the time.I should be able to go on a Bamon video and say what ever I like but of course some nasty DE fan has to always come over and ruin my buzz. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
To bring back the good mood ....

since someone amonmg us came up with the nickname 'BEER ME' for Beremy I can stop laughing inwardly at the very thought of them.

Now reading 'Beremy' sounds aòlways like Bee-r me inside my head and it cracks me up so bad.

Even if i have a soft spot for that ship.lmao
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I feel the same every time I hear that name I crack up.It is hilarious. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Chazzaf- for some reason, now my mind associates Jeremy with beer breath and beer tasting kisses, lmao.

If you are tired of shipping wars on Bonnie's spot and you are a member of that community, we are accepting suggestions to estabilish a guideline:


I've suggested that polls and picks are not advertized outside that spot, so only true and genuine Bonnie fans will vote, if you have others idea, i would really like to read about them!
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…


I mean, seriously. When has there been ONE instant where Damon's love for Elena hasn't been selfish?? Does anyone actually believe that Damon helped Elena to find Stefan in SS because he really deep down inside of himself genuinely wanted to? No, it was a chore for Elena to get Damon to help her find Stefan. Because Damon knew that if he did help Elena in Shadow Souls to find Stefan, then he would get something in return (which is something from Elena). It's not unconditional and selfless love. Damon has to think when it comes to Elena, he doesn't do things for Elena without selfishly deciding or without thinking. With Bonnie, it is the opposite. Something inside himself (and L.J. Smith said this) cannot stop himself from being there for Bonnie. It's unconditional. With Delena, It's all about getting from both sides. With Bonnie, Damon becomes all about giving. That is what real love is all about. When has Damon actually genuinely and selflessly given to Elena without really wanting something in return? This is what the Delena fan base does not seem to comprehend or in slightest, understand.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree I saw one of the DE fans say that Stefan doesnt really love Elena he is still hung up over Katherine.I was like okay honey what ever helps you sleep at night. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf: Ugh, yeah, the same excuse that a lot of Delena fans like to use in order to undermine Stefan's love for Elena and their relationship. This is part of the reason (only part) why I do not and can't have any respect for the Delena fan base as a whole. A lot of them repeatedly try to disrespect and undermine Stefan's genuine and deep love for Elena (both in the novels and on the TV show) in order to pimp the ill-fated relationship that is Delena. Because that is what Delena is when you think about it; it is a doomed from the start ship. There are just far too many red flags in the relationship for it to ever work out in the long run. Damon is especially going to get the tougher side of the stick and not only that, Damon is the one most likely to get heartbroken AGAIN. The DE fans just cannot see it for what it is. ELENA LOVES STEFAN. And they don't understand that is so much more then Elena just "loving" Stefan. Stefan and Elena are literally each other's half (I wouldn't expect the Delena fans to understand this, considering that most of them haven't even read the books in the first place, they are going by the TV show and the TV show strictly). Stefan and Elena's bond/love is ETERNAL, it can neve rbe broken, no matter how many times they break up, no matter how many obstacles, problems and issues get in their way or come between them, it doesn't matter. ELENA GILBERT WILL ALWAYS LOVE STEFAN SALVATORE FOR ALL OF ETERNITY. Because their love is forever, it is a rare kind of love. It is not love based on sexual desire or lust or extreme OTT passion (even though Stelena does have passion if I'm being quite honest, it just doesn't revolve around sex and lust like Delena). Stefan and Elena are more then "soulmates" as so many Delena fans like to say. Yes, the common word used these days is "soulmate" but the reality is that one can have many soulmates. Most soulmates come in the form of friends, family, pets, co-workers, lovers, companions, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, and although soulmates have an "easy going connection", they don't awaken each other, they don't make each other "alive" again the way that Stefan and Elena have. Stefan and Elena are more then regular soulmates; they are Twin Souls/Twin Flames. But then again, I don't expect the Delena fan base to even understand the concept of TF's, they think it's all about feeling pure desire and sexual attraction to someone. It is not. Stelena's love is rare, it is eternal and can never be broken no matter what. If you have read the novels, Stelena's love is described to be extremely pure, it's Divine, it's selfless and it's unconditional; they have a spiritual/soul connection. They also have an urge to help others together and serve humanity together, especially those around them. This is what I feel with Damon/Bonnie as well. Case in point, Damon's love for Elena is ego-based while Stefan's love for Elena is selfless. Stefan loves Elena so much that he would even be willing to give her up (the main reason for his existence) if that is what Elena really wanted at the moment.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree mate Stefan loves who Elena loves unlike Damon who has tried to kill her best friends and killed her brother is that what they call love.They must be pretty sick in the head to think that is love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@SkySamulle lol sorry mate but meh came up with the name. Didnt know ya ship them meh bad, but we do need the mood change.@Chazzaf you hate being called that? I hate bloody being called a Cunt, Half Breed, N-word so many more. Yes I'm mixed so meh bloody blood lines stretch further than your boring couple loonies. Am I to be insluted, how bout meh mates? They should back the bloody hell away from Applepie or any of us, Or next time. I'm bring meh yakuza side and no it aint funny!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I know what you mean I hate racists and I hate Trolls and the strange thing is I never start fights but I always finish them.I have always been nice to people who are nice to me and bad to people that are bad to me.If you are loyal then im your friend for life and I will never let you down. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf: EXACTLY. How does harming one's family and friends over and over again equate to the definition of true love? It's ridiculous. Even if two people who love each other but are not getting along at the moment (which has been the case for Stelena both in the novels and the TV show), they would never intentionally and purposely harm each other for the hell of harming each other. This is why I can never believe a love relationship between Delena. Damon has done too many things to harm Elena directly. All of those things in which he has done to hurt her will never be able to be brushed under the rug. I don't understand why some people can't see that. The reason why Damon and Elena repeatedly harm each other and manipulate each other is because they are Karmic Soulmates. Karmic Soulmates tend to be very tumultuous and painful relationships. Both individuals within this kind of soulmate connection end up hurting each other a lot because there is karma that needs to be balanced. And this harming each other between KS's is out of their control. Karmic Soulmates will hurt each other without even intentionally doing so. This is why Elena and Damon are so ill-fated because Karmic Soulmates are not meant to be in a relationship or in love for the long run. They are there for each other to learn lessons or to teach each other life lessons (which is what Elena is doing with Damon both in the novels and the TV show).

DamonsLilBird: That is absolutely terrible and appalling that Delena fans are calling you such horrific names. I find them so hypocritical when they call foul for SE and DB fans calling them names in return after most of them start all this shit in the first place - FACT. Maybe they do deserve a little taste of their own medicine thrown back at them (like yesterday for example) after everything that Delena fans put both the SE and DB fanbases through in terms of cyber-bullying and personal threats/attacks. This is honestly why I have no problem calling out the Delena fanbase in such a blunt manner. They need to be called out and someone needs to call them out on their BS; a lot of their fanbase is out of control and crazy.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
Trolls trolls trolls why can't they just stay in their spot?
Really it would be the end of The story.
Why have they all the need to come here to insult us?
Do we post think in their spot? No so they CAN stay away.
I'mI tired of seeing them here trying to befriend us to have things to say to bash us in their spot.
I decided that I will talk to de's fan that love bd too.
Otherwise I won't talk to any of them as long as they continu to be stupid. (I don't think I'll talk to them soon)
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree Damon and Elena's bond to me is toxic and he always looks so hurt and depressed when he is with her it makes me depressed to see him like that. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I agree I cant stand trolls I wish they would just disappear for like forever LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf: I genuinely want Damon happy and I can 100% guarantee that Elena will not make Damon genuinely happy from inside and out. Also, it's not just about what Damon wants; what about what Elena wants? Even if Elena gets with Damon (on the TV show), she is ALWAYS going to be yearning for Stefan, because that is the kind of love that Stefan and Elena have (this is similar with Spike and Buffy BTW; Buffy will always yearn for Angel, even though she was with Spike, same with Angel and Cordelia). Take Shadow Souls for example. She was with Damon the whole time, but she couldn't stop thinking about and strongly yearning for Stefan. That was all that was on her mind: STEFAN. The separation that Elena was feeling away from Stefan was so incredibly painful for her, she couldn't handle it; she became physically ill. Same with Stefan. And this is what it would be like on the TV show as well. She would be with Damon, but she would be yearning to be with Stefan. How does that equate to happiness for Damon if Elena is with him (Damon) but is secretly yearning to be with his brother (whom Damon knows that she strongly and deeply loves)?
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 That is what I have been trying to tell show DE fans for what seems like forever.Elena will always share a strong bond with Stefan.Even if she got with Damon Stefan and Elena's bond is to deep to just forget about. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Don't say that to them they 'll probably chase you all around the world to burn you at stake for saying that!!
With them we never know!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 LOL yeah Id like to seem them try.Just because they are in denial and are delusional doesnt mean they can try to burn me to a crisp. LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Chazzaf & Hinata26: Well, I think they need to stop being DElusional and get out of their bubble in which they have placed themselves into. These are just the facts and honestly, I believe that this has always been L.J. Smith's original intention when it came to the love triangle in the series. Also, in the novels (and perhaps in the TV show later on) it is pretty obvious that the series doesn't just revolve around the love triangle between E/S/D, but IMO, the series is also about Damon not only healing and evolving in his spiritual journey in order to understand compassion and the concept of unconditional love and acceptance but also, for Damon to actually find true love himself in order to display what he has learned throughout the series in terms of his spiritual journey. This is where I believe L.J. Smith brings/brought Bonnie in and this is what I believe L.J. Smith made Bonnie's sole purpose throughout the series to be. From the beginning, when you read all the DB moments in the novels and also, the short story about D&B (After Hours), the reason why their connection has been so underrated and under the radar for the most part throughout the series is because it was meant to be that way. Damon and Bonnie's connection was meant to be explored later on in the series (like currently in Midnight for example, although I can say that it really began to become explored back in Dark Reunion and Nightfall). This is why I believe that when it comes to Damon, it has always been Bonnie from the start. L.J. Smith wouldn't bother to create or implement such a deep, meaningful and intense connection between D&B if that wasn't L.J.'s original idea from the beginning. Because if it was all about Elena, why would L.J. Smith have Damon have such a connection to/with Bonnie in the first place if she didn't believe in her heart, that Bonnie and Damon have such a special connection? Also, sometimes when it comes to DB moments throughout her books and her short stories, you have to read between the lines. For example, in After Hours, L.J. Smith wrote something about "The Maiden and The Vampire" but then after that, she wrote "or poetically, "The Last Reach Towards Light". To me, that title has a lot of significance when it comes to DB's connection.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree I think it was always Bonnie.One thing the DE fans dont realise is that even if Damon got with Elena he would not give up Bonnie if Bonnie got with Matt or something Damon wouldn't take it he loves Bonnie to and I think the DE fans think he only loves Elena when that is not the case at all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Applepie thnk you but I try meh hardest to not bloody care what trolls think. Chazzaf ya know mate their gonna always say or spam anything we say but we shouldnt feel pushed. Cyber bully is a forum of self dout esteem in that one person's life.If they have to flippin speak manky trash to us then it's clear their the lost ones. @Berry18 for instant cnt even keep her so called rant together why? because she's a sad person.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@fanficfan12 No dont worry I agree with you.To me Bonnie is the most loyal and selfless on the show.She even keeps doing spells when she knows they can kill her for her friends. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I agree mate Im just sick of listening to DE this and DE that it sickens me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago christina1988 said…
Ship wars are draining! Its so hard to enjoy the show anymore. I dont get any fun out of watching it. I need to unsub from the VD spot. Its full of D/E poison.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@christina1988 I know what you mean all I hear about now is DE.They are so overrated and us who support ships that actually ship ships that make sense get a load of hate. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Or how about all of the foreshadowing and hints in After Hours BEFORE Bonnie meets Damon? For example, this part where Bonnie talks to her Grannie about her future:

But Grannie MacLachlan, who had always known where to find lost keys and lost TV remotes and who had always known when the phone was going to ring-she had looked gravely into Bonnie's hand on her last visit over the Atlantic.

"A life full of excitement," she had said, slowly and thoughtfully, "but not a life of stability. And you have the Sight, my girl. Far more so than any MacLachlan before you. Add to that talents of the McCullough, and -" She had looked sharply up at Bonnie, who at age thirteen would much rather have been playing with her friends, or checking out boys. "Do ye ken what I'm talking about at all, girl?"

Bonnie had shaken her flyaway red hair, looking up into the grave gray old eyes that usually were twinkling with delight over her grandchildren, or gazing peacefully off into some distant landscape. Now those gray eyes were brooding, worrying about Bonnie.

"No," Grannie had said, "ye ken nothing about it now. But you will, my girl. While you're still a lassie, you will."

The part that I underlined was a huge foreshadow for Damon/Bonnie IMO.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
I agree with all of you. I just hope that tvd writers will follow a little bit more The books and write real connection between b/d . I hope this connection would have nothing to do with elena for once.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@DamonsLilBird; I love you for coming up with the BEERME nickmane for Beremy- it's so funny, i love it!
urgh i feel horrible that you got insulted for your bloodline... have those people no dignity? Urgh, i don'care what they ship, fans like that are lower than dirt and they should be told so in their face!

@ApplePie88: Colr me cynically unsurprised, I once saw DErs in an episode discussion forum ranting and ranting to each other that 'someday Elena will love Damon as much she loves Stefan, don't worry'.

Or even (laugh hard at this, i know i did so!) that :'yes, Elena's reaction to Stefan getting locked in the tomb was dramatic, but it was not specific to Stefan! She would have reacted like that if Matt or any boyfriend she was in love at the time was been in Stefan's place.'

Come on, really?
this reasoning is so spectacularly, transparently ridiculous and obviously DESPERATE.

How do they actually convince themselves to believe this sort of thing?

I mean, if you formulate those thoughts like that, it's pretty obvious you are the first person to believe your ship has not the slimmest chance to get somewhere.

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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I agree mate the DE fans act like they know everything but I find them laughable they hit out with the most stupidest things.I guess they cant help after all they are in denial. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@Chazzaf :
So DE stands for - DElusion

Yet, they got the nerve to insult other people and call THEM delusional. LOL.

Deflecting much?


And we will, trust my insticts.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I know mate when Bamon finally does happen everyone will realise how awesome our ship is and will jump ships LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Skysamulle thnk you mate it really shouldnt bother me but it does. They wouldnt want us to say hateful rubish too them would they?@Chazzaf I agree mate DE fans are just lame and have no life of their own. @Christie? lol it is draining sum times I feel meh self cringing at the promos and ABDC returns. Same day TVD but meh will tune into DB scenes but that's it mates. Just so bloody tired of them!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I know mate I hate those DE fans.At least us Bamon fans have some respect we dont go bashing the actors or being racists or just being plain cruel.I have heard plenty of DE fans saying Kat is ugly because her face is crooked!!!Are they on crack or something cause I dont see it at all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago christina1988 said…
yah the kat hate makes me sick x_x
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@christina1988 I also hate all the Kat hate she is so sweet and funny dont know how anyone could hate that girl. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
What's crooked to them is beautiful to us and they shouldnt be flippin rude. There just jealous becuz Nina isnt all that, they wanna say she's a great actress. Not too meh but it's op and not there's. She doesnt give ELame any depth but yawn fest and she's not all that great, as Kat. Though I never go off and say I hate her and she's ugly becuz meh thinks, she's cute. The actors/actress and Bamon/fans derseve bloody respect.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SkySamuelle: That is what Delena or DE stands for: DElusional. They simply think that Elena loves Damon more then she loves Stefan which complete and absolute NONSENSE. God, even Nina Dobrev stated that while she cares about Damon, she is not IN LOVE with Damon. She's IN LOVE with Stefan. I honestly don't know how many times L.J. Smith (through her own writing), KW, JP and Nina Dobrev have to spell it out for them. I don't think they could make it any clearer.
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over a year ago christina1988 said…
@chazzaf Only some vile D/E fans do. Lol Ian said he wants Damon to kidnap Elena! I find that creepy O_o
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Yeah I agree the DE fans just cant stand the fact that Elena isn't in love with Damon she is in love with his brother who loves her back.I love the fact that us Bamon fans are actually sane enough to see what is right in front of us LOL.@christina1988 LOL Yeah I also find it creepy *shudders*.@DamonsLilBird Yeah I agree they cant face the fact that Kat is gorgeous and they are not. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Christina1988: OK, honestly, I love Ian to death but God, that interview seriously creeped the hell out of me. It was so odd that I couldn't take Ian seriously in that interview. Kidnapping Elena away from all of her family and friends so that they can frantically worry about her and where she went, including Stefan? That is so....just NO.
over a year ago christina1988 said…
Kat is so beautiful :)
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@christina1988 I know there is just something about Kat that nobody knows LOL.@ApplePie88 I agree the interview was creepy I seriously hope he was joking. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx