Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Not yet mate on meh way now.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Maybe at some point they will say something about the negative behaviours of some fans.I hope So !!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird hope you like I know my uncle did LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago aceg said…
I don't think the fan's thoughts on TV actors/big stars are entirely true. But I do get a different feel from TV shows/B-list movies, when I watched those big movies. I am not merely taking about the directions.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I hope so to some fans are to selfish. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago aceg said…
As for Ian's focus on DE, it is normal. Because Damon's storyline always involved Elena. Of course he had to be cheerful and supportive in public "roll my eyes'.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg I agree but I wonder if JP and KW saw this spot they would be surprised by the amount of fans we have because lets face it we have a lot of fans for a ship that have hardly any scenes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago katesbon said…
@chazzaf..i know its sad all i hear about ian is how awesome nina is also paul and nina talking about the two of them kat saying how great actor ian is and how close she is wit all of them and how talented they are*sad*she is talented so she will get to the top wit out them but i wish they defend her more @damonlilibird who is ben?
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@katesbon I think Kats day will come she is gorgeous and has a great amount of celebrities who want to work with her.There is just something about Kat that nobody knows LOL.But it is true there is something fiery about Kat. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
agree with all of you they shouldn't focus too much on the triangle. A supernatural show who focus only on love triangle and who don't give a shit enough to develop secondary characters and write interesting storyline (without triangle or love teenager drama) can't last long.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinat26 I agree im still annoyed that we dont know anything about Bonnies family it makes me very angry. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago katesbon said…
@hinata26 i agree ,thtis wht is sad about it allthis war and bashing stuff is for nothing its just a show and peopel forget tht some times* included*but singel characters pay for it have u guys visit zap2it and tv.com u always see delena fans bashing bon and kat grham for the simplest thing you tube is worse but i will fight to the end for her because she is awesome and ian defended magie grace in lost when peopel bash her character also talk about jhosh,elizabet so why not do the same ?big question is why he promote a ship tht didn't happen yet and don't talk about kat is beyond me i promise as much as i love this guy i won't necesserly defend him because he is not what i thought he would be !!
over a year ago aceg said…
@katesbon: acutally Ian did express his gratitude to his cast mates. He spoke highly of Candice, Paul and Matt.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Sure they say that they didn't know when they will talk about it. At the beginning I thought that with the Martins around she and we would learn more things about her family and about her power alas we hadn't such a luke sniff
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@katebons I love Kat she doesnt deserve all the hate she gets also loves and he also gets a lot of hate.I dont mind people hating characters but I hate people hating on the actors it is just plain cruel and I will also fight to the end for Kat. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I agree.What im the most curious about is her mum.There is very little evidence about her and I would love to learn more about her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago aceg said…
@katesbon I remeber he did defend kat from bashing incident in season 1. Unfortunately, I don't remeber the details.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg I heard that to.But I dont know the details either know I would love know what he said and all that Jazz. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Hey guys. :) Okay, just want to make a comment. I think that Ian doesn't talk about Kat in his interviews because he's afraid that if he talks about her or discusses Bamon that the fans are going to go on attacking rampage again against Kat. This has happened before and Ian had to step in and tell the fans to stop the hate and bashing against her. He knows that there are tons of Delena nutzos out there so that is why he just solely talks about Delena (even if it won't happen). Nina, on the other hand, from what it seems in her interviews, doesn't seem that thrilled with the idea of Delena. I think she is a Stelena supporter, if I'm being honest. As is Paul (Wesley). I also think that KW and JP are also Stelena supporters as well and have been since the beginning of the show. The only person who's really advocating for Delena is Ian. Even Kat Graham said in an old interview that Stefan and Elena belong to gether.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Katesbon Ben is a term Nicki uses for ego men and their unpolish swag lol. Meh saw the pics she looks beautiful and Amy Nickki was cute too lol, did you guys see the stills for her I Want it all video? Two words hot mates!
over a year ago hinata26 said…
You guys I can inderstand that people don't love her character but what I can't stand is that they attack her persnnaly like she was her character. I think they aren't intelligent enough to make the difference !!!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I think so to.I think Ian might be scared for himself and the other actors in TVD if he talked about Kat Bonnie or Bamon.How are you today I hope you are feeling better. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird Glad you liked them.I though she looked a lot like Halle Berry in those photos.@Hinata26 I agree Bashing the character is okay even if I dont agree with it.But bashing the actor to far. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf: I'm feeling better thanks. :) Not going to let a Delena nutzo get to me. I let it go almost immediately. All is cool.

I actually am one of those who believe that Ian/Kat are significantly closer then others in the public think. I think they have a really close friendship on the down low. I mean, on-screen wise, it's so obvious. They are so extra comfortable with each other. I sometimes even feel that Ian is more comfortable with Kat then he is with Nina. :O
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over a year ago samjhart said…
hey guys a little off topic but I wanted to ask is anyone here a xena&ares fan and have tumblr?
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Glad to see you are better.Yeah dont let a DE fan like that get to you.I also think Kat and Ian are pretty close or well Id like to think that.But their chemistry onscreen wouldn't be as good if they were not close. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@ApplePie88, It is also known that actors/actress is tend to steer by the wind and to confuse the audience. For example, Nina hadn't turn off the Delena possibilities as far as I remeber. She even said that Elena is attracted to Damon and who would not attract to a bad boy. Candice even comment on she's a DE fan. When come to pairings, offten actress/actors (like Nina, Candice etc) manipulate their comments to suit the interests of various fans. It is hard to know where her/she true bliefs lies with regard to choice of couples. one of few actres that had stay true to her belief with regard to pairings is SMG. She always spoke of Buffy/Angel in a passionate tone. DB on the other hands, even consider Cordelia as Angel's love at one time.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Aceg: She may have said that, but at the same time, I honestly believe that she is a Stelena supporter though. She doesn't talk as highly about Delena the way she does about Stelena. Why else would she be so open about her support for Stelena knowing that there are supposedly so many Delena fans out there? I think she has a firm belief in the relationship of Stelena, because she tends to talk highly about it, about the essence of their relationship. I don't see why she would manipulate her own views on the subject. Nina is the kind of person to say what's on her mind I think and she's very intelligent so....

And also, the interviewer asked Candice whether she was Team Stelena or Team Delena. I think she said Delena for the time being, knowing that there is a huge Delena obsession and craze out there that's currently happening. That's the ONLY reason she said Delena. But deep down, she could be a Stelena supporter. Candice seems really close to Paul and really likes him it seems. Her reason for saying Team Delena lacked any depth IMO. I think she said 'Because everyone else is supporting it at the moment', or something along those lines.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
I think to know what they think isn't that important because at the end of the day it's not them who decide what will happen.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg I find it very hard to tell with Kat or Candice who they ship.Which means they are doing a very wonderful job.Like with Kat one minute she is talking about how much she loves working with Steven then the next she is saying how much she loves working with Ian. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I also think she ships Stelena because lets face it Damon is a person who cant be the person Elena wants him to be and I think it hurts him a lot.So there for not only is Damon's love for Elena bad for her it is also bad for him. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@ApplePie88 Here is a interview with Nina on Delena. She is "entertained by the possibility”of Delena romance

It’s going to be interesting to see how he tries to remedy the situation because once he lost Elena, I think he realised how valuable she is to him,” she said. “How much he loves her. It’s that classic tale – with any relationship, you have to hit rock bottom to realize how good you had it in the first place and Damon’s definitely going through that.”

Dobrev also revealed that she is “entertained by the possibility” of Damon and Elena beginning a romance, saying: “I think that Elena with Stefan seems to be a constant struggle. Elena and Damon have fun together. It’s fun to watch them together because they do have a rapport in the way they play. There’s an ease there because Elena doesn’t care what he thinks – Damon on the other hand is on his toes all the time trying to make sure he doesn’t screw it up even more.”

she doesn't seem to be firm believer to me.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg Oh God Nina has came under the DE disease as well.I give up I have lost all hope the only thing I can hope for is when DE happen and everyone realises how boring and overrated DE are. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I think they ship what we want them to ship.
over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: lol Even Ian's saying how much he loves to work with Candice. the tone may be similar, but implied context may be different. Sometimes it take wild guess to understand the implications from actress' messages.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I agree. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg Yeah I bet one day when Bamon happen Ian will say he loves to work with Kat LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
sure @chazzaf I bet he will say something like that lol
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I think she is just saying that to be quite honest. The same way that L.J. Smith used to send her fans emails about how Delena is "Epic". How is that any different? L.J. Smith may say that she thinks DE are "epic" (which is laughable) in her emails top her fans but I think that she (L.J.) has always supported SE/DB since the beginning. Her writing is one thing but her emails to her fans are another. How is it any different then what Nina said in that interview? Bottom line is: even though Nina said she would be entertained by the idea, doesn't necessarily make it true for her deep down. Like I said, she probably just said that knowing that there is a Delena craze out there and besides, that interview is a little bit old.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Honestly, I think when the Bamon relationship is explored a little deeper, Ian will inherently support their relationship. Just watch. He is going to realize that Damon/Bonnie are a really good pairing. I honestly think he might think that right now but because it's not being explored by the writers of the show yet, he is sticking to talking about Delena. Sometimes, however, I feel that Ian feels forced and stifled into talking about Delena. It looks like a chore for him if I'm being honest.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I hope he does.I honestly think DE is very overrated and Bamon are very underrated.I mean yeah a human and a vampire who have hardly any chemistry are amazing *sarcastic voice* LOL.While a Badass witch and a vampire now how have sizzling HOT chemistry are amazing.Now that is the best love story ever. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Meh know right?@Chazzaf lol@Samjhart naw mate but love Hercules&Xena. They really should be a no no about the hate mail Kat get's but hey ya gotta, tough skin. Lol meh want let meh haterz get too meh at all and that's why Kat&Nicki, are the true level headed hero's.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree if Ian actually likes Delena then I honestly dont know why.We need a pairing who will be remembered for a very long time and DE are not going to be remembered for that long. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago katesbon said…
well being a profesional is doing what is right not everyone is gonna be happy either way so if talks too much he is selling him self that is what i think,but he should know he has a lot of fans other than de and would want to know what he thinks*not me* i don't care about actors personal opinions but if someone cross the line well i will give them as they deserve!!
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I agree Nicki&Kat rule LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@katesbon I agree I wish Ian would talk a bit more about Bamon it is clear we have got quite a lot of fans to. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Who knows, maybe Ian is an in the closet Bamon shipper? Lol God, his on-screen chemistry with Katerina is impeccable. I don't know what it is and I can't put my finger on it, but Ian's chemistry with Nina seems forced and dull to me, something is really missing and to be quite honest, I don't know what all these Delena/Nian advocates are seeing.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree no one can do chemistry like Ian and Kat LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Applepie lol yes by george mate he might be one. *jumps up* Confession time! @Chazzaf yea they are mate meh loves them. @Katesbon yea I agree with you but enough rantin aside mates let's just focus on peace. Btw Meh hates shots!
over a year ago aceg said…
I am not excluding Nina from Stelena shipper. My point is her opinion may fly around DE or SE. Due to the context and nature of TVD, unlike SMG, Nina will always give implications of DE romance or express her affection for DE at certain level.
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