Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
The glances, the stares, the back and forth witty banter between them, the sizzling hot chemistry = IMPECCABLE.You know what? Not only do I think that the female actress on the show whom Ian Somerhalder has the best chemistry is Katerina Graham, but I also think that Ian/Kat possibly have the BEST chemistry/dynamic on the entire show. Ian/Kat are magnetic on-screen. It is pure electrifying. Their scenes are always pure magic IMO. This is literally like Penn/Leighton from GG and Josh/Katie from Dawson's Creek all over again. They are so highly fascinating.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird Yeah Kat and Ian really are something.They are Fire and Ice.@Aceg I think Nina has to promote both DE and SE it would be unfair to promote one since the show is about the Dull triangle. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Aceg: Don't worry, I get what you're saying. :)
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I never watched Dawsons Creek But I heard Pacey and Joey were amazing.I Bamon actually remind me of Cherry as well as Dair maybe it is the love hate bond. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
The same goes for the TVD novels as well. Damon/Bonnie have the most interesting relationship/dynamic in the books and also the BEST chemistry as well. Nothing beats Bamon in the novels and also on the TV show. Bamon all around is just an impeccable and utterly FLAWLESS pairing.
over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: they always suprise us with their multidimensional dynamics even though their scenes are short. From their scenes,we see a greater range of expressions, like anger, sadness, banter, passion and sexiness. By the way, do you like their scenes in ep. Mystic Falls
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Omg my internet like kicked me off last night lol. Any is Kat in Red Riding Hood? Im seeing that movie this weekend I like the actress who is playing Red Riding Hood ever since the Mean Girl days :)
over a year ago chazzaf said…
Hi @KrissyDelenaFTW I dont think Kat is in the movie but she was at the preimere and she looked AMAZING.She looked gorgeous. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Aceg: Yeah, even in MF episode, that one short scene where Damon is shocked by Bonnie using the witchy juju migraine thing on Stefan. Yeah, even that one 3 second scene, just OMG. Lol. Sorry, I'm so passionate about Bamon.
over a year ago aceg said…
@KrissyDelenaFTW: no she is not in the movie
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Dont worry Im really passionate about them to.In the DE scene where Damon went where's Bonnie I swear I went straight to heaven. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Krissy *Gloomps* lol yea your back mate and meh loves that movie hint meh icon lol. @Chazzaf thnks mate. ApplePie you are turly right they bloody are more than fire and ice, but like flippin Hurricanes meeting a Sand Storm! lol their just bloody messy and good.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@Chazzaf: I'm sorry, which episode was that from? Lol
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Oh dang I saw The Roommate and saw like everyone I loved on the cw shows and even the girl who married the man in my icon Danneel Harris she was Rachel on One Tree Hill it was pretty trippy lol. Bbl have a great day :)
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I agree words cannot describe Bamon they are simply heaven on earth.Nothing can beat them for me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@ApplePie88, @chazzaf, count me in as a passionate bamon fan. that 3 second look worth like a gold. They don't even say a word, and just work on magic with their eyes.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@DamonsLilBird: Exactly. Damon/Bonnie are like Fire and Ice but all they do when they are on-screen together is create Fire! :D
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KrissyDelenaFTW I have never saw The Roommate but I love Kat so I might watch it one day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
I like The Roomate Kat and Nina were in it too :)

I take it you guys watch Gossip Girl? And you like Dair? *Still is a Chair lover* lol
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
DAIR ALL THE WAY. Chair is beyond destructive.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KrissyDelenaFTW well Im a Cherry fan been since like forever LOL.But I love Dair as well.I used to like Chair not as much as Cherry but Dair took over my heart LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago aceg said…
@KrissyDelenaFTW: No I don't watch Gossip Girl but I like Leighton
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Honestly, if Blair goes back to Chuck, I will be completely and utterly disappointed. If she goes back to Chuck, she is only proving to herself that she doesn't believe that she deserves better and that she doesn't deserve to be happy on the inside and out. Blair is who she is, her TRUE SELF ON THE INSIDE, when she is with Dan. They may be opposites in terms of social status, background and even in personalities but Dan & Blair actually have a TON in common. In fact, I think that Blair has significantly more in common with Dan then she has with Chuck. All Chuck and Blair have in common is manipulating and scheming. I mean, isn't Blair tired of the games? Dan/Blair are their best selves when they are with each other. Chair/Derena made Blair and Dan as individuals really stifled and unhappy. Chuck chose a freaking hotel over Blair. Is that what you do to someone you supposedly love??? Yeah, NO. Chuck has turned into such an alpha male douchebag. Season 3 was it for me when it came to Chuck/Chair. And then Serena has been so freaking selfish and self-absorbed. She had the opportunity to love Dan but instead, she chose Ben. Why should Chuck/Blair get more and more chances with Dan/Blair when all they have done in the past is repeatedly throw it away, screw them up and hurt Dan/Blair incessantly over and over again??? No, I am on the Dair ship 100% and I actually really hope they are endgame. Blair DESERVES TO BE HAPPY AFTER EVERYTHING CHUCK PUT HER THROUGH. And Dan can provide that happiness for her that Chuck never did and that Serena never did with Dan. I've come to the conclusion that Chuck/Blair was nothing but an obsession/obsessive relationship which was purely toxic in nature. And this is coming from someone who used to support Chair hardcore in the first couple of seasons. Also, all Blair said she wanted was simple, pure love. To me, Dan & Blair are the new Seth & Summer from The O.C. and Seth/Summer was a couple I was really passionate about.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Hey @aceg I don't watch it either !!! I think I already have enough of that type of show after dawson's creek lol
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree Chair is a long gone ship for me.Dair and Cherry is the thing for the future LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 LOL it is a good show know.But I have never saw Dawsons Creek but I heard it was a very good show. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@chazzaf To be really honest I enjoyed Dawson's creek when I was younger now I asking why I watched it. I really don't like it anymore. I enjoy procédural or cop show more.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Wow sooo many Dair fans meh kinda scared lol @KrissyDelenaFtw Meh is a Chair lover till I die but hey wnt be mean to any of them. @Chazzaf have ya seen The Roommate?
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 I get what you mean some shows just grow old after time.@DamonsLilBird I havent seen it but I know Kat and Nina are in it but I think their roles are minor and dont worry Im a Cherry and Dair fan but I wont eat you LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
True love doesn't come in social status, money, or physical appearance. TRUE LOVE COMES FROM THE HEART & THE SOUL.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Chazzaf thnks mate meh saw Nina and was flippin shock at her apperance but hey it might be, good.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I agree 100%. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I dont know if I will watch as much as I love Kat I hate Horror movies Im not into them and it is not the violence im scared I mean I a hardcore Gangster film fan so violence or blood doesnt scare me at all.But I get nightmares when I watch Horror movies. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Chazzaf lol will meh loves scary stuff even gangster movies too. Applepie true words mates becuz acceptance is important like honey too bees important.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I'm not fond of horror movie either .
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird Im a massive Gangster movie fan cant get enough of them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 dont like them either.But Gangster movies are the best.Well to me anyway LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
It's ok F4 mates lol meh jus blush at scary movies with surprises around the peek holes.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Listen to Trey Songz "Can't Be Friends". That song describes Dan & Blair so much.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Yep love gangster too LOL I love the incorruptible
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I know how you feel most people cant understand why I love Gangster films so much well the reason is.
1.They have a great plot.
2.They have actors like Al Pacino Robert De Niro Joe Pesci Robert Duvall James Caan Ray Liotta the late Marlon Brando James Cagney and Paul Muni.What is not to love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I will listen to it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago AngelusB said…
@Chaz: You should never feel ashamed for sticking up for yourself.

You know TVD is losing many viewers and attractions over this year.

@Aceg: That would be the lack-luster story-lines fault, there is just too much pointless death happening. When they could be expanding on characters.

@Chaz: She does look stunning in that red dress, so very pretty.

A interesting thought pop up to me. sometimes before, I have a conversation with a fan, she talk about the case of tv actors/actress's struggle in the business is because their level of ability and performance is incompatible with the big stars. what are your thoughts?

@Aceg: The transition between TV / movies isn’t common and have only seen a few celebrities pull it off. There is probably truth to that statement.

The only person who's really advocating for Delena is Ian. Even Kat Graham said in an old interview that Stefan and Elena belong together.

And it’s not surprising considering that’s where his main focus is supposed to be – although in truth. It’s more Katherine.

It’s going to be interesting to see how he tries to remedy the situation because once he lost Elena, I think he realized how valuable she is to him,” she said. “How much he loves her. It’s that classic tale – with any relationship, you have to hit rock bottom to realize how good you had it in the first place and Damon’s definitely going through that.”

Dobrev also revealed that she is “entertained by the possibility” of Damon and Elena beginning a romance, saying: “I think that Elena with Stefan seems to be a constant struggle. Elena and Damon have fun together. It’s fun to watch them together because they do have a rapport in the way they play. There’s an ease there because Elena doesn’t care what he thinks – Damon on the other hand is on his toes all the time trying to make sure he doesn’t screw it up even more.”

@Aceg: What a load of crap. I mean the whole interview. She just seems to be playing both fields.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Can we please focus on ranting on TVD and spare the bashing of other ships from other shows? I can't say i felt at ease seeing Chair, Spuffy and Brucas so strongly trashed so often, since I shipped all of that ... i avoided defending them because i don't see the use of starting other unnecessary arguments...

Let's focus on TVD, Ian and Kat, but let's refrain insulting other ships simce not everyone here ship Dair and Bangel.
over a year ago aceg said…
gangster movie? I rememer wached scarface when I was younger.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@aceg I love you Scarface was amazing Love Michelle Pfeiffer Al Pacino Steven Bauer and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.@AngelusB Thanks mate I always feel a bit guilty when I insult somebody back but im not just going to let them get away with it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Who's bashing Diar? Meh dnt like them yes but never would I bash them lol.@Angelus you make a good point mate who knows how he will turn this around hopefully he can and the fans let him. @Chazzaf yea I agree gangster movies are tight um American Gangster is meh fav mate, though love Horror movies alot more.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Bangelus - basically nina is saying that Elena is more at ease with Damon because the power in that relationship is all in her hands... because she does not care about him as much he cares about her.

I would not worry. Unfortunately, since the premise of the show is a triangle, actors and actresses will say often contraddicting things to keep us guessing.

it's part of their job.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird I love Denzel Washington have you ever saw The Hurricane some movie that was. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
DamonsLilBird :
no, nobody here was bashing Dair... actually most of the bashing was oriented toward Chair and Spuffy, and it made me unconfortable because i love both those ships and i know many other bamonators do it too.