Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 Oh I was at a funeral of a kid in my street he was kind of like a little brother to me.He was only 16.He was in gangs and all that I tried to help him out of it but it was to late he was already in to deep. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Don't be sad because of them because that's whar they want!!!
@DamonLilBird we're all here for each others so they CAN hate on us !!!
They can't make us down because we're together and more strong that they CAN ever be!!!!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Hinata26 thnks mate we are bloody together *hugs* gotta run is watching the flippin news, Meh Country and it's people are bloody dieing mates. @Chazzaf sorry mate it happens all the time where Im from.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Dude, I'm a little puzzled by the ending of Midnight, now that I'm re-reading it.
over a year ago LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said…
just read the edding aswell Im thinking that it is in fact Damon and im hoping it is Damon.I mostally think its him because the publishers and writers are not dumb to kill of the best charcter because if they did they would loose so much sales and profits and they know it. Im glad Damon died for Bonnie it made me soo much happyier :) to see it was her and not elena
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@DamonsLilBird Yeah Thanks I feel for your country I can just hope in God.After all these years I dont know what I would do If I didnt believe in God.I think I would go mad.@ApplePie88 I got confused all the time in SS all the actions I couldn't understand. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I'm dreading tomorrow. I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out.
over a year ago Minaftw said…
good luck hon, it's not too bad
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I'm really sorry @chazzaf sometimes you do everything you can to help people but sometimes It's not enough to save them. It's fate. I know it's really hard but with time The pain will be more bearable.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@DamonLilBird I'll pray for your country. Hope it will get better .
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 It was his Mama that made me feel terrible.She was so grief stricken she was clutching on to me at the funeral and the sobs that she was making it was horrible.I had to make a speech but all I cared about was giving his Mama some comfort I already failed him it is time to try and help his family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Thnk ya all mates Obama just spoke on it's survial but no moppy around. Good luck Apple lol meh still has mines and they bloody hurt like hell.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@chazzaf I don't think you failed him. You know all you can do is just trying to advise people . You tried to help him but he made the wrong choice you can't blame yourself for that you know.
Nothing is your fault. You help his mother today even if you don't feel it.
She needed support and you where their for her. She will need you after again and I'm pretty Sure you will give her the comfort she will need in the futur.
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@hinata26 Thanks it is great to have mates like you.The thing that gets me the most is that I know he was a good person.He loved his family and then he did try to get out of all the gangs stuff but the people in the gangs just wouldn't let him.I just hope he is happier now wherever he is.It is all I can hope for and I hope I can help his Mama she is kind of like family to me.I am sorry if I am making you all depressed it is just that I need someone to talk to.In front of my family I have tried to be strong so I dont upset them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xx
over a year ago bubbles1290 said…
Aw. Send my best wishes to the family chazzaf. I've been fortunate enough that nothing like that has every really happened where I live, but that could change at any moment. I really am sorry for you and them.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@chazzaf don't worry. That's why friends are here for to help you when you feel down!!
If you need to talk you know you can talk with all The bamonators here and F4 mates too.
If talking to us can make you feel a little better don't hesitate.
We're here for you. That's why we are a beautiful Bamily.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Chazzaf you couldnt do anything not ya nor the family. I couldnt stop meh bestie as a child when she went to a swimming pool play date, An bloody drown with the girl who offered her to come. I didnt know the last time I would speak or see meh twin was the day she was gonna die. I can remember top and bottom what she bloody looks like, she looks like meh! An she never had a hate bone alive in her so dnt fret mate meh also, couldnt save other mate. When he jump of the College's building becuz of his family pressure, we cnt do nunthing but love.
over a year ago aceg said…
@hinata26: Thank you for the compliment mate you are amazing too.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
WTF??? Elena talked to the little boy in Shadow Souls too...

Chazzaf: I'm so sorry for your loss, Chica. I hope it gets better. That's terrible. :(
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over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
^ But Elena has talked using her wings or angelic thing where for Bonnie in SS, the little boy has come naturally, on his own accord.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
"The only people who like Bamon are black people." - An anti-Bamon Delena supporter.

OMG, I'm gonna cut a bitch.
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over a year ago lorastefens said…
@applepie Who has said this?Where did you get this?Now I'm a white but I love them.So,now attacking on Bamon fans is getting another level because we are growing so fast?????!!!!WTF!!! who has said this?
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Lorastefans: I found it on a Stelena fans Twitter. Someone who was sending her hate tweets. I'M PISSED OFF.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
WTF?! Im mixed and is black too but I bloody love DB from books not, becuz Kat plays Bonnie. Meh still flippin choose book Bamon more over show but it has nuthing, to do with meh race. Sum DUmb Entertainment needs to take the manky stick out their tool box minds asses. We as TVD fans dnt need this rubish will they attack JT fans next, acussing them wanting Jyler, becuz their gay? DE peekers see tis GOOD NOW BYE BYE!
over a year ago lorastefens said…
@applepie88, can you please give me the user name?I want to see the tweets, those insecure shippers tweets and that girl is just insecure and stupid about her ship, so she just babbling anything.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I found the quote on this girls Twitter. She's an SE fan who is getting cyber bullied by a bunch of DE fans for stating her personal opinions. She's very PRO-SE and PRO-DB and she's getting attacked for it so she has to fight back. Look at this girls Twitter, you will see how hateful Delena fans really are., They are even sending her death threats.

over a year ago aceg said…
@chazzaf: I am really sorry to hear this tragic news mate "sign". My consolation goes out to you and his family. I'm sure his soul rests peacefully in haven now. Please don't blame yourself, you did you best to help him. You already gave him advices as a friend. But sometimes There's only so much you can do to change a person's outlooks. You did a incredible job and be there for his mom and family. Only a strong and brave person can overcome her own grief and console his closed ones.
over a year ago lorastefens said…
@chazzaf, I'm sorry also.I will ignore all haters now.That would be my new resolution now.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
It's kind of hard to ignore all of the Bamon hate. But it's okay, not only did that quote prove to me that the Delena fanbase are extremists, but it also proved to me that they are also racists.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Wow. Just WOW. :o Delena shippers are a bunch of creepy, obsessive, batshit crazy motherf**kers!! Yeah thats right, read my lips, i dont give a shit who's spying. that is the truth. I'm sure Ian is aware of this too cause i heard they kept stalking his twitter and asking him Delena questions.

@ApplePie88: Oh they are totally racist. i know that. I've always said thats the main reason TV Bamon gets so much hate and bashing.
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over a year ago Minaftw said…
ApplePie sorry but I have to know, does Damon speak with his little boy to Bonnie and Elena?

Also, racism is never okay
over a year ago lorastefens said…
@applepie Not all think that way, but some have problem.It's that some of them have taken this war on personal level and on a new aggressive level.Anyways haters gonna hate but they should stop this type of personal attacks.Personals attacks on Bamon fans and bashing on actors/actress are beyond annoying, just piss me off, showing that some fans can be so irritating.But you know if you talk about this dirty topic, it would be more ugly, so..I will not talk on that topic.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@LoraStefans & ItalianAngel89: I know not ALL of the Delena fan base are like this but I see quite a few of them over the internet whom are just down right nasty and racist. Only BLACK people ship Bamon???? Are they fucking serious?? I'm still so pissed off about that one quote, that I can't even find any words to type right now. I'm overwhelmingly angry inside at the moment. I wish I never saw that comment.

@MinaFTW: From what I have read in both Shadow Souls and Midnight, it appears as though Damon's "inner child" has spoken to Elena and Bonnie; although I'm just really confused about it after reading Midnight. I don't know if Elena spoke to Damon's inner child because she was doing it consciously like she did in Shadow Souls when she was using her aura or her angelic power. I'm still really puzzled about Elena, Bonnie and Damon's inner child scenario. I kind of hope someone would clear it up for me.
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over a year ago Minaftw said…
I'm not black and I ship Bamon
and I think katerina is damn pretty

freakin redneck haters
also who the heck said that? where did they say that? are they mentally ill in some way?

also thank you
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over a year ago lorastefens said…
That's a crazy comment.Now I think Kat is the hottest girl in TVD, I mean she is naturally beautiful and I'm white, not black.Ian/Kat chemistry is over the top, they complement each other and DB dynamic is awesome, that's why Bamon fanbase is growing. now On a positive note, have you seen this:Even with manip , they are so so hot.
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over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Poor girl, I can't believe I'm saying this. but they are truly... idiots that have no life at all.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: I pray for you and Japan. I hope it will pull through this catastrophe. By the way, I'd like to extend my sincere gratitude to f4 mates and bamonators. It is your kindness and compassion has rekindled my hope in humanity and morality. You are all amazing.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
LoraStefans: Good Lawd Jesus, that is the HOTTEST video I have ever seen. WOWZA.
over a year ago Minaftw said…
I know, that video is just....woah
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg thnk ya mate your so kind you all are and I hate how were pushed aside. So thnk ya
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: np we are f4 mates remeber.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Thnks mate @Applepie I feel as you should know all of ya that in the TVD forum spot, with Stefan, Elena, Damon icon. There is a post bout this hate threats on this girl which were might meh add, bloody uncall for. So if ya all dnt mind reading what meh said an commenting I would so bloody much love it. They need to know it's getting outta flippin hand just like GH is@Aceg JasamVs.Liason crap. Btw team Jasam but dnt hate Becky like Liason does Kelly an her mum.
over a year ago bubbles1290 said…
I'm fighting for the girl. I'm sorry, but I couldn't keep my big mouth out of it. I'm currently debating Freedom of Speech with one of the DE death-threat chicks, and I swear, if I could, I would slap her through the computer. And if she tries to threaten me behind her little screen? Honey, things are about to become inappropriate for children (not that it's necessarily appropriate for them right now...)

@lorastefens WOW. That is one hot video, my friend.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Bubbles I agree we should bloody beat the shit outta them with meh brass knuckles. Im still like in awe how DEluv and her insecure mates are flippin charging, down one poor girl's thoart. If she hates or dislikes Ian's attutide and ways BIG WHOOPIN DEAL! It's her Op not yours nor his and if he isnt bloody bother by her Op's, then why the hell are you flippin caring? It's ok to take up for ya fav Actor and Actress meh gosh knows I take up for PaulKat, but taking up and threating isnt the flippin same. Sorry if rantin.
over a year ago bubbles1290 said…
^You can call me Victoria, if you want. Anyone in my Bamon family is allowed to. It's only the DElusional freaks that have to call me by my username bubbles1290 (or LittleRedbird12).

The chick backed off. As much as she was hating her's and my opinion, she couldn't deny the fact that everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. She hasn't replied in... 20 minutes, so I don't think she will.

I love when people know they're in a losing argument, and just plain refuse to continue so they don't actually have to lose :)
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Ian but I am extremely sick and tired of Delena fans treating Ian as if he is somebody to be worshipped excessively like he is some higher being, who's never made a mistake in his entire life. Delena fans make Ian Somerhalder out to be some Saviour, that he is going to save everyone on Planet Earth. If I'm being bluntly honest, the way that Delena/Nian supporters worship Ian in such a cult-like manner beyond scares me and creeps me out. I swear, a lot of these Delena/Nian/Ian worshippers need Prozac or fucking psychiatric help for their Ian worshipping/obsession. It's borderline unhealthy and sick. STOP TREATING IAN SOMERHALDER LIKE HE'S THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS! Goddamn.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Victoria thnks I just got bloody attack by our main looneySpuffyDelena, claming I bloody threatend her. Really, Wtf when? Hell Im not bit more study of her than the man in the moon. She wanted point fingers at only DB fans claiming Ian is getting in the bloody way, of Paul/Nina. Um I havnt seen nor heard her say that and if she flippin did, who gives them the fuckin right to threated her? Paul is engage she want Pina ok and your bloody point would be? If she dreams this fine but dnt go attacking her becuz she dreams want differently. Arugh! She's so lucky meh is down here.
over a year ago bubbles1290 said…
@ApplePie88 I was thinking the same thing. That's why I love Kat's blog, and how she mocked those comments with her "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name IAN… etc, etc, etc." She got it smack dab on the dot, in my opinion. Those people are absolutely insane. I almost shudder seeing such obsessive and psychotic fans. Those are future psychos, my friends. You'll see them on the news in the future, being arrested for stalking whatever poor soul caught their obsessive eyes.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Bubbles: Seriously, those people should stay far away from Twitter and check themselves into a mental hospital instead.
over a year ago bubbles1290 said…
@DamonsLilBird I refuse to deal with SpuffyDelena anymore. I absolutely refuse. I won't engage her at all, and will walk away if she ever tries to engage me. Do I want to tear her hair out? Abso-fucking-lutely, but I won't. I try to be the bigger person, since it's clear she's not mature enough to even attempt it. It really sucks though, because no one knows that's what you're doing. They just think you're uncapable of coming up with a witty response (which, if you know me, you know is far from the truth). Still, she's not worth my time. And she's not worth your's either sweetie.

@ApplePie88 You can call me Victoria too. I really don't care if any of my Bamon family does. In fact, everyone on this form can call me Victoria. Hell, everyone in this spot can (aside from trolls, of course). And you're completely right, they should be in mental hopsitals. I would know; I live next door to one. She's smart enough not to mess with me though. Why you ask? Because I've bitch slapped her into the next Tuesday before. She provoked me though (I feel the need to put that out there).