Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Apple: pfff, they are the classic silly little girls who start pining after a guy of whatever tv show movie, and then insult rabidly his real-life girlfriend or TV costar, because she is not 'whorty'.

There were girls like that in my class when i was in MIDDLE SCHOOOL. And I though they were mad even them.

It's not like the subject of their idolatry will run to their pre-teen arms if the costar drops dead.
Yet, it saddens me to see comments like that, because with those girls, feminism goes back to thousand years.

I pity those girls, because what a future they can hope for, if this is their concept of the woman- someone who must 'prove her whort' before being considered deserving of an 'hot boy' 's lover.

And we are also talking about an ex-junkie here - but apparently, the boy just needs to be hot to be loved and perfect.
Damon docet.
over a year ago aceg said…
@skysamuelle: Bravo!!! You said it 10 times better than me. I applaud you for your insight. TVD is walking on a path toward acul-de-sac. The closer it is getting to acul-de-sac, the more narrow it has become. This precisively describes the current state of TVD. The writers has chosen a simple main theme for the show (the triangle)Unfortunately they were not Beethoven and Mozart who was able to turn one of the most simplistic and tastless theme into one of the most marvelous and brilliant masterpiece. The writers knows that the triangles won't hold viewers's interests very long. Therefore, they randomly set up new pairs and tried to created endless suspense hopes to gain viewer's attention which unfortunately failed miserably. The result is TVD has lost more viewers faster than before.

Yet the funny thing is how could certain fans refer this show as "epicness".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hinata26 said…
LOL @aceg you're So Damn right!!!!
over a year ago ducky8abug said…

Are you Jay from TV Fanatic? Hi (waving)!

I’m ducky8abug. I know your upset but I’d like you to know that your enthusiasm and passion has influenced TVD_Fan (a DE fan) to defend your honor. In fact, TVD_Fan said that she admired your devotion and passion; and respected the fact that you remained on the forum whilst other Bamon fans fled. You held down the fort and stood your ground; and for that, you earned a friend and a fan in TVD_Fan and me.

So feel better tomorrow and don’t sweat the small stuff. All that trivial business will be forgotten in the morning. The important this is, Bamon is magic and no one can take that away from you.

By the by, TeamDamon4Ever asked for you as well. I think you've got a lot fans down there; and it looks like they're going to miss you an awful lot. Are you sure you don't want to return?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Off topic:

You know what's annoying? Some DE fans overreacting over a wall post.

My post on TVD wall post:
Damon and Bonnie ------> Love ♥

DE fan commenting on it:
"No, Damon said he LOVED and only Loved Elena, Bonnie is in love with Jeremy in the tv show. Give me one evidence of Bamon???"

Jeez, relax will ya? :P It's pretty funny, though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
LOL'ing so hard right now. That DE fan sounds like they're panicking. And Damon DIED for BONNIE dumbass. Even to Elena that was evidence he has feelings for her. And I am sure Elena was talking about Bonnie there, but ofcourse DE shitheads say she was talking about herself.
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
You should have said, give me evidence that Elena gives a shizz about Damon outside of being Stefan's brother. You'd probably get even more laughs at them trying to gather evidence.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
lmao, those crazy kids are panicking so hard it's truly becoming a joking matter. I mean, the smallest mention of Bamon sends them in a frenzy of unconceleaded rude hostility, so much than they almost can't hold it together long enough to form choerent arguments: they go on with insults and demands for us to justify our shipping preferences like we actually owe it to them.

At first, i found it grating but now i saw it so often it's became almost entertaining. s
over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
CrazedBamonFan: I just said: Relax, it's just a wall post.

Enough to make the DE fan look like an idiot.

skysamuelle: Diddo! *grabs popcorn* :D
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Delena fans seem to be so intimidated by Bamon. They are purely insecure, there is no other explanation for it.
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Oh Midnight was amazing!! I even loved the Bamon moments they were so sweet! Damon was a badass and he saved her and oh yes I think all shippers got what they wanted out of Midnight imo. Sad though the ending I did cry. Anyway howdy peeps Ive been like mia due to well Harry Potter part two of DH is coming out and Im so focused on the greatest pairing ever in a book and movie, Ron and Hermione that I have lost total time in all things TVD lol anyway have a great day :)
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over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
^^ Yeah Midnight was good, but I did too cry. My poor Damon...

And I LOVE Ron/Hermione. They're probably in at least my top five couples. :)
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Ron Hermione is my ship that beats any other ship I ship I heart them I know its odd but Ron was my fav male character Harry came second (and ya Rupert is soooooo sexy) *holds head in shame* I cant help it I freaking love Rupert lol
over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
I'm so sad that it's going to be the last movie. :( But i'm sure it will be awesome! And I can't wait to see the Ron/Hermione kiss. Even if I already read about it in the book, it will be exciting to see it in the movie. I just hope they do it right, since it was epic in the books.
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Omg I hope they do the kiss right oddly enough Im like screw the battle I want to see the Ron Hermione kiss lol
over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
^^ I just really loved how it happened in the book, and then Harry's "There's a war going on here!" LOL

I REALLY hope they at least keep it similar to the way it happened in the books.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the big finaly battle between Harry and Voldemort too of course.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Aren't you the fan who went around on the DE spot saying we were calling Ian racist for supporting DE after you last visited our humble abode? Because I'm very curious to know from where you gathered that peculiar information... since none of us mentioned anything remotely similiar.

I expect you to reply and explain yourself, since you decided to keep visiting our humble abode.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Yes she was I don't know what She's doing here. Pfffffffffffffffffff hypocrite!!!

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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
hinata26 : I had far little doubt, just like i was so sure that she would have not had the backbone to even take responsability for her words.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Really I've not respect for people like her. As much as I don't like Spuffydelena or deluv they are honest I give them that. They don't prétend to like us. But that girl really she make me sick!!!
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over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Heh well I always said DE fans who come on here and play nicey nice with us are FAKERS!
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I really don't understand why they have this rabid need to know everything we -and SErs- are saying ALL the time.

Y ou would never find me even lurking on a DE thread or spot because i'm utterly uninterested in anyuthing related to that ship...i would consider it a grave waste of my time to spend so much doing a reading i don't like.


BTW I met a few fans who ship both DE and DB via fanfiction, and they were willing to agree that i had a pretty lucid vision of what DE was about. One even commended the fact I did not shy away from mentioning DE lucidly in my fics. So not all of them are biased and unwelcoming(although the majorty seems to correspond to this stereotype, i'm sorry to say).
over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
Relax guys, like Skysamuelle said, give her a chance to explain that if she has said this type of thing because honestly I have never seen any DB fan ever said that comment.I'm also curious.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
I quote
I am so sick of when stupid Delena fans say mean things about Paul or Kat G and the Bamon fan base groups the entire Delena fan base in w the stupid people! Its like what the fuck I have never said one mean thing about Paul or Kat yet the Bamon fans just love to think every Delena fan is bad! They act like fucking saints when Ive seen some of them go off about Ian cause as it appears he likes Delena and doesnt say much about Bamon so tell me how its okay to go off on Ian but wrong to speak ill of Paul or Kat ( again I never have) And this pisses me off like no other calling Delena fans racist! I know one De fan said a race comment about Kat and that was wrong but when he or she said it a ton of fucking de fans like myself jumped on their ass and told them to shut the fuck up that comments like that were disguting but do Bamon fans mention that part no they dont they suddently have a god like complex to say all Delena fans are raceist! They call us DEtarts now excuse ne but how in the fuck am I supposed to respect them like they bitch about when they call us names how does that make sense hint it doesnt. I have friends who are Stelena and Bamon fans on twitter and I get along with them bc they bash Delena they dont bash in its shippers I cant get along w people who bash shippers bash the fake ship you hate all you want I dont give a shit but if people want peace and respect from other shippers then stop hating on all the fans in the ship call out the assholes but dont group the nice people in with the stupid people doing that only makes people pissed and want nothing to do with this show or this so called piss poor excuse of a TVD Family,

Its so strange how they spin shit and make it DB. Its fact KW saying the hate line was about DE and SK but more about DE its in a fucking interview! They dismiss fact and call us crazy *rolleyes* As for this "Bamon" scene coming up fyi Jeremys in the same mother fucking room and shes kissed him and asked his sister if she could start seeing him so I think its pretty safe to say neither D or B will be proclaiming their love for each other lol.

What the fuck is the point of calling Paige a slut over there inless the Bamon fans calling her this are one personally aware of her real life (which Ive known Paige 4 2 yrs trust me girls not a slut) they can shut the fuck up and not call her a slut unless she sleeps with all the Bamon fans boyfriends lol

@Paige ITA! Its not Bamon I hate Im all for them having a friendship its that ships fucking extreme fans in the bunch that pisses me off and makes me not give two shits if your nice to me I will be nice to you no matter who the fuck you ship but if your a bitch then hey I can be a hell of a lot bigger bitch then you and I will call you out to your face.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I can post page and page of this!!!!
over a year ago aceg said…
Judging by her comments posted above, This fan is beyond salvation. Since when the bloody hell are we being saint? and When the hell are we bluntly attacking DE fans? She should at least self-examine her and many extrem DE fans' behaviour before give us groundless accusuations. We are merely defending ourselves. If extrem DE fans haven't brutally insult us in youtube, twitter, CW, and fanpop. We will stay peacefully. Who the blood hell is she to stay on high horses? Also we are talking about the aggressive and disturbing behavior of certain obsessive DE fans from the extrem immature comments we've seen.
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
That's why I said that I don't know why she's always here.
Really !!! she can stay in her spot and leave us in peace!!
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over a year ago ducky8abug said…

Hi sweetie (waving)!

I think this poster felt unfairly labeled. I don't think she wanted to be associated as a 'racist', especially when you consider her objections to racially charged comments. I think she wanted our group to acknowledge that DE fans come in all shapes and sizes, and that the few bad apples that do exist do not represent the entire fan base.

Therefore, to the poster(s) who felt slighted or unfairly judged by our defensive stance against unruly rabble-rousers, I (as a Bamon fan) acknowledge and applaud the DE fans who've stood up against inflammatory or racially offensive comments. Thank you!

Now, for all you lovely Bamonators (and here's looking at you, Hinata26) continue to vent 'till your heart's content. Don't sweat the small stuff. All's fair in love and war!
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over a year ago hinata26 said…
Hi maybe!!
But I don't want to be label as delusional either. What I really don't appreciated is being called fanatic .
Yes she don't want to be labeled as a racist. But if she as a problem with us telling that some de are racist or something She could have tell it here because she's always around.
I think it's a little hypocritical to come here and playing nice and you go bad mouth people behind their back.
I CAN say that I really don't appreciated what she said. People were nice with her here and respected her because she was respectful. I didn't see someone call her friend a slut her even if they don't like her.
Before I really don't mind de's fan until I was a slut ect...
So yes I might be on defensive mode but I wouldn't be like this if I wasn't bitten first!!
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over a year ago aceg said…
Just want to get some facts straight here, in case of confusion. I never make a oversimplification that categorize entire DE fandom as something negative. I am very careful with choice of my word in situations like this not trying let my word give false sense to nice fans. Long time ago, I mentioned at this spot, there are many respectful DE fans around. I confine the discussion to the matter in questions whether they are DE fans, DE, Nian gossip so on and so forth.
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over a year ago ducky8abug said…

We are "fanatics."

The word "fan" is derived from "fanatic." It is the extreme and uncritical enthusiasm for the object of a person's fanaticism. Therefore, every shipper you meet on these forums is a fanatic. I hope that puts your mind at ease. The poster's comment is more of a fact than an insult. Alright?

As for what she posted, it was a gut-reaction. She was venting. It reads like an emotional outlet, something of which we've been doing here. I wouldn't take it seriously. Though if it'll make you feel better, I can go to that thread and reply to her post. Would that help?

And if yes, could you tell me where this thread is, so that I may respond?
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I don't think that's a good idea.
I took quotes on The de rant. I read this after some Bamon mate told me that a de fan that was always in our spot said something about bd's fan.
So I went to their spot to read it.
What I don't understand it's that she said that after people welcome her here.
Some de's fan might be great I didn't find one yet.
over a year ago ducky8abug said…

I know you've never categorized an entire DE fanbase. I applaud your integrity.

However, I do understand why others, like myself, would do so and I don't feel they (or I) were in the wrong. This thread was built for others to vent and I feel that's exactly what this poster was doing in the DE thread. She has a right to do it, as do we.

I also think acknowledging those who've taken strides to build a communicative bridge between two opposing groups could also work in BD and DE's favor.
over a year ago aceg said…
@hinata26: The way I see is the long-time tiresome shippers' war had (also them)has increased our anxiety and triggered our defensive mode. The result as simple as it sounds, our defensive mode may stay on emergency level because of frequently brutal and personal insults by some extreme fans. So the way we response to these attack may be a little too defensive I think. Unfortunately, These consequences may still present for a long time.
over a year ago ducky8abug said…

Lol, you didn't find a nice DE fan? I'm sorry! They're like the Easter bunny or the Lochnest monster. They can be very, very elusive but trust me, they're there.

I'll post on the DE rant thread and give a try. Alright? I'm sure it'll work out well.

READ IT: I'm that quick!

Okay, now I get it.

KrissyDelenaFTW posted her rant a MONTH ago. It was about our reaction to changing the banner on the Bonnie Bennett/Bonnie McCollough site. She was actually posting in defense of SpuffyDelena. This issue was resolved a few days after the "Rant thread" was created. Once everyone vented their spleen, it was forgotten.

So, Hinata26, I wouldn't worry. Alright? Still, I'll stop by and say Hi.
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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
ducky8abug : i recognize her right to vent, but i don't recognize her right to come here, starting to talk ALWAYS about different subjects from Bamon, and only so she can go to say to fellow DErs that we 'steal' concepts and spin them on DB when according her they were DE.

The very odd thing here, is that the most aggressive brand of DE fans takes an issue with our shipping choices and our shippy enthusiasm - from their words, it sounds like they get angry at the simple fact WE EXIST.

They complain endlessly about us getting excited for a scene, when i don't see how our getting excited is their problem. DE scenes can bore me but i don't resent other fans to enjoy them.
It does not even occur me I should.

And they keep remarking our fanbases should NOT exist, because we ship an unexistent ship.
Even if it was real, i don't see how THE FUCK IS IT THEIR CONCERN?

There are people that ship Damon/Caroline, but since there's little hope for that ship to be endgame, DErs don't call those fans delusionals.
That's reserved for us, since the DB scenes, while few and platonic, are often important and toward something in a relatively distant future.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SpuffyDelena is a bitch. I know I'm a bitch but at least I'm a sane bitch. Spuffy is a psychotic bitch who needs fucking medication.
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over a year ago ducky8abug said…
big smile

So basically, what you're saying is, SOME DE fans are overly fond of our enthusiasm and have found many opportunities to advertise our love for Bamon throughout TVD forums, right?

Well, I think that's wonderful. If some DE fans are compelled to broadcast our enthusiastic, analytical and creative thoughts throughout the entire web...then I would be extremely FLATTERED and humbled by their obvious devotion to this ship and it's shippers.

I mean, c'mon, it's so obvious. They love us and based on our collective thoughts on some DE fans, the feeling is mutual.

It's the only thing that makes sense!

over a year ago ducky8abug said…

I'm going to steer clear of this one and slowly back away.

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over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
There are people that ship Damon/Caroline, but since there's little hope for that ship to be endgame, DErs don't call those fans delusionals.
That's reserved for us, since the DB scenes, while few and platonic, are often important and toward something in a relatively distant future.

@Skysamuelle: they know that caroline is now busy with matt and tyler which is why they know she is not going to be involved with damon. thats y they bash us because they see the chemistry there along with a chance of bamon happening which is why they are threatened by it.

im actually quite content with their rage and impulsiveness :P
i've never been THIS threatening to someone :P i feel soo bad-ass right now :P
over a year ago hinata26 said…
@Appelpie88 we didn't talk about spuffy but about krissywhatever.
over a year ago ducky8abug said…

I'm sorry I'm raining on your parade. I know this is a rant thread and I know I'm killing, so I'll take my leave. Just remember, they're not all bad eggs.

over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I admire our optimistic spirit. Dont worry: once we ranted, the bad feelings leave our system to never come back...until the next time...lmao

ALSO, I told a page ago that DErs are not all bad. But the bad half, unfortunately, screams louder.
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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@SalvatoreBroFTW :

you are right, WE ARE BADASS!!!
over a year ago lorastefens said…
Hang on guys..I know there are some fans who are crazy but not all.Mostly who just can't think that it's fictional, they are crazy but I have some friends who ship DE in FP, they are not like that,we might don't like the same couples but other than those crazy fans, definitely there are cool fans but yeah some crazy has made this shipping in TVD really annoying, some of their comments make me wanna punch a kid.

Anyways, just want to tell you, I don't read FF normally but I'm reading two FFS now and one is named No more love, it's so good.And another one is the revolution, one is book and one is show, these two FFS are so great.
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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@ lorastefens :

i love fanfics, writing them and reading them!

No More Love Yous is FANTASTIC.One of my forever favorites.

if you just getting hooked on fanfiction, the one you cannot absolutely miss is WHAT LIES BENEATH- between Bamonators is almost canon... because everyone read it and love it to the point of devotion;9

over a year ago lorastefens said…
^ I will read it then.
over a year ago aceg said…
Did you read "She Hates Me", it is sequel to "No More Love Yous"
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
you will see, it will be a cathartic reading. The author takes the show's episodes and brings them in one AU where Damon and Bonnie are linked by a bloodbond after he has bitten her in History Repeating. Their developing relationship becomes gradually something fierce and very complex... and everybody stay IC all time.
Plus, epic writing.
over a year ago silvina19 said…
^^ i love that ff!! i totaly agree is so adictive that i had to close my eyes to close the window! because i wasnt doing nothing more than read it or thinking about the story and i was delaying my work *blushing ashamed*

@lorastefens can you please give me the links or the name of the autors? im going to put them in my list for the next(that is growing so fast!!!)

@aceg i already have those 2 in my list XD
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