Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago FrenchGiirl said…
I usually never post in that thread but, please, no name calling and no free insults behind people's back. We're mature fans here, remember ? :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LoVeLuStAnDLiEs said…
Agreed^ :D bamon . love
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Do you like DE?

Vote according your preference:


Do you like SE?
VOTE AT: link
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Okay, you must read the answers to this pick because you will either drop to the ground in shock or laugh your head off:


so far, the 40% of fans would want a 'lovestory' like DE, and not one 'cheesy' like SE:

Which basically means an alarming quantity of people wants a relationship where the guy manhandles them,kidnaps them, kills their relatives, threathens their friends and has an obsessive disorder.
I'm officially worried.
I'm mean - i LOVED watching Spuffy, but even in my most ardent shipper days, I never wished a lovestory like that on myself.

over a year ago aceg said…
Damn!!! Although these posts make me shake my head. But there is one comment have me almost spill the bluebarry juice on my laptop. How the bloody hell does she not want SE type of relationship because it is cheesy while longing for JB type of relationship because it is cute and safe? Seems like she paid good attention to lectures on stylistic device in her high school english class (hello oxymoron lol). At least this girl deserve a medal for her courage to confess not wanting a lovestory like DE considering she's a DEr after all.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
SkySamuelle: I'm not the least bit surprised to be quite honest. A lot of Delena supporters don't know a damn thing about what constitutes a healthy and solid love relationship. To them, having a sexual attraction is all that is necessary to a good relationship. Delena fans don't know ANYTHING about what real, true love is. To them, true love is obsessing over someone and treating them like shit, and overpowering them and not treating each other as equals. THAT IS THE DELENA FANS WAY OF THINKING, which is pretty fucked up if you ask me. It makes me absolutely sick when I see these Delena nutzos calling the Delena relationship real love. IT IS NOT REAL LOVE. Delena is an emotionally, mentally/psychologically, physically and spiritually abusive relationship and it is highly toxic on all levels. I'm sick of Delena fans trying to go to all lengths in order to justify the Delena relationship. I will NEVER, under any circumstances, as long as I am watching this show, find the Delena connection believable and justifiable in any way, EVER. How anyone can support the doomed from the start/ill-fated relationship that is Delena is beyond me. They must be either into abusive, controlling and psychologically harmful relationships or they are just a bunch of 12-13 year old fan girls who are dumber then fucking dirt. I'm guessing BOTH.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@Apple: Completely agree. And I will always see the Delena relationship (in both books and show) as an UNHEALTHY, LUSTFUL, SICK OBSESSION.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
"This entire post needs to go on the wall of shame…… Oh and this further proves my theory about some of you crazy Bonnie fans. You want Bonnie to be the lead because you hate Elena. This post proves that. Too bad Bonnie will never get with Damon because only the main character gets with another main character. The side characters always end up with the side characters. DEny as much as you want, but you know it’s true. Elena will always be the lead and guess what? Bonnie will some time die to make room for another amazing character…..and just FYI, I love Bonnie, but I love other characters more then her so if she dies it honestly won’t affect me that much. It annoyed me how she’s always bitching about everything anyways. So damn annoying. Ok my rant is over now. Have a great day;)"

OMG, what in the fuck???? OK, first of all, this poster is a dumbass. Not all Bonnie fans hate Elena. In fact, most Bonnie fans like Elena, because she happens to be Bonnie's best friend. Some of us Bonnie fans may get annoyed with Elena and can you really blame us? Elena does a lot of questionable things and makes a lot of stupid actions that don't make any sense. Just for the record, I LIKE ELENA, however, I am not afraid to call her out on her BS. That goes for every character on this show. I love Damon, but I criticize him a lot. Does that mean that I hate Damon?? The answer is NO. Stop the stereotyping. Geez, man.

Oh and BTW, I would absolutely LOVE if Bonnie happened to be the lead/heroine in both the books and the TV series. She's much more interesting, dynamic and fascinating then dull as dishwater Elena (even though I ADORE Nina Dobrev). So there.
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over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
^^^And even if I hate Elena, why pointing all Bamon fans?I hate Elena not because DE or sth but because I hate stupid character, I don't like Serena or Vanessa that much because they are stupid just like Elena and with no personality, annoys me so Fucking much.Lol..I have seen some SE, DE fan hate Elena too ,..so can't fans hate a stupid character???and who cares about main character, Hello Dawson was a main character, god I hate him so much...(What's wrong with me, I hate all the main character.. )and Pacey not but Pacey/Joey were and would be best couple, not Dawson/Joey, lol....Blair is not main character but I lover her and I don't like Serena and Some fans comments are so so..childish that I don't even bother to answer.And who wants Bonnie to be main lead, I would never want Bonnie to be in btw a triangle either in show or books.....she would always be Damon's and a fascinating character.
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over a year ago skysamuelle said…
@Apple: i just love how often DEluded people try to state how love Bonnie ( to make their argument at least a bit convincing)and then go ahead and imply they don't by saying they wouldn't care if Bonnie dies.

Lmao - they seriously overstimate their intelligence if they actually think we don't see through their BS.

But whatever. I find this kind of comment so silly and petty than it doesn't even deserve being openly argumented against.

If one was to pay an attention to her words, she believes Stefan won't actually end up with anyone because there's no spare main character.

Stefan and Elena are the PROTAGONISTS, hence by tvlogic, they begin and end the show TOGETHER. By rule THE ANTAGONIST, which fits the description for Damon in TVD, ends up with the main heroine's sidechick or a secondary character by rule.

And if half of the fandom diudn't already expect/fear this endgame, we would not be here discussing this subject on a forum for a spot with more than 1000 subscribers ;)

Time will give us our due, and whoever doubted it... well, i don't really care how they will take it, because aggressivity is just another form of insecurity in those cases.
over a year ago ILuvTV101 said…
I truly feel the Writers should go by the book. The shoes is COMPLETELY utterly based on a whole another topic. But i guess their trying to make it interesting.
over a year ago AngelusB said…
@Apple: Completely agree. And I will always see the Delena relationship (in both books and show) as an UNHEALTHY, LUSTFUL, SICK OBSESSION.

This. I barely even know what to say anymore. It's all been said so many times.
over a year ago ILuvTV101 said…
Delena is utterly disgusting, How can you date your boyfriends Katherine. brother. Doubt that will happen like it did with I hope it never does happen. Damon needs someone who doesnt have a "Akward past" someone like Bonnie. I hope everything works out in ep. 2x18
over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
^ I want DE to happen but DB the same way like books where Damon will go any extent to go Elena but what he wants for Bonnie, he doesn't know, he would protect Bonnie, kiss her, teases her for her virginity , so that Damon's awesomeness doesn't get affected and on the same way..Fans can understand Elena will always hurt Damon and Damon/Bonnie are special, their bond is special, I don't have any moral issue in shipping, I ship Spuffy but I want that special bonding of Damon/Bonnie like books and Stefan/Elena/Damon triangle can have , where Elena kisses Stefan just 10 minutes before and kisses Damon 10 minutes later, then again goes and tells Stefan how much she loves him.
over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Ugh, you-know-who are bashing Bamon on twitter because of ONE little scene between them... it's sad and laughable...
Sorry for spelling mistakes, don't know if I spelled it right. :

But le't's just enjoy this day! :D
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
LOL I kind of love how DE fans think/thought that spamming me on twitter would change my opinion on them being nutjobs. It kind of proved my point.

over a year ago samjhart said…
@D: oh my god roflmao
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
^^ You should see my TL. It's full of hilarity. If you want laughs, I'd encourage you to. lol

Keep in mind I wouldn't have even mentioned that fanbase if I didn't already know Kat saw all those hateful tweets.
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over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
^^ not hateful comments to only Bamon fans, she saw those hateful comments because they @KatGRaham mentioned her and gave death wish last night, Aren't you in tumbler?I heard that in tumbler that after those 2.18 stills Kat has been mentioned and give death wish in twitter. Like Justin Bieber fans always give death threat to Selena Gomez, some of the crazy behaving like Justin Bieber fans.These few crazy are making all our shipping a hell whether it's DE or DB or SE.My cousin is a DE fan but now she felt embarrassed because of these crazies.

And Last night JP, KW also got some hateful tweets.
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over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
^^Yep, I'm on twitter and tumblr. I basically said something about DE fans whining and acting like nutjobs because they don't get what they want and then I became public enemy number 1 lol. Though unlike Kat, I could really give a damn what they think. It just infuriated me to no end how amazingly cultish they are. Seriously threatening someone for doing their job? Sending hate tweets to Kat, JP, and KW over some damn pictures? REALLY?!!

I can't stand Elena, I think she's drab as can be, but do you see me tweeting Nina about it? No. Because I like to think that I'm sane enough to tell the difference between the actor and the character they are paid to play.
over a year ago Realist1 said…
Things like that make me upset. I'm not on twitter or tumbler, but I don't even want to imagine what sort of hate that has been directed towards Kat, JP and KW. These SO CALLED FANS should feel shame, but obviously they don't, to send messages like this. Tumbler and Twitter should find a way to BAN these MESSED UP FANS from certain groups they follow.

As much as I love TVD, I know it's a fictional show and some just cross the damn line and don't know the difference between reality and fantasy.
over a year ago aceg said…
I am on neither twitter nor tumblr but I can imagine spread of hatred projected towards Kat or KW. What I am curious is how those haters could still retain their accounts after this.
over a year ago katesbon said…
i don't even care about what delena fans say anymore ,never did but sometimes i find my self responding to thire shit ,but my week has been great to let them get me down,bamon week on tv fanatic,bamonsexy stills,bamon eps what more do i want?delena fans hating on kat and bonnie nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootha­t is expected they are stupid for my test so no i won't go to haters and tell them how i feel about them they are just jelouse cos bonnie and damon look better than thire stupid ship!!!
over a year ago Minaftw said…
I know right? Honestly I think Damon and Elena look like brother and sister, I mean give Elena blue contacts and bam, both brunettes, about the same height and pyhsique
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Hate on me hater
Now or latter
Coz I'm gonna do me
You'll mad baby
Go head and hate
Go head and hate on me hate on
Coz I'm not afraid of it
What I got I paid for
You CAN hate on me

I think it CAN fits here we shouldn't care
(it's The chorus of jill Scott song hate on me)
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
UGH!!! I'm so pissed off. Delena fans are so fucking childish and stupid! Look at this:


They're hoping Bonnie dies. I bet you any money they are hoping she dies because of the Bamon stills that came out a few days ago. What a bunch of desperate fucking losers. I can't fucking stand them. They'll do anything to bring down Kat/Bonnie. I literally HATE the Delena fan base. Like loathe, DESPISE.

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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
And they can continue to hate all they want, it won't change the fact that Damon and Bonnie look HOT.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
UGH!! I HATED the S/D scene in this episode. Damon calling Bonnie a secret weapon, WTF? She's not an object to USE, dumbass! She is a person. I mean really writers? That was so unnecessary! I just wanted to slap him one. And Stefan too. FFS Bonnie could DIE and does anyone care? NO. No1curr. As long as the Precious Princess Elena is safe... all's good in Mystic Falls. Unbelievable. Annd this will get Delena fans pointing and laughing at us even more, saying stuff like "hahaha Bamon will NEVER happen. This episode was proof that Damon hates Bonnie, Damon doesn't care about Bonnie, blah blahfuckingblah, Bonnie is NOTHING but a 'weapon' to him." The only girl he cares about and loves is ELENA".

*face palm*
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over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
^ IKR!!! i was surprised that STEFAN even acted that way!!
wth are the writers doin with the characters!!!!
i hated that stefan-damon scene it was the WORST scene of theirs EVER!!
over a year ago nikki_A said…
^OMG !! Did he really say that??!! DICKhead !! And what did Stefan say? I can't believe Stefan said something like that??!
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
^ Damon said "which literally makes Bonnie our secret weapon", and Stefan didnt say anything. He just smiled and nodded that he agreed with it, and then they toasted to her which irked me even more. Cheers that you now have a weapon to USE, who's a PERSON and could die, just to save your princess. Wow. It was just... very asshole-ish of them.
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over a year ago AngelGirl1992 said…
At that scene I was so disgusted by them that I wanted them to choke in their drinks. BASTARDS.
over a year ago AngelusB said…
I expected a bit more from that scene with S/D. I'm not mad or anything, it just felt so 'argh'. I like that they realize that she's the strongest force they have right now but the way the writers had them say it was pretty shit.I'm in agreement. It just felt wrong, so Bonnie is allowed to die for Elena? That's acceptable? Bullshit!

Anyway, on a whole. I didn't hate the episode, it was okay. I quite liked the Bamon interactions.
over a year ago lacage0 said…
Lets see what did i get from the episode. Damon likes being around Bonnie lol He was his snarky self and something subtle hit me he was trying to be funny about striking a match and basically creamating Luka and Bonnie was like don't be disrespectful and not about him. Damon creased his forehead and looks at her and said he would bury him. Then Bonnie mentions something about jonas and he goes how close were you and daddy witch. He said it basically in the same manner he said Jeremy couldn't take the pressure outside of the cave in the sacrifice. What I took from that was Damon was jealous that these strangers had gotten so close and gotten trust from Bonnie where he and Bonnie still have a love/dislike frenemy relationship. I mean Damon's happy that he's has an improvement in their relationship but I still think it bothers him that he's not as close as Stefan and Bonnie's other friends.

I love the banter especially when she goes you know where the burial ground is and he goes did I forget to mention that and smirked and she gives him a look of like exasperated sigh Damon lol

next not defending the salvatores but if Bonnie doesn't speak up for herself and say hey this maybe to much for me, how are they suppose to know her limits. Stefan knows about the weakness but no one knows that using that much power would kill her but Jeremy and that's because he read it not because Bonnie trust him with that information.

I wonder what Damon did to piss off the witches to the point that Bonnie had to save his but from burning and the fact the shut the door in his face where he couldn't enter the house again lol Someone on the other board said the house was cockblocking lol

What I did get from the interaction going to the house was that Damon tried to save Emily like I suspected and that's how he knew about the burial ground. Of course he said he did it for Katherine before he found out she was a B but I think that he did it because he cared about Emily as well. I think he mentioned Katherine to cover for the fact he was attempting a good deed in saving Emily and didn't want to lose the badass face infront of Bonnie.

Next week, looks good Bonnie vs Alaric(Klaus) can't wait to see that and also what brings about those stills that came out a few days ago with the interlocking fingers of Bamon at the dance.
over a year ago AngelusB said…
Okay and now that i have taken the time to actually re-watch the episode. That whole D/S thing was nothing, they just had a bad day and finally feel as though they have the upper-hand.

All in all, I liked the episode although I found that Caroline's expectations of Matt's response to her reveal was a bit shallow. I like her and everything but to expect him just to accept everything was a bit much on his part. I just hope that liz/matt don't hurt her in the end.

over a year ago beepo123 said…
^ I agree with everything you said. After that incredibly disastrous day they had it makes sense that they would be glad that Bonnie is an important asset to defeating Klaus. And people shouldn't bash Matt I mean his sister was turned and killed by vampires so of course he'd be freaked out.
over a year ago AngelusB said…
People are bashing the crap out of Matt because poor Caroline's feelings are all hurt. 'I love you Matt!' - like that's going to make his world okay? He just found out about how his sister died and Caroline is part of the group that kept it from him. I'd be pretty pissed and hurt too. If the roles were reversed, he'd be the bad guy again, it's just not a win win for poor Matt.
over a year ago Minaftw said…

The Bonnie hate is pitful, if any of you have good vidding talent, I challenge you to make a response to this Bonnie vid showing how epic she is
over a year ago beepo123 said…
Someone who puts that much effort into bashing a character that is FICTIONAL, is pathetic *rolls eyes*. I really do hope someone makes a response video.
over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
I had to hold back from commenting. I figured it wasn't worth it. I have zero talent when it comes to making videos, but I really hope someone does.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Bonnie's haters are rabidly stupid, we already knew that.

But hold on - i just read on fanforum someone claiming that Delena has great eye-sex.

Look me as i fall out of my chair laughing. If there's one thing i NEVER saw between Damon and Elena, is eyesex.

Unless eyesex is Damon doing moon eyes by distance. Ah, those DErs can be so entertaining once in awhile...
over a year ago Minaftw said…
In the mean time we should all vote it down and flag it as harmful and inappropriate content, and flag all her comments as spam

I think I'm going to post a video, well it is not exactly a response but it shows Bonnie being a hero, I was working on it before I saw the horrible video, it's not the best but...

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over a year ago AngelusB said…
Let them think what they want if they can't see Bonnie for the amazing character she is, too bad. I'd love for them to compile a little antidote of Elena's usefulness which consists of 1. stabbing herself...
over a year ago superstar77 said…
hey you guys im new to this site!! im a huge bamon fan duh!! haha hi to you all!! sori i just want to jump right in. you guys are forgetting that bonnie only told them she could kill klaus bt they dont know that doing so will kill her!! jeremy only knew after he read the book himself. i don think she told stefan or damon she is probably keeping it 2 herself. am i wrong?
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Maybe not but they're old enough to know things about witches.
They should know that such a strong spell could kill The witch who cast it.
Plus She is a novice witch it's logical to know that it will harm her no?
I don't blame them they are just a little bit stupid or maybe they don't want to see The obvious.
Sometimes it happens.
over a year ago katesbon said…
@hinata26 i agree,damon knows more about witches history than bonnie ,and he has a bunch of books to read from,stefan knows she bleeds and faints he just don't care!!she told stefan she don't know if she can do big spells ,evidence she told him when he ask her to make a ring for caroline!!too much drama in the salvatores mansion oh look they gave their house to elena great!!so petetic and stupid damon can't even hide a moonstone let alone help bonnie wit her powers booooooooooooooo!!!they suck and bonnie is a hero she is willing to sacrifice her self not just for elena .whatever happens next week i am sure its gonna change bamon forever !!!dancing or pausing like that don't make delena fans go crazy ,its because of their hand which i can say tells alot about the bamon magic ,elena and damon dance is gonna be blah blah...oh you don't see a move like that wit so much chemistry*insert sarcastic*yeah damon you have moves bonnie never seen before!!!if one still make delena fans go stupider than stupid we should keep all the stills and make one great tribute to them cos they suck!!!
end of rant wit haters of bonnie keep hate her she is by far the most talked about character on tvd so great to know our littel witch can gather so much hate in one picture more than freaking elena gilbert!!!haters will hate cos they are gelouse !!!
over a year ago hinata26 said…
That's why writers Can't kill bonnie she makes a lot of buzz. If they kill her who everybody will talk about?
People who are supose to hate talk about her all time. She makes The buzz !!!! They can't get rid of her.
People Love to hate her I'm pretty sure that some of them will stop watching this show if she die because She The most wonderful character of that show and they will realise it if die. We already know She won't So we have to pray that NeXT year she'll have a real storyline . So they CAN hate her as long as they want I don't care.
over a year ago iLauren said…
My rants about the last episode:

Rant #1: Jenna's Teenage Tantrum.

My god, the sheer awfulness of that scene. Rather than have Jenna handle the shocking revelations about Isobel being alive and Elena knowing about it all along in an adult manner, they have her run up to her bedroom and cry like a like a freakin' kid! Not only that, rather than confront the two people that hurt her the most, she runs off to school leaving the responsibility of the kids on Jon. Writers, why are you ruining Jenna, it's bad enough that you still continue allowing her not to know about vampires because, "The less she knows, the safer she is." when every freakin' week she's in danger because she's letting vampires in the house because no one warned her that the nice new man she met could rip her throat out if he wanted to. I would have loved it if we had a great confrontation scene involving her, but as usual, she's ignored.

Rant #2: Damon Dumbed Down

While I, like so many others, enjoyed that moment of gratuitous fanservice when Damon stripped off his shirt just to wash his hands (For a few moments there, I thought the show had morphed into Passions)any joy of shirtless Damon was killed by the fact that they had him hide the moonstone in the most dumb of all places. I would love to think that Damon is this smart and savvy guy who is always three steps ahead of his enemies, but darn it, I can't buy into this if you're going to do stuff like have him hide a powerful item where even a 2-year-old can find it. That scene has officially replaced my #1 dislike about how they write Damon as a fight happy fool who always goes after the latest supernatural character on the show only to have his butt handed to him.

Rant # 3: Bonnie's powers

I know, officially she's using more power than her body can handle. But Bonnie comes from one of, if not, the most powerful line of witches; we saw several of her relatives perform powerful spells with little or no trouble, yet when Bonnie does a spell her nose bleeds more than an male anime character in girls locker room. I mean really, this whole 'powers are too strong for her body' is a weak excuse to take a powerful character and depower her. Why didn't they come up with a better excuse as to why she can't perform spells like the fact that she's young and untrained, I know I could if I sat down and put some thought into it; but I guess the writers can't since they're too busy coming up with such brilliant ideas like Damon hiding the freakin' moonstone in a soapdish.

Rant #4: Caroline's storyline controversy.

Yeah, I saw the fact that Caroline couldn't compel coming, I'm more or less surprised more than a few people didn't. Stefan who is more than a century older, had to decline compelling Jeremy because he said it wouldn't work because he spent years on a diet of animal blood only; so I had my doubts that young vampire Caroline could be successful with her abilities to compel. I know a lot of people are angry at Matt for not wanting to be around her, but I really can't blame him for freaking out around Caroline nor can I blame her mother for her own reaction to her daughter being a vampire. Vampires are undead creatures that could kill and eat a person before they have a chance to react (as seen with Jon being drained by Isobel), so if someone isn't jumping on the "Vampires are F'n awesome!" bandwagon, I can't really blame them. I know to a lot of people it seems like he and Liz are plotting against Caroline, but to me, Liz seemed more hurt by what happened to Caroline and if Liz was making a move against Caroline she would have done it by now and quietly cover up her daughter's death. If anything, I think she's trying to convince Matt to keep quiet about what Caroline really is and make sure that he doesn't tell anyone else; Caroline is her only child, as much as it pains Liz to know that her daughter is a vampire, I think she would rather have an undead Caroline than no Caroline at all.

Rant #5: This 'Team' sucks!

There's also some controversy over the scene in which Damon and Stefan refer to Bonnie as their secret weapon. For some, this is a problem since the scene makes it seem like the Salvatore brothers view Bonnie as nothing more than a weapon, rather than a human being with feelings; for others, it's not that big of a deal since Bonnie never told them that she could die from using her powers. Me, I blame bad writing all around. For a group of people working together to stop Klaus, we never see the group working together as a cohesive team with the same goal in mind, at the most we get 2 of the group working together on something while the others are doing something else. There's no real meetings of the group anymore to discuss what they've learned so far and what method would best work towards their ultimate goal, just groups of 2 doing their own thing. How hard would it be to have a small 5 minute scene in which everyone talks about what they've learned so far and what they plan to do next? A small scene like this would have went a long way and show how the group has learned to work with one another and help with the overall flow of the story.

As for the haters, they never even phase me:

My rants about the last episode:

Rant #1: Jenna's Teenage Tantrum.

My god, the sheer awfulness of t
over a year ago hinata26 said…
^^ brilliant post !!!
over a year ago Damon-Bamon12 said…
Ok, so I was on Twitter. A couple a DB fans(including me) and one DE fan were talking about why did I change my icon picture into a DE picture. Suddenly the DE fan mentioned Noelle (Applepie88)and said that she hates her...

I'm not naming names!

DE Fan:I get along great with BD shippers...as long as they're nothing like that SE bitch
that hates on DE'ers...I think her name is Noelle...pretty sure y'all know her...

One of the Bamon Fans:I think I've heard of her.. I think its good for us BD&DE fans to have a civil convo [:

DE fan:Lol I'm friends with a ton of DB'ers and SE'ers! Just ask (not naming names :})

DE Fan:I can't STAND her! She calls DE'ers vile, disgusting, evil, etc. I just to slap her

Bamon Fan(who doesn't know her):wow! She's cruel ! :(

DE Fan:She has a Tumblr...I've read it and omg....she's a total bitch

Bamon Fan(who doesn't know her): i can imagine! Just coz ppl like different couples doesn't mean you can lash out on them ! :(

DE fan: Lol I honestly used to do the same..not gonna lie XD but i've stopped now. It was childish All I do now is just bash the ship LMAO so just ignore me if I go on rants;) Nothing against the shippers at all unless if they're talking trash about DE'ere

BamonFan (who doesn't know her):Haha okay (: I'n going off this now, talk to you later :P

DE Fan:Bye;)

Me:Wait... Noelle? What's her username? :P

DE Fan:Stelenaandbamonisdestiny.Tumblr.com

Me:Is she mean or rude? :P

DE Fan:Both! Ugh I can't stand her!!!:(

Me:Erm...she's my friend. I know she sounds like she's bashing, but she's really nice. She's VERY honest. What kind of things do she say?

DE Fan:
She calls DE'ers vile and disgusting and hates all over the DE fanbase!!

me:Hmmm... where exactly?:D

DE Fan:I'll send u the link when I get home.