Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 replies

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over a year ago KateDenali said…
Ugh. I'm going to smash something. I... I just can't work with Delena fans anymore... especially not the racist ones. Her's a little snip of a convo I got into with one:

"Bonnie and Damon are disasterous together. Bonnie is ass ugly, and Damon is like a god. Besides that, she's fucking black. There's no way Damon can go out with a black girl."

My response: "Racist much? Skin color doesn't matter if you care about someone, in TV shows or reality. That's just being immature."

"You're only saying that because you're black, and you want the hottest guy on the show with the black girl on the show. Of course you'd ship Bamon."

What I said next to the girl is not appropriate for this thread. Let's just say I let her have it, and if she ended up crying, I wouldn't be surprised. But let the record show that I am actually not black. I have pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and am not to be fucked with.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
Even putting aside their childish reactions to ANYTHING BD related, every time I get on a general discussion episode thread on fanforum, i end up wondering if they are smoking tweed when they watch tvd. Every time I or someone else do a intelligent comment that reinforces Elena's feelings for stefan or diminished in some smal way the gospel that DE is for them, they straight out ignore it. Instead, they spend endless time trying to justify/gushing over something perfectly obvious.

Exemple of unfortunately frequent comments:

1) Elena's reaction to Stefan being locked in the tomb was not all that particular to Stefan since she would have reacted similiarly if anyone else she cared for was been there... like Jeremy or Bonnie. (I don't even start on the pure stupidity of this comment, because that was the one scene i could actually recognize Elena acting like herself in whole the episode)

2)Damon was not being violent with Elena! he just knows her so well than he knew that being gentle in her would have not worked considewred the mood she was in.

3)SK is not a prop up for DE- SK happening would have NOTHING to do with DE happening (ENTER BRILLIANT IGNORING OF PRETTY SOUND REASONS IT WOULD).

This reminds me of when DErs went on and on about their being so brilliant to understand that Damon had tried to apologize to Elena for snapping Jeremy's neck during the roadtrip, first using his wicked humour and then seriously because that's the way Damon works. Before he tries saying something serious with a joke, and then, if it doesn't work... he goes with heArtfelt sincerity. And I agree with this- but again, it's so perfectly obvious and apparent that is not worhy mentioning and certainly doesn't justify anything.

Honestly, I'm coming to believe that DErs are all mental. Iknow i sound harsh and won't ever reapeat this on a public post but...hurgh! They actually adore the bratty, 'freed' Elena that comes to life with Damon. The very same Elena I would push under a bus with no remorse.

Damn, I pray that DE happens soon this season, because if S3 is all about them, i don't think i will be able to take it.

If a ship is legit, it doesn't need to be cemented or discussed by sinking others....Again, we are told flat out that Stefan is Elena's soulmate and that tvshow is about them... on those premise, why would any sane person choose to ship DE? Because an insane quantity of time was spent on building them up and giing them a chance... so the sooner they happen, sooner the show can be AGAIN about SE working their way toward each other... until we reach that point, the show is struck on trying to get DE in as an obstacle to SE.

This pic explains it all and more, have a go and let it to cheer you up:

over a year ago chazzaf said…
Honestly I dont blame you I hate racists and Im very hot headed so if I met somebody like that in person I would be having to get pulled of them.That girl better be ashamed of herself. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I agree did anyone notice how bratty Elena was in By The Lights Of The Moon when Stefan was in the tomb I think when Stefan isn't there Elena feels very alone and depressed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Seriously, what will DE fans do when/if Bamon happens and share a kiss? Cut themselves and jump off a bridge? Do they need to be held down and put on meds while they're kicking and screaming? There's a Bamon scene, and they freak out and lose their shit.
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@skysamuelle I would push that Elena under a bus too. God, I hate her like that.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I'm virtually high-fiving you, Kate.

Those people deserve to get be bitchslapped, verbally and otherwise.

We are proud of you.

Ships are one thing and discrimination, racial and sexual, is another.

BTW I don't see anyone complaining because Jeremy is white and with Bonnie.

Also, considering Bree and that other coed he was snaking on while calling her his favorite one, i dare to say Damon is not shy of liking black girls.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I think they secretly view Bamon as a big threat I mean look how may fans we have and we have hardly any scenes it is pretty obvious to me that when Bamon finally do happen we will be a lot more epic entertaining and sexy than DE.Just face the facts DE fans we are more interesting than your boring ship. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Even KW and JP realize how stupid and idiotic they are making themselves out to look. Delena fans honestly don't realize how stupid they actually look.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
^Have they said anything about the DE fanbase? I hope they did and see how crazy obsessive and idiotic they really are.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I think every fan who isn't a DE fan realises how crazy and deranged they all are. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@skysamuelle Thanks. Yeah... I'm really someone you don't want to mess with at all costs. Because, well, I can be the biggest, meanest bitch you ever meet when angry (worse than SpuffyDelena, though some might not think that's possible). Racists just get to me though; I can't stand them. If I had been in a room with her -public or no- instead of online, I would have been ripping out her hair and knocking out her teeth. I have a nasty temper when provoked, incase you haven't guessed.
over a year ago KateDenali said…
What gets me is that most of these Delena fans, who continually pull the race card for DB, are fine with JB. It's sickening to see how much of hypocrites they are. I swear, I will end up smacking one, should I ever come across one outside of a computer.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali a fellow hot head.I also have a temper I hate racists they make me sick there is nothing wrong with people who are Black White or even Yellow for God sakes I swear you want to have seen what happened to the racist who moved into my street you cant even recognise her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago KateDenali said…
^Does it make me sound mean that I want to laugh? Because I do.

Racism is a very touchy subject for me. I try not to see color when I look at people, as cliche as that sounds, and it irritates me that that's the only thing some people see.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
God, even L.J. Smith told them to shut the fuck up once in her blog. It's no wonder I believe that L.J. quit writing the series. She couldn't take all the Delena nutzos sending her endless brainwashing bullshit every single day. I DON'T BLAME HER. Saddened? She is probably feeling ultimate relief right about now and trust me, I would to if I were her. Her story has created a cult-like fanbase filled with rabid nutcases.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

honestly, i'm curious about that as well. if they already go in a violent hissy fit at the mere idea of BAMON when said ship becomes a reality...

some of them might cross sides... because 'if you can beat them, join them' but i shudder at the very cobncept of being remotely associated with this degree of sick fanatism.

other strange things i've heard lately from DE shippers:

1) Jeremy doesn't just want Bonnie, he wants her body and soul.

Are you serious? Beremy are cute and all but they are barely in the beginning stage of developing something serious for each other. It's not like they are running out setting up house.

I canot even go obver the beremy thread on fanforum, because the general attitude toward this shipis so largely unrealistic.

I like them, but why the hell i can't discuss this pairing without pretending they are already in love and hopelessly devoted to each other?

And of course, the most of it, it's DE fans who will rip your head out if you say anything that goes past the fantasy of Bonnie and Jeremy being IT for each other, HERE and NOW.

They are still in a LIKING-ONLY stage. Maybe they will fall in love, maybe they wont, but i would like discuss their scenes without massive rewriting of history for easing the bruised ego of insecure ders.

2) DE are two faces of the same coin- she hides her darkness and he hides her light.

it's fun, how this applies to DB far better THAN it does to DE.

Elena can be bratty and selfentitled at the occasion, but it does not even compare to Damon's level of darkness.

Whereas Bonnie... have you met her ?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali No it doesnt sound mean.I get angry at the slightest things but Racism and people making fun of dead relatives is the worse for me.Or someone making fun of Bamon or Puckleberry. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ApplePie88 None more psycho than DE fans. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if LJ recieved death threats from people wanting a DE ending. It's sickening to think about.

@chazzaf *Gasp* Another Puckleberry shipper? Could it be? Yay!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali I also feel sickened at the thought that L.J Smith would receive Death Threats.I hope Kat and Paul dont receive death threats. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@KateDenali yeah im 100% Puckleberry and Bamon love them both to bits. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@chazzaf I hope they don't either. It's a terrible thought that some people would be so extreme that they'd threaten an actor - who has no control over his or her character or what they do.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…

1. "God I hate Julie interview she is toxic to delena fans I wish SHE STFU in future. Also I hate SE soooooo forking much ugh they make me sick, so do stelena fans. I pity their real life choices etc if they really belive SE is their definition of true love SMH!!!!

I hate SE they suck and I see this show getting cancelled soon anyway good luck with SE writers cos I won't be watching that crap. They force this down our throat the most boring dullest useless couple ever, they are Edward and Bella part 2 lol but in this case EB pawn them LMAO"

2. "Is Julie Plec aware that Stefan/Elena is nothing but BORING?!It totally lacks passion and it's probably the most dull relationship involving a vampire which has ever been portrayed on tv or cine!"

3. "Elena and stefan are getting so boring together sumthin interesting with katherine involved would seem exciting of sumthin like that vamp diaries is my fav show and i cant wait to see whats next in the story line!"

4. "I believe that stefan needs to be killed off the show or he needs to be with Katherine and Elena needs to be with Damon. Stefan and Elena are getting seriously boring!!! Plus, I think that Stefan secretly misses Katherine too. C'mon writers...work with me!!"

5. "I love Damon. Team Delena. I don't hate Stefan, and he is pretty hot, but he's no Damon. And Damon has more layers and is deeper than Stefan. Like, Stefan cuddles Elena and all, but when's he actually gonna fight for her? Whereas Damon's the one who temporarily killed Elijah and saved Stefan AND Elena. Damon's hot too, like those blue eyes, that smirk and his body. What's not to love? Team Damon! DAMON ALL THE WAY!"

-Rolls eyes- Ugh, I want to just shoot myself in the face...
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over a year ago KateDenali said…
Me too, ApplePie88, me too... no, better yet, I want to shoot their foot (I'm not mean enough to kill, but definitely mean enough to put them in crutches or a wheelchair).
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over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie89 They were all hating on Nina the other day because she said it would be very out of character if Elena went with Damon.It kind of sickens me that they hate on an actress when she is just doing her job telling the truth instead of giving people false hope. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
over a year ago chazzaf said…
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Julie Plec on Delena fanbase:

"All these girls are like 'Damon and Elena forever! Delena! Ahh! Oh, nothing on the show is working except for Damon and Elena!' and then you take a step back and you're like wait, no, stay off Twitter. " - Julie Plec
over a year ago KateDenali said…
Yay! More PR love! I love those two almost as much as Bamon and Stelena :)
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Ugh, I hate hate the Stefan bashing and when they say he needs to be killed off. Poor guy. :( What did he do wrong?!?
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I love Stefan he is one of the nicest guys and he is so sweet and such a gentleman.I dont know when nice became boring but the DE fans seem to think so. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
so basically all of their reasons for loving damon so much to gloss over murder and sexual abuse is that he is hot.



Insert sarcastic gagging sound.

It's significant how they forget that internet fandom id only 3% of the vieweers.

They are honestly convinced that the nobody will watch TVD ever again if(WHEN) DE sinks... and in this belief they conveniently refuse to notice that the show is been successfull so far, WHEN SE IS ON A ROLL AND SPLENDIDLY HAPPY WITH EACH OTHER.

But then, Ian is so hot... this changes everything, right?

Sexually frustrated much?
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I don't know about anyone else but the cuteness of Puckleberry reminds me of Stelena. :) Teehee.
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@ApplePie88 Haha. Even Julie admits they're insane.
over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
Stefan is actually my favorite character in the show. So it pisses me off to no end when both he and Bonnie are bashed for absolutely no reason.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I dont think the DE fans have a good thing to say about anything they are always complaining about something and the come over here to cry all over our page and I just get sick of them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Puckleberry are just so cute the fact that Ryan Murphy wont give them a proper chance angers me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I told you so - That bunch of looney bins doesn't even realize they are risking big.

Let's say Julie and Kevin notice the DE fanbase is getting too difficult and problematic to handle...they will think of the overall tvd story, the way they want to tell it, and they will realize the best thing is ending DE in a definitive manner soon instead of dragging it over whole the series.

Nobody would EVER want to deal with this crap undefinitely.

over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Chazzaf - Yeah, it sucks but we all know that it is going to be Finchel as the endgame. There is nothing we can do about it, unless that changes. I mean, anything can happen. I hope that Puckleberry is given a chance. I love them. They are so adorbs. <3
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I think even if DE do happen their fanbase will still complain about something they will say Damon and Elena were so cute last night I just wish they would have got more scenes.I honestly can picture them saying that. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@chazzaf: I love both Stefan and Damon, but I hate that they're always picking on Stefan while Damon is the most loved. Not cool. Maybe Damon should scare these haters by vamping out and be like " BACK THE F*CK OFF MY BROTHER". haha.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Finchel bores the hell out of me as well.The thing about Puck and Rachel is the always surprise me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Funny that there are Stefan/Bonnie shippers out there. The two most hated characters on TVD they ship together.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I admit it, I ship Quick.
But like I do with Dair, knowing so many of my fellow bamonators ship Puckelberry, if RP was endgame i would choose being happy for them over being sorry for myself.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@ ItalianAngel89 I can actually picture Damon doing that.Stefan could take care of them anyway LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I have nothing against Quick fans they are a lot more tolerable than DE fans.I love Dair to.I ship Cherry to I think the are cute. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Blah, no more talking about cuteness in this thread. This is the BAMON RANT thread. Lmao.

Did I mention that many Delena supporters are escapees from the looney bin?
over a year ago KateDenali said…
@chazzaf @ApplePie88 God, Finnchel is terrible. I once saw them compared to my sweet Stelena, and nearly choked on my soda.

Stefan is hated so much by DErs, it makes me want to punch a wall or something. You think I get defensive over Bamon? Just wait until you see me defending Stefan, my baby, from all the critiques. The poor guy. Someone's gotta do it, and I do it with vicious bite.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
OMG, DAIR! OTP FOREVER <33 They remind me so much of Bamon.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
I think you did but dont worry at least us Bamon fans are sane. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx