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skater_girl1 said about Damon & Bonnie
I was really missing their scene in S3 but finally scenes with them. I'm happy that Damon has her blood in his system and he has given Bonnie his blood to save her. Can anyone please make a video of Bamon with Marvin Gaye's Sexual healing song with this latest scene? Please.. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed, it's almost like Julie has unwritten their characters to deny their chemistry. Never mind, there's Marvin Gayes healing in store, for sure!! Btw, Lost yay! Have you seen Josh in GhostProtocol? The guy who played Goodwin was on JJAbrams new baby "Person of Interest" with M.Emerson. over a year ago
maryksand said …
Nice to see new Skate fans here:) Posted over a year ago