Sword Art Online (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Dec 06, 2013 at 02:39PM
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter and consists of a hundred floors stacking straight upwards, meaning that each floor's diameter is a bit smaller than the previous one. On each floor, there are a couple of large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests, plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway links each floor to another, and the stairways exists beyond the boss room of each dungeon. The «Teleport Gates» of every unlocked cities are connected to one another.

Make a Character.

Hp: 250 (+ 50 Per Level)
Sp: 20 (+10 Per Level)

Sword Skill: Slant/ 10 Sp














The better your Rp during battle the higher the damage you'll do to the monster.

-Bob- Slashed -Amy-

Hp: 800-50 = 750

-Bob- decided to surprise his foe so he would dive behind a tree until his enemy would lose sight of him then he'd run behind her and stab her through the torso.

Hp: 800 - 100 = 700
Sp: 500

But this does not mean that a level 1 will be able to defeat a level 45 with one strike be realistic. When you strike a person I will do the damage calculations. In case they counter or evade, but if you do this don't just say
"-Amy- Counters"
Do it well for it to succeed and do your damage calculations fairly if you're level 1 and a level 20 hits you don't take away 10 Hp take away like 100.
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter a
last edited on Aug 23, 2014 at 01:22AM

Sword Art Online 2498 replies

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over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I'm here!" He calls out, using a horizontal swoop against the creature as he ran past, slicing into its legs with the momentum of his full sprint bearing down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As she fell to her knees she pulled her Kodachi out of Hikari and she began to gasp and struck the beat with her staff with a rising swing flipping her onto her back. As the beast lay on the ground momentarily immobilized it's Hp dropped to the yellow marker showing that though it had speed it's Hp and defense were laughable.*

Hikari: I don't understand last time you were able to kill my allies easily...

Fomor Assassin: %$@%%#@$

Hikari: I ..I can't understand you.., but you were taunting us in the last battle as well.
Perhaps..these monsters..they're learning..Perhaps they gain experience and memories and strength just like us players... at a faster rate probably, but thee one we challenged had probably seen battle before and when we killed it and a new one spawned it was inexperienced for a while since that Fomor Knight must have been killing the intruders.
*As she fell to her knees she pulled her Kodachi out of Hikari and she began to gasp and struck the b
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"That's insane..." Sothe mutters, stepping over to the fallen creature. "Almost makes me think twice about killing you." He tells the Assassin, then begins to dig his short sword into her abdomen. "...But that won't stop me."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The beast let out a ferocious cry and Hikari began to strike it as well until finally it shattered releasing the bright blue shards that they had become used to seeing. As it faded away a black blade fell before them. Each party member also received 800 Col. While Sothe picked it up Hikari and Kaguya got updates from the system.

Kaguya Lvl: 28
Hp: 1600
Sp: 290

<Hikari has unlocked the Blunt Weapon Skill Tree and has unlocked the following Sword Skill>

«Spinning Shield»
Spinning Shield is activated by thrusting the weapon forward and upward. The weapon then begins to spin like a windmill, with the user's fingers acting as the pivot. In just a few seconds, the weapon reaches a speed that makes it invisible to the human eye, making it look like the weapon had become a half-transparent shield of light. Although the skill allows blocking even major attacks, powerful skills still cause minor damage, as it is impossible to completely block such an attack with the skill. This Sword Skill Costs 40 Sp.

As Sothe inspected the blade he saw that it was a Rare level 26 rapier called "Dark Rebellion"
This weapon was forged from the pure hatred it feels for it's master. If it is constantly bathed in the blood of it's enemies it's hatred shall grow until finally it consumes it's Master entirely.*

Hikari:...I feel kind of bad now.
These monsters..they..they're living breathing creatures here. They have lives just as we do.. She probably didn't even know what was going on only that she had to strike...Damn it Kayaba....what is the purpose of this game...
last edited over a year ago
*The beast let out a ferocious cry and Hikari began to strike it as well until finally it shattered r
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kaguya: I'd guess it's his version of survival of the fittest....
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"This thing has an... Ominous feel to it." He concludes, swinging it around a bit. Sothe then equips the blade and turns towards the others. "Alright we have two options, we press on and fight the next boss, or we head back."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Hikari:...I..I don't know what's beyond that door..Kaguya what do you think?

Ia: I..I think we can do it guys!
*As they spoke Kaguya's stomach erupted in a loud growl bringing him to his knees*
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over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He remains quite, remembering he wasn't in a party anymore. Maybe I should just tag along for a bit? Sothe contemplates the thought, scratching his head.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kaguya: Hungry......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Hikari: Maybe we should rest a bit? Regain our composure let Kaguya eat and regenerate some Hp.
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over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I'm gonna go for a walk, poke around the place a bit." He mutters, then starts off.
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over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia: I'll go with you!

Hikari: I'll help this guy over here.
*she then helped him take out the food in his inventory and before him sat a still warm home cooked meal.*

[Sothe's Rp Post]

Ia: You're very strong Sothe I always though those stories were exaggerations, but you are the real deal.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He laughs, shaking his head. "Not as strong as kayuga." Sothe mentions, smiling a little.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
Ia: Don't down yourself you two are strong in different ways.
*She'd then begin to get quiet.*
Sothe...will you keep adventuring and getting yourself into these situations?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Aw you know me, that's the plan." He nods with a grin, but glances towards her and stops. "Why...?"
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
Ia: If...If that's the case..Take me with you..No..I'm going with you!
*She'd make a determined face and stance.*
I..I won't have you doing these dangerous things alone..I..Even though I might not be good in battle...I can cook for you and..and I can heal you.
*She'd point her face downward and tears could be seen falling to the floor.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... la..." He manages but finds himself unable to talk. Sothe sets his hand lightly on her shoulder. "You don't have to do this..." He finally whispers.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
Ia: I..I know, but.
*She fell to her knees and held onto his leg.*
Don't..don't leave me behind..I..I don't want to be alone again..I...Pleas..take me with you..

Hikari: Is everything alright over there!?!
*She could be seen with a concerned look on her face as she watched the two.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"la... I... ahem, I won't." He manages, and kneels in front of her. "Listen it's okay, I won't leave." He tells her with an uneasy smile, then looks towards Hikari. "We're fine!" He calls out, then closes his eyes, holding his head tipped slightly downward.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia:..Okay..I..if you promise to be safe.
*She'd wipe the tears from her eyes while sniffling and standing up.*
Yeah Hikari we're okay!
*She'd awkwardly wave at her.*

Hikari: Alright then!

Ia: So when we get back to the shop I;m going to cook everyone a celebration dinner...what's your favorite meal Sothe?

*She'd say this once the group had reunited and once she asked Sothe this question Hikari began to evily grin and giggle.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... Um, steak and salad I suppose." He says, starring at the ground as they went. what the hell am I gonna do? I can't just leave them now, but... I don't know if this is really right for me, I mean if something happened to la... I'd never forgive myself.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The group took their tie and enjoyed the scenic main route back to Gale force then warped back to to the store. Ia quickly began to cook as Hikari began to giggle. She then private chatted with him.*

"So I take this as you two are an item now?"

*As she finished cooking Sothe saw Ia go upstairs and they all began to heard things moving and voices speaking. And in an instant Ia was back. She ran to the kictchens and placed the plates of Steak and Salad( Returns 65% hunger 100 is the highest the meter goes.) in front of everyone.*

Ia: Everyone this meal is on the house. Lios upstairs agreed and said that I can leave if I wanted...and Sothe I'm ready for our journey together!

*Hikari began to gag on her water and then spit a large amount onto the table almost vomiting towards the end.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Just don't..." He says in the private message then turns toward la. "...Right, let's um... Let's eat." Sothe mutters awkwardly, sitting down.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Everyone began to eat the meal since it was a higher difficulty it tasted okay, but a bit off at times.*
Ia: I'm sorry everyone..I had never cooked steak before..
*She looked down nervously at the meat.*

Hikari: nooo,...it's not that bad really...
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"It's the best steak I've had since... Before." He mutters the last bit, then finishes off the meal and takes his plate to the counter.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia:So Sothe where shall we go first?
*Hikari began to laugh again until Kaguya elbowed her and she jumped up then began eating once again.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Well for starters I'm gonna go rent a room at the lodging." He says, scratching his head. "So I'll see you all tomorrow." Sothe mutters and starts out the door but stops half-way, then requests an invite to the party.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Ia smiles and nods multiple times and accepts hit party she and Hikari both sent him a friend request as he walked out of the store. He saw that the stores on floor 3 were more inner city ish. Unlike floor 1 where everything was pristine this place felt more realistic of a large city. As he walked down the streets he saw that this late at night the shops had mostly closed and that he might have to travel to the opposite side of the city to the more risky side. The red light district always had rooms available all throughout the night.*
*Ia smiles and nods multiple times and accepts hit party she and Hikari both sent him a friend reques
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Excuse me, I'd like to rent a room, please." Sothe tells the shopkeeper, coming right up to the counter.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Shop Keeper: Ohohoho will you be purchasing one of our young ladies as well or just the room sir?
*As he said this a line of girls ranging from their teens to late thirties came out and began to bow to him and flirt while one simply stared at the ground crying and trying not to make a sound.*
Shop Keeper: Ohohoho will you be purchasing one of our young ladies as well or just the room sir?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"N-no thank you... Could you explain to me what the hell this is?!" He glares at the shopkeeper, moving over to the girl crying.

"Hey, are you okay?" He whispers softly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The girl looked up at him. With tears in her eyes she was shocked he actually cared and she looked back at the shop keeper who gave her an evil glare.*

???: Yes..I..I am fine..sir..thank you for your concern.

Shopkeeper: This my dear gentleman is simply an inn nothing else. These girls are just maids here to serve you food sake and clean your room.
*The girl looked up at him. With tears in her eyes she was shocked he actually cared and she looked b
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"She doesn't seem well, why don't you let her take the night off?" He suggests, standing between the owner and the girl.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Shopkeeper:...Kagome..do you need a night off?
*From the tone of his voice he was becoming very annoyed. The girl quickly began to smile and wiped the tears from her eyes.*

Kagome: No..No boss I'm fine really there was just something in my eyes.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Very well." He sighs, then glances slightly at the girl. "trust me..." Sothe whispers, then quickly turns to the shopkeeper with a smile. "Well, then I'd like that room please!" He says, with a new found expression to be mistaken for delight. "Only I'd like to have her as my maid." Sothe tells the Shopkeeper, starring at him, straight in the eyes.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
Shopkeeper:..Ohohoho..don't worry shell be right up.
*He then lead Carson to his room. He then left him in the small furnished room and within minutes Kagome walked through the doors. Tears in her eyes and it was obvious she was scared.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He sighs when he sees the girl walk into the room. "Alright let's get some clothes on you." He mutters and searches the drawers for a spare tunic. "What's your name?" Sothe asks, as he turns around with a one-piece tunic. "Not much, I know... And I'm sorry." He says, handing it to her, and turns around to let her change.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd get dressed and would speak in a quiet tone nervously.*

Kagome: My...my name is Kagome..why..why are you being so kind to me?
*She'd click the drop down button to finish putting the tunic on and would turn to him with a confused look on her face?*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He hesitantly turns, making sure she had finished dressing. "... Cause it means something when a girl cries." He concludes then offers his hand to be shaken. "It's nice to meet you Kagome, I'm Sothe."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd shake his hand then looked down.*
Kagome: So..what...what do you have planed for tonight?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Well, It's been a rather long day so I think I'm gonna rest, you can stay here if you like, I mean I'm not gonna force you to do anything, but I reckon it's better than being with those flirts." He muses, trying to lighten the mood, then yawned.
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over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothes' Rp Post]

*As they rested next to each other Kagome would occasionally look over to him until she had finally fallen asleep.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(And I shall leave you with that, got to go to bed, it's been fun, but I've got work in the morning so see you later.)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kaguya: *Began eating* Mm, that's alright....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(Baaai I actaully have to sleep too lol. but first.)
[Kaguya's Rp Post]

Hikari: *Sigh* Love birds.
Kaguya why don't you make me dinner and follow me around and be a good wife like Ia?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kaguya: Eh? Well, because I can't be a wife.... I can be a husband.... Follow you around? Think of how long we've been together on this journey.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kaguya's Rp Post]

Hikari: *She'd sigh*
Ugh but I'm always sooo hungry.
*She'd stand giggling that Kaguya didn't get the joke.*
Well I'm gonna go get a room at an inn for thee night now that I have some Col.
*She'd begin to walk towards the door.*
Cya in the morning Romeo.
*As she exited the shop Kaguya was left alone with Lios the shop owner. The man was at least 40 and was large weight size, but still seemed kind at heart.*

Lios: Where shall you be staying Kaguya.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
His eyes snap open, his heart beating rapidly. It was a nightmare from his past in the real world, something he thought he had long since forgotten. Sothe then slides out of bed and goes to the corner of the room, and leans against the wall, keeping watch over the young girl as she slept.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]

*As he blinked when he opened his eyes while leaning against the wall it was daybreak. He had slept soundly while watching the girls angelic form in the moonlight. As he stood and stretched Kagome awoke and smiled warmly to him.*

Kagome: Good morning Sothe. How was your rest?
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over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"It was fine." He nods, walking over to the window to peer out at the streets. "Alright." Sothe mutters, and turns around. "Time to explain."
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