Sword Art Online (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Dec 06, 2013 at 02:39PM
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter and consists of a hundred floors stacking straight upwards, meaning that each floor's diameter is a bit smaller than the previous one. On each floor, there are a couple of large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests, plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway links each floor to another, and the stairways exists beyond the boss room of each dungeon. The «Teleport Gates» of every unlocked cities are connected to one another.

Make a Character.

Hp: 250 (+ 50 Per Level)
Sp: 20 (+10 Per Level)

Sword Skill: Slant/ 10 Sp














The better your Rp during battle the higher the damage you'll do to the monster.

-Bob- Slashed -Amy-

Hp: 800-50 = 750

-Bob- decided to surprise his foe so he would dive behind a tree until his enemy would lose sight of him then he'd run behind her and stab her through the torso.

Hp: 800 - 100 = 700
Sp: 500

But this does not mean that a level 1 will be able to defeat a level 45 with one strike be realistic. When you strike a person I will do the damage calculations. In case they counter or evade, but if you do this don't just say
"-Amy- Counters"
Do it well for it to succeed and do your damage calculations fairly if you're level 1 and a level 20 hits you don't take away 10 Hp take away like 100.
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter a
last edited on Aug 23, 2014 at 01:22AM

Sword Art Online 2498 replies

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over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Lucas: Ok, draw him out more so I don't alert his buddy over there.

*Lucas waited for Nana to lure him out a little further before he started to move.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(That'd actually be a good side story. And since you guys have been adventuring for a while the next floor could possible be cleared so that can be the story of the next floor :D)

*Nana would back away as the creature continued to inch towards her in the process passing Lucas and getting him out of the creature's sight.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Well message me when that occurs)
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas slowly moved around the knight and readied his sword for a critical strike.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(You got it!)
*It was then that Nana raise her long mace over her head to defend against the slash of the Knight. As she stood there her arms trembling she'd shout out "Now Lucas!"*
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas surged forward with the sword in his hand, while watching for movement from the knight.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The creature shuddered as Lucas struck it from behind and caused it's Hp to drop quickly into the green yellow zone of it's Hp bar. As it raised it's sword Nan Cried out "Upper Swing!" Causing her mace to turn a bright yellow as she spun it past her right shoulder upward slamming it into the knight's helmet and it continued to spin past the left should going upwards forming a glowing V as the knight was sent into the air and slammed it's back on the ground right in front of Lucas as it's Hp fell into orange.*
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas stabbed down with a ferocious slash, the knight looked like it wouldn't be moving.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he impaled the mighty creature it let out an echoing groan that filled the air. As it squirmed and it's Hp dropped into red Lucas heard the clanking of metal from behind him. It was then that Nana shouted out desperately "Look out Lucas!"*
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas tore the blade out of the knight and rolled to his left, hoping he would avoid the other knight.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he did so the knight's blade slashed through the spot he had been standing. The boy barely escaping with his life. It was then that the other one slowly began to rise to it's feet as Nana ran beside Lucas.*

Nana: Great ...you get the injured one and I'll hold off the other one.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Lucas: OK.

*Lucas stood up and moved back. He then moved cautiously toward the injured knight with his blade stretched out as far as he could manage without feeling off balance.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*It was then that the creature who was a solid foot taller than the teen swing his blade horizontally for his upper torso area near his throat.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"You must've been a great and vast terror to those little nerd boys like me, huh?" He grinned as he sat up, the sun, glinting through the weathered tent above the two. "...We should eat, it's been far too long and... I'm starved."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas ducked under the blade and thrust his sword up as ferociously as he could towards the knights chest.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(You're back Q AQ)
[Sothe's RP Post]
*As her stomache growled she'd nod with a smirk as the small girl walked beside them.*
Hikari: The real question is where would we start searching for food?

Hinata: Food? The desert has many reptiles that we could cook?

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(... I was bored, looking over my updates, with only this still unposted... Just decided; What the Hell? O_o)


"Don't the Yakuza eat snakes?" The boy glanced towards Hikari with an eyebrow raised.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Hikari:...But..There were always other choices?
Like meat buns...
*She'd sigh as she climbed the sand dune as the boy before them had done.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Sorry Princess, but you're in the wrong castle." Sothe chuckled lightly, walking beside Hinata.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Lucas' Rp Post]
(Sorry didn't see it)
*As he evaded the sword at the cost of losing a few strands of hair he was able to pierce the creature who was now shuddering in pain though the torso causing it's Hp to drop to zero giving him a decent amount of experience points. It was then that he heard a yelp coming from behind him.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
*She'd sarcastically laugh as the the team began to move deeper into the desert sands.*
Hikari: Oh god...what..what is this place?
*She'd swipe down her menu and scrolled through the tabs until finally opening up her map to reveal nothing she'd ever seen before.*

[Sothe's Rp Post]
*She'd sarcastically laugh as the the team began to move deeper into the desert sa
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The boy raised his arm hand over his face to block the glare of the burning sun. "... Looks like devil's canyon... It's a place in... Nevermind." Sothe concluded with a murmur, before turning towards the two girls behind him. "There's bound to be all sorts of crawlers in those rocks."
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas spun around quickly, sword swinging in motion, to face the second knight. He noticed an HP bar in the party start to drop.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
Hikari: heh. That just means more fun for us!

Hinata: Don't worry the desert does not scare me.
*As the trio walked through the desert a sandstorm began to pick up forcibly lowering their vision.*
Hikari: Aaaah!
*She'd begin to groan loudly seeing as how the sound of their voices became harder to hear when the wind picked up.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Lucas' Rp Post]
It was as he looked back that he saw Nana's Hp bar over her head drop into green orange as she did her best to block against the Knight's mighty wings.*
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas sprang forward and out stretched his sword to swing at the knight.*

Lucas: Nana get back!
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The young warrior coughed and looked towards his friends. "He can't stay here!" He called out over the howling winds of sand and dust. "We need to keep moving!"
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Lucas' Rp Post]
*As he leaped his blade met the knight's and the boy spun to the floor as the creature's heavy swing was far stronger than his with his new one handed sword. Nana then stepped back and began to go through her inventory.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
(Sorry I was gone for 2 days things just got cray in real world /.\) (Omg whoop page 100 of the rp!)
Hikari: Fine..let's just make it quick. It'll take forever to get this stuff out of my hair.
*The child nodded as they continued through the sandstorm. It was as they forced their way onward that Sothe began to hear movements. Since the sandstorm was so strong it must have meant the creature was close. As he searched he saw a lizard based creature lurking in the sand. It crawled out and stood before him hissing as it raised it's weapon into the air.*
[Sothe's Rp Post]
(Sorry I was gone for 2 days things just got cray in real world /.\) (Omg whoop pa
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Yeah!! ...O_o Did lady Aincrad get really wasted at her big girl school?)
(Soul Caliber 4 ^)


"We can't fight this thing, not here... You guys keep moving!" He shouted, then drew his blade and quickened his pace towards the creature's right side.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas got back up on his feet and moved towards the knight. He took a second to look at his health bar and the knights. He hadn't taken any recent health crystals.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Sothe's Rp Post]
(Lol no dork i just have papers left and right)
Hikari: you want us to leave you int his!?!
*She'd shout as thhe sands picked up. She'd grab the small child and began to ich away trying her best to keep Sothe in her vision. It was as he cleared the distance between him and the monster the creature swung it's war ax downward intot he sands.*
last edited over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
Hmph, If I'm a dork, so are you? ;-) over a year ago
Aigomiko commented…
Lol I really am over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Lucas' RP Post]
*He'd see his Hp had regenerated slightly from earlier and was now at "1352" while his sp had been completely restored. The Knight was simply missing a small fragment of green. It was then that the knight brought the blade to his hip and held it back as it began to glow a purple color.*

Nana: It's using a sword skill!
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

Instead of parrying the strike, the boy simply hopped backwards as the blade flew down into the sand at his feet. He took that moment to lunge, his blade primed for the Lizard's head.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
*Lucas smiled and readied his own skill. He knew his sword skill wouldn't match the knights, but it would probably glance off the blade and give Nana a chance to strike.*
over a year ago blingstar said…
(whyd you guys stop the rp???)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Suppose it just wasn't meant to be)
blingstar commented…
i guess over a year ago
over a year ago Kiritospeepee said…
Hp: 50,000
Sp: 10,000

Sword Skill: Nipple hardening/ 100 Sp male pheromones/10 Sp/ Penis growth/50 Sp/ Harem summoning/1sp


Name: Kiritoes

Level: 1000

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Tots adorable with massive nipples. long black hair that flows to his knees and super revealing clothes. bows around his massive nipples one blue one green eye with a scar over the green eye pink lipstick and a beard with thick eyebrows and darker skin. great cheek bones.
Bio: Kiritoes can win over any woman with his special sword skil male pheromones and can summon said women with harem summoning. His only weakness is agilswilly. nipples defense goes down 1000- points when agil is around.

Hp: 50,000 
Sp: 10,000

Sword Skill: Nipple hardening/ 100 Sp male pheromones/10 Sp/ Penis growth/
over a year ago agilswilly said…
Name: Liga S. Namow

Level: 1

Hp: 250
Sp: 20

Seduction/0 SP
Reveal Underwear/0 SP
"Have you seen my husband?"/0 SP
Titty Bash/5 SP

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Appearance: Busty black woman with really curly hair (with a gradient from black to light blonde) to the waist. Skin looks like it's permanently oiled with coconut butter. Voluptuous curves like you wouldn't believe. Wears leopard print thigh high heels, and a semi-transparent shirt that she ties up near her waist to expose half of her cleavage and belly. Just barely able to tell she's wearing black lacy bra underneath the shirt. Really tight and short black miniskirt that's ripped near the edges.

Bio: Just here to see if her husband is cheating on her with any underaged boys. She'd rather seduce people than fight them.
over a year ago Kiritospeepee said…
There's a chill in the air. Kiritoes nipples are rock hard from the cold breeze. It's almost dark. He can hardly see anything. As he stumbles around in the dark night he longs for someone. The warmth of another. He begins to activate his sword skill male pheromones. Then let's out a deep but reassuring call for help. " In his kawaii little anime voice he says IS ANYONE OUT THERE" *sniffles* am I r-really all alone? this has never happened before... Kiritoes begins to cry...
over a year ago agilswilly said…
"ARE YOU MY HUSBAND?" (used 0 SP) A sexy woman's voice cries out from the distance. Liga can sense the male hormones... So alluring... Before she knows it, there's a handsome, buff, smart, absolutely gorgeous man in from of her, with ROCK HARD NIPS. "W-W-Why are you crying little boy>???!"!"
over a year ago Kiritospeepee said…
*looks up * w--w-w-w-w-whaaaaa!? a-a p-p-p-preety woman? *quickly whipes away my tears* *puffs out my chest* I w-wasn't crying. *sniffle* I was just watering my dry eyes. They're so tried of only see white weebs on this game it's such a nice change seeing a beautiful woman like yourself. *plops both of my hands on your shoulders* (causes you to loose 20 hp because you're so weak) I've found your husband. He's right here. *gives you a wet sloppy kiss*
over a year ago agilswilly said…
Liga's body weakened (-20 HP, now 230) as her juicy cherry mouth was ASSIMILATED by this handsome chad. She's faithful to her husband!!!!! B-But is this her husband? They sure do look alike... wait no what am I thinking!!11!! He's 18!! But not matter what her mind says she can't help but take in his hormones........ he's so close.... his beautiful eyelashes sparkled in the night, reflecting off the light from her shiny light in the dark choker. "TO HELL WITH IT!" She yelled, and she pinned Kiritoes to the ground with an RKO!!!
over a year ago Kiritospeepee said…
Kiritoes let's out a deep but some how charming squeal as he falls to the ground with Liga on top of him. As kiritoes lays there with Liga's.... Voluptuous body holding him down he shakes a little because he's so nervous since he's never gotten this far with a real woman. He looks up at her eyes then back down at her massive titties then wrap his arms around her and pull her down to him forcing her into butterfly kissing him with his beautiful eyelashes. this brings her immense pleasure!!!
over a year ago agilswilly said…
Liga, tasting Kiritoes' eyelashes, thinks that it has a nice flavour. it reminds her of the taste of her husband's thick, meaty, savage, long, wrinkled finger. She was surprised with Kiritoes suddenly pulling her down, so she used her special move [TITTY BASH] which inflicted 1 HP damage to Kiritoes and affliction of [AROUSED]. "Oops, didn't mean to do that!" she giggled.
over a year ago Kiritospeepee said…
Oh you silly goose kirtoes said while squeezing her boobies super duper hard together and making them look like they're going to pop. Are you ready to move this to the next step? * begins to unbutton her top* *whispers into your ears I'm gonna be your husband so hard*
over a year ago agilswilly said…
Liga BLUSHES and is like a bright red tomato. Her husband hadn't said that he'll be her husband so hard for years... even if she did do the deed with this young stud she won't have anything to lose. She starts unzipping Kiritoes' pants, but find it's all just lace. She flutters his nipple lace around his nipples instead, and tries not to get her HP damaged accidentally. "h-hai, I'm ready >////<" she communicated via titty gesture.
over a year ago Mega-X said…
hold up