Sword Art Online (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Dec 06, 2013 at 02:39PM
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter and consists of a hundred floors stacking straight upwards, meaning that each floor's diameter is a bit smaller than the previous one. On each floor, there are a couple of large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests, plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway links each floor to another, and the stairways exists beyond the boss room of each dungeon. The «Teleport Gates» of every unlocked cities are connected to one another.

Make a Character.

Hp: 250 (+ 50 Per Level)
Sp: 20 (+10 Per Level)

Sword Skill: Slant/ 10 Sp














The better your Rp during battle the higher the damage you'll do to the monster.

-Bob- Slashed -Amy-

Hp: 800-50 = 750

-Bob- decided to surprise his foe so he would dive behind a tree until his enemy would lose sight of him then he'd run behind her and stab her through the torso.

Hp: 800 - 100 = 700
Sp: 500

But this does not mean that a level 1 will be able to defeat a level 45 with one strike be realistic. When you strike a person I will do the damage calculations. In case they counter or evade, but if you do this don't just say
"-Amy- Counters"
Do it well for it to succeed and do your damage calculations fairly if you're level 1 and a level 20 hits you don't take away 10 Hp take away like 100.
Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter a
last edited on Aug 23, 2014 at 01:22AM

Sword Art Online 2498 replies

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over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"la get ready, the moment I finish off my strike you jump in and stab 'em!" Sothe calls out then uses holds out his Rapier in front of him, and with a twist he initiated another sword skill. "Linear!" He calls out, as the blade began to glow a brilliant orange.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he released the new ability he moved at high speeds and stabbed into the knight's unguarded backside. It's Hp then dropped into the green yellow zone as Ia began to run towards the enemy. Though her steps were hesitant she slowly began to pick up speed. As she arrived at the opponent she held the pole arm with both hands and slammed into it's backside. Though it was a piercing weapon her lack of battle experience caused the blow to do less than what it could have done only causing it's Hp to drop into solid yellow.. She then withdrew her pole arm and backed away slowly as Kenta slashed the monster back forcing it to skid across the marble floor and bringing it's Hp more into the yellow. It then charged at Kenta once again, but this time when he raised his axe to defend the knight went low seeming to learn from it's mistake and striking Kenta right through the chest leaving it's blade inside of his torso.*

Kenta:..Wha..what's going on..here?

Ia: Is..is it adapting?
*As she said this she continued to step back in fear and fell over onto her backside and sat and stared as her friend's Hp steadily dropped. It was then that Sothe realized damage was also affected by where the strike landed on the body and how it landed. A simple slash might do a good amount of damaged, but stabbing through a major body part zone or removing a body part could do a critical.*

Hp: 1,728 - 654 = 1,074

Sp: 250 - 28 = 222
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... la, keep your distance from this point on." He says, dragging his rapier on the floor as he circled the Knight slowly. I may be able to use an uppercut slash and take off its sword arm, but that would mean getting almost too close... Worth the risk. Sothe thinks to himself, then glances at la. "I may need you to heal me after this." He tells her his voice sounding a little worried. He then takes a deep breath and runs after the Knight, then leaps into the air when he got close enough. In an instant Sothe uses the momentum to act as a boost and swings the blade upward straight into the slot between the Knight's armor.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As the blade pierced through the hole in the armor the knight let out a demonic cry as Sothe then slashed upward the glowing red mark grew causing the arm to be removed from the Knight's body. Once it fell to the ground it shattered on contact. As the Knight's Hp dropped rapidly into the deep orange it withdrew it's blade and turned quickly to slash deeply into Sothe's torso seeing as how he was so close. As Sothe flew back 6-7 feet he realized that he was inches away from being beheaded. His Hp dropping rapidly was dangerous, bot now that the sword was moved Kenta was freed once again. Ia ran to Sothe's side and used a Healing potion on him forcing him to drink it while Kenta began to shout.*

Kenta: Whirlwind!
*As the words escaped is mouth his blue axe once again began to glow green and moved at a lighting fast speed. It then slashed into the Knight' armor causing a large red glowing mark to appear and for it's Hp to drop into the red zone.*

Ia: Sothe be more careful

Kenta: Don't worry Ia he'll be fine and this will be over before you know it!

Hp: 1400 - 723 + 100 = 777

Sp: 330 - 60 = 270
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I'm alright la, don't worry about me." He smiles, then sluggishly rises to his feet. "Alright la, you can finish this guy." Sothe nods and stands beside her. "I trust you, you'll do great."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd run towards the knight with her pole arm ready and aimed for it's head. As she continued with her advancement she gained speed and confidence finally piercing right through it's helmet. The Knight stood slightly shaking as it's Hp dropped to zero and it began to glow a bright blue until finally it shattered into tiny shards and faded into the air. The each gained their respective experience points and 150 Col. Onc the monster was gone Ia sighed and fell onto the ground and sat for a moment. Kenta then walked to her and helped her up.*

Kenta: We have no time to rest. Another will spawn soon so we have to keep moving.

Ia: But you 2 are still injured?

Kenta: Yes that's why we brought healing items remember?
*Kenta then signaled for Sothe as well as Ia to follow him up the staircase as he ran up.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Nice work, la." He says calmly, sheathing his Rapier. Sothe then drinks one of his own healing potions to regain what health he could. "How far is Heathcliff?" He speaks up as they walk in a single file with Sothe bringing up the rear.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Kenta: He should be on the 3rd floor. The thing is floor two isn't as simply as floor 1 we actually have to search for the staircase.

Ia: Are there going to be more of those things?

Kenta: Most likely...,but don't worry we were just in trouble because it caught me by surprise.
I'll keep you 2 safe hahahaha!

*As they continued up the staircase the tone of the castle changed. It was no longer elegant and warm, but cold and nightmarish. The paint was now eroding off the walls and the floor boards were loose hinting that they could give way at any moment.*

Ia:...Sothe..I'm scared.

Kenta: Hahaha don't worry it looks worse than it is. The only thing is the Knight's spawn in higher numbers here.

Hp: 777 + 100 = 877

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I'm operating on a little more than half health here..." He says to Kenta, jogging to walk beside him. "We could really use a healer." Sothe then turns to la, slowing his pace. "Stay close to me... Okay?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…

Kenta: hahaha don't worry here.
*While jogging Kenta tossed both Sothe and Ia a blue crystal.*
This is a Healing Crystal it'll give you 200 Hp whenever you use it. Though it's a one time item and a tad expensive it can come in handy in tight situations. Also I have a party teleportation stone so if things ever get too bad I'll warp us out of here.

Ia: Wow thanks Kenta.
*She'd hand both Kenta and Sothe a Healing Potion and Kenta a Restorative forcing them to drink to regain some of their Hp & Sp back before any enemy monsters appeared.*

Hp: 1, 074 + 100 = 1,174
Sp: 270 + 30 = 300

Hp: 877 + 100 = 977
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(Also Sothe's Sp is at 222 from that linear earlier I forgot to take it away.)
Rogue475 commented…
noted over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Guess there is some brains in that small head of yours." He grins, watching as the healing potion dissolves into tiny shards on the floor. "You know where that staircase is at, exactly?" Sothe looks up at the Knight.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Kenta laughed at the joke and took a right turn and then a left as Monsters spawned he ignored them and continued running.*
Kenta: Yes, but we have to keep moving or else things will get messy.

Ia: How could someone do this every day?
*She'd say while gasping and trying to keep up with Sothe considering she had a larger weapon than him and was weaker than him it made sense.*

Kenta: Hahaha we train hard to get this tough Miss Ia.
*As Sothe continued to follow Kenta he saw at least 7 Dark knights, but the farther they went the more the knights began to lose interest until eventually they had arrived at the second floor staircase.
*Kenta laughed at the joke and took a right turn and then a left as Monsters spawned he ignored them
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
The boy then stops to wait for la, watching for any Dark Knights that may show interest. "Your leader's up there?" Sothe asks the Knight, just as la appeared. He smiles towards her and motions for her to keep on moving.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Kenta: He should be?

*As he said this Ia finally catches up to the duo gasping for air. Kenta pats her on the back then stares at the staircase.*
I don't know where they will be up there though. Like I said I have only come to this point.

Ia: Do you think you have a good sense of direction?

Kenta: Hahaha...well..

Ia: Hehe well Sothe I guess you'll lead us from here on out.

*As they spoke a bright blue form began to glow behind Ia and within seconds the form shattered revealing dark flames and from those flames emerged a dark knight.*

Kenta: Ia!

Ia: Huh?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"No!" He roars, pushing la out of the way instantly, putting himself between His two friends and the enormous fiend.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he did this the knight pierced him through the shoulder and slashing downward dropping his Hp down quickly and disarming him of his Rapier. As his hand hit the ground it shattered on impact and the rapier clanked on the tired wooden planks and rolled across the Castles old creaky floor. Ia then used her healing crystal granting Him 200 more Hp as Kenta pushed Sothe away and shouted out "Whirlwind!" and released his mighty sword skill once again this time causing a large glowing red mark to form on the knight's chest and tossing him back a few feet.*

Hp: 977 - 821 + 200 = 356

Kenta: Ia I need for you to take Sothe up the staircase and find Heathcliff and Asuna!

Ia: But Kenta what about you?

*The 2 Knights locked blades again this time holding each other in place as they fought to see who had the highest strength.*

Kenta: Dammit Ia do as I say!

*The girl would flinch at this order and sent away her pole arm while grabbing both Sothe and his rapier. She'd then assist him to the staircase and would turn back to Kenta wh continued to fight with all he had.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Kenta!" He screams as la dragged him up the stairs, watching the brave warrior. His hand reaching out, desperately trying to save him somehow. "la, we have to help him! Please, don't leave him!"
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia:..Sothe..we..we can't do anything ourselves...we..we have to find Mr.Heathcliff and Ms.Asuna. We just aren't strong enough.
*She'd sob while saying this and walking up the stairs as he fought bravely. As they continued up and could barely see the warrior fighting Sothe could see new blue form appearing in the area and Kenta still focusing on the previous Knight.*
Ia:..Sothe..we..we can't do anything ourselves...we..we have to find Mr.Heathcliff and Ms.Asuna. We j
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He shuts his eyes, while his entire body was shaking. "... I have to save him." Sothe murmurs weakly, then sniffles. "I have to save him." he repeats, his voice now whispering the words as they got farther and farther from the Knight.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As they continued on Kenta's Hp quickly began to drop. He then vanished from the party before his Hp reached 0. Ia continued to carry Sothe seeming to not notice the vanishing of their friend as she made it to the to of the castle. Before them was a long hallway that had multiple doors spread across the hall evenly. As they walked past each door they noticed they had been opened until finally they approached a door that was closed, but multiple clashing blades could be heard from the inside.*

Ia:..Perhaps...they are in there?

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
With a groan he stands, beginning to stare at his missing sword hand. "I don't know..." Sothe tells her, then turns to her. "My rapier, please." He says, extending his left hand out to la.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia:..you..you don't intend to fight in this condition do you.
*She'd hold the rapier away from him hoping that if it was out of reach he'd give up on the idea.*
I can't allow you to do this Sothe. You just lost your sword arm and your Hp is too low..I..I only have 1 more Hp Potion..It won't be enough to get you back into fighting condition.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"la... I've got three healing potions... that's three-hundred points of Hp, putting me at Six hundred and fifty..." He tells her, then takes the potions out of his coat. "It's enough..."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he drank the potions and his Hp got to a stable point his shoulder began to slowly form blue glowing crystals out of the stump left on his shoulder. Ia then handed him his rapier slightly scared of what could happen.*

Ia: You promised...you promised...you'd never leave me.. so you better survive..or..or I'll kill myself as well.
*She'd begin to sob loudly as Sothe grabbed his rapier with his 1 good hand.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He then awkwardly sheathed his sword, then moved closer to la. "No, you won't... la, I..." Sothe then wraps his arm around her tightly, a few tears beginning to form around his eyes.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he did this she held onto him as well terrified about what the room held for them. As they held each other the door slowly opened and out walked Heathcliff and Asuna both covered in sweat laughing about their battle success.*

Heathcliff: And who are you two?

Asuna: Oh Ia and Sothe...having a mome-
Oh My Gosh!
What happened to your arm?

Heathcliff: If you're Ia and Sothe where is Kenta?

over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He looks up at them slowly, still holding la. "He didn't... He died trying to get us here. So I say to you, Heathcliff... What was so important, that we had to come to you?" Sothe glares at the Knight clad in red and white armor.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Heathcliff: One moment.
*With a serious face he went through his menu and began to laugh loudly.*

Asuna: Boss this is serious.

Heathcliff: Hahaha he isn't dead. It says he's back in town.

Ia:...He said he had a party teleportation stone...Maybe he left the party so he could warp and allow us to stay on our journey?

Asuna: Whew you had me worried for a second.

Heathcliff: And the reason I needed him up here was that I found the way to the boss of this floor. Most of our troops are out either gaining levels or relaxing so we were going to tackle it the 3 of us and if all else failed we'd use a party teleportation stone. Now what was your business with me lad?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... Okay." He shakes his head, letting go go of la. "We've got a criminal organization on floor Three, and there's so little that guards will do. It's an innkeeper, and he's got an underground ring of... Women, that..." He stops finding it difficult to explain, without getting worked up.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Ia would put her hand on his shoulder letting him know that it was okay.*

Heathcliff:...sadly we are simply a guild...I don't know what you expect us to do..at most we can only provide these women with protection if they were to escape and that is all.. would they willingly become prisoners within a virtual prison is the actual question?

Asuna:...IS this about women or 1 girl?
*She'd look him in the eyes unafraid of his response hoping to get the truth out of him.
And are you trying to save her because it's the right thing to do or because you have feelings for her?

Ia: Asuna!

Heathcliff: Asu-

Asuna: No. You are with Ia right? Then why do you care so much for this girl?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... What are you accusing me of...? You know what, forget it, I'm just gonna kill him and be done with this." Sothe scoffs and starts back down towards the stairway.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia: Are you crazy if you go back down there you'll die!
*Ia grabbed the boys arm once again.*

Asuna: I see. So I was correct. You have feelings for this girl stuck in thi underground ring? Whhat? Assassins? Kidnappers? Prostitutes?


*As the girl screamed everyone became very quiet and Heathcliff walked up to Sothe and also put his hand on his shoulder.*

Heathcliff: Do not worry... We shall offer her protection if that is what you wish no matter your relationship to her.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
The boy turns to Heathcliff, looking down at his boots. "She reminded me of a friend I had growing up, someone I haven't seen in over five years... Is that enough for you?" He mutters the last bit, glarring at Asuna. "Kagome is the only one I know of that is not there willingly, so when I take care of the Innkeeper, will you provide her with work and therefore protection?" Sothe glances at Heathcliff, hoping what he said was the truth.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Heathcliff: I will guard the girl you have my word, but I cannot tolerate a murder no matter the situation.

Ia: Sothe you don't have to kill him...please.

Asuna:..I don't believe him.
*Asuna would then walk away towards the next challenge room.*

Heathcliff: Like I said..I shall protect her, but only if you do not kill this man.
*He'd then begin to walk towards the room with Asuna. Once they were alone Ia stayed quiet.*

Ia:...was she right Sothe?...Do you have feelings for this girl?..Was that story a lie?...Or do you have feelings for her because she reminds you of who you truly care for?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I... la, It's not like that with Kagome." He concludes, having trouble meeting her gaze. "... In the real world, her name was Tara, and I thought I was in love with her... But, as I said I haven't seen her in years. la, Kagome is someone that doesn't deserve what she's been handed, and I want to save her."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Ia:..I believe you.
*She'd give a smile that wasn't warm like her usually one, but filled with despair just the sight of it could sadden even a saint.*
Well we better think of a safe way to free her.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"... la." He holds his head down, understanding how she must have felt. "I'm sorry... This never should have happened, if I hadn't stepped foot in that damn inn in the first place, we could've..."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Her smile turned into despair before he could finish the sentence.*
Ia: We...we..need to go save her right?
*She'd walk past him without looking him in the eyes. He could tell that her joyful skip had turned into a robotic stomp as she gracefully walked down the hall.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
He then fell to his knees, starring at the ground. She thinks I'm in love with Kagome... Maybe I should just let go, I can't save everyone, can I? Is it cause I'm not strong enough? Or that I'm just too naive to believe...? "I am gonna do this alone la, and when it's over... I'm gonna find you..."
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Of course you're not. I'm coming with you?
You promised you weren't going t leave me remember?
*She'd stop walking and turned her head to him with a single tear flowing down.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I can't ask this of you, not now... I just have to ask that you trust me to do the right thing." Sothe insists, keeping surprisingly calm as he spoke.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd turn her face away from him and would look down*
Ia: And what if I can't?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Well... Then... I..." He mumbles, then takes his rapier out from its sheathe. "Then I'll have nothing to fight for." Sothe then tosses his blade, making it skid to a stop at her feet.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd turn to him her eyes filled with tears.*
Ia:..Go..Just go save her already.
*She'd cry while angrily screaming and kicking his blade back to him. She then ran out of the hall back down the stair case.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"la wait!" He cries out, snatching his sword as he chased after her.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As the one armed swordsman ran behind her he heard a loud scream when she was out of sight.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Don't die, please..." He whispers running down the stairs.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he made it down the stairs he saw Ia lying on the ground while 3 Knights stood before her. Her Hp dropping fairly quickly as they watch the girl suffer. Sothe had 2 options. Try and save the girl he loved who was near death and surly give up his own life him having only 1 hand or to turn around and ask for Asuna's and Heathcliff's assistance hoping they'd get there in time.*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(You gave me a life death situation... O_O)

"la!!!" He screams and sprints to her, then equips his shield and slides it over to her. "It's your only chance!" Sothe says, now in tears as he equips his rapier, then tries to use hit and run attacks against them, making sure to jump away as they strike. "I love you, la!"
last edited over a year ago