Gossip Girl SEASON 3 *SPOILERS* - [Edited: 07/11/09]

Praesse posted on Jun 24, 2008 at 05:51PM
All the information you need about the upcoming episode will be updated here! And if you know any spoiler, please just post a comment with it, we'd all really appreciate it! :)

Frequent Spoiler Whores
(in alphabetical order)


[ If you want to be added to this list, please just post your name and username or PM them to me and I'll add you ]


· There is always hope for Chuck and Blair
· CB is top priority for season 3.

· Scott Van der Humphrey will be played by Chris Riggi.
· Keith van der Woodsen is being casted for GG.
· Eric and Serena's father will make an appearance on season 3.
· The plan is to have the love child be a major character next season.
· Adam in Corona, Calif.: Any news on Gossip Girl yet? What about Dan and Serena for season three?It's too early to say for sure, but our sources tell us that next year on Gossip Girl does not look like the Year of "Dan Serena Dan Serena whoo!" At this point it looks like you can expect more of a brother-sister vibe from Dan and Serena (remember, they do share a half-sibling, Chris Riggi's Scott), rather than a whole epic love story thing, a la Chuck and Blair.

· Georgie will have a three-episode arc at the beginning of season three.
· Question: There's a spoiler floating around that says Chuck is going to bring home a girl in the Gossip Girl season premiere. Does this mean that he cheats on Blair? Or, even worse, that they broke up over the summer? --Fernanda.
Ausiello: While it's true that Blair catches Chuck, ahem, connecting with a model in the Sept. 14 opener, all is not as it appears.
· Question: Any news on Gossip Girl? What's in store for Serena? --Sara.
Ausiello: She'll be motherless for the first batch of episodes due to Kelly Rutherford's maternity leave.

· According to Ed Westwick, "if" Chuck and Blair get together, the question will be if they can make it work and how long it will last.
· At the CW upfronts, Leighton Meester seemed to confirm that Georgina Sparks' plan to weasel her way into Blair's life will be successful, as Blair will be living - gasp! - in an NYU dorm, with the little people! That includes possibly both G. and V.! Don't worry, Dorota fans; she'll still be on hand to tend to her "Miss Blair."

Magazines & Websites:
· Next season will be college, but some characters won't be attending.
· Casting for Bree Buckley. Recurring. Fun sexy blonde, irreverent, evil Miss America type, politically progressive but hails from a conservative Southern family. Has an affair with one of our gang. Four-episode arc.

Random Fun Stuff:

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last edited on Oct 04, 2009 at 04:51AM

Gossip Girl 106173 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 106173

over a year ago waldorf said…
But he won't be flirting with other girls when they are back together (at least in my perfect world) :O
I mean, he wants Blair back and I don't think he expects her to accept that he will be flirting with others (and if he thinks so... well, then he's just a moron) o_O
over a year ago katryn said…
i think thst he's a moron ...-blair knows she know i never change11
that is one of the reason he doesn't make it
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Maybe because Chuck's my favorite I don't see why you make it seem like he's the bad one of the two. Blair has hurt him more times than he has her and he cares about her more than she him. Not that I hate B of course, I love her, but still... :shakes head: Whatever. I never meant to start an actual argument. I never do so I'm just gonna go now.

Edited: And he's not a moron, he's just never been in love before. Give the guy a break.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago waldorf said…
Nooo, I didn't mean that he was... It was just my weird way of saying that he won't be cheating on B when they are together again. XD
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Oh I didn't mean you waldorf. lol
I meant katryn.
over a year ago waldorf said…
Aha... ok. x)
over a year ago katryn said…
ahh ok but i thought that chuck has just to change a little
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
He does I guess but like I said it can't possibly be an overnight thing. That would be too weird. And not him. lol I've never been in such a heated discussion on here before. Maybe we should just forget what we heard about Chuck possibly be pervy again. Like waldorf said earlier, I prefer to think he isn't. Just my thoughts so we don't all get in an argument. :)
over a year ago katryn said…
i prefer chuck being perve only for blair
over a year ago Praesse said…
OMG you guys have posted replies for 3 pages while I was gone... I still am, but I came here for news ... I still hvent read the while 3 pages... I'm not sure you've noticed but I've been gone because I'm enjoying some skiing in the alps :]
Have you missed me?? (haha don't answer LOL)
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Lol. That's basically what I was trying to say. :)
over a year ago Praesse said…
OMG this whole thread has become the CB discussion thread! C'mon you guys, Chuck's gonna change just a bit and he won't womanize, Blair will finally accept she wants him as much as he does and they'll live happilly ever after <3

And they'll name their kid Holly or Audrey. LOL!
over a year ago waldorf said…
Lol I didn't want answers when I was gone either, but YES, I've missed you. ^^

By the way, we need a CB discussion thread. ;O

Edit: Or maybe we don't, we could just change the name of this one, hah XD
Other people might not like that, though... ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Lol. We totally do need one. The way we can go on and on. Then again, I've always been opinionated so maybe it's my fault the discussion went on so long. Shame on me. hehe
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Wow...lots of new things. Lots of spoilers. I hate how Ed is so vague about how he feels Chuck's relationship with Blair is going. Leighton is way more into it. She was totally about to cry even in the interview. Awww...she's such a good actress. Anyways, so she said she's really hurt and is gonna make him pay but she also has a lot of feelings for him and so she'll definitely be deep down wanting him back too. Besides the Kristen spoilers or whatever said that they'll learn to play nice and retract their claws, so I think...regardless if it take like 8 episodes or WHATEVER, eventually they'll come to each other. Chuck is still madly in love with Blair and wants her back so in the long run he knows and I think he is VERY willing to quit his womanizing ways for the girl he knows he's meant to be with. Um...end of story? Yes, I think so.
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Well said, Lauren. :)
over a year ago Leightonfan said…
Wow, you guys have had quite the conversation while I was at school and working on homework. I love this GG thread!
over a year ago Praesse said…
Well said, Lauren, indeed!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Haha. It was one of my prouder moments, I'll admit. ;)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
I put another CB season 2 story up here, so you should all read and comment! =D I have to warn you, it's pretty tragic...but please be nice to me and read it anyways!
over a year ago waldorf said…
Tragic? I'm worried... No, I'm not. I'll read it! ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
HAHA! Yes!!!!!!!!
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
I'm so reading it too! :)
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Oh, I found this by the way. Not much but...

Gossip Girl - Latest from Ausiello:

Question: You've seen the first two Gossip Girl episodes?! Spill! --Melissa
Ausiello: As I mentioned in my Gossip Girl premiere party wrap-up video, I got the distinct impression that the show is laying the groundwork for a possible Rufus/Vanessa pairing. The signs are subtle, but they're there. I'm curious to see what you guys think. Elsewhere, there's a scene between Leighton Meester and guest-cougar Madchen Amick in the second episode that was so good I nearly wept. No surprise that exec producer Stephanie Savage -- who's second only to Patrick Mulcahey (Santa Barbara) when it comes to writing bitchtastic dialogue –- penned the outing. Oh, and many words have been used to describe Chace Crawford's Nate – hot, sexy, tasty, yummy, etc. Well, by the end of the second ep, you'll be able to add male prostitute to that list.

Um, Rufus/Vanessa? Ew much?

And Nate, a male prostitute? Sound interesting. lol
over a year ago waldorf said…
Nate the prostitute! Yaaay! Or eeeew... I'm not sure. x)
over a year ago waldorf said…

Omg, I cried when I read the CB quote... <3
Page 2.
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over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
I know! I know!!! *cries* He's just like constantly asking her to come back to him...and he knows her sooooooo well. He knows when she's lying. Oh God, he's such a romantic gogetter....I know he deserves pain, but for crying out loud he wants her back!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
but I am sooooo not for the vanessa/rufus thing. Can you saw ew, please? He belongs with Lily. And vanessa...oh my gosh! She's too young for him, hello!! Plus, it would mess up her relationship with DAn and it's just so WRONG! Ugh.
over a year ago katryn said…
omg!i love cb!!!!!!!!!!!!
and what does mean go to the car?
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
hmmm...don't know. But you guys have got to check out my latest gg vid I put up on here and tell me what you think! It's called..."All Fall Down--Chuck/Blair/Nate/Serena" It took me forever and I'm pretty proud, so check it out! =D
over a year ago waldorf said…
I have to go, but I'll check it out tomorrow! ^^
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Thanks! ;)
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
OMG! Thanks waldorf! Somehow I just knew they were saying something like that. Aww! Poor C, can't say the words but I still love him. :)
over a year ago Leightonfan said…
What in the world? Vanessa/Rufus. That's just nasty and weird. Eww. It's odd how I don't like Vanessa with Nate and Dan. Now, the whole Vanessa/Rufus thing. Sorry, but Vanessa doesn't match with any guy. although her and Nate weren't all that bad. It's just that they are kind of boring.

This is kinda like Blair is admmiting that she wants Chuck back:
Blair: Damn that mother Chucker! He's totally right! I don't even like James!
Serena: Thank you. I was totally waiting for that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Well, I loved Vanessa/Nate, but anyways. Oh Chuck is sooooooooo in love with Blair. He's just confused right now...b/c after he decided to ditch her, he also decided to go back to his old life style, but the second Blair came back into his life he wanted her again. He was jealous of every guy she had on her arm...so, I think he just needs to refigure things out and realize that Blair wasn't just something that happened. I mean, I think he knows it...but I don't know, I think he needs to REALLY know it. Gah. I'm not even making sense anymore. Basically, Bart screwed us all over. Haha. XD Oh dear.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
And oh yeah, Blair totally wants Chuck.
over a year ago Leightonfan said…
Seriously, I wish Bart died in the season finale because he's screwing up everything and everyone.
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Lol. I totally know what you mean, Leightonfan. Of course it's partly Chuck's fault for listening to him but he didn't know any better. I think it's so funny how people say they actually like Bart. I don't really get why but oh well.

Oh and Lauren, I totally get what you're trying to say. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Thank-you, mcrfan1516. At least somebody does! Haha. But you guys have to totally check out the new spoiler vid that was just uploaded on here...Ed finally is a little less vague about the CB situation, though not by much and though it is slightly positive...it is a bit negative too, so yeah. You guys just have to watch it and then we can discuss it! lol. ;p
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
Oh I've already watched that too. I just never thought to talk about it here. I love Ed and he's awesome but what was up with him in that interview? I always thought he was more into CB than Leighton but she was the one who was so positive about it and saying, "I so want them together!" while he was all, "Wait, you think he really loves her?" lol I know that's not what he really said but that's what it seems like what he wanted to say.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
oh gosh, I know!!! Urgggggh. Ed has always been so vague about CB it seems to me. But Leighton is just so into it. I mean, she gets near tears thinking about the CB tragedy. *sigh* I just really want them to be together...I hate Chuck being confused, cause directors can make confusion last for a LONG time....although hopefully not longer than 7 episodes. Hehe.
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
One can only hope so. lol

And yeah now that I think about when has Ed ever been totally positive about them that way? Never. lol :)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
He's got such a good poker face! But we know he loves working with Leighton, so that's cool. I think he's pretty much open to anything that happens with Chuck...he doesn't really get into any particular event or relationship, yet he is an amazing actor and so we could never tell. ;p
over a year ago luinwen said…
aw ed was about to say something and then he thought things better and he didn't give away anything u.u
over a year ago katryn said…
i think that confussion is for 7 episode i bet at 7 finale hook up maybe couple..........but the quotes was impresive i can't imagine ed and leighton saying the i i ...thanks.that's all i need
over a year ago waldorf said…


*dies again*

It's non-GG spoilers in the beginning, but... the CB scene... just a few seconds, but... oooh *very dead*
over a year ago Praesse said…
I'm so crying in the middle of this cafée in the mountain because of that CB quote of the I love You thing OMG OMG OMG IM DYING! I LOVE YOU GUYS, YOU UNDERSTAND ME! PEOPLE HERE MUST THINK IM TOTALLY INSANE, WHICH I KIND OF AM. I'll leave a larger comment later, I got to go right now... Sorry guys that Im so in the out now, If you remember who the hell i am lol
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
OMG! lol I'm gonna say it again, I so cannot wait to see that scene! hehe
over a year ago mcrfan1516 said…
And aww Praesse,of course we remember who you are! lol :)
over a year ago waldorf said…
Awww, it's ok to cry over CB, no matter where you are. :']

Did anyone read the recap of 2.01? Uh i didn't so I don't know why I'm asking! XD