Rachel and Puck Hot Jew Fangirlies ♥

spikes_girl posted on Jan 02, 2010 at 11:35PM
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I have power invested in me to remove you from the list of awesomeness. Be warned, children. But then again, I'm also a real softie, so I might not. Unless you say hi, and don't reply again for months... and months.

♥ Cat - link (376)
♥ Shandi - link (206)
♥ Sarah - link (26)
♥ Kaidi - link (168)
♥ Hannah - link (42)
♥ Emma - link (265)
♥ Grace - link (36)
♥ Kristin - link (282)
♥ Mary - link (23)
♥ Ana - link (148)
♥ Sophie - link (11)
♥ Nora - link (5)
♥ Mel - link (6)
♥ Holly - link (2)
♥ Elle - link (5)
♥ Jackie - link (6)
♥ Astrid - link (1)

Last Win Count: Page 1358


Darth Vader: Kristin
Voldemort: Shandi
The Master: Kaidi
Sue Sylvester: Cat
The Mayor: Sarah
{reformed} xD
Ghandi: Emma
Martin Luther King Jr.: Holly

John McCain: Jimmmancelver
Sarah Palin: newyork###
Secret infiltrating spy terrorist person!!!: Sandra



Upper East Orange Tree Hill Roles

Cat - Haley James Scott, involved with Volchuck&Nathan&Manbangs
Kristin - Brooke Davis, involved with Damien&Seth&Chuckles
Kaidi - Summer Roberts, involved with Seth&Dan (the Humphrey kind)
Shandi - Rachel Gatina, involved with Ryan&Jack Bass
Emma - Peyton Sawyer, involved with Jake&Carter Buckley
Sarah - Bevin Evan Mirskey, involved with Skills&Luke (The OC kind)


Finchel - (Emma, Kristin, Ana, Shandi, Laura, Grace, Holly, & Cat)
Fuckerman - (Cat, Holly, Grace, Sarah, & Kaidi)
Buffy/Angel (Cat & Sarah)
Rory/Dean (Emma, Grace, Kristin, Sarah, & Cat)
Dawson/Joey (Grace, Emma, Holly, & Cat)
PUCAS (Hannah, Holly, Sarah, Emma, Cat, Mary, & Kristin)
Edward/Bella (Grace, Sarah, Emma, & Cat)
Harry/Ginny (Kristin, Shandi, Sarah, & Emma)

Holly's Own Little List of Hate :P


March 7th, 2010: Cat's Coming Out of the Closet Day/She and Kristin Became the Female Version of Brokeback Mountain
Kristin = Ennis Del Mar
Cat = Jack Twist

#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin

Ultimate Artie<3sCheerios Shippers Of All-Time: Emma and Shandi

Fanatical Queen of FJFG {Finn's Jizz Fangirls}: Cat

Queen of Super Magical Happy Sport Hating World: Kristin

Puckleberry Win Current First Place: CAT! =P Also please make sure to congratulate Kristin on her 264, she's quite proud, since previous to them she appeared to be cursed by the God of Puckleberry wins.

[Btw, if you've never seen Glee, and you're just a random stalker or curious soul who has no idea who Puck or Rachel are, please know that the title of this forum is not used to be offensive- it's a quote by one of the characters. Or the hot Jew part anyway :)]
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I ha
last edited on Mar 08, 2011 at 05:36AM

Rachel and Puck 39841 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 39841

over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Not only in personality (he's like a little Spike!) but in looks. I don't understand the attractiveness of Stefan :/
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Puckleberry win :)
Puckleberry win :)
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
He looks like a cutie underneath the scruff. :P

I fricken HATE Stefan. He broods even more than Angel and has a stupid muppetface. Also, an Edward Cullen wanna be hairdo.

And yeah! Damon reminds me a lot of Spike. Even when he's human, he reminds me of William Pratt. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Ahhh Kris, you have the bestest of descriptions. I DO hate Stefan&Elena though... SO. BANGEL. *vomits*

All I can say is, I hope they go down the same dark, dank road known as tragically-never-able-to-be-together.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"I DO hate Stefan&Elena though... SO. BANGEL. *vomits*"
Aww... You had to go there, didn't you? :P

But yeah, I hate Stelena. No chemistry, no cute moments, no stopping with the muppetfacing, BORING!

"All I can say is, I hope they go down the same dark, dank road known as tragically-never-able-to-be-together."­;
Ooh! Do you think that Stefan will go away if that happens?! I just hope he doesn't get a spin-off. Plus, "STEFAN" doesn't really sound like a hit TV show. If they named it "THE BROODY ADVENTURES OF MUPPETFACE!" I MIGHT watch it.


But only if they kept the exclaimation point in the title.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I'm sorry. I am. :P I had to speak my mind, because they DO remind me of each other...

And all caps. It always has to be spelled in all caps, or else it doesn't count.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
I can definitely see where you get that. I wouldn't like Bangel at all if I didn't love their chemistry, story and the way that Buffy is around Angel... Because if you take that away, for the most part, they ARE Stelena. I hate Buffy in seasons 4-7... And I've deduced that it's because she's a BITCH when Angel isn't around. Especially when she's around Spike... UGH.

Yeah, you're right. The caps is important... And I think it should say something about his silly hairdo in smaller lettering under the title.
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I love the new look! :]
Uhmmmm Angel Cookies, are you stalking me? You ho.

I hope Mon doesn't still think I'm 27. lol. That makes me feel old...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I think I like the right side of the banner better. I love when they smile at each other. I know she wasn't thinking of Finn that time. :]
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Meee too Shandi (the smile). I'm super glad Dave changed them, I really don't get why the spot creator doesn't (or at least to the ones we voted for)...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Anyone has now turned to me :)
over a year ago brucas4ever said…

is that a new icon or am i going insane?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
No, your head is on the right way. It's a new icon, the one that was voted for in the pick. Which for some reason the spot creator didn't use, so I messaged Dave, but now it's preeeeettyful! =D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
yeah! okay i'm not crazy. So how are you!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Umm.... Yeh I iz stawking u Baby Carrots but u still da ho cuz u lyke da sex 2 much durin rd trp!

Everyone else... Hello! :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
hey okay im gonna take a nap sooo tired! but im off from school until tuesday!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lmao, Cookyz, u r scarying ppl awy w/ ur sex tlk. :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Or I was here, till I had to do my irritating math homework. Or have. I hate volume.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I should do my math homework... nah. lol I'm so lazy!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I know!!! I scare people. :(
over a year ago Shandiii said…
No you don't, everyone loves you! :]
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Of course they do!

Lol... Shandi, what you just said kind of sounds like something we would have to say to Lauren back in the day. :P
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Haha, well I was actually being serious. Plus I don't think I ever sucked up to Lauren that much unless I was in a really good mood. lol.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Omg, haha, Sara told me that Lauren sent her this message and she was afraid to open it because it was just titled "Hi" and so she finally opened it and it was an IQ test! Lol. I was like, that is just the thing that Lauren would send someone! An IQ test to prove she's smarter or whatever... I didn't even know she's still around fp, I thought we scared her away?
over a year ago Shandiii said…

[Why won't it let me add a pretty icon?? D': ]
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
LOL!!!! How weird! But yeah, it totally makes sense for her to send an IQ test. The little biatch.

I really hope we scared her away, I really don't want to talk to her ever again. I can't imagine why she would even want to come back after what happened. I'm staying on my damn high horse and you will LOVE IT!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Noooo... all images from Fanpop are GONE! *cries* Now it's such a depressing place, I don't even know if I can stay.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lmao!! What's the horse's name?

Yeah, I'm sure we scared her away from the threads. She probably just thinks Sara still likes her since she didn't say anything to her when she came back. But yeah... she needs to gtfo! I hope she doesn't lurk/stalk.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Arg! I hate when the images disappear! It's sad times. :'[
They normally don't do it until like 1am though :S
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Why, it's named ChucklesDeanSpikeDamonBrookeRachelEmma, of course!

Well, if she stalked I don't really think that she would think Sara still liked her. :P

Urrrgghh! I hate it when this happens too. :(
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Oh my, I will never remember that name!

Haha, very true. I wish Sara would reply on this thread more! I think she forgets or something. :P

There were pics on LJ of Mark & Lea on set [not together] but everyone thinks they are filming their episode since no other actors were in the pics. :D
edit; never mind, the pics were from yesterday
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
New GG spoilers!

"The return of Dr VDW will have Team Humphrey vs Team VDW." Also, Eric gets a new boyfriend. Cyrus Rose returns. And so does Agnes"
Epic YAY! For Cyrus. YAY For Erics new BF! Agnes is only good if she fucks up Jennys life. And I am SO TEAM HUMPHREY!

"Chuck will get a huge storyline. Super emotional. Ed's best work to date!"
FUCK YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!






Okay, I think I'm done for now.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Booooooooo. I WANT MORE JACK. They could at least give me more pictures. D':

But yeah, DEFINITELY TEAM HUMPHREY!! Unless it's Jenny vs. Eric, then Team VDW! But since this is about Mr. VDW then it's probably not about them.
UGH, I hate Lily!

But yay for Eric's new BF & the return of Cyrus!

The pictures keep returning and then disappearing for me. :/
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Btw, I didn't mean boo at the Chuck spoilers, I just want more Jack ones. Definitely boo at the VDW spoilers though... Lily's always got to be bringing to drama to an ADULT relationship. ughhhh.
I'm happy that you're getting good Chuck storylines though. :]
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I'm not sure if there's anything about Jack. I stopped reading after the Chuck thing. Dancing was required.

Haha, you know I hate Lily! Little Miss "I'm only going to love Chuck when it's convenient." BITCH.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I know you weren't booing them! :P

You would never be that mean to me.

Unless it's calling me a dumb ho or something.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Well I guess I'm lucky to have gotten any Jack spoilers.

Haha, you know I hate Lily! Little Miss "I'm only going to love Chuck when it's convenient." BITCH.
PREACH! Ughhh and she's so dramatic ALWAYS. And she doesn't trust anyone it's so annoying. Her and Serena should move far far away.

Haha, you call me a dumb ho all the time, get over it! :P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"PREACH! Ughhh and she's so dramatic ALWAYS. And she doesn't trust anyone it's so annoying. Her and Serena should move far far away."
I agree!!! Jenny too. Jenny has become my least favorite GG character this season. Messing with The Chuckles is one thing, he can handle himself... But sweet little Eric?! NO!

And YOU get over it... Dumb ho.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Ho, please! There is nothing for me to get over. :P

From everything I heard about this season, I hate Jenny & Serena the most.

Well I think I'm going to go out. I've been wanting to buy myself a new purse for so long! Bye Angel Cookies!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Bye bye Carrots!!!

By all means DO get a new purse! You really can never have enough... Unless they're cheap knock-offs, but that goes without saying!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Cat is on!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
As per usual.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile


OOH! My boyfriend and I are planning on watching Lord of the Rings tomorrow because you told me to. :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
YES! Wiiiin. I just know you will love them Kristin, I got an epic feeling in my gut. =D
And I still think you will like the rugged and sexy Aragorn. :P Legolas is damn pretty, but Aragorn is... is... *doesn't even begin to describe the wonderfulness of Aragorn's wonderfulness*.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
And awesomeness.... amazingness... superness...
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I believe you! I'll make sure to like him. :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I have no doubt you won't. He's sort of every fan girl's ultimate dream. And he has the sexiest war cry ever. =P