Rachel and Puck Hot Jew Fangirlies ♥

spikes_girl posted on Jan 02, 2010 at 11:35PM
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I have power invested in me to remove you from the list of awesomeness. Be warned, children. But then again, I'm also a real softie, so I might not. Unless you say hi, and don't reply again for months... and months.

♥ Cat - link (376)
♥ Shandi - link (206)
♥ Sarah - link (26)
♥ Kaidi - link (168)
♥ Hannah - link (42)
♥ Emma - link (265)
♥ Grace - link (36)
♥ Kristin - link (282)
♥ Mary - link (23)
♥ Ana - link (148)
♥ Sophie - link (11)
♥ Nora - link (5)
♥ Mel - link (6)
♥ Holly - link (2)
♥ Elle - link (5)
♥ Jackie - link (6)
♥ Astrid - link (1)

Last Win Count: Page 1358


Darth Vader: Kristin
Voldemort: Shandi
The Master: Kaidi
Sue Sylvester: Cat
The Mayor: Sarah
{reformed} xD
Ghandi: Emma
Martin Luther King Jr.: Holly

John McCain: Jimmmancelver
Sarah Palin: newyork###
Secret infiltrating spy terrorist person!!!: Sandra



Upper East Orange Tree Hill Roles

Cat - Haley James Scott, involved with Volchuck&Nathan&Manbangs
Kristin - Brooke Davis, involved with Damien&Seth&Chuckles
Kaidi - Summer Roberts, involved with Seth&Dan (the Humphrey kind)
Shandi - Rachel Gatina, involved with Ryan&Jack Bass
Emma - Peyton Sawyer, involved with Jake&Carter Buckley
Sarah - Bevin Evan Mirskey, involved with Skills&Luke (The OC kind)


Finchel - (Emma, Kristin, Ana, Shandi, Laura, Grace, Holly, & Cat)
Fuckerman - (Cat, Holly, Grace, Sarah, & Kaidi)
Buffy/Angel (Cat & Sarah)
Rory/Dean (Emma, Grace, Kristin, Sarah, & Cat)
Dawson/Joey (Grace, Emma, Holly, & Cat)
PUCAS (Hannah, Holly, Sarah, Emma, Cat, Mary, & Kristin)
Edward/Bella (Grace, Sarah, Emma, & Cat)
Harry/Ginny (Kristin, Shandi, Sarah, & Emma)

Holly's Own Little List of Hate :P


March 7th, 2010: Cat's Coming Out of the Closet Day/She and Kristin Became the Female Version of Brokeback Mountain
Kristin = Ennis Del Mar
Cat = Jack Twist

#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin

Ultimate Artie<3sCheerios Shippers Of All-Time: Emma and Shandi

Fanatical Queen of FJFG {Finn's Jizz Fangirls}: Cat

Queen of Super Magical Happy Sport Hating World: Kristin

Puckleberry Win Current First Place: CAT! =P Also please make sure to congratulate Kristin on her 264, she's quite proud, since previous to them she appeared to be cursed by the God of Puckleberry wins.

[Btw, if you've never seen Glee, and you're just a random stalker or curious soul who has no idea who Puck or Rachel are, please know that the title of this forum is not used to be offensive- it's a quote by one of the characters. Or the hot Jew part anyway :)]
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I ha
last edited on Mar 08, 2011 at 05:36AM

Rachel and Puck 39841 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 39841

over a year ago AreYouSure said…
I have to say Nathan slamming a brick on the probation girl's windsheild was pretty freaking hilarous!

Simon is my favorite. I'm always really sad for him or awwing. lol.

Reply 101!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Hahaha! I love that scene.
"If I was mentally deficient I would have missed." haha, he is amazing.

It's so hard to pick favorite characters on this show! I think Kelly, Nathan, and Curtis are my top 3, but I love Simon and Alisha too.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
My faves are Nathan, Kelly, and Simon-- but I love 'em all too <3

^^ Puckleberry win for Sara :P
over a year ago swimchick said…
Okay I'm here!!! I've been traveling/settling back in France and now am battling jetlag. I keep going to sleep around 9, waking up around 3, then going back to bed at 8. It's miserable. Missed you guys, LOVE PUCK AND RACHEL!!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Yay, so glad you're back Emma!! *sniffs* Fanpop was not the same without you... <3
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Welcome back Emma!
over a year ago AreYouSure said…
"^^ Puckleberry win for Sara :P "

I've never got one of those before! AWESOME! :)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Puckleberry Win Current Count:

Cat: 1
Shandi: 1
Hannah: 1
Sara: 1

Woot! xD
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I should probably keep track of this up top... *does so*
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Oh yay! That's exciting! :D

I love how everyone is talking about Misfits here, and I just saw on the Misfit's forum everyone is talking about Glee. lmao.
over a year ago swimchick said…
I wish I knew what Misfits was. New show? I should probably just look it up instead of asking. I'm just an innocent Rachel/Puck fan :P
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
nice i have one:)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Lmao Emma! :P Yep, it's an awesome new show. It's British. And it's awesome. And British.
And that makes it awesome.
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
What?! No reply for three days?! What is this madness???

Here's something awesome: I'm going to see Avatar with my best friend in two hours- someone reply!!
over a year ago Kaidi said…
Good for you Cat!
Well, I am going to sleep: it's 1.40 AM here.
What am I doing up so late?!
Looking for 30 Seconds to Mars tickets of course, and then uploading some icons ;)
But now, good night ;)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Thank you, Kaidi :P
1:40? My record is somewhere around 5 am-ish. Nightie-night!
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
last night i didn't fall asleep until 6am
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Wait, nope, I take it back: once, on a school night, I didn't fall asleep until 6:10 or so 'cuz I was working on a science project due the next week :P I think I couldn't sleep and I just wanted to finish it...
I'm trying to find it online 'cuz I wanna watch it again, and I've found it like on 8 different sites but every one has a pop-up that requires me to take a survey that needs my address and email and phone number... I just feel like stabbing my computer. Seriously.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Plus 2 duets!! :D :D :D
Plus 2 duets!! :D :D :D
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
And at school today, at times, I would have small, random spasms when I thought about it. I couldn't explain to my social studies teacher why I was giggling when she was talking about the Holocaust =P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lmao, Cat!
I'm so excited too!! Our duet dream is coming true faster than I would have imagined!!
I just hope now more FR & PQ shippers will take Puckleberry seriously now. :P And I hope it's for more than 1 episode. I don't want it to be rushed this time! :/
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Just the way Ryan phrased it I think *THINK* it might be for one episode again, but I am praying (and I'm an atheist) it'll be more. :P And you never know... I think this time there's a better chance it'll be for longer...
over a year ago Shandiii said…
"but I am praying (and I'm an atheist)"

Lmao! I'll join you!

Yeah I'm thinking it's probably just for 1 episode too, but like you said there is more of a chance this of it being longer, or at least make them closer in some sort of way.

I want to know if he didn't plan this to happen again, what was with allof the Puckleberry glances and stuff? Are we just crazy fans that look too far into a sideways glance? lmao.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Of course every thing they do together means something!! It's because they're effing PUCKLEBERRY!

...I got a tad overexcited there, lol.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
So, question: What's your FAVORITE Puckleberry moment? Of all-time?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Puckleberry wiiiiiin!
Puckleberry wiiiiiin!
over a year ago swimchick said…
I love Rachel's smile when Puck picks Glee over football.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Kay, so mine HAS to be the hug. It's just too damn sweet and adorable and meaningful and squealable! And of course the convo beforehand :P
last edited over a year ago
Kay, so mine HAS to be the hug. It's just too damn sweet and adorable and meaningful and squealable!
over a year ago OCFan123 said…
So, FINALLY here.
Happy now Cat?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Why, yes! After week's of nagging...
over a year ago OCFan123 said…
...TWO weeks.
Hi swimchick!
over a year ago swimchick said…
Whenever I rewatch "the hug" I just think to myself, "Mark loves Lea" in a sing-song, ya know "mark and lea sitting in a tree" kind of way.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Well, it's completely obvious. He's got such a crush :P And he's completely adorable about it.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Mine would be the bathroom scene definitely! If I had to narrow it down from there, probably Rachel washing the slushy out of Puck's hair, so adorable! ...but then also when he really sweetly apologized and she kissed him. :]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Awww, the bathroom one is probably my next favorite <3 Wait, no, take that back, Sweet Caroline is! I can't get enough of Puck's sweet smiles and Rachel's grin.
Awww, the bathroom one is probably my next favorite <3 Wait, no, take that back, Sweet Caroline is! I
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Too many amazing moments in that 1 episode! Soon there will be more! yay!

I'm confused though, when he says the 4th episode, does he mean the 4th episode back? Or the 4th episode in the 2nd season? Because I know the Kurt spoilers [which I'm also super excited about!] are for S2.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I think he means the 4th episode back (I commented on the article and some people told me it was that) but then it's not for sure till you get it from a reliable source.
Although I'd actually prefer if it was season 2, because I do want them together, but not so rushed :/
over a year ago swimchick said…
Agreed, I hate when shows rush things (cough cough, gossip girl, cough cough). I think Glee is already speeding along so I'm glad they put on the breaks a bit and that Puck/Quinn and Rachel/Finn didn't happen. Don't hate me, but Will/Emma...it's WAY too soon.
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
Random query for my favorite chum-ettes, what kind of mascara do you use? I'm thinking of switching. It needs to be something I can get at sephora though cuz I'm not in the U.S.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I really want Finchel and Quick to get together in season 2, break up at the end/beginning of s3, then have Puckleberry get to together in season 3 and stay together to the very end <3
As for mascara, I'm currently using Almay, but Great Lash is good too. I'm not sure if those are available at Sephora though... *goes to check*
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Oh jeez, there are 20 pages of mascara... :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Okay, never mind, I overestimated, there was 13. Didn't see either brands... :/
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I just mentioned this in your pick, Cat, but does anyone else think our icon shouldn't be of them breaking up?

And what happened to our banner contest? lol, I really liked one of the ones that saul_m made!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Oh, and we never changed the motto either. lol, sorry I'm being a pain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Yes! I definitely agree on the icon situation- I really don't know why the icon is of their saddest scene :(
I'm off to make a banner pick- and a forum for motto suggestions.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimchick said…
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CAN THE MOTTO PLEEEEEASE BE: "We're a couple of good-looking Jews, it's natural." or "A couple of good-looking Jews, it's natural." This is seriously THE funniest thing to me. I'm obsessed with Puck getting in touch with his Jewish roots. It reminds me so much of so many of my favorite Jewish friends.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Yay, awesome! Thanks Cat!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I really was going to do them right then, but I think I got distracted... :P
But they're up now!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Haha, you lied to me!

But I forgive you. :]