Rachel and Puck Hot Jew Fangirlies ♥

spikes_girl posted on Jan 02, 2010 at 11:35PM
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I have power invested in me to remove you from the list of awesomeness. Be warned, children. But then again, I'm also a real softie, so I might not. Unless you say hi, and don't reply again for months... and months.

♥ Cat - link (376)
♥ Shandi - link (206)
♥ Sarah - link (26)
♥ Kaidi - link (168)
♥ Hannah - link (42)
♥ Emma - link (265)
♥ Grace - link (36)
♥ Kristin - link (282)
♥ Mary - link (23)
♥ Ana - link (148)
♥ Sophie - link (11)
♥ Nora - link (5)
♥ Mel - link (6)
♥ Holly - link (2)
♥ Elle - link (5)
♥ Jackie - link (6)
♥ Astrid - link (1)

Last Win Count: Page 1358


Darth Vader: Kristin
Voldemort: Shandi
The Master: Kaidi
Sue Sylvester: Cat
The Mayor: Sarah
{reformed} xD
Ghandi: Emma
Martin Luther King Jr.: Holly

John McCain: Jimmmancelver
Sarah Palin: newyork###
Secret infiltrating spy terrorist person!!!: Sandra



Upper East Orange Tree Hill Roles

Cat - Haley James Scott, involved with Volchuck&Nathan&Manbangs
Kristin - Brooke Davis, involved with Damien&Seth&Chuckles
Kaidi - Summer Roberts, involved with Seth&Dan (the Humphrey kind)
Shandi - Rachel Gatina, involved with Ryan&Jack Bass
Emma - Peyton Sawyer, involved with Jake&Carter Buckley
Sarah - Bevin Evan Mirskey, involved with Skills&Luke (The OC kind)


Finchel - (Emma, Kristin, Ana, Shandi, Laura, Grace, Holly, & Cat)
Fuckerman - (Cat, Holly, Grace, Sarah, & Kaidi)
Buffy/Angel (Cat & Sarah)
Rory/Dean (Emma, Grace, Kristin, Sarah, & Cat)
Dawson/Joey (Grace, Emma, Holly, & Cat)
PUCAS (Hannah, Holly, Sarah, Emma, Cat, Mary, & Kristin)
Edward/Bella (Grace, Sarah, Emma, & Cat)
Harry/Ginny (Kristin, Shandi, Sarah, & Emma)

Holly's Own Little List of Hate :P


March 7th, 2010: Cat's Coming Out of the Closet Day/She and Kristin Became the Female Version of Brokeback Mountain
Kristin = Ennis Del Mar
Cat = Jack Twist

#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin

Ultimate Artie<3sCheerios Shippers Of All-Time: Emma and Shandi

Fanatical Queen of FJFG {Finn's Jizz Fangirls}: Cat

Queen of Super Magical Happy Sport Hating World: Kristin

Puckleberry Win Current First Place: CAT! =P Also please make sure to congratulate Kristin on her 264, she's quite proud, since previous to them she appeared to be cursed by the God of Puckleberry wins.

[Btw, if you've never seen Glee, and you're just a random stalker or curious soul who has no idea who Puck or Rachel are, please know that the title of this forum is not used to be offensive- it's a quote by one of the characters. Or the hot Jew part anyway :)]
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I ha
last edited on Mar 08, 2011 at 05:36AM

Rachel and Puck 39841 replies

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Showing Replies 1351-1400 of 39841

over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
No, I have not! I don't have a new plan for watching them since my boyfriend left... I'll figure it out!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
big smile
Great minds think alike Kristin!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile

Which I will celebrate with The Princess and the Frog/Making fun of Twilight! :D

Which I will celebrate with The Princess and the Frog/Making fun of Twilight! :D
over a year ago swimchick said…


WHY ISN'T YOUR NAME NEXT TO RORY/DEAN HATRED. My hatred for them is about as epic as my OTP-type love for Luke/Lorelai and Rory/Jess


over a year ago Shandiii said…
GAH what episode is that Tony/Sid moment?? I do not recall that particular scene, and of course that must be changed now.
It's Sid's episode of S2 at the very end I think.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I thought it was more special if it had just your name by it... :P But adding now!
over a year ago swimchick said…
Okay good, for a moment I was a little frightened. It's already tough to forgive you liking Logan. For shame.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
How can you hate Logan?? Yeah he's a dick sometimes but ya know... he's rich and spoiled. He has to be sometimes. But the fact that he changes for Rory melts my heart. <3
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
I like Logan okay... Except when he's being an asshole to Jess... And Rory.
I like Logan okay... Except when he's being an asshole to Jess... And Rory.
over a year ago swimchick said…
Also on matters of Gossip Girl, I love Dan/Blair hehe. CB is cool too and all that, but I like the idea of spicing things up. Chuck Bass is amazing xo
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
As does Jess too, of course. And I do prefer them, but Rory&Logan come close...

Kristin. Check out the top of the forum. XD
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile


over a year ago swimchick said…
I can respect the Logan-liking as long as the Jess-liking is stronger. Logan made Rory into someone she wasn't and she had to put up with his spoiled douchery for far too long. The NO at the end of the series melted MY heart ;)

But I promise that's my final word on the subject for now. I don't want to have sisterly fights on this matter ;)
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin"
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Sooooo I just started watching OTH, I've seen random episodes of random seasons but I started at ep 13 of S1 because that's the earliest Hulu had.
So far, Hate Lucas, Hate Peyton, Love Brooke, Love Nathan, Haley is ok, kind of annoying but nice and good hearted. :]

Could someone tell me the appeal of Leyton? Maybe I missed something huge in the first 12 episodes but from what I saw Brooke was in love with Lucas and Peyton kept saying she cared about Brooke more but her kissing Luke showed other wise...

over a year ago Shandiii said…
over a year ago swimchick said…
Jess: "You know we're supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you."

Awww. I knew it too Jess, I knew it too.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Yeppers, Jess is definitely faaar better than him. HE'S. A BAD BOY. WHO READS.

There is no competition.

Oh, and Kristin, if you have not seen this masterpiece, I request that you do. :]
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"Logan made Rory into someone she wasn't and she had to put up with his spoiled douchery for far too long. The NO at the end of the series melted MY heart ;)"
*Stands up and claps*

over a year ago swimchick said…
Shandi loves Brooke and hates Peyton!!! Our work here is done.
over a year ago swimchick said…
Shandi, I'll break it down for you: Watching Leyton is like watching a bro/sis combo and evidently some people are just into that. LOL.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"So far, Hate Lucas, Hate Peyton, Love Brooke, Love Nathan, Haley is ok, kind of annoying but nice and good hearted. :]"
I love them all, but the only requirements are loving Nathan & Brookie so WAY TO GO! I'm proud of you.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"Oh, and Kristin, if you have not seen this masterpiece, I request that you do. :]"
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is SO perfect!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
OTH Character Survey:
Lucas: Love 80% of the time
Peyton: Like 60% of the time, s3 P. Sawyer has been pissing me off
Brooke: Love 100% of time, with a few small exceptions along the way
Nathan: Also love 100%, but like Brooke, has his rough patches...
Haley: Like 70% of the time. She's cool, but boring a lot of the time. Irking in s2.
etc, etc... don't feel like filling it out for Keith, Karen, Dan, Deb, and Whitey.
over a year ago swimchick said…
Yes, liking Nathan is important too!! (No more cake for me I think, I'm no longer feeling silly)
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
I think EVERYONE loves Jake. :P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
hey... I just realized that it's Keith/Karen and Dan/Deb! KK! DD! *snorts*
over a year ago swimchick said…
I'm also going to go out on a crazy limb and say I like Andy better than Keith. Yup, I do.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
"Brooke: Love 100% of time, with a few small exceptions along the way"
Exceptions to Brooke love?! How could you?!

The Nathan exceptions are acceptable.

Everything else I agree with completey.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Just when she was going out with Felix. 'Cuz he's an ass. But besides that, there is no possible way to dislike her, and I didn't even dislike her then, I was just annoyed! *begs on knees for forgiveness*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Shandi, I'll break it down for you: Watching Leyton is like watching a bro/sis combo and evidently some people are just into that. LOL.
Lmao!!! Well, EW!!

I'll fill them out for you...
Keith; sweetheart, why did they kill him?
Karen; annoyinggggggg!!
Dan: ASS
Deb: Love her
Whitey: Cute old guy, his wife stories always make me tear up.

(No more cake for me I think, I'm no longer feeling silly)
Haha, I think that means you need more cake! :P
over a year ago swimchick said…

It's a pick I made awhile ago for the TV couples spot. Yay Brooke!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Deb annoyed me in s2, but now I like her again. :) Always liked Karen... agreed about Dan and Whitey!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
And as for Keith.... I ADORED him in s1, but now I'm getting pissed because I'm on 3x08 and I haven't seen him in FOREVS! Even though I don't wanna see him die. :(
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Fine, I forgive you! :P

And don't worry, Cat... Deb WILL annoy you again. Then you'll like her again.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Karen is a good mom, I'll give her that. But I just watched the episode when she agreed to have dinner with Keith, then agreed to go on the school trip like 5 minutes later and then didn't call Keith to cancel until she was already on the trip and at the destination. and then she comes back and Keith gets to see her flirting with Peyton's dad.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Even though I don't wanna see him die. :(
Oh no, I didn't spoil it or anything did I? I have a bad habit of accidentally spoiling people! :/
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Oh my fricken GOD.... I just answered the phone and a woman (the lady who cuts my hair) was calling to reschedule my appointment and she asked if Catherine was there, and I said "Yes, she is." *pause* "Oh, I'm her!"

*runs and hides*
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
big smile
It's okay, I already knew about it! I think since s1. I like spoilers too much. :P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Haha! If MY hairstylist called and I did that, she would make fun of me forever. :P

That is totally something I would do.
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
I'm pretty sure I started watching OTH back when it started because it came on after Gilmore Girls. Then it got lame in season 4 so I gave it up and since living in France I caught back up. My life here is so boring. Except when I travel.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I haven't been seeing her for very long, so there isn't much customer/stylist bondage yet. :P I miss my old one, Tammy. But then my new one, Cali, gives the BEST head massages I've ever gotten in my life. =D Plus every time I go she absolutely raves about my hair and how many girls would kill to get my color naturally when almost everyone has to dye it to be like mine. Which is probably just part of her job, but you know... it makes me giddy! I do like my hair. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I'm really bad with spoilers too. :P

Except when I watched Misfits I didn't want to be spoiled because there are only 6 episodes, but I ended up going to the Misfits fanpop spot before I finished the series and spoilers about Nathan's power were all over the front page. I was like WTF?!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
^ Exact same thing happened with me! I was really disappointed that I didn't get surprised.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Is it unhealthy to be this obsessed with an animated movie intended for children?
Is it unhealthy to be this obsessed with an animated movie intended for children?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
^ Exact same thing happened with me! I was really disappointed that I didn't get surprised.
I know, it's so annoying!!
But I guess knowing did make the last episode easier for me to handle emotionally, but I was still in tears! lol.
over a year ago swimchick said…
Yeah for Misfits I made sure not to look. I mentioned that that's a spoiler somewhere in at least one of the picks for sure.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I did cry when Kelly was watching that video of Nathan. I knew he was coming back but still... impossible not to with her bawling like that!

If it involves dirty thoughts about the frog version of Naveen, perhaps. But why would it matter if it's unhealthy? :P
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Kris, you are allowed to obsess over whatever you want!
But I may only be saying that because my obsession at the moment is like a million times weirder than yours. Not that your obsession is weird or anything.