Rachel and Puck Hot Jew Fangirlies ♥

spikes_girl posted on Jan 02, 2010 at 11:35PM
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I have power invested in me to remove you from the list of awesomeness. Be warned, children. But then again, I'm also a real softie, so I might not. Unless you say hi, and don't reply again for months... and months.

♥ Cat - link (376)
♥ Shandi - link (206)
♥ Sarah - link (26)
♥ Kaidi - link (168)
♥ Hannah - link (42)
♥ Emma - link (265)
♥ Grace - link (36)
♥ Kristin - link (282)
♥ Mary - link (23)
♥ Ana - link (148)
♥ Sophie - link (11)
♥ Nora - link (5)
♥ Mel - link (6)
♥ Holly - link (2)
♥ Elle - link (5)
♥ Jackie - link (6)
♥ Astrid - link (1)

Last Win Count: Page 1358


Darth Vader: Kristin
Voldemort: Shandi
The Master: Kaidi
Sue Sylvester: Cat
The Mayor: Sarah
{reformed} xD
Ghandi: Emma
Martin Luther King Jr.: Holly

John McCain: Jimmmancelver
Sarah Palin: newyork###
Secret infiltrating spy terrorist person!!!: Sandra



Upper East Orange Tree Hill Roles

Cat - Haley James Scott, involved with Volchuck&Nathan&Manbangs
Kristin - Brooke Davis, involved with Damien&Seth&Chuckles
Kaidi - Summer Roberts, involved with Seth&Dan (the Humphrey kind)
Shandi - Rachel Gatina, involved with Ryan&Jack Bass
Emma - Peyton Sawyer, involved with Jake&Carter Buckley
Sarah - Bevin Evan Mirskey, involved with Skills&Luke (The OC kind)


Finchel - (Emma, Kristin, Ana, Shandi, Laura, Grace, Holly, & Cat)
Fuckerman - (Cat, Holly, Grace, Sarah, & Kaidi)
Buffy/Angel (Cat & Sarah)
Rory/Dean (Emma, Grace, Kristin, Sarah, & Cat)
Dawson/Joey (Grace, Emma, Holly, & Cat)
PUCAS (Hannah, Holly, Sarah, Emma, Cat, Mary, & Kristin)
Edward/Bella (Grace, Sarah, Emma, & Cat)
Harry/Ginny (Kristin, Shandi, Sarah, & Emma)

Holly's Own Little List of Hate :P


March 7th, 2010: Cat's Coming Out of the Closet Day/She and Kristin Became the Female Version of Brokeback Mountain
Kristin = Ennis Del Mar
Cat = Jack Twist

#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin

Ultimate Artie<3sCheerios Shippers Of All-Time: Emma and Shandi

Fanatical Queen of FJFG {Finn's Jizz Fangirls}: Cat

Queen of Super Magical Happy Sport Hating World: Kristin

Puckleberry Win Current First Place: CAT! =P Also please make sure to congratulate Kristin on her 264, she's quite proud, since previous to them she appeared to be cursed by the God of Puckleberry wins.

[Btw, if you've never seen Glee, and you're just a random stalker or curious soul who has no idea who Puck or Rachel are, please know that the title of this forum is not used to be offensive- it's a quote by one of the characters. Or the hot Jew part anyway :)]
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I ha
last edited on Mar 08, 2011 at 05:36AM

Rachel and Puck 39841 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 39841

over a year ago spikes_girl said…
and that pic even more so! :DD
over a year ago Shandiii said…
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Coolio, gots me a double digit Puckleberry win!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
*GASPS* He is a Firefly fan!!! Kristin! You have the best boyfriend ever!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I know he is! And I know I do!
Lol, I know he is! And I know I do!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Haha, same as me! [brb]
I'm gonna take a shower and hopefully be back quite soon!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Hey, Cat! Here is non-douchebag Chuck!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I'm known for taking longer ones than I need to...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
AWAWAWAWAWAWAWWWWW!!! <333 Cutsie, cutsie, cutsie! Cat loves! Adorableness.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Yeah, that's right!!! You love the Chuckles, you will love him!

I sound either like a hypnotist or a rapist... I'm not quite sure which.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
...let's go with hypnotist on this one.
BACK! I didn't have the fastest shower, as you can tell, but I have returned from the steamy curtain of cleanness and shampoo and razors nonetheless. And Shandi still isn't back? :(
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Nope, she is not. Kristin is alone.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
What am I, a doorknob?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I don't know why I chose to say doorknob. Quite random on my part.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Yes, you are a doorknob. Every single time I read what you're saying, I picture the doorknob from Alice in Wonderland.

You know what I just noticed?! Adam Lambert is in the Mark & Lea banner! Hell to the yes!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
God, I haven't even seen that movie in forever... I was always turned off since I saw the caterpillar at a young age and it scared the shit out of me. I've been scarred ever since (although I'm psyched for the new one next month, it's JOHNNY! :D). I vaguely remember about a doorknob... was it crabby? Or did it sneeze a lot?

Congratulations, Kris. I'm sure your day is made... or your year. :)
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I don't even remember. It's been forever since I've seen it too. I just remembered a doorknob.

And actually, my year was made when Lea Michele said that she LOVES Adam lambert and she is determined to sing with him at some point in her life. I DIIIED... So, I've been dead for a few weeks now.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I hate how they keep saying "Oh yes, Adam will be on Glee!", then "No way! There was never anything even hinting that Adam would be gust starring!", and back and forth, and back and forth... I'm no Kristin-rate fan but I love a lot of his songs and he seems just plain AWESOME. =D And his and Lea's voice would be the perf match!

Oh, well I hope you were brought back as something cool like a vampire. Not a zombie. That would be a sad, cruel fate.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Lol, I know! I hate it too! Oh, really? I didn't know that you liked him... That's really cool! No one is a Kristin-rate Lambert fan, don't worry.

And I reject being a zombie. Unless I get to dance with Michael Jackson. That would be awesome.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I didn't watch last year's American Idol but I've heard songs from his album and they're brill! Plus his outer appearance can only be called epic.

Ah. Michael Jackson. Assuming you're a fan, I shall keep my mouth shut and move onto a new topic, that is... that is... WHAT'S your FAVORITE fruit?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Or scratch that. You come up with something :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Cat is feeling lonely.... so Cat writes fanfiction!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Sorry, we went to go get ice cream and decided to rent a movie. Redbox kind of sucks when it comes to choices, but we ended up watching Surrogates or something with Bruce Willis. Wasn't too bad.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
big smile
Oooh Cat I want to read your fanfic!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lonely Puckleberry win.
Lonely Puckleberry win.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
OMG, Your disclaimer not to offend anyone with the thread title is cracking me up!!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Thank you very much! I was just thinking about it if someone did stumble on our forum and thought we were being really offensive... they should know it's Puck who's being offensive, not us. :P

link my FF account, I'm currently writing the last chapter on my Puckleberry/Finn&Kurt one. Even though I don't really love Finn&Kurt as much as I used to. Just meh. That's why PR have a much better story in the second half of the fic. :D

Aaaaand... are you good at math? I ask because it's 11:30 and I still have one question left on my math homework and I simply cannot think. You may believe you're retarded (which you're not) but you're still 21, and therefore older and wiser than I.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I can try and help you with your math problem! I don't know how much help I will be though. lol.

Yay, I'm gonna save it to read! Uhm, I wrote some Puckleberry fics and 1 short Wilma fic if you want to read them but... omg it's kind of embarrassing I've only ever shared my fanfic account with 1 other person because they were my first attempts ever at fanfic and they just kind of came to me so they aren't amazing or anything. lol.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Awww, I would still love to read them! I adore any and all Glee fanfics. :)

Kay, so here's the problem: A glass container is 0.5 full of water. After 400 millimeters are poured out, the container is 0.34 full. How much does the container hold?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
OH SHIT. Measurements are the worst. Just a sec.... okay
so .5 - .34 = 400ml.
So 400ml = .16 of the glass.
.16 x2 = .32 so around 800ml??
Am I even working the equation right?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Okay, I'll send you the link to my fanfic. Don't rush to read them or anything though, like I said... eh. lol.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I thiiiiink so? But then would you just keep multiplying .16 until you get 1 to figure out how much the whole glass holds?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Oh it would be 850 millimeters!

I was using ml I thought it was mililiters or something wow is that even a word?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
You would do
.34 divided by .16 = 2.125
then 2.125 x 400 = 850 mm
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Ohhhh, I get it now! I'm not in advanced math in my grade for nothing but measurement questions freak me out.

And I just read the cranberry vodka one! How was that not adorable?? :))
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Math always came better to me than other subjects,... except Geometry I'm horrible at.

Oh yay! *blushes* I'm glad you like! :]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Mine's definitely Language Arts! Grammar's no fun but I LOVE to read and write, and this year I've got the most awesome teacher, so it's double-y awesome. I want to be an author when I'm older, so for now I stick to writing as many fanfics as I can.

I'm planning on reading the "How To Win Over Berry" one next. Long fics are always the best.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Also, I might be a tad cruel, but can I just kindly point out that the Quick Lovers Forum (which I saw today when I was just checking out the spot- just taking a glance at the unknown territory) was started more than a month before the Puckleberry one, and we have around 150 more replies then them. :D It just makes me giddy.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Uggh, I used to love to read but never the books the assigned us in class. And I was always just so embarrassed of my writing, I never felt creative enough.

Hehe, that was the first one I wrote. I didn't pay attention in classes during the last 1/2 of my last semester because I would use that time writing that story. haha. And I passed the classes with mostly As. I'm awesome.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I hope I don't come off too mean and sadistic... it just makes me happy the more PR recognition we get on the 'pop, since they seem more unpopular here for some reason.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I feel your pain! We've been doing historical fiction and it's the dullest thing ever. I can't wait for science fiction and realistic fiction though. =D

And of course you are! Already knew that...
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Hehe, Puckleberry FTW!

⇓⇓ We have the best eyesex. :]
Hehe, Puckleberry FTW! 

⇓⇓ We have the best eyesex. :]
over a year ago Shandiii said…
No no, I completely understand! I'm so tired of the PR hate, it makes my PR heart get a little bigger every time win one-up the other Glee couples. No matter how small the win is. :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
By far. It irks me when Quick fans always say theirs is unbeatable. Mark could never look at anyone else as loving as he does with Rachel- my favorite is during My Life Would Suck Without You. <3
over a year ago Shandiii said…
That sounds fun! Man in my English classes we never really got to do much creative writing like that. It was mostly opinion writing, or writing about a memory we had or something boring like that.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Wow, that is dull. When we were learning how to write persuasive writing in November, our big assignment was to write a letter to Farmer John convincing him not to eat Turkey Tom for his Thanksgiving dinner- I told you my teacher was cool. And weird. But cool. My personal favorite is a persuasive essay on why people who have toads as pets should buy them bibs to wear- mine was published in the school paper. :) GAH, I ADORE WRITING.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I think my favorite is the handshake from Wheels. And the interaction at the beginning of Ballads. :]
I just find the Quick scenes to be so awkward! Maybe it's just because Im so biased, but the baking fight scene was just so cringe worthy, and then Finn walked in and I was like D':
over a year ago Shandiii said…
OMG! haha, Your teacher sounds crazy awesome! Even if we had stuff like that I would probably be horrible at it! lol