Rachel and Puck Hot Jew Fangirlies ♥

spikes_girl posted on Jan 02, 2010 at 11:35PM
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I have power invested in me to remove you from the list of awesomeness. Be warned, children. But then again, I'm also a real softie, so I might not. Unless you say hi, and don't reply again for months... and months.

♥ Cat - link (376)
♥ Shandi - link (206)
♥ Sarah - link (26)
♥ Kaidi - link (168)
♥ Hannah - link (42)
♥ Emma - link (265)
♥ Grace - link (36)
♥ Kristin - link (282)
♥ Mary - link (23)
♥ Ana - link (148)
♥ Sophie - link (11)
♥ Nora - link (5)
♥ Mel - link (6)
♥ Holly - link (2)
♥ Elle - link (5)
♥ Jackie - link (6)
♥ Astrid - link (1)

Last Win Count: Page 1358


Darth Vader: Kristin
Voldemort: Shandi
The Master: Kaidi
Sue Sylvester: Cat
The Mayor: Sarah
{reformed} xD
Ghandi: Emma
Martin Luther King Jr.: Holly

John McCain: Jimmmancelver
Sarah Palin: newyork###
Secret infiltrating spy terrorist person!!!: Sandra



Upper East Orange Tree Hill Roles

Cat - Haley James Scott, involved with Volchuck&Nathan&Manbangs
Kristin - Brooke Davis, involved with Damien&Seth&Chuckles
Kaidi - Summer Roberts, involved with Seth&Dan (the Humphrey kind)
Shandi - Rachel Gatina, involved with Ryan&Jack Bass
Emma - Peyton Sawyer, involved with Jake&Carter Buckley
Sarah - Bevin Evan Mirskey, involved with Skills&Luke (The OC kind)


Finchel - (Emma, Kristin, Ana, Shandi, Laura, Grace, Holly, & Cat)
Fuckerman - (Cat, Holly, Grace, Sarah, & Kaidi)
Buffy/Angel (Cat & Sarah)
Rory/Dean (Emma, Grace, Kristin, Sarah, & Cat)
Dawson/Joey (Grace, Emma, Holly, & Cat)
PUCAS (Hannah, Holly, Sarah, Emma, Cat, Mary, & Kristin)
Edward/Bella (Grace, Sarah, Emma, & Cat)
Harry/Ginny (Kristin, Shandi, Sarah, & Emma)

Holly's Own Little List of Hate :P


March 7th, 2010: Cat's Coming Out of the Closet Day/She and Kristin Became the Female Version of Brokeback Mountain
Kristin = Ennis Del Mar
Cat = Jack Twist

#1 Chuckles Bass Fan In The Galaxy Until The Earth Spontaneously Combusts, Or Whatever: Kristin

Ultimate Artie<3sCheerios Shippers Of All-Time: Emma and Shandi

Fanatical Queen of FJFG {Finn's Jizz Fangirls}: Cat

Queen of Super Magical Happy Sport Hating World: Kristin

Puckleberry Win Current First Place: CAT! =P Also please make sure to congratulate Kristin on her 264, she's quite proud, since previous to them she appeared to be cursed by the God of Puckleberry wins.

[Btw, if you've never seen Glee, and you're just a random stalker or curious soul who has no idea who Puck or Rachel are, please know that the title of this forum is not used to be offensive- it's a quote by one of the characters. Or the hot Jew part anyway :)]
An epic forum for the most amazing Puckleberry lovers :)

I've decided if you, uh, NEVER come on I ha
last edited on Mar 08, 2011 at 05:36AM

Rachel and Puck 39841 replies

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Showing Replies 801-850 of 39841

over a year ago spikes_girl said…
The baking scene is actually the only one I like- the rest are just a big nooooo. Especially in Hairography and the rest of Wheels... Papa Don't Preach is a good song, but the performance seriously pissed me off.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Erg yeah, I would have thought Papa Don't Preach was cute if Quinn wouldn't have pretty much put Finn on the back burner to test drive Noah as a boyfriend/dad. That's just wrong.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Heyyy, sorry that I left so quickly. I kind of had to pass out for awhile. I've had a fever all day and it seems to hit the hardest at night.

And it's okay that you dislike/hate MJ, Cat! Everyone has different opinions. Just don't call him a fat whore. :)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Puckleberry win! and over 800 replies! Woot!

Awww Kristin, are you okay? That sounds really suck-ish, I'm sorry. :( And I surely won't!
Puckleberry win! and over 800 replies! Woot!

Awww Kristin, are you okay? That sounds really suck-ish
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Awwww, poor Kris!! :[

& OMG, MJ as a fat whore is kind of LOLable.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Dammit. I lost my pencil. It always happens when I'm in bed. And it was a nice one. I'll probably wake up at 2 with it sticking in my head and drawing blood.....

*starts looking really hard for it*
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Yeah, I'm alright. It's just an extra bitchy cold. I plan on pimp slapping it out of my body very soon.

And lol, I know! After I typed that I couldn't stop laughing. MJ, you're are such a fat whore. :P
over a year ago Shandiii said…
When I was younger I remember this story of this teenager playing on his bed and he jumped up and landed with a pencil through his heart!
Luckily his mom was a nurse and knew kind of what to do.
Every since then I couldn't do my homework on the bed!
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I'm soo tired of the cold. I've been sick on and off since before Christmas. It's annoying. Nothing as bad as what you seem to have though. :[ Pimp slap it hard!! I freaking hate sickness!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Never mind, it's all good. I... dropped it down my shirt. I don't rightly remember why.
A truly pleasant story Shandi, I'll be having happy dreams tonight, I can feel it! :P

I was crappy sick for over a week end of January, luckily all I've got left is the occasional cough, but God that was the most miserable week I've had this school year. :(
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Happy Dreams are what I do best. :P
Yeah that's how my sickness has been, I had 1 week that was really bad and then a small on and off cold since then.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
You know what fellow fangirlies, Cat's going to bed. She's tired, it's nearly 1, the pencil is found... she's just gonna listen to Sweet Caroline once more so her play count on iTunes will be a perfect 100. =]
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Nightie-night! *waves madly*
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Lol! This is random, but I think it's so cute how you called Puck Noah, Carrots! Haha, sometimes I'll catch myself calling Chuck Charles without intention. :P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Lol! This is random, but I think it's so cute how you called Puck Noah, Carrots! Haha, sometimes I'll catch myself calling Chuck Charles without intention. :P
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lmao!! Happy Puckleberry, Noah/Mark, awesome awesome, no pencil dreams, Cat!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Haha, I normally call him Noah. I like that name better than Puck. :]
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
And.... For some reason, that was posted twice. Oh well, I'm leaving it. It adds character to the thread.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Lmao, fanpop suck sometimes like that. But I agree, I like it! :P

I think I should be off to bed too, Night Cookies, Happy Charles, High Horse, Puckleberry, Get well soon dreams!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
Goodnight, Cat & Shanders! Happy Puckleberry, no pencil dreams to you both!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Anybody here?
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Of course I check this forum right before I go to bed... :P
Anywho, I was here. For a minute. Just to say that I was.

OH, and to Shandi (I'm too lazy to make a message): You got that math problem wrong. It was somewhere in the 2400 range, me thinks. :)
over a year ago Shandiii said…
WTF? Did they explain how they got it?
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Aw, well like I said measurements weren't my best, sorriez! I'm best with Algebra and like finding x & shit.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile

over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile

over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Well, at least I got a win out of it. :P
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
big smile
I honestly don't remember. Now we're doing more area and the changes made from nets to cubic boxes, etc... *snores*

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
No, I did not! But I've been home all day because this fever is kicking my ass!

And I DID see this picture of adorable chubby Adam Lambert at Seaworld!
No, I did not! But I've been home all day because this fever is kicking my ass!

And I DID see this
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
You missed out. It was epic. Shaun White kicked serious ass! :D

And hooow adorkable! I miss Sea World... I had so much fun when I went when I was 6... I'll always remember the orca show, and the Atlantis ride especially!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
My family and I should've went when I was older, 'cuz now I realized I missed out on all the best rides at Epcot, the Magic Kingdom, and Sea World. :(
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
I've never even BEEN to Sea World, that's how lame I am.

Buttt... When I graduate highschool, my mom and I are going to take a two-week vacation in the country of my choosing. Which I am pretty excited about.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
JEALOUS. What places do you have in mind? Personally the farthest I've been out of the US is Canada, and even then I was staying on a puny island in Lake Erie so I was right by it anyway. :P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Well, living in Washington... Canada is right up there ^ Sooo getting there isn't a huge issue. :P

I'm not sure, actually! I'm thinking maybe Greece, Rome or France... Something like that. :)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Well, if you're taking tallies, put one down for Greece by Cat. :)
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Yeah, I was actually leaning toward Greece. I would really like to do touristy things there, there is so much history.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I'll try not to be too jealous when you go. I've wanted to go pretty much anywhere in Europe forevs!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Me too! My mom surprised me a few weeks ago. Apparently she's been saving $1000 a month for 6 months now. I'm pretty damn excited.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Psh, sweet mom! I've got an awesome one too, but I'm not sure if she'd ever be able to do that for me. My sister would be more likely to get something anyways, she's 3 years older than me and closer to graduation.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Glad to hear that! It makes me really sad when people don't like their parents. I love mine to bits!

Okay, and I lied... Stefan and Elena have ONE cute moment, and it's this. Other than that... FAIL!
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I suppose... BUUUUT... Delena always are on top.

Off to watch some Planet Earth now for science (our activities contract is due tomorrow, and as usual, I left it up to the last minute). I've never actually watched any but people are always saying it's excellent so I'm actually excited to do some HOMEWORK! :D
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Lol, I agree. I still hate Stelena. :P

Okay, you do that! I hope you enjoy your.... Homework.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Homework is fun if it's reading, writing, or enjoyable science-y stuff. ;) Math can never be fun, it's written in a lost part of the Constitution. And social studies can be coolio if it's not ancient history (1900s are super though!).
over a year ago Shandiii said…
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I am NOW... still watching Planet Earth. This is effing amazing stuff! Watching "Shallow Seas" right now.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Tyler Hilton MUST BE ON GLEE!!!

I can't just hear that he auditioned and didn't get it... I will cry.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Ditto, ditto, ditto! I hate his character on OTH but he's still a great actor. :D

I don't suppose anyone watched mens figure skating tonight?? =P
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
What the eff is wrong with you?! You cannot hate Chris Keller! Oh wait! You haven't seen season 3 or 4 yet! No wonder you don't absolutely ADORE the Kellerrrr!
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Heyyy, CAT!... I made this banner today and I like it about 1000000x better!

But it's your choice if you want to use it or not. :P
Heyyy, CAT!... I made this banner today and I like it about 1000000x better!

But it's your choice
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Or this one, which is just a little bit brighter.
Or this one, which is just a little bit brighter.