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 Showing Random questions (501 - 600 of 1544)
Answer: ...... What the hell were you discussing in class?!...
Answer: Masturbate!
Answer: Enigma.
Answer: I think you're too lazy to put your motto up for us...
Answer: justin beiber
Answer: I'm too sexy for my shoes o3o
Answer: Because God made us that way.
Answer: A honeycomb crafted from homosexual bumblebees.
Answer: Oh yeah, come here baby :D
Answer: Like a G6.
Answer: This... AND IT HASN'T EVEN COME OUT YET!! 3D hor...
Answer: I don't hate him. I just dislike his music. I ...
Answer: Michael Jackson!!!!
Answer: Some like it hot but I like it cold. It's peanut bu...
Answer: Omg those ppl r just jealous babe ur beautiful actu...
Answer: Ponies.
Answer: he is the best!
Answer: My age is... Old enough to spot a creeper.
Answer: New York has a 17th floor? Mind=blown
Answer: Nope. I'm spending it with my boyfriend. At a par...
Answer: My Life.
Answer: I was walking to algebra class, and my friend Austi...
Answer: China is smarter than us. They think we're lazy bu...
Answer: Anyone who didn't come home on September 11th, 2001...
Answer: Nothing... but if I were bored, I would throw at hi...
Answer: Because you did it first
Answer: Narnia, duh!
Answer: █████████████████...
Answer: Remember
Answer: Not everyone likes flying, not everyone likes histo...
Answer: I really cannot stand these kinds of questions, to ...
Answer: The answer is obviously 42.
Answer: link...
Answer: None I Fucking Hate Cartoons -.- But I'd marry m...
Answer: I love 'real' vampires,not the sparkly discoballs T...
Answer: I-I'm Canada... //shot
Answer: 1. Me. 2. Myself. 3. I. Hard to believe huh. :...
Answer: This one:
Answer: ....
Answer: XD
Answer: Clean?What's that?
Answer: so, this is his sex face right? ;D
Answer: I wish... * ***** ** * ****** ******* *** **** * **...
Answer: No way. The jokes were so shallow, stupid, and not...
Answer: im a barbie girl in a barbie world
Answer: 1.To be a troll 2.To be an attention whore 3.To h...
Answer: I don't always troll Nyan Cat but when I do, it's b...
Answer: wall... :p because no one can see me from outside
Answer: Bellatrix Lestrange The best villain ever XD
Answer: Nyan Cat/Pop Tart Cat "Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan ...
Answer: no. Squidward is an octopus, your a human Squidwa...
Answer: ಠ_ಠ I am greatly displeased by this.
Answer: I don't really give a fuck either way.
Answer: Was he by any chance reading twilight?
Answer: My mouth
Answer: Her fans.
Answer: Final Potato
Answer: It is all bullshit.
Answer: Close enough.
Answer: On your profile.
Answer: i whip my hair back and forth i whip my hair back a...
Answer: Why is this funny? It's just a normal picture of Bi...
Answer: Join the club I wanna go to HOGWARTS! *Cries harder...
Answer: Not as much as him. Yes, Bush eats kittens.
Answer: You people are wrong, they are born gay, they don't...
Answer: Ejsy fprd oy dsu? O vsm'y trsf oy!!!!! *hsdo* O'n N...
Answer: [b][i]Ronald:YOU DARE GO TO BURGER KING!?![/b][/i]
Answer: Hmm. Well... I have a complicated answer to this. (...
Answer: DONT be sexist
Answer: I'm a lesbian. No, I am not going to bug out on ...
Answer: trying their best. obviously put through a lot o...
Answer: 'cause its a project 4 Muggle Studies
Answer: It would take me FOREVER to analyse all my pictures...
Answer: Titanic Ship!!!
Answer: It was horrible....
Answer: How bout I direct my foot up your ass? 1D sucks!...
Answer: Derp. Derp derp derp.
Answer: I must profess that I do not like these kinds of qu...
Answer: -Become knowledgable about memes -Learn about Heta...
Answer: Yes, it does. i hte wen ppl tlk like dis. You have ...
Answer: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 ...
Answer: ...
Answer: Yawns are a mirror neuron reaction. I can't tell yo...
Answer: Honestly, I don't care much. I like everything, I h...
Answer: "Hey mom! I found dinner!"
Answer: The picture says it all. The guy's Einstein. He kn...
Answer: Ok, nobody [i]needs[/i] a nose job. I personally...
Answer: myself so i wouls know what it feals like to make o...
Answer: ......................................................
Answer: -_- *facepalm*
Answer: Always thought this was cute ^_^
Answer: Has Bieber Fever. Can't spell "Bieber" correctly...
Answer: Is this REALLY an answer? o.o
Answer: ............
Answer: No, but he does: