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 Showing Random questions (401 - 500 of 1544)
Answer: It's this huge number called: one.
Answer: Forget the looks, I think you are an attention seek...
Answer: Unwanted.
Answer: Okay
Answer: okay so as i am 14 i feel qualified to answer this....
Answer: People that keep bitching about the generation, lel...
Answer: April Showers = May Flowers = ..Austin Powers?
Answer: You say being a weirdo like it's a bad thing. That...
Answer: Two. Dirty language and sarcastic language.
Answer: I like it. I hate it when people judge me for likin...
Answer: um, wow.
Answer: Oh, my fridge is full of 'em.
Answer: blue waffle
Answer: Hair? Yes. Makeup? Yes. Jewelry? Yes. Shir...
Answer: Lyka Boss.
Answer: suddenly fanpop 2012
Answer: How the hell do you drown a fish?
Answer: JUSTIN DREW BIEBER !!!!! <3
Answer: Live.
Answer: Welcome to Fanpop! Where people will hate you for l...
Answer: #1. Hetalia is everywhere. #2. It's not as popular...
Answer: Maybe the world really is ending.
Answer: Because I want to pretend that airplanes in the nig...
Answer: No. I'm a guy, and I rarely ever think about sex. ...
Answer: mess...
Answer: I get sick of people telling me I have to be a fan ...
Answer: So in my 2nd hour, Science class, we get 15 minutes...
Answer: mayonnaise
Answer: I'm jealous of your unibrow.
Answer: Who knows...
Answer: Female We have our monthly visitor.
Answer: hahah! Deja Vu!!! ANYWAY yes of course I do, it...
Answer: NO! Who set the poor donkey on fire?
Answer: truly frighteningg D:
Answer: Kanye West didn't let me finish.
Answer: In your closet.
Answer: Pizza, I fucking hate soup, it's all about soup isn...
Answer: Ok, I have one question:
Answer: Yes, myself.
Answer: Edward Cullen is asking for my blood type. Lovely.
Answer: I'd simply tell her this; "Isn't jealousy a bitc...
Answer: I've held a gun toy :3 REBEL!
Answer: Oh no not again. here goes: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...
Answer: Not exactly. I would push him off a cliff. Does tha...
Answer: I look epic, right? Naw, I don't need you to tell ...
Answer: Aw, I love me, too!
Answer: Vampires? Really?
Answer: "Your dad should hide his magazines better, kiddo"
Answer: Ok I found a picture of the fact....
Answer: Fucktards.
Answer: Patrick-"I only got seven" Mr. Krabs-"Deal!"
Answer: I learned that IStillKillU is a troll.
Answer: I see Gerard Way one more time...
Answer: I would take back the wrong I have done in the past...
Answer: I have ice in my pocket. It's so cool, it's freezi...
Answer: there is nothing that bugs me more than when im doi...
Answer: ....
Answer: This "ROLE" of tape.
Answer: Yeah I had a kiss before, It was a Hershey kiss, Mm...
Answer: It's marriage. Can we stop acting like putting ga...
Answer: Happiness. I think wishing for material items ...
Answer: This is what I think: Troll or not, the questions h...
Answer: Homophobia is gay.
Answer: 1. Stare at the message 2. Think of a response (or...
Answer: Meh. They should just rename it: "Oh, you're sin...
Answer: I'm in the mood to get some fans. Can I get 5 Bl...
Answer: I've been on Fanpop since 276 B.C, and I have 1.452...
Answer: oh my godzilla!! awesome O__O
Answer: No, I put it on my ass.
Answer: The honest politician.
Answer: ...I have an ex?
Answer: I have one question for you! Can you spell in a ...
Answer: yeah i ship all types of boats! and the tourists ar...
Answer: I really don't care about this "greenrockz" person....
Answer: jesus is the only thing that makes me awesome:)
Answer: To be honest, neither. They're both mainstream sel...
Answer: Chuck Norris.
Answer: No, I bet they're not just "jealous", that's bullsh...
Answer: .....
Answer: Anything.
Answer: [b]NO! BELARUS, GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!![/b] ...
Answer: Actually, "You know what's annoying?" already is a ...
Answer: "Why are you reading this?"
Answer: I just asked my sister this question and told her t...
Answer: It's depressing. ...
Answer: I would: Step 1. Tell person to leave or will be re...
Answer: Of course. Can I bring my friends, Mr. Policeman #1...
Answer: Yes I would like some weed.
Answer: XD I don't love him in a romantic way but he's my f...
Answer: No. I'm plural.
Answer: "Shut the fuck up before you sound like Rebecca Bla...
Answer: yes it is! FriendShip is Magic!
Answer: This question seems like a way of getting attention...
Answer: ha,......ha,.....ha,........all hell will break loo...