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 Showing Random questions (301 - 400 of 1544)
Answer: Can I draw? Yes. Am I good at it? Fuck No.
Answer: No. I'm going to post a random 13 second video inst...
Answer: True story.
Answer: oh hahaha....not! the fail is strong in this o...
Answer: ....I don't know anyone named You.
Answer: ► Play. The Moments ▌▌ Pause. The Memories ...
Answer: Right.. I understand how you're feeling, why you're...
Answer: I would ask that bogus fortune teller for a refund....
Answer: Uhh... The fire extinguisher? If I couldn't put ...
Answer: I swear, I rather pick Hitler over the One Directio...
Answer: It ALWAYS time to love Harry Potter. XD
Answer: Welcome. Good luck. I do not feel obligated to an...
Answer: I don't hate Justin Bieber. I don't know the guy. A...
Answer: MUSE!!!! I love'm and I've been to more than 30 liv...
Answer: JUDAS BABY! Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.... In love ...
Answer: ...
Answer: Honestly, let's keep Justin Bieber out of this spot...
Answer: People who enforce conformity. Individuality threat...
Answer: gay rights?
Answer: Hitler.
Answer: i am so sexy omg
Answer: NO I REFUSE TO ANSWER THIS oh wait...
Answer: Through internet.
Answer: No, I believe I'm a bit too old to have imaginary ...
Answer: a row of 10 numbers. (p. 0125411069) I will give yo...
Answer: Most of the Boys in my School are either Future Dru...
Answer: 1. Anime is for everyone. 2. Stop with the labelin...
Answer: Yes. I have like two million boyfriends. In my mi...
Answer: fanpop duh ! heheh
Answer: Nope. :) I find cursing quite juvenile and somethi...
Answer: Religion.
Answer: It's not Hogwarts.
Answer: I'm going to marry a dude with the last name "Boss"...
Answer: Neither.
Answer: ...
Answer: This guy...
Answer: OuO
Answer: When we kill Justin Bieber.
Answer: Um...I'll let you know on May 22nd.
Answer: ...
Answer: Time for you to stop asking overasked questions :3
Answer: Clothes
Answer: Yes, and I don't think you can understand how it fe...
Answer: I killed Sisius Black I killed Sirius Black!
Answer: No, because he's a childish douchebag who needs to ...
Answer: [i]Bottles poppin' til we can't stand(can't stand) ...
Answer: the movie called life
Answer: Um
Answer: Finland. They're currently the country with the hi...
Answer: If you're gonna be on the internet, expect people t...
Answer: You.
Answer: I'm Ash Ketchup.
Answer: I think thats Slender Man O_O Looks like s...
Answer: To be honest who the hell cares whether the guy is ...
Answer: I want to die in my sleep, with NO pain! Oh, and du...
Answer: Fuck no. She wants to leave, let her. She has no ...
Answer: Spiderman? I don't know.
Answer: My username isn't "what it is". My username is spri...
Answer: If I could choose how I look? Nah, I prefer look...
Answer: Fuck ugly? Or fucking ugly as you take it? I've...
Answer: Red and Saturday (because you have no school on Sat...
Answer: 1) Giant Centipedes O_O yuck 2) House Centipedes (...
Answer: Justin bieber!
Answer: Well let me just say that scared the shit out of me...
Answer: I'd rather be something that exists.
Answer: I’ve been seeing a lot of things about gay rights...
Answer: Slender Man's, because he has no eyes. And Apple...
Answer: Although i dont believe in this kind of immature qu...
Answer: 1.) Set down the LSD. 2.) Eat it. 3.) ???? 4.)...
Answer: no shit sherlock
Answer: to date (i still sometimes do but not much)
Answer: Masterba- Make cookies.
Answer: That is sick.
Answer: Wrong! 2+2=4! not a question mark!
Answer: All of the answers I have seen so far on this quest...
Answer: Yush, it's fine, It's fine if two lovers are...
Answer: I was looking for Selena Gomez pictures and then I ...
Answer: Gay, talent less little boy who looks like a 10 yea...
Answer: Blue is Love Blue is Life
Answer: People.
Answer: Getting kicked in the balls while giving birth. OH!...
Answer: I dont want to lose it
Answer: This THING:Ewww
Answer: another smile :)
Answer: i threw a diaper filled with shit at my mom's boyfr...
Answer: Jeans,t-shirt and sneakers.
Answer: Do you really have to abuse the caps lock? We don't...
Answer: Yes -I have a roof above my head -I have food -I...
Answer: No.
Answer: And why ? Why do you hate a group of people w...
Answer: You better run faster then my bullet
Answer: Taylor Lautner :P Lmao I wish
Answer: "Can you hear me now"?
Answer: Ok, I won't hit Adam. *Punches Miley Cyrus*
Answer: Yes. 'The masturbator'
Answer: That's like asking me if Hitler naked turns me on. ...
Answer: Trolls