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 Showing Random questions (1401 - 1500 of 1544)
Answer: Personally I find it more annoying that everyone is...
Answer: DIVORCE LETTER Dear Wife: I'm writing you th...
Answer: Walk over to him and utter the words with a straigh...
Answer: Write a detailed story of your atrocious grammar. ...
Answer: Oh I thought we were playing Clue...
Answer: Symbol Number ☺ 1 ☻ 2 ♥ 3 ♦ 4 ♣...
Answer: Sometimes goodbye is a second chance. Shinedown ...
Answer: The guys whom the term "WTF" was coined for.
Answer: I would say: "Fuck off, asshole. Do you [i]think[/i...
Answer: Wait, is this middle school again? My time machine...
Answer: Patrick: No no no dude, it's up down left left down...
Answer: It is quite simple: One: The OP is alot of times...
Answer: "Who parked their car on my sandwich?" The mayo ...
Answer: And my friend says potatoes are homosexual. Yeah...
Answer: As tempting as it may seem, DON'T spread rumors abo...
Answer: [i][b]I don't know, but i am going to die if people...
Answer: My plains? Well, I'm going to Wyoming for a week, a...
Answer: First: 'Oh, this is pretty cool. I like this.' N...
Answer: You set her alarm clock at a reasonable volume.
Answer: This isn't even a riddle or a brain teaser. It's no...
Answer: Life is that bitch behind the curtain that throws o...
Answer: I'm open minded and I'm not afraid to express my wo...
Answer: Die...again...or is he dead already? GAH! I don't k...
Answer: here's the only theory i've come 2: "vampires" a...
Answer: Contribute to a stop. Submit related and properly k...
Answer: ಠ_ಠ [b]For the last damn time, if you put "b...
Answer: So this is what your going to have to do read close...
Answer: .......
Answer: Thursday, 10 February, 2011 There's a date for you...
Answer: Not if you wear condoms in your eyes.
Answer: Differences: 1. Testosterone is a hormone. Perio...
Answer: Cleverbot is stupid and idiotic.
Answer: YOUR ANKLES ARE SHOWING! How unwholesome!
Answer: I’ve started playing a game called “is this Mik...
Answer: Sure. I can try.
Answer: Yes.
Answer: You win at grammar. You fail at 'questions'.
Answer: The KFC dude! XD
Answer: Yes, I share my birthday with me.
Answer: Hello and welcome to hell, lol nah I'm just messin'...
Answer: To rape Elmo on the other side.. C8
Answer: 9 11 and 17 mostly but hey this quote sums it up ri...
Answer: .
Answer: 1.) You're a poser. I don't add fakes. 2.) Bribe...
Answer: about 45 seconds ago so i can tell myself not to cl...
Answer: *waits for spot to be deleted*
Answer: I'm sorry, but why would you care about what other ...
Answer: I gotta smile this is going on grandma's fridge
Answer: Labels are for soup cans.
Answer: I don't know anybody named Someone :D
Answer: No, I think you should earn fans. It defeats the wh...
Answer: I bet Angelina Jolie would.
Answer: Aww, I could've sworn it was Lady Gaga's music...
Answer: Skip to 1:56-2:43 in the video below and you'll see...
Answer: Because the warm air rises and expands-which makes ...
Answer: On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent ...
Answer: *facepalm*
Answer: Not answer this shitty ass question.
Answer: Have you ever noticed how many times this has been ...
Answer: Now I'm not experienced, but I've learned a little ...
Answer: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ahhh.....ahhhhhhh!!!!! ...
Answer: Don't ever do that to somebody!! That is one of the...
Answer: He needs English lessons...?
Answer: You wanna know how to impress a woman: kiss her, hu...
Answer: I'm concrete. Nice meeting you board.
Answer: It's telling you that you are too obsessed with Pat...
Answer: 1. You don't have to earn metal. You go out and buy...
Answer: the first letter.
Answer: I like to type normal so people can understand what...
Answer: Boyfriend:I think we should break up. Girfriend:Ok...
Answer: I don't have the problem, but I can help you with s...
Answer: 1. Get a rock. 2. Get a chisel, and cut it into th...
Answer: Like a boss by lonely island... The video is O____...
Answer: I dunno.. Do I look like Dora to you?
Answer: Why are you talking in third person?
Answer: Well i dont know you but HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?! W...
Answer: [b]Well: America is a fatass. England has anger i...
Answer: i have six packs of pepsi, want one?
Answer: There is a lot wrong with this... Your cousin se...
Answer: Yes. I seriously just went through and added a ve...
Answer: Yeah, but this is crazier: link...
Answer: you mean..........your mom?
Answer: I am a guy.i understand that you hangout with guys....
Answer: Don't be a troll. Don't ask for fans. Don't ask i...
Answer: I agree on some points. I think it is ok to kill...
Answer: I ALREADY SAW ONE. Here's a clip of it singing, YES...
Answer: strawblerry
Answer: Why would I? Who the hell are you anyway?
Answer: Ok.I reported her. Now that THATS taken care of le...
Answer: Question within a question? [B]Queception![/...
Answer: Croc #1: "Okay, this is getting really awkward..." ...
Answer: Not if Kanye West is around to interupt it.
Answer: You become Canadian and join the winter Olympics. :...
Answer: This is true but something that we wont to change a...
Answer: You can gather them up into a play date and have th...