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 Showing Random questions (1301 - 1400 of 1544)
Answer: I am proud to say that I am NOT a homophobe :) H...
Answer: I was Hungary so I ate a Turkey covered in Grease w...
Answer: The bush in the background. LIEK OMG DAT BUSH IS L...
Answer: At this point, nothing that humans do can surprise ...
Answer: They're both apart of two overly-popular franchises...
Answer: ....................../´¯/) ......................
Answer: Hahahaha are you kidding me??? How can your mom in...
Answer: Who cares?
Answer: to all XxKeithHarkinxX haters roses are red viole...
Answer: Could you please ask that in the twilight spot? Not...
Answer: September 11, 2001... U_U
Answer: I was sick of lies a long time ago. Now I'm just s...
Answer: Of course. They're the reason why I'm alive. I can...
Answer: That's what your parents said when you were born. ...
Answer: Teachers Desk, Duh.
Answer: Isn't it awesome?
Answer: Racists, sexists, homophobics/homosexual-haters, tr...
Answer: No. - To begin, it's immoral. It's killing to sh...
Answer: The show is practically the same
Answer: its very simple. first go to the fanpop home page. ...
Answer: i love sex and i hate sex and my mom and dad are hu...
Answer: In coordination chemistry, the oxidation number of ...
Answer: *Fart* I guarantee you will get everyone's attentio...
Answer: well your moods about to worsen. ...
Answer: nanny mcfee?
Answer: Yo mama is so fat she made Crazedsitcomfan fall in ...
Answer: Chuck Norris.
Answer: oh look here's yours.......
Answer: XDDD.....Keith Urban duh.... >_<
Answer: yes, i have had my heart broken. by taco bell emplo...
Answer: Oh, come on. These questions have really begun to g...
Answer: Jack: I've got a jar of di-irt! I've got a j...
Answer: James from Twilight. James- *bites Bella* Edward-...
Answer: I apologize for the goriness of this picture...
Answer: Yes
Answer: When you're washing them, drop a plate, and then yo...
Answer: We were in math class, and we were solving equation...
Answer: I feel like a seahorse.
Answer: Wonder why the hell they were playing in traffic.
Answer: People prefer different things. Sometimes, it's jus...
Answer: :)
Answer: Don't beat yourself up about it. Love is an ever-ch...
Answer: LMAO- Left my apple out LOL- Lots of love WTF- Wh...
Answer: Holy cows are scary õ_õ They are like pandas tha...
Answer: Are we gonna call the Troll Busters?
Answer: its reading this
Answer: ......
Answer: Me! lols
Answer: you cant "make" someone fall for you,but you can do...
Answer: it's a name XD
Answer: [url=link...
Answer: Well, OBVIOUSLY it must be something from Elvis Pre...
Answer: This dude.
Answer: ask them where something is when ur standing right ...
Answer: I want a wallpaper with an orange dinosaur eating a...
Answer: I does!
Answer: You are beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. But I ha...
Answer: What the hell? You can watch whatever you want to. ...
Answer: I won't believe it for a second. Factual proof is w...
Answer: Our whole grade pranked the teachers. We.. -Switch...
Answer: ....Pour water on him?
Answer: Well, it depends. A lot of people see a celebrity, ...
Answer: MORE like a completely fucked up family that is wei...
Answer: No. First of all, there's no reason for us to re...
Answer: He's just the cutest thing ever :) <3
Answer: Dosen't matter. A woodchuck can't chuck wood, end o...
Answer: Congratulations.
Answer: Another fanpop question was added. Emily stared at ...
Answer: When two phones love each other very much...
Answer: No. Discrimination is an aspect of human nature tha...
Answer: Crazedsitcomfan held a Sexiness Poll about her !!!!...
Answer: lolXD
Answer: ... it's a tooth... And there's the "A".
Answer: The only time I see Jeffersonian being "mean" is wh...
Answer: "Happy girls are the prettiest girls" So u decide ...
Answer: NO. IT ISN'T. God dissapproves of anything that i...
Answer: Neither will Rick Astley.
Answer: No, I will not. A) Who are you? B) Because I d...
Answer: I prefer not to label people. People aren't one-dim...
Answer: Austria says Objection!!
Answer: link...
Answer: Could you be more specific! Like what kind of name ...
Answer: Fairy in a Gas Mask Wearing a School Uniform.
Answer: Hat is a letter??? Since when??? Either I'm stupide...
Answer: Well, since you asked what I would do in your situa...
Answer: Oh, dear old lady that lived in a stinkin' shoe... ...
Answer: Chuck Norris.
Answer: I totally agree with you,i mean fanboy and chum chu...
Answer: Scientists at Oxford University claim canines are s...
Answer: Hate to break it to you . . . But there just so hap...
Answer: Here's what I think (story time, children!): Onc...
Answer: Nice's mine ...
Answer: *gasps* ur bored?!?!?...well guess wat?! ...
Answer: I'd fuck you
Answer: Taste the rainbow? :3
Answer: [i]Will you Become one with Mother Russia?[/i]