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 Showing Random questions (601 - 700 of 1544)
Answer: Tell your grandmother. She will kick his ass. This ...
Answer: I am Voldemort
Answer: Here ya go!
Answer: A sexy witch!!! *turns u in2 a frog* haha ur a f...
Answer: Hogwarts
Answer: Aw, don't let it get you down. She's probably just ...
Answer: "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be s...
Answer: No! Why would I want to cheat on someone so cute? ...
Answer: At first, politely tell them I don't believe in int...
Answer: I'm not going to waste my time on posting a pic, be...
Answer: Does homework count?
Answer: This one. Gets crap reception though.
Answer: O__O.....O__O
Answer: If I was pregnant, I would be freaking out over the...
Answer: Call animal control and tell them that there's a fr...
Answer: I joined just because I'm generous. However, I don'...
Answer: I'm so straight that I don't even look at my own pe...
Answer: Mine was all of my fictional crushes and real crush...
Answer: Fanpop. I have never wanted a Facebook. I like how ...
Answer: Oh, my, this is serious,Kiddo! First of all, if ...
Answer: Well the first thing I do is... Get up LIKE A BOSS...
Answer: On a laptop you press the "Fn" key, the "Ctrl" key,...
Answer: Fred, or Lucas Cruikshank, became an internet sensa...
Answer: Bob the builder! Can we fix it? NO it's fucked! ...
Answer: Oh Wow, about time. If anyone deserves a spot, it's...
Answer: Yes... I AM plank.
Answer: I did. And the mirror broke afterward........ ...
Answer: Marry me.
Answer: No, she's not. ppl with nothing better to do come o...
Answer: ...
Answer: Because it has yaoi
Answer: If you doom someone to hell, you go there yourself,...
Answer: Idk I think he's overrated on this spot Like peopl...
Answer: no. but obviously this guy would.
Answer: I think of the kellan lutz one of the hot male modu...
Answer: Rebecca Black!
Answer: All of the above.
Answer: Yes. However, I don't believe in all of those co...
Answer: .........PASTAA!!!!
Answer: I don't hate ALL rap, just most of it. It's just...
Answer: Am I going to have to answer a riddle so I can go o...
Answer: I'd be careful cause it could be a scam artist XD
Answer: *looks at how long it is* You expect me to rea...
Answer: The Sun. The best, biggest star ever.
Answer: This is mine!
Answer: E.
Answer: Me dreaming about me dreaming about me dreaming abo...
Answer: Alright. Here we go. First thing's first: I do a...
Answer: Before 2011 ends, I must admit that.... I ...
Answer: No. Now go to the fail corner.
Answer: I'm an inne, outie, shake it all aboutie!
Answer: How can I tell you if you're pretty or not, when yo...
Answer: Me or Myself or I. They are some really aw...
Answer: Ill try. If u think this is funny plz vote me.
Answer: Anime guys.
Answer: you shouldnt post peoples picture online without th...
Answer: Your probably just jealous because someone has a be...
Answer: [b]-sigh-I already have 9 men under there,I don't n...
Answer: I drowned a fish.
Answer: There is no "best" one. They're all unfunny.
Answer: *rolls eyes* yeap you got it...she's so pregnant! ...
Answer: this song just about sums it up :D link...
Answer: ...
Answer: i dont know or think much of bieber, but dont you t...
Answer: 1.)A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. 2.)111...
Answer: I like to eat wurst. I like to play with mein dogs ...
Answer: Just look at that square yellow ass, mm! ;) XD XD
Answer: It looks about as horrific as your grammar.
Answer: Me as a pokemon trainer :P
Answer: Sardoodledom I would vote it word of the year. X...
Answer: My mommy!!
Answer: Oh, the irony....
Answer: I wouldn't [i]care.[/i]
Answer: ...........
Answer: Guess who, like, totally doesn't give a fuck
Answer: Dead.
Answer: No, money is happiness.
Answer: Invisibility! I could go into movie theaters witho...
Answer: Tell them this:
Answer: Michael Jackson!
Answer: OH MY GOSH!!!1! This question totally made me think...
Answer: You smell like jelly, soulmate :D!
Answer: I don't think she's that weird, it's just that she ...
Answer: I dont think any of my peeps have ever been pregnan...
Answer: <i>Just one?</i>
Answer: This: link...
Answer: shit.
Answer: This question X The delete button
Answer: Puppies!!!
Answer: I think it's sexy.
Answer: Line up boys!
Answer: Nah man, Squidward's handsome.
Answer: Stop Stop Stop This website isn't for dati...
Answer: I love mine---"Find a way to put a smile on God's f...
Answer: Is it mightier than the sword?
Answer: A dead prostitute. Guess I didin't pay her enough s...
Answer: Here's what you do... 1.) Kidnap Russel. 2.) Tie ...