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Answer: If you and your friend are fighting i suggest you s...
Answer: Are you kidding me?...Honestly, no gender is more f...
Answer: Impossible. [i]Real[/i] vampires cannot come ins...
Answer: I once climbed out my window when a cricket was com...
Answer: We dream in order to both allow our minds to proces...
Answer: Most say that they are a 'distraction'. But actual...
Answer: Got this off of Wiki Answers: Wikipedia says, "T...
Answer: Well if my inbox is full that's the very FIRST thin...
Answer: JB
Answer: Your icon just wants to be big, it's sick and tired...
Answer: When a girl is called a whore or slut, it doesn't e...
Answer: a language that is....... ...
Answer: Dude. If you don't like him, don't go out with h...
Answer: You asked for it, you have it.
Answer: Fanpop Home > Scroll Down > "Create new Club" Tab
Answer: There are many theories and reason why anime featur...
Answer: link
Answer: [i]that[/i]    [b]pronoun and adjective, plura...
Answer: He's MARRIED?!?!
Answer: Definitely not Charlie Sheen so you're safe.
Answer: If someone gets best answer, 9 times out of 10, the...
Answer: underneath the search club bit on the spot it will ...
Answer: Would you stop posting pictures of yourself already...
Answer: It's a mathematical probability that can easily be ...
Answer: Ke$ha and Lady GaGa must of both puked on her face....
Answer: I have already joined :) But I'm here to warn yo...
Answer: [url=link
Answer: It means your dumb.
Answer: well me im the most outgoing person so i cant reall...
Answer: Because of what he did to Taylor Swift at the VMAs ...
Answer: [i]Jealousy To dream that you are jealous of ano...
Answer: Here is the link to create a club: link...
Answer: The FBI?If I did something wrong,they'd drag me to ...
Answer: Just fucking Google it.
Answer: For The Win, or more commonly F*** The World.
Answer: Because.
Answer: Go to your clubs and click "unsubscribe."
Answer: What kind of board? Skateboard? Surfboard? Sc...
Answer: :)
Answer: Pretty much all of them receive excessive attention...
Answer: This is what you have to do in this crisis: 1. u...