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 Showing Random questions (1101 - 1200 of 1544)
Answer: Oh, I'll show you for licking me! Are you ready? ...
Answer: With a keyboard.
Answer: You're complaining about Kate Middleton and Prince ...
Answer: The past is the past. Who she was then isn't who sh...
Answer: Because people die when they're killed.
Answer: Haters, well majority of them, are ridiculous. I do...
Answer: Strip off all your clothes, run down the street nak...
Answer: Sixty ni-oh............On my side......>.>
Answer: Sadly It's been shut down... Sadly Missed You co...
Answer: Yeah, here comes the grammar police....
Answer: Your mom's face. Now, if you don't mind, I would l...
Answer: [i]The universal language of friendship.[/i]
Answer: Beautiful girl to wannabe bitch.
Answer: At good people , no. but at Haters that...
Answer: Make a coin toss.
Answer: If you had read harry Potter Books....
Answer: Only if the 22 silly bands give you a blood clot......
Answer: If I was embarrassed to tell anyone why would I say...
Answer: Because this generation has been producing a lot of...
Answer: You are not alone. Many other people feel the same ...
Answer: Why would I pick on someone who doesn't know Englis...
Answer: I believe that people, upon seeing each other, can ...
Answer: Here is a horror!! pic.
Answer: BE VERY CAREFUL DEAR. You should NEVER say where yo...
Answer: I swear to god, they're twins. O_o
Answer: If it has a meaning to you, it's not stupid.
Answer: Your mom's Facebook profile picture.
Answer: Apparently, he can.
Answer: No. If something exists in your mind or heart, i...
Answer: Do you know how annoying it is to have your updates...
Answer: What the hell? No offence to Justin or his fans, b...
Answer: I respond to the label I had been given at birth, t...
Answer: you mad bro ?c: I am because you raped the caps ...
Answer: X3
Answer: Oh my oh my oh my.....* farts* sorry:( XD
Answer: The egg. Dinosaurs, other reptiles, amphibians, ...
Answer: MC Hammer?
Answer: Humankind. Most beautiful, most ugly.
Answer: [b]I saw Waldo and he had it.So now you have to fin...
Answer: i would smack him and shout WHY
Answer: a baby??
Answer: ............ *runs away screaming in a horrific ...
Answer: If you cut, you should damn well have a reason for ...
Answer: Well, I was gonna make a list of which songs I coul...
Answer: I laughed at your failed attempt to make me laugh. ...
Answer: I'd be an invisible ninja! C...
Answer: The ever elusive honest politician.
Answer: "Why you like your crush. Something funny."
Answer: Why do you girls keep on asking this question over ...
Answer: Misha Collins. I absolutely Love him!
Answer: Challenge Accepted.
Answer: [url=link...
Answer: The Bieber bashing commences again. >.> There's ...
Answer: No. Your race doesnt have anything to do with your ...
Answer: I'm Hungary. I'll go Czech in the fridge. I'm Russi...
Answer: It u have a stable job? can u afford 1...
Answer: I can only think of one; 1. You don't do it for...
Answer: ok so idk how to crop videos but there is this chri...
Answer: Taylor Switf will finish the sentence for u
Answer: A person who abuses the caps lock.
Answer: YOU know I kinda really hate when women only want a...
Answer: SCREAMS AND KICKS EVERYTHING Hi I'm a Homestuck ...
Answer: when a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much....
Answer: a wolf
Answer: OPRAH.
Answer: Do this XD
Answer: You've gotta break the ice~! Open yourself up to th...
Answer: As far as I know, it's a series that comes from ano...
Answer: People have something called freedom of speech. If ...
Answer: horror movie
Answer: Liek, OMG, thats me!!!!!1!!!1!!! Liek, hi, my nam...
Answer: Sorry, my calculator says adding people is a mathem...
Answer: Go to a park... ... and catch Pedo Bayer...
Answer: - Psychopath - Sadistic Fiend - AntiSemite ...
Answer: Skydiving.
Answer: Racism should not be around. Why would someone want...
Answer: You're not a number, so no.
Answer: You typed this in sign language? These people a...
Answer: NO I DINTh
Answer: if I said what it was,it wouldn't be a secret anymo...
Answer: I don't. I'm a girl. Whenever I say "Don't worry...
Answer: Ahahahahahahahahaha no.
Answer: 115 is a normal weight for a person your height and...
Answer: I have 5 million dollars hidden in the......urghh*d...
Answer: I didn't know you had one to begin with.
Answer: Don't do it. Weed is bad for you. Yes, it's less c...
Answer: Since when was "pizza" a verb?
Answer: I'm bored enough to answer this question.
Answer: Don't ask stupid questions that will get reported ...
Answer: Voldemort: "You'd think that killing people might m...
Answer: I'd rather be listening to Iron Maiden or Metallica...
Answer: uhhhhhhhh, THAT was the first sign of relationship ...
Answer: No, this is Patrick.
Answer: 1. To get laid. 2. To get laid. 3. To get lai...