Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Grazer Chronicles: The Last Stand, Part 1

Nicolicious posted on May 13, 2013 at 10:30AM
In the year 2026, the Mist was destroyed by an ancient Drakon that broke free of its cage in the Pacific Ocean. When the Mist was destroyed mortals could see monsters and monsters could harm them. The Demigods acting out in defence destroyed the monsters, but revealed their secrets to the world. In fear the worlds governments formed a single united government and hunted down and slayed the Demigods. Demigods that survived were imprisoned in a maximum security prison called The Pitt, escaped to a sanctuary island called The City or joined the Demigod rebellion group known as the DSF( Demigod Strike Force).
In the year 2037, the Demigods in the Pitt broke out and four months later started their around the world trip till they ended up in Chernobyl, an irradiated overgrown city in Ukraine, Europe. At the same time as the landing in Chernobyl, The City was attacked by an army or Grazers and destroyed and with multiple casualties they escaped by boat to Chernobyl. The DSF suddenly made huge moves on the other Demigod prisons around the world and brought them to Chernobyl. The Demigods can survive in Chernobyl due to their mutative resistance to radiation and in Chernobyl the main base of operations for the demigods is found. Inside the Demigods train and plan their attack on the Grazers.
The year is now 2040. The Demigods have amassed a large army and are preparing to barge down the doors of the Grazers and defeat their enemy once and for all.
Alongside the Demigods there is a small Military force comprised of Ex-Grazers or Mortals who wish to fight for the Demigod's freedoms.
Inside the Demigod's army there is a group of Demigods known as the Inner Circle. Previous Rpers from the old Rps are in the Inner Circle if they want. The Inner Circle controls the Demigod Army.
If you already have a character from the previous Rps The City, The Pitt, The Pitt: Revelations or The DSF you can insert them, but with the new character sheet.
Demigod Character Sheet



Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:






Previous life in The Pitt, The City or The DSF:

Inner Circle?:

Mortal Character Sheet








Inner Circle?:

History before joining the Demigod's Army:

The Pitt
Taylor Kinley-Thanatos-Nicolicious
Blake Ironheart-Hercules-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alton Hamilton II-Poseidon-Alvin2442
Devin King-Apollo-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
Jaeda Embers-Hades-Inner Circle-1stJae513
Arik Takahashi-Nemesis-Inner Circle-Spikegilfer1997
Sam Irons-Kratos-Mutilation
Mion Sonozaki-Janus-SonozakiMion
Ace Armstrong-Ares-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Dalton David-Poseidon-torrent
Reece Morgan-Hermes-mcterra
The City
Blaze Phoenix-Mars-Inner Circle-Blaze_of_Ares
Alvin Hamilton III-Poseidon-Inner Circle-Alvin2442
Roberto Juarez-Kratos-Mutilation
Travis Knight-Hades-Inner Circle-ConnorandTravis
Astral Bain-Knight-1999jacko
Leon Barnett-Hawkeye-Athena-Inner Circle-Rogue475
Ashleigh-Ash-Aphrodite-Inner Circle-JasmineValdez
James Lucas-Apollo-Ranger487
Justin Mcullen-Poseidon-Inner Circle-bh56

Mark Ivory-Rogue475
Kate Rodrigues-Nicolicious

Previous Civilian

Jordan Ivory-Rogue47
Adrian Ewing-Alvin2442
"Jack" Jackson Vincentih Reid-Spikegilfer1997
last edited on Feb 17, 2014 at 08:25AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 3580 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 3580

over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I start backing away slowly, not wanting any conflict*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I manage to find Taylor with another he didn't look Grazer... "Hey Tay, making friends?" I say and shoot a Grazer coming through the entrance.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Yeah, but he won't come out of the forest." I say lowing my sword.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I stop backing away when the scary girl puts down her sword*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"He isn't a Grazer" I say to Taylor and turn to the aperent Demigod. "Do you have a weapon?"
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I hold up my hands to show my chains*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Uh-huh... here" I say and grab the dead Grazer's Handgun. "Make yourself useful by freeing those Demigods!"
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I look at him confused*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"...*sighs* Take it and help us free the Demigods!" I say and thrust the Pistol into the Boy's hands.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I grab the pistol and crush it in my hands*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"...fine, then im sure you will see yourself to safety, alone." I say, then tap Taylor's shoulder and run off.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I follow behind him to see where he is going*
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I vanish in a haze of Shadows, and re-emerge behind him with my blade in hand. "I don't have time for this... can you speak?" I say the last part slowly trying to get him to talk.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I finish off those 5 grazers messing with me, contemplating if I should go back to the group or continue looking.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Good, now maybe we can get somewhere. If you want to help us, come on and lets get the Demigods out of this place." I say and look over at Taylor. "Why don't you pay a visit to the Commander of this H*ll hole?!" I say and smirk under my mask.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
Where, demigods?
(Would love to continue this, but I gotta go now.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I decide to just travel around and I try to remember where I am. Texas, the hot a** country. I suspected Apollo was here. I'd have to travel to the hottest spot of Texas to be sure.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"This IS a Grazer compound..." I mutter trying to understand this person.
(Ditto, I was just about to say something similar Dark)
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
Name: Jaeda Embers

Age: 21

IP: Hades

MP: Deceased

Weapons: she used to have a stygian iron sword but was broken after a fight from a Grazer. Now she is equiped witn small hidden daggers mad out of silver. She also has a magic greave(a metal wrist protector) that is made out of Stygian Iron dipped in the Styx. It turns to a currosively sharp pure white blade thats blows are almost always lethal. Small cuts from it feel like deep wounds under salt.

Powers: she has a small control over black flames and the black stone from the Underworld. Is mostly specialized on ghost and vengeful spirits. Also an expert in Shadow Travel.

Appearance: Over the years she has dyed her blue hair blonde that she streaks with different colors sometimes, she still held a intense and calculating gaze , now more intense with her black eyeliner.

Apparel: She dresses a very functional/ fashionible attire thanks to a hidden stash of Aphrodite clothing that was made to be a breathible, comfortibke, and almost unbreakable armor. Made by Haephastus and designed by Aphrodite.

Personality: Tenacious and sarcastic. Has a deep hate for the Grazers for killing her friend that was with her in the Pitt. Has a soft side.

Previous life in the Pitt: Was a prisoner that escaped twice. She had a friend in the Pitt that she was very close to that was killed for jeeping secrets about her location.

Inner circle: it says I can so I want to. So yes.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Jaeda Embers

Age: 21

IP: Hades

MP: Deceased 

Weapons: she used to have a stygian ir
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
I find it Ironic that we are in Canada

I couldn't believe it, I was transported to the wrong location of Canada. I pull out a D.T.D and found Taylor and her team's position. I Shadow Travel to her position. "What the news, Sir," I say in a sarcastic salute.
Rogue475 commented…
...too many plot holes over a year ago
IstJae513 commented…
Im sorry I just needed to jion a story or mission, if i didnt i would have just went MIA and this sounds like a real good rp. over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
don't take what I said the wrong way, its just Mark and Taylor are sort of not with everyone else and they are only two people, not a team over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Jordan Ivory-
"Is it almost done?" he asks the scientist he has known ever since he received his powers. "No, it will take a few months to calibrate and finish the healing process, but I believe it will all work out nicely." replies the Scientist: Doctor Galliard. "Nicely... all he wants is his Property returned to him." the Doctor sighs. "And what of your Brother?, will he be returned?" asks Doctor Galliard. "...No" Jordan replies and looks down. "He is worthless..." ...The doctor looks intently at the o2 levels on the life-support machine. "Yes, yes... But she was too, as I recall" Replies the doctor as he finishes a routine check on the systems. "Times have changed, we need everyone..."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I don't think Mark or Taylor even know's you, best bet would be to join the group in Chernobyl)
Rogue475 commented…
Blaze, add Neji over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I finish with the cadet and go to the Armory, where I see Blaze and Blake(why must de names be so similar?). "Gentlemen..." I remark as I enter, I then unload the training rifle and set it up on the gun wall.
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
(Whose at the Chernobly group.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Nearly everyone, its the Headquarters of the Demigods, good place to start :-)
Rogue475 commented…
well lets see... Blaze, Blake, Alvin, Devin, Ash, and Leon, and many others, if I forgot someone please don't murder me... over a year ago
IstJae513 commented…
I cant hurt you u seem cute. jk we're cool. over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
haha... funny........ -_- over a year ago
over a year ago IstJae513 said…

I teleport back to Headquaters and find Blaze, "Hey, I got complaints from some Roman high officers about how their battle formation should be. I dont do battle strategy."
Rogue475 commented…
That should be fine, welcome to the crew over a year ago
IstJae513 commented…
i feel welcomed over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Name: "Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi

Age: 19

Immortal Parent: Nemesis

Mortal Parent: Kirito Takahashi, son of Athena, conduit of Tartarus, nicknamed "The severer"

Weapons: Pairs of Zatoichi, Ono, Kama, Survival knife, Hidden blade, Beretta, One-handed Sawed-off shotguns, Thompson Contender. Additionally he has a supply of Kunai, explosives, shuriken, wire, healing supplies and enchanted gems on his person most of the time. In addition he has a scroll that can summon multiple means of transport.

Powers: Elemental control, Dual-wielding, Mutations.

Appearance: Now tanned, black eyes, long black hair past shoulders, often tied back in a manly pony-tail. 6'0, slender.

Apparel: Long black jacket, Yin-yang bandana, Kevlar vest, boots, gloves.

Personality: Serious when needed, not in most other cases.

Previous life in The Pitt: Prized fighter, understands the harshness of reality.

Inner Circle: Yes
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Markus/Daiki is basically the same in all but name and he has more restraint.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Alright. It's cool, but they are still vermin!)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Bring them to the war room" I snap
"Calm dude" Blake tells me
"Yeah... Jae, bring everyone into the war room, we're having a meeting." I finish putting my suit on and proceed to the war room.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Alvin flips into the war room.

I continue to travel towards the heart of Texas.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Bravo-Bravo! I would rate that a 10 out 10!" I exclaim upon watching Alvin do his flip.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(idk if I should bring Avis into this...)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Bring back Neji)
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…

I enter the war room. "What's the meeting for?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"War, what else?" Replies Leon as he leans against the entrance wall.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Thanks Sherlock. I know there's a war. But what exactly do we need to get done here?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Hmm, Yes but that was a vague question" I say and glance at Blake. "We haven't hit em hard enough to send them back, we need to show them, make an example"
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
Name: James Lucas

Age: 19

Immortal Parent: Apollo

Parents: Missing

Appearance: 6''0, Handsome, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Small to Medium Build

Apparel: Plaid Shorts, Bright Blue Tee, Bullet Proof Vest, Running Watch and Shades

Personality: Happy, Bright, Positive, Out-going, Cocky, Proud, Leader, Easily Trusting

Weapons: Enchanted Compound Bow that turns into a watch, Celestial Bronze Dagger, P99 Pistol

Powers: Ability to heal others, Bow that never misses for the pure of Heart in the moment of need,fights better in the Light and Day, when Angry and near death, calls on the power of the Sun

Previous Life: Hid by his mother most of his Childhood When he was eight, an Oracle of his Father appeared and he was told a prophecy that tells of heroes that will band together and defeat a great evil, ( I am friends with Rogue and we are working on this prophecy and will release it in the story). One year later, he than was approached by men in suits that told him he was going somewhere special, when he refused, they took his mother. He killed one but the other escaped with his mother. He was tipped off about Chernobyl. He set out to find clues to her whereabouts.

Hero's Flaw:(I am a huge Percy Jackson fan and all the Heroes have flaws so I thought I would put one) The flaw of doing anything to stop evil that threaten his friends and innocent.

Inner Circle?: No

last edited over a year ago
Name: James Lucas

Age: 19

Immortal Parent: Apollo 

Parents: Missing 

Appearance: 6''0, Ha
Rogue475 commented…
Mark's flaw... is...Love *Spoiler* over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Get the gate open!, i'll cover you!" I say to the Demigod(Sam) and start shooting the reinforcements. "Please help us!" exclaims one of the Demigods inside the cage. "Working on it!" I shout and reload.
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
I walk with the sun shining on my back. I come on a hill overlooking a distant city. "Chernobyl.." I whisper to myself and head to the distant City and the beginning of my Journey.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
*I charge into the base and go after the cage, pushing aside any Grazers in my path, throwing some of them far off, I pick up the cage with the Demigods in it, then ask the guy*
Where now?
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
I walk through an open field, the gates within my sight...
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
I stand at the gates and with a playful smirk and knock.
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
(I guess my previous plans have changed)
*I see someone at the gate so I open up to greet him*
Hey there, ya lost or something?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
"I guess you could that" I chuckle
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Sir we have an unexpected intruder" says a Demigod who enters the War room. "I'll deal with it." I mutter and grab a SMG. moments later I reach the Gate. "Who are you?" I call out, with my gun raised.
Rogue475 commented…
answer the Phone Ranger over a year ago
Ranger489 commented…
I can't wish I could. It is complicated. Uh the buttons ddont work lol over a year ago
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
Chill Leon, I got this
*I open the gate to let him in*
Come on in.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ranger489 said…
I pause and a nag goes in the back of my head... I knew this newcomer. He seems so familiar. I keep a smile"My name is James" I reply, "May I ask who you are"
Mutaliation commented…
Who, me or Rogue? over a year ago
Ranger489 commented…
Rogue, we had a feud in the past. over a year ago