Dan and Serena Derena Lover's Forum ♥

brittlegirl94 posted on Mar 19, 2010 at 05:14PM
So I've been chatting with alot of DSers on here lately, I though a chat forum would be nice! Start chatting about DS & whatever else! =]

--NOTE; If you would like to be added, kindly send me a message. Thanks!

brittlegirl94; Lucy ♥
queenblairw; Antonella ♥
rose2; Kathryn ♥
supernowa; Weronika ♥
Elbelle23; Elle ♥
katie_07; Katie ♥
AnaHallam; Ana ♥
brigmeister30; J ♥
SeventeenQueen; Samantha ♥
Radvile ♥
clm-anomaly; Courtney ♥
monLOVEbrucas; Mon ♥
ladybug70981; Steph ♥
Eleana; Eleana ♥
So I've been chatting with alot of DSers on here lately, I though a chat forum would be nice!  Start
last edited on Dec 06, 2010 at 12:17PM

Dan and Serena 802 replies

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Showing Replies 551-600 of 802

over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Yeah like Juliet is a sneaky snake that's doing stuff for her brother we STILL don't know about and DAMN I wanna know already. :P
over a year ago monLOVEbrucas said…
icons are done!!

They suck i know, ill make more later.

can u guys give me some songs to work with for derena???

over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
I guess Serena had a thing with Juliet's brother who was a teacher and he got in trouble. In 4x11 there's gonna be flashbacks I think.

can u guys give me some songs to work with for derena???

Have you heard the song Yet by Switchfoot? I always thought that fit them rather well. Or maybe Find A Way by Safteysuit?
I guess Serena had a thing with Juliet's brother who was a teacher and he got in trouble. In 4x11 the
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
They don't suck mon, they are awesome!! :D I'd switch to a team dan one but I can't bare to change my HP icons till after the movie comes out. :P

Sure. There's Center of Attention, If My Heart Was a House by Owl City, Wires by Athlete *a super pretty song, i'm vidding it with HP right now*, & some DS classic songs, Say When, Dance Inside, etc :P

Oh really? I didn't know, I bet your right. XD THAT ICON OWNS MY SOUL!! & BRB GETTING MY VIDEO FINALLY!!! :D
over a year ago monLOVEbrucas said…

and ty guys!!

cant wait for next week =D
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Your welcome :)

You guys still here..? Finally got my vid done, rendered for the third time and it STILL has the friggin glitch, oh well shit happens, uploading it now!!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Welp I'll be heading to bed soon but I'm here for a few more mins, and here's the vid if you guys wanna see it. :)
over a year ago monLOVEbrucas said…

over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
OMG Lucy, that video was amazing!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
NAWWW thanks MON!! IKR, Katy Perry is LOOOVEEE!! HAHA TOTALLY, and I didn't know it before either lol!!! Thanks!!

over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Gots to go to bed now, but thank you two sfm for watching it means alot!! YOUR ICONS ROCK AND YOU ROCK!! Night!!
Gots to go to bed now, but thank you two sfm for watching it means alot!! YOUR ICONS ROCK AND YOU ROC
over a year ago ladybug70981 said…
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
over a year ago ladybug70981 said…
<3 ofc lucy
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
This thread has been dead for 9 days. No good, no good.

How freakin' cute is this picture?
This thread has been dead for 9 days. No good, no good.

How freakin' cute is this picture?
over a year ago ladybug70981 said…
awww, DS <3
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
1x09!! JUST WATCHING THAT! They couldn't be cuter. <333
over a year ago ladybug70981 said…
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
STEPH!! Sorry I went to bed, lol!
over a year ago ladybug70981 said…
Not a problem love <3 hows it going?
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
It's going so-so. I went to the ER the other day for my ankle but I got pain medicine so I'm feeling better. :D

GG TONIGHT!! DS TONIGHT! Court, you around? Mon? Steph? :D
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
big smile
Lucy! I'm about to go watch the episode. Someone HAS to be here after I'm done watching it, because I'm gonna be freaking out over the Derena kiss.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
I'll be here!! Where have you been I've been waiting for someone!! AHH IT WAS AWESOME!!! The quotes were better then the kiss. <333333
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Are you done yet? I can't wait to talk about it :D
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Ugh, I hated the episode so much.
The only saving grace was Derena, and I didn't even get to fully pay attention to them because of the rest of the crap going on. :(

But they kissed! YAY!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Wow really?? I actually kind of loved it, cause she CHOOOSE HIM!! What didn't you like about it?

over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Yeah. I'm so sad, because I'm usually a total sucker for Thanksgiving episodes, and this one was just kinda, blah. Everyone was acting like idiots except Serena and Dan. I just, UGH!

LOL. I'm frustrated.

Did you see Dan's face when Serena told him she was going to Chuck's party to pick him? Adorableness!!!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Damn! Sorry about that :(

YEAH!! OMGGG I LOVE THEMMM! I was near to tears because I love them so much <3
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
I'm so happy they're back(even if it won't be for long)!!!!!

Dan is such a sweetheart. How could she not have picked him? Seriously.

Dan sticking up for Serena = GREATNESS!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Ditto! I'm a pretty hardcore Dair fan but I love DS more and it'll break my heart for them not to be together. :(

IKR? He's the ONLY one who can see the situation as it really is!! He KNOWS it wasn't her fault! I absolutely love that <3
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Ohh, lets not talk about Dair. They're making me paranoid about Derena. :|

He's the ONLY one who can see the situation as it really is!!

For real! I hate when people say Dan and Serena shouldn't be together because he judges her. This episode, right here, shows you that this isn't the case. I mean, it's in his nature to judge people, but when it counts he doesn't. He's the only one who believed that the new Serena wouldn't do that type of thing. Gah, they are perfect!!!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Okay we won't. ;P

I KNOWWW. That's most people's MAIN reason against DS, but this episode was one of the MANY examples that Dan is ALWAYS there, no matter what, and always will be, no matter what. He dosen't judge her! Exactly, when it counts, he believes her! I know I love them!!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
That's one of the main things I love about Dan, if he loves you, he'll always be there for you, no matter what. That's why I'm such a sucker for the Jenny/Dan relationship, he's such a good brother and they are always there to knock each other off they're high horses. lol

I'm so happy Derena kissed. It's been way too long!
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
I know I love their brother sister relationship, and gahh I love Dan. I just LOOOVE Dan. <33

I KNOW!! NEED AN ICON RIGHT NOW!! Do you think I should make a new DS video? I have a song picked out and I should probably hehe!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Dan is forever my favorite. Nothing he can do will make me not love him.

YOU SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE A NEW VIDEO! I love your videos so much, and there is never enough Derena videos. What song are you wanting to use?
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
big smile
There can never be enough Darena videos! Aww thanks! The end of Breathe Me by Sia, like in this video *which is like my favorite fanvideo ever* link
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
You have to make a video to that song!
I've only seen one episode of Skins ever, but that was a great video.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
I will then!! Expect it soon :) Oh really?? Was it the first one? Did you like it?
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…

I don't remember exactly which one it was. I think it might have been the first episode for the second generation? Maybe? All I know if that the guy in that video and the blonde guy, I think his name is Cook(?), were both doing things to impress the girl that was in that video. Then Cook(?) and the girl had sex.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
3x01!! One of the BEST episodes! Did you like it or no? It's such an amazing show wow I love it. :P And Freddie/Effy are just like DS for me :D
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
It was different, I didn't hate it but I didn't love it.

I might give it another try after I finish Misfits. Oh, you ship Freddie/Effy? Isn't the popular couple in the fandom Cook/Effy? Or am I just following the few Cook/Effy fans on Tumblr? lol
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
I bet you'd like it ALOT if you gave it a proper shot. :) It's hard not to love, I wasn't crazy about it at first but now I'm hooked. ;)

Misfits?? No way! I was JUST watching 1x02 while talking to you! HEHE! I like it alot too, I want to catch up to watch the new eps. :) HELL yeah, I love FE! They are the LOVE story, but it's quite the debate among fans actually, but I like both couples. Meh not really, FE is slightly more popular but CE fans are easy to find these days. ;P You should keep watching the second gen though, it dosen't really matter which one you see first because they are pretty unrelated. Try 3x02, Cook's ep, it's a good one!! 2x03 is a bit boring but 3x04, 3x05 (freddie's ep; aka freffyyyy!), and 3x06 are all amazing! :)
I bet you'd like it ALOT if you gave it a proper shot. :) It's hard not to love, I wasn't crazy about
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
I'll definitely watch 3x02 after I finish Misfits. Do you think I'd be a CE fan or an FE fan? I wasn't really paying much attention when I watched 3x01, so I didn't really care for either of them. lol

Isn't Misfits good? I watched the season 1 finale this morning, I'm so hocked now. It's great.
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Awesome :) Um, I'm hoping and I think you'll be a FE fan, they are hard not to love (my opinion lol!) but apparently some people didn't like their storyline. But it really depends, we'll just have to wait and see! What I do know for sure though is their season 4 storyline *that video you saw was most of it* is AMAZING. I've rarely cried harder over tv shows EVER. That episode *4x05* usually makes or breaks it for liking FE or not, It made me love them but some didn't like the SL, idk. :P

Yeah it's great!! I'm only a few eps behind you. :D Who's your favorite character?
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Oh, really? Now I'm excited to watch it! :)

My favorite Misfits character has to be Nathan. He's so funny and I love his storyline. Like he's not really a bad kid, he just has parent issues that cause him to act out. I also really like Kelly, her accent is hilarious. What about you?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
How about as a test, we see which one of these videos you like more? :P Seems silly, but it can be effective! This is a CE vid that pretty much sums up their relationship; link & here is a FE video that beautifully portrays their relationship; link
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
You should be! It's really great, especially season 3. :D

I love Nathan, but I have to say I think my favorite is Simon, he's so adorable. Kelly is great too. Nathan and Simon are probably tied for me, hehe!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
FE seems more my type of couple, they seem angsty and heartbreaking, which I love. But CE also seem pretty interesting, I'll just have to watch and see.

I have to say I think my favorite is Simon, he's so adorable.

I love Simon. I always feel so bad for him though, especially more towards the end of season 1. Are you shipping anyone yet?
over a year ago brittlegirl94 said…
Yeah, FE are also the more adorable couple to be honest. CE have their share of angst, but FE's goes deeper I think. ;) Yeah just wait and see! I think the deal breaker episodes *to see which you love* are 3x05, 3x10, 4x05 & 4x07 for sure :)

Naww he's so cute. I love him. <3 Yeah! Nathan/Kelly & Alisha/Curtis, lol. Though I heard recently that Simon/Alicia hooked up, right? Crazy!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
I like adorable and angsty! lol. I'm so catching up on Misfits ASAP so I can get started on Skins. I'm all excited now. I'll keep you updated as I watch. :)

I ship those two as well. I saw that Simon/Alicia hook up! And everyone's saying how if you still ship Alisha/Curtis, you're crazy. I don't know what changes in the next 3 episodes, but I still totally ship Alisha/Curtis. haha.