Soul Eater RP! :D

LillyBlack posted on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:48PM
Special moves/Others:

There are no rules
last edited on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:57PM

Soul Eater 774 replies

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over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*her blush gets a deeper red*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she lays some leafs and grass in a pile and curls up in a ball*are you ready for bed...?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Yeah, I feel like I should rest up.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:ok well..*she makes a leaf bed for him*here you go
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Thanks Stitches, *he laid himself down*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she noded smileing* cozy..*when everyone was asleep she woke up and climbed outa bed she then throu some more wood on the fire and sat next to it she sighed quietly*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he woke up to see Stitches next to the fire, he walked to her* Hey, everything alright?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she looked at him and looked back at the fire*...ya..*she lied*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: No... I know somethings wrong. Come on, like I said before. You can talk to me. I never got to tell you this.... But you're my first girlfriend I've ever had.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*her hole body warms up*..well it was the nigtmare again i know it will never happen but it bothers me*she sets her head on his shoulder*..the dream doesnt feel right..i dont know how to explain it*she sighed then looked up at the stares*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Don't worry, I'll be alright, I won't do anything to harm the world. I promise that.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she begins purring softly and quietly* i know you wont my kai...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Also.... Medusa isn't the one we have to worry about, Keizo is.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she goes emotionless*...umm... you had to bring him up...*she smiled softly*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Sorry, I didn't mean to...
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she twined her fingures with his* fine..*she began purring louder*let us go lay back down...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Alright, *he went back to the leaf bed with Stitches*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stiches:*she snuggled close to him resting her head on his chest she closed her eyes and purred louder in a soothing rythem*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*in another world in a dream*
???: You're doing quite well for yourself.
Kai: ...
???: It's not a lie is it?
Kai: No its true.
???: You've been controlling yourself quite well, keeping your true demon caged in.
Kai: Yeah... Right...
???: Keep him caged, only unlock the cage when it's truly necessary.
Kai: Of course.
*wakes up in reality*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*feels kai jumps a lil*..kai you ok??
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Yeah, I'm fine,
*In that other world*
???: Honestly now, you can't keep me caged forever.
Kai: You will stay caged, for as long as I say so.
???: Like hell I will!!! *he began to try breaking through*
*in reality*
Kai: *he felt pain, as he clutched his head* Damn it....... Why now.......
*in the other world*
???: *The cage was broken* I'm not gonna let you keep me bounded!
Kai: Damn it.... How did you break through?!
???: You're such a naive demon, your weakness is towards that girl, my cage is broken now.
Kai: The seal on the cage.... Damn it!!!
*back in reality*
Kai: ......
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:..kai..your scarying me..whats going on...*she looked confused and scared*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he got up, no longer clutching his head* Yeah..... I'm perfectly fine.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Okami:Come on I'm not gonna let you die!
Misaki:I'm not going to die!
Okami:Fine but I won't be there if you do! *Misaki gets mad and goes outside and couple of people picks on her*
???:You pathetic girl! *he punches Misaki and Misaki bleeds but she just stands there*Come on girl fight! *he keeps punching her but she doesn't care*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she got up as well* arn't acting the same kai..whats going on with you?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Misaki closes eyes and gets butch of visions and she opens her eyes and kicks the guys face*
Misaki:Get the heck out of here!

*Huki looks at Misaki through the window*
Huki:Some people thinks she's weak but she's tough.
Okami:She sure is but not tough enough to defeat Pandora alright.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Don't worry... Everything's alright.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Pandora walks to Kai and Stitches*
Pandora:Any idea where Misaki is?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: I wouldn't know.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora: *she crosses arms*'re students of DWMA right?Well I'm witch but I won't hurt you.I'm after Misaki.I'm saving you guys.She has a big secret she has been hiding.Even from her weapon,Huki. *she walks away and notices Misaki and she notices Pandora*
Pandora: *evil laugh*Well,well,well.Hello Misaki! *Huki runs down and turns to a sword and and Miaski grabs her*
Pandora:Too late.Panda Bones!! *Pandoras panda shadows goes in Misaki and Pandora disappears and the shadows hurts Misaki bones*
Misaki:Pand..ora....*she falls and drops Huki and Misaki starts crying*Why...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he rushed in, grabbed Pandora's neck* I promise you!!!! I'll crush you!!!! For hurting my friends!!!!! *squeezing a bit tight*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora:She an enemy!She acts like it she's your friend but shes not.Trust me!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he threw her to a tree, then his vector arrows came but they only approached Pandora* Tell me why the hell I should believe you?!!!!
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora:So you will kill your own aunt?I'm Medusas sister. *she smiles*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: .... I've never..... Seen you before in my life.... How the hell..... Do you know me...... Why the hell...... Is Misaki an enemy?!
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora: Yes she is.Ask her if you want!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: ..... Why?! What do you know?!
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
(Btw Pandora is lying)
Pandora:I follow I
Misaki everywhere.And she's Kishin.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(About Everything? Or just Misaki, or just the aunt thing?)
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(sorry internet got turned off but its back on now)

stitches;*stands beside kai growling at pandora*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(thats a good band lol)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Kishin?! Yeah right.... I know her soul, Kishin is definitely not there! By the way.... If you're my aunt.... Then how come Medusa never told me about you huh?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora:Fine!I'm lying!Misaki is pathetic.And forever she will be.And she dying so I got rid her!I think Medusa was thinking to destroy her too!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *sent the vector arrows through Pandora* You're crazy.... Don't ever, talk about my mother or my friends. Mess with either of them, and I'll make sure your death much more severe than this!
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she screams and runs into the woods*i-i..cant do this...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Pandora:3...2...1...Misaki is dead
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: That's a damn lie..... And you know it!!!!! *he retracted his Vector Arrows and disappeared to Misaki and Huki* Tell me.... She's alright right?!
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she vanishes* sorry my love..*my voice carries to kai in the wind*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Misaki just there laying and Huki crying*