Soul Eater RP! :D

LillyBlack posted on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:48PM
Special moves/Others:

There are no rules
last edited on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:57PM

Soul Eater 774 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 774

over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she follows kai*
(well guess im back)
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Pandora was about to throw her panda star but she didn't*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: So, how'd you like meeting my family?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she laughs softly*well you mom is ok but everyone else im not sure
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Well, Aunt Arachnophobia isn't exactly easy to talk to. Just because of her history with Asura.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:..i can see whats it like knowing your the son of medusa?..oh and brfore i forget *she goes back to her human form and call kourage*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(we should start are own together rp)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: It's not all too bad.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:well i think its cool*she groubs you and throughs you ontop of kourages then climbs on wraping her arms around you waist*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *blushed* Yeah.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:ok kourage back to the academy*she smiles as kourage takes off and heads to the academy*so what you going to do know?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Don't know... I guess... Just live...
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:she lays her head on kais back and closes her eyes as the fly..when they land she jumps down and waits kai to get down and send kourage to her den*we should head inside its getting late
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he nodded* I'll let people see me like this. It doesn't matter anymore. *he headed inside*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she grabs his arm pulling him back*...thank you for takeing me with you*she smiles*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she hugs him not letting go*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *his face got red* Yeah... No problem.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she pulls away and looks up at him her eyes sparkling*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she blushes but kisses kai softly then runs into the academy*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Hm, that was.... *shakes his head* anyways time to get a move on. *he headed inside*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she climbs into her bed in her room and grabs her book and begins reading it thinking about the day*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *gets into his bed* Things are gonna different now.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she falls asleep...she awakes the next mourning getting up and heads to the cafeteria*ill get dressed in a few
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *dressed and ready to go, he headed for the cafeteria*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she grab her tray and headed to the empty table way in the back* so tired
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: You didn't sleep well?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:not at all its so cold in my room the heater dont work and the school wont let me change dorms*she blush slitley for she was not dressed in her day cloths*and i had an nightmare
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(hey i gtg)bbl
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(Aight later)
Kai: You can talk to me.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(back for a little bit)
stitches:*she looks down*the nightmare was about you
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stiches:* a tear rolled down her eye*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: About me?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she nods* medusa betrads you yall to fight i was there but she had me traped by the time i got to you.....8she stops and cries harder*..i late
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he put his hand on her hand* Don't worry she isn't betraying us, besides. Guess who's the nurse of the school.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she look up at him and half smiles then sniffles*..her?...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: I convinced the school board to let her be the nurse here.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she smiles*well it will be nice haveing her here*she get a discomfort feeling*..ill br back im going to go get dressed for school8she runs to her room*

???: little one my do you mess with that boy you have a mission to complete

stitches:i..i him that why and i never agreed to go on the stupid mission

stitches:*doesnt speak*

???:you will complete the mission*vanishes*

stitches:*get dressed in her long black dress*ok lm ready*she walk to her locker waiting for kai*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *walked to Stitches* Alright let's go.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(lol im going to read that as walks to stitches)
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she slowly grabs kai hand twining there fingures together as they walk to class*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he sensed tension* You seem a little tense. Is everything alright?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she looks down*ya i had a surprise vistiter
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: And what did this visitor want?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she stops in her tracks*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *stopped as well, then sighed* Let me guess, another hunter after me...
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she shakes her head* it was my wants me to complete my fathers mission in killing the demon spirit....but i cant
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: And this demon spirit?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches: this spirit is the part of me that comes in times when i must fight as you seen when we were at your aunts*she smiles and her eyes flash red*its a part of me ill treasure forever
last edited over a year ago
stitches: this spirit is the part of me that comes in times when i must fight as you seen when we wer
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: What the....