Soul Eater RP! :D

LillyBlack posted on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:48PM
Special moves/Others:

There are no rules
last edited on Nov 28, 2013 at 05:57PM

Soul Eater 774 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *blushes but turning away* trying to keep his noncaring demeanor on* Tch, if it was how I was born, then it's not that big a deal.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she turns to her human form*...*she rolls her eyes*im go out side ill wait for you
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(oh the picture i posted in sekeria that my new image for this rp ok)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Alright, got it.
Medusa: You've brought me to pure, but Arachnophobia,
Kai: We all know she's got other plans. I'll take care of her.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she thinks about how kai held her hand how he went from sweet to this,but she didn care she still had strong feelings for him*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he headed out* Listen... I..... The only reason why I walk away from everything. Because in an illusion I was told not to make friends and look out for myself.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she looks at kai*...kai.. i understand..but what now that you knwo the truth*she walk to him and hugs him closeing her eyes she also thinks if he pushes me away thats fine but im only trying to comfort*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: I have to lookout for everyone. The only way I can ensure good to here. Is finishing off Arachnophobia for good.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:who is that?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Spider witch, she's got 2 assistants, Buzz saw and Long nose. I don't think that's their names. Anyways, about a couple months ago, she actually aided in the resurrection of Asura. Now that Asura's gone. I want to deal with her. Guess you could say, it's blood ties. I'm gonna have to fight my own aunt.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she looks at him blankly*what have i got myself into*she softly says to herself*well im going with you theres no stoping me!
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*whistles calling her pet wolf kourage*
stitches:*whistles calling her pet wolf kourage*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Like I would've tried.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*she smiles blushing*well then shall we be on are way?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Misaki goes the classroom with Huki only and Misaki reads a book*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(welcome back)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Yeah, time to finally settle things.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(umm do you mean kai:)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(Welcome back nice to see you again)
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*climbs on top kourage and held hand out to kai *wanna ride?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *took Stitches hand as he got on*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:ok now just tell me were to go and kourage will take us there*she smiles and a evil grin spread arcoss her face*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Theres a lair with a spider. It'll stand out. Just find a spider building.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(im confused are you jiro or kai)
stitches:you heard him girl..umm kai you might wanna hold on*kourage starts runing then jumps in the air letting her wings unfurl*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(Sorry, mixing them up, this rp is Kai.)
Kai: *holding on*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*the land at a spider building*ima stay here im not a big fan of spiders but if something happens i will come*she smiles at him*please be careful
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(did you go to bed?)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Don't worry. I got this under control.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:ok but still be careful
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *He headed inside*
Mosquito: Who are you?
Kai: I have an appointment with Arachnophobia. I'm family,
Mosquito: What?
Kai: Move it you fool!
???: It's funny to see my nephew here. Mosquito!
Mosquito: Sorry Lady Arachnophobia *he backed away*
Kai: So... It's been a while.
Arachnophobia: It's honestly a shocker to learn you're alive.
Kai: Guess so... It was a shocker Learning that your sister was my mother.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*kourages ears perk and she begins growling*calm my beauty he knows what he is doing*she pets her trying to sooth kourage*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: So, I have a question to ask, I'll make a promise with you, keep away from the DWMA or I swear to you I will destroy you!!!
Arachnophobia: Empty threats,
???: I'll take care of this!
Kai: Keizo!!!
Keizo: I told you there would be problems.
Kai: You work for Arachnophobia?
Keizo: Wow, and to think you tricked us by leaving.
Kai: I went rogue because you wouldn't give me answers! But Medusa, she's given me the answers.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*cant resest the urg anymore she run inside to kai side*im sorry kai*she whispers softly*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitch:*heart pounds*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Keizo: It's the brat from before.
Kai: You've gotten over it? Alright then, *created clones around Keizo*
Keizo: What the...
Kai: Your time here is over.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*takes a step back*i wanna fight but how*she says to ser self*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Giriko: *comes down using his saw body making Kai back away*
Kai: Damn.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*growls* i cant do this *she goes into her full hell wolf*
stitches:*growls* i cant do this *she goes into her full hell wolf*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*stand in front of kai growling at the people in front of him*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Keizo: Tch,
Giriko: Now it's 2 on 2.
Kai: Which you want Stitches?
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:THIS ONE!*she jumps at keizo but lands behinds him then jumps on his back knocking him down* that what you get*she growls the garbs his neck with her jaw then looks at kai with comfirmation*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Do what you wish with him. *zoomed past Giriko* Because it's all over. *blood spurted from Giriko*
Arachnophobia: That's impossible. There's no way you're that strong.
Kai: Mix of Eternal Demon Soul and Snake Soul.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches*grin an evil grin*good*she snaps her jaw toghether snapping his neck*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Keizo: *he let out a scream of pain*
Kai: Hm,
Arachnophobia: Alright, I've seen it now. So I can team with you and Medusa,
Kai: That's what I like to hear.
over a year ago kourage18 said…
stitches:*runs back over to kai blood dripping from her jaw*
(man i like this side of me lol :P)
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Personality:Mean,smart, funny
Miester,Weapon,Witch: Witch(she has to do something with pandas like Medusa does something with snakes)
Weapon:No weapon
Special Moves/Others:Secret
last edited over a year ago
Personality:Mean,smart, funny
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Alright, let's get out of here. *he gestured for Stitches to follow him*
over a year ago kourage18 said…
(hey i gtg bye guys be back later)
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
*Pandora makes a evil laugh when Misaki walks in DWMA*
Pandora:Good luck Misaki
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(K, later)