NCIS ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

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over a year ago Blue85 said…
I'm going to answer Jenna's question about Tony and Ziva singing together: I think that's a great idea! I would love to see them do one together.

^ I think it would. Maybe not right away, but after he thought about it for awhile I'm sure he would change his mind.
< Listening to the 'Happy Birthday' message that my grandmother left me on the answering machine. lol
v What would be the one thing that would completely shock you if you saw it happen on the show?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Is it your birthday Lauren? If it is.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

^ Jenny coming back! But it would be a good shock!
< Watching Booth/Brennan videos on YouTube and trying to fix the TV.
v If you watch Bones, do you notice any parallels between that and NCIS?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**Happy Birthday Lauren! (If its your birthday of course =]**

^ I don't watch Bones so can't really answer that.
< Working. But going home soon.
v What would your reaction be if Jeanne came back into Tony's life? (It doesn't have to a romantic involvement... just in some way)
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ If it wasn't romantic, then I'd be fine. I have complete faith in Tiva <3
< Putting videos on my iPod.
v Did you hear the rumour that Hollis will be back this season?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I didn't until now.
< Watching NCIS
v What were your thoughts when Vance reassigned the team?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
happy birthday lauren!! (if it is your birthday) lol

^ i some how knew they where gonna bring them back, but was still shocked
< nothing
V what one thing do you want to see in the christmas episode?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
I will add to the Happy Birthday + disclaimer, so Happy Birthday Lauren, if applicable.

^ Is it too much to hope for Tiva? yes. Okay, then happy Christmas Abby, spreading holiday cheer and optimism.
< nothing much.
v How do you think they will end this season? What kind of story do you think they will focus in on?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blue85 said…
Thank you everyone! It's been a good one. :D (Yes it's my birthday haha)

^ Anything is possible so.. I don't really know what to say, other than that I hope that it won't involve the team being split up again or anyone dying. I think those types of finales are getting a bit old anyway.
< Enjoying the birthday brownies that my mom made for me.
v If you were asked to come up with a new nickname for Ziva, what would it be?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I don't know... things usually end on such a surprising note that I'm afraid to even speculate. I'd love it to leave with a prime Tiva moment (maybe a nice long passionate kiss). At least that will keep me sane for the 4.5 months until Season 8. lol
< This & that...
v Would you like to see any of the members pursue an interest or hobby and have a storyline to follow it?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
** First of all, I'd like to answer the finale question. I think it may have a hint of Tiva, as they only usually give them to us during the openers, sweeps and finales, the rest of the time they're neutral, as we've seen lately.
* I'll answer Lauren's first. I don't actually know... I'll think about it and get back to you :)

^ Isn't Gibbs and his boats and McGee and his book a hooby/storyline?
< Listening to music.
v Would you like to see the team do a Secret Santa type thing? :D
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ that would be awesome
< watchin top gear
v this is an add on to dannii's question with the secret santa idea, who would you have to be each team members secret santa?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**Side Note: Yes that is a hobby/storyline. lol. But I met other than we've seen. And I'd love to see them do a Secret Santa thing. I'm sure Abby or someone would come up with a way for Tony & Ziva to have each other =]**

^ Well obviously Tony & Ziva would have each other <3. I think Abby should have Gibbs, Ducky should have Abby, McGee should have Ducky and Gibbs would have McGee. Oo... I forgot about Palmer... hmm... I guess I'd have to stick him with Vance if we are including him.
< Working.
v What two people would be the oddest pairing romantically? (Not just team members but out of any of the past gf/bfs, agents, etc as well)
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
***lol i would LOVE to see palmer pull vances name out the hat...what would he get him haha

^ Ducky and abby would be pritty weird so ill go with that
< on Facebook and listening to music
v if you could put one character from the show into another show who and what show would you do (like McGee goes on Criminal Minds and helps Garcia with IT crap lol or tony going on and hitting on Prentiss all episode) (if that makes sense)
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Hehe, I would put Tony and Ziva (can I have two, please?) on Bones! Tony would flirt with Brennan and of course, Booth and Ziva would get jealous! We need a few good Ziva jealousy moments! LOL! And Booth jealous is soooo cute!
< Watching Criminal Minds! I finally watched the 100th episode, Joe! It's sooooo sad! I cried!
v Do you think they should do something to commemorate Kate and Jenny's deaths one year?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*I love the idea of Tony and Ziva on Bones. That would make a great episode. :D

^ I think that is a really nice idea and that they should do something like that.
< Eating lunch.
v Why do you think Abby is Gibbs' favorite?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
** i know dannii what an episode, all the actors did a great job on that episode

^ i've always wondered that, but i've always thought that gibbs might think of her as an older kelly, how he would want her to be, happy and with loads of friends who love her (maybe not goth though)
< being made to watch soaps (hate them alll on at same time as NCIS)
v did you see the father in Gibbs when he asked Angela to look at him when Ziva shot the bad guy in childs play? (dont think my questions are making sence today)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Having something to commemorate Jenny & Kate is a great idea! And I agree completely with Worthy's answer of why Abby is Gibbs' favorite**

^ I understand your question completely. Yes I totally saw the father come out in him... at the moment he was wanting to fully protect her and her innocense.
< Not feeling well =[ Headache & feeling sick
v I don't recall this ever being mentioned in an episode, so if you had to guess what would you say Ziva's favorite flower would be?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
*Ya'll have almost convinced me to watch Bones. :)

^ Some kind of orchid, maybe?
< Celebrating Friday!
v Do you think Eli David actually loves Ziva at all? Even a little?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
** What else can we do? :P

^ I'm in two minds. Part of me believes that he does, but in the end I think he puts his own needs before anyone elses.
< Watching Criminal Minds.
v Do you think the NCIS Team are 'Angels and Heroes'?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*Hope you start feeling better, Jenna.

^ I think that's an excellect discription for them.
< Singing Christmas songs and browsing around Deviantart.
v Do you ever wonder what happened to Kate's little dog, Tony/Toni, after she died?
over a year ago natulle said…
^ I've actully never thought about, but now that you say it yeah.
< Preparing to go christmas shopping with my grandmother
v (You can maybe only answer this if you're a bones fan) Am I the only one that found it funny that the actor that played Gibbs' dad, played Boths Grandfather, so if you combine the two shows Gibbs would technically be Booths dad d; ?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Heeeee! I never thought of that! That's so funny!
< Opening Christmas cards :)
v Do you ever feel left out when you go on another spot and you don't have 'their' spot related icon?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
**Maybe Gibbs is Booth's long lost uncle? :) (BTW I watched Bones, and I liked it. So thanks for the subtle recommendation. Or maybe that would be long-term power of suggestion.)

^ Not really. My icon is the same as I set it as when I joined (aka Nemo) and I am too lazy to change it.
< Just watched the faith sneak peek. Please watch before answering next question :)
v If you have watched the Faith Sneak Peek, do you think that Tony got Ziva something anyway, and if so, what do you think it is?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Bones is awesome, isn't it? :D

^ I have seen it, and I surely hope so!
< Watching Tiva videos on YT. I've missed them SO MUCH during these past two weeks, I think I've actually gone crazy!
v While we're on the subject of the new promo, do you think Tony and Ziva will be in some kind of fight with some criminals? It's just that Tony shouted 'Ziva!' all worried and I was wondering :P
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Yes. But they will win. They always do.
< About to start studying for midterms.
v If you live in America, are you going to watch the Army/Navy Game today? (Go Navy!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago natulle said…
**Yes Bones is so awsome :D And yeah I know what you mean with feeling "left out" sometimes d;

^ No I'm not, because I live in Denmark
< Should be making homework d;
v Do you get butterflies in your stomach when one of your favorite couples on tv have a really great moment/scene, e.g A Tiva or BB moment/scene ? (I do!!! :D Especially with those two couples)
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** It's like I get an uneasy feeling when I don't have a Tiva icon! Call me crazy... xD

^ Oh yes, all the time! Tiva and BB forever!
< Watching The X Factor
v Did you watch JAG before NCIS?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Not faithfully, but I yes I did.
< Getting ready to go to bed... it's late!
v Do you like all Abby's nicknames for her machines?
over a year ago natulle said…
^ Yes (:
< Waiting for my dad to come back so we can go to my grandfathers farm
v Even though the new season has started do you still watch the reruns ?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Absolutley. If I'm home I watch every episode that's on and if I'm at work I'm usually listening to it through my headphones (it helps me work). =]
< FB. Getting ready to wrap some presents.
v Have you ever been told that you need NCIS Addicts Anonymous? (My fiance tells me this daily. lol. And there is actually one on cbs wet paint. lol)
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Haha. Yeah, I have actually been told that before. Perhaps I should join. :P
< Just climbed out of bed. It's a perfect day for being lazy.
v Leroy, Anthony, Ziva, Timothy, Abigail, Donald, Jimmy, Leon. Out of the eight names, which one do you like the best?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Ziva. I like unusual names :)
< Watching Elf.
v Who would be the perfect guest star?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Good question.. I'll let you know when I think of one.
< Eating and checking my email.
v If you have the NCIS DVDs, do you like to watch the special features that are on them? Like the interviews, behind the scenes stuff, etc.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**I can't join NCIS Addicts Anonymous b/c in order to join that you have to want help and I'm fine being an obsessive addict! lol. And I just want to answer the name quesiton even though it's already been answered. I love the name Abigail (& the nickname Abby). It's one of my favorite names ever & my fiance & I plan on using it if/when we have a little girl! =]**

^ I have the dvd's but I haven't opened any of them yet b/c they are technically a Christmas present. I hate buying dvd's individually if there is going to be lots of Season's so I went ahead waited until they offered 1-5 & then I won Season 6 in a contest. I do love watching all the interviews & behind the scenes stuff online though so I know I will love watching it on the dvd's too.
< Just got done wrapping some Christmas presents and getting ready to do some more stuff to cross off my list.
v Do you belong to any other NCIS fan clubs beside this one?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
**I am like you, Jenna. Sure I am obsessed, but it has not yet gotten to the point where it interferes with my life! (Although my parents might have a different viewpoint . . .) Oh and apparently Ziva means "light, glow, or brightness" in Hebrew. Interesting.
< Being depressed by the sports teams that I support.
v How do you think Ziva would react if Tony gave her a Star of David necklace? (I am crossing my fingers that this happens)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
they have done a secret santa (says in the sneek peek)**

^ dont think she would react that well, would like her to be happy with it though
< thanking the lord x factor is over woooooo
v how will you be celebrating christmas
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Like I do every year, with my family, spending the day with them :)
< Listening to music and making Tiva icons :)
v After Jennas comment, do you plan on naming any of your children after the cast/characters? If I were to do that, I think I'd say Ziva.
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ I do like the names, except that I wouldn't want my kid to walk up to me one day and ask where I got her name from and I say "oh, I named you for a fictional assassin." Don't know how that one would go over.
< Same as before
v Do you like eggnog?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Haha never thought of that one, Jenn.

^ Never tried it before.
< Same as before.
v Do you like Michael Buble?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Luckily Abby isn't an assassin lol. I can see she was named after an awsome forensic scientist! =]*

^ Who is Michael Buble? lol. Sorry I can't answer your question.
< Relaxing after a productive day of wrapping & cleaning.
v Do you have a favorite Christmas movie?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*Michael Buble is a very talented singer. I love his music.

^ It's A Wonderful Life(1946) Jimmy Stewart with Donna Reed. It's a classic Christmas movie.
< Watching a Celtic Woman concert on TV.
v Do you think it would be funny if they made Tony dress up as Santa and McGee as an Elf for the Christmas episode?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ That would be classic! I can see it now! lol =] Definetely love that idea!
< Working
v Do you want Bert, Abby's farting hippo?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Oh yes!
< Listening to music.
v Are you a bit miffed as to why Ziva hasn't shown at least one sign of PTSD?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think she's internalizing it somewhat & eventually it will have to be dealt with. Obviously she showed a bit of emotion during the whole Gibbs interrogation scene. But it does make me curious as to why she's not exhibiting more PTSD symptoms.
< Working
v In Faith do you think Gibbs' knows that he will be seeing his father or do you think its more of a surprise?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think it will be a surprise :D
< Trying to find NCIS screencaps to make icons.
v Do you think you could handle the stress of being the Director?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Hmm... maybe. I'm usually good at handling stress and keeping organized. But I think it would be a really tough job.
< Working still... of course. lol
v Would you like to see another episode where the team comes to the rescue of someone else on the team? I tend to like those episodes.
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Yeah, that would be great.
< Doing a NCIS fandom survey type thing that a friend sent me.
v On a scale from 1-10, how hot do you think McGee is?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ 7/8? He's looking good this season :P
< Making some Tiva fanart :)
v Have you heard the rumour that Tony and Ziva are going overseas together this season?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
**I have also wondered why Ziva is not exhibiting any PTSD symptoms. I mean, I know she was well trained, but still. .

^ No. Where did you hear it?
< Studying for exams
v If you could know for certain how Tiva turns out (not a quasispoiler that turns out to be misleading, but a real spoiler), would you want to?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** It was on one of the Ask Ausiello articles on the EW site.

^ Yes.
< Listening to music and making icons.
v Have you bought anyone a NCIS related gift for Christmas?