NCIS ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

NCIS 7556 replies

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over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Never. Mark, Michael, Cote, Pauley, Sean, David, Brian, and Rocky ARE the characters. No one could ever play the roles the way they do.
< Deviantart.
v How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I tried to figure that out... I never got the same number & gave up after two times. lol
< Getting ready to go to bed soon.
v Who do you think was the best director of NCIS & why?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*lol you should have asked Mr.Owl.

^ I'm going to say Vance because... [insert really good explination here]<--Whoever think Vance is the best, they're explination goes in the box.
< Same as before.
v Do you prefer: serious or silly moments?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
ruddy hell only been off one night and i missed loads hahahaha... and lauren i would agree with you on Vance because unlike jenny he is not afraid to send agents out, and doesn't let his emotions get the better of him in cases and tom morrow didnt inject him self into investigations like vance

^ there both great, the mix is just right for the show but even though im a comedy the team do serious moment brilliantly so i will say serious
< just go back from mates house after 12.30pm wake up :P
v what moment made you cry more than any other ?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ The scene in Hiatus when Gibbs leaves and Abby is crying he just puts his finger to her lips and kisses her cheek. That always gets me!!
< Just back from mummy's lol.
v Favorite Gibbs-centric episode??
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Heartland. The scene where he meets Shannon always gets me!
< Just in from the freezing cold!
v What scene made you laugh the most?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^The whole Sexual Harassment meeting!! LOL Palmer: What if you touch naked people? And Ziva licking Tony's ear? Priceless!!!
< Am now watching the sexual harassment video on youtube LOL.
v Do you wish there were more Palmer centered episodes?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Yeah, i'd like to see another one. About Face was great!
< Watching Big Daddy.
v Favorite Tony-centric eppy??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Mmm... I think I'm going to go with Bounce.
< Law & Order: SVU
v Do you think it's time for another Ducky-centric episode?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Definitely. I just love Ducky.
<Gonna go to sleep now! I finally finished my English project! *cheers*
v Would you like to see a "flashback" episode? As in like, when Gibbs/Tony first met, or Gibbs/Abby, Gibbs/Ducky, Tony/Ducky, etc. etc.?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Yes I would. I think a really interesting flashback would be when Gibbs & Abby first met!
< Bed soon-ish.
v Ziva's most interesting way to "kill" someone?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Her paper clip threat.
< Studying
v How many languages do you speak?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ One....not even sure one this one really
< watchin grosse pointe blank
v favorite case the team has worked on?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Hmm... there's been so many interesting cases over the years... I think I'm going to have to go with any of the cases involving the kids b/c I love seeing the team interact with them.
< Working
v Episode that left you contemplating why something happened or didn't happen in the eppy?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Aliyah. For obvious reasons.
< Taking a break.
v Have you seen The Shawshank Redemption? I saw it today in my Film class and thought it was absolutely brilliant!
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ ye i saw it couple of months back after meaning to watch it for around a year (everyone i saw saying how good it was), the best film i've ever seen
< trying more fanart and other things
v on the same note as the last question whats your favorite film?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Currently Dear John. It was an amzing movie!
< Working
v Which show would you like to see the cast on to talk about NCIS? (ie: Jay Leno, Lopez Tonight, Bonnie Hunt, Oprah, or something totally different?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ because i am from enlgand i would love to see them on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
< same as before
v if you could see one of the characters on another show which character and which show
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Hmm... Tony or Abby (sry can't choose) on Criminal Minds.
< Same
v Do you think it's better not knowing the answers to some of mystery's of NCIS? (ie: Who the redhead in the silver car is, how Gibbs gets his boats out of the basement, what Tiva was doing at her apt? etc)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Yes, because that's the magic of NCIS. It doesn't give the fans everything. It draws some stuff out, and keeps us waiting for more. Also, it's pretty realistic, because in real life, we don't always figure stuff out...I would like to know a few things, though, such as the Tiva/Apartment thing, and hopefully they'll tell us how Gibbs gets his boat out of the basement!!!
VHaha, OMG are you doing like a little countdown in your mind for until the next episode of NCIS? I am; I'm annoying my friends by pratically screaming out ONLY ONE MORE DAY!!!!
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Definitely!
< Studying
v Do you think we are going to learn anything shocking about the past in tomorrow's episode?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Yes I think tomorrow is going to be a shocking & emotional episode... I've already got my box of tissues ready! As excited as I am to finally have a new episode I know it's going to be a heartbreaking eppy!
< Watching NCIS (Only 24 hours & 14 minutes until the new NCIS!)
v Favorite moment in Ex-File?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ The moment when Gibbs is surrounded by Jenny, Hollis and Stephanie and Tony says that it's a trainwreck. I thought it was great.
< Reading.
v Would you like to see some NCIS bloopers?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ I would love it if they would come out with some bloopers.
< Still Studying
v Favorite season (winter, autumn, summer, spring, not of NCIS :p)?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Spring! It's my favorite time of year! Not too hot, not too cold - just all around perfect weather! <3
< Criminal Minds & on ebay ordering the CM dvds. =]
v Edit: I'm changing my question. lol. **Are these spoilers/teasers/articles driving anyone else crazy with anticipation?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ yes especially the one about gibbs
< watchin wire in the blood
v less than half a day to go (around 12hours for me) how excited are you NOW
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Absolutely excited!!!!!! Only 2 hours and 30 minutes for me until NCIS!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!
< Just watching my clock while doing homework, just waiting for it to turn to 8:00!!! LOL
V I can't think of any questions other than how excited are you for the new episode?!? 2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES!!!!!!
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Oober excited!!! I cannot wait despite knowing that it will be a sad eppy. I'm just so happy it's back after the 3 week hiatus! Only 2 hours &9 minutes to go!
< FB & eating dinner
v Do you think Eli David will be part of the finale?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Dear gosh, I hope not! I have had enough of Eli David for at least a few more seasons LOL! Although he DOES add excitement to the show.
< Homework...
v If one couple (BESIDES Tiva,LOL) had to happen, which would you want it to be?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
* The new episode wasn't quite what I thought it would be, but it was a good one none-the-less.

^ McAbby. :)
< Writing and listening to music.
v Were you surprised when you saw Palmer's new friend?
I loved Tony's reaction when he saw them.
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
* mothers say was good but 3 weeks of hype, i dont think it was the best, but im not taking anything away from the episode....i will add mark harmons performance was fantastic

^ very very surprised lol, she was georgous, i though tonys reaction was priceless
< checking if theres a wait for the next episode lol
v best part of mothers day?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*I thought Mother's Day was an amazing episode, it didn't quite go in the direction I thought, it was quite as sad as I thought and we didn't delve into his past as much as I would have hoped but I loved it. Gibbs (as always)& Joann both played their parts wonderfully! I'll be watching the eppy again today! =]*

^ The ending when Vance sided with Gibbs. Really made me look at him in a new light.
< Working
v Saddest moment in Mother's Day?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ All of the Gibbs flashbacks and the look on his face after. It was heartbreaking!!
< Watching Murder 2.0
v Did you notice Tony's reaction when Ziva mentioned her ring size??
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Of course I did. lol Maybe it'll start to give him ideas. ;)
< Eating breakfast.
v Did you think it was clever of Gibbs to get Hart involved in the situation?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*I loved the part where Ziva mentioned her ring size!*

^ I think it was genius! Gibbs is a smart man, he knew exactly what he was doing.
< Working & watching (rather listening to NCIS stuff) while I get my work done
v Did you expect Joann to be the person who murdered him?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ not at first but yes eventually
< not much
v funniest moment of mother day?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Hmm... it probably had to be Tony's expression of Palmers new hot blonde bombshell girlfriend. lol
< Working
v What were you most surprised to learn about Gibbs' past?
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ i haven't watched mother's day yet as i dunno when it airs in the UK *if anyone knows please tell me!
< i am currently in my room on my computer
v if you could be related (boyfriend, girlfriend, mum,dad,grandparents?sister?brother?) to any character (not actor) in NCIS who would it be and why? and what relation would they be to you?

also bonus question
vv i am a Mcabby fan but i don't think i want it to happen, just maybe a kiss or a reference to date, just to keep the romanceand the romance haters happy what do you think??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
McGeeky.. you can catch it online if you'd like.

^ Hmm... I think I'd be Abby's sister b/c I think she'd be awesome to have around all the time! And as for your bonus question I think here & there we see a bit of jealousy hints between the two. I also believe one of the spoilers said they will have an arc later this season so... maybe you will get something?
< Working, but leaving in a few min
v Do you think Gibbs & Joann will keep in touch now?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
*just to let you know McGeeky it will proberbly be a week on friday on FX due to the break in america it has been playin every couple of weeks

^ yes but like gibbs and his dad, it wont be very often
<watching footie
v do you think we will see fornell again this season?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ I hope so! That guy is just awesome!
< Just hw!
V Will you join my Shannon and Kelly spot, please? (Just type in Shannon and Kelly in the search box....)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I certainly will (as soon as I'm done =])
< Watching NCIS
v Favorite Gibbs-centric episode?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
**LOL thank you. =)

^ I would have to say Heartland.
<Same as before.
v Were you just a little disappointed that the episode Mother's Day wasn't exactly what we thought it would be?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
*joined your group

^ a little but after a 3 week break there would have had to be something massive to make me not a little disapointed
< not much
v what is the most random fact you've ever heard?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ That the can opener was invented 48 years after the can. lol
< Same
v Did you like the idea of Kibbs? (Kari & Gibbs)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Did you know that Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts? Or that if food coloring wasn't added to Coca Cola, it would be green?
Those are the only two I can think of right now, although I know tons more...
<Still doing boring science hw...
v If you got to meet only one cast member, who would you want to meet? (I'd just love to meet Mark Harmon. I've heard that he's one of the nicest Hollywood stars, and he's such a great actor!!)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Seems friendsfan101 & I answered at the same time, so I will answer their question and re-ask mine.

^ Hmm... that's really hard. Probably Mark Harmon... for obvious reasons!
< NCIS - gotta love the marathons
v Did you like the idea of Kibbs? (Kari & Gibbs)
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
just realised even though i've seen it hundreds of times sasha alexander appears in friends how come i never spotted it !!!

^ i'd go for mark or micheal becuase i've heard they love a good practical joke and i'd love some tips hahaha (but would mind meeting any of them)
< computering lol
v if one of the actors joined another show (still running or not) which actor and which show?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^It depends. If they leave NCIS entirely, then perhaps Rocky Carroll and he would've joined Charmed as a police officer or something...If they aren't leaving NCIS in the situation, then Michael Weatherly. I just loved him on Charmed.
< Same as before.
v Which guest stars that an NCIS cast member has done on another show/movie do you like the best? (Mine would be Michael Weatherly on Charmed, Mark Harmon in Freaky Friday, and Sasha Alexander on Friends..)
over a year ago Blue85 said…
Since no one answered Jenna's question, I'll answer it along with friendsfan101's.

^Jenna's: I never really thought of Gibbs and Kate together like that, but now that I think about it.. not really.
^ friendsfan101's: I can't think of all the shows & movies that they've all been on so I'm not really sure.
< Watching interviews and making icons.
v Do you know how to read military time?