NCIS ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

NCIS 7556 replies

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over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ My superpower would be to fly. I'd love to be that free. My three wishes would be to meet Michael Weatherly, live in Washington and change someone's life for the better.
< About to have a bath.
v You have the chance to meet someone, dead or alive, who would it be? I think it'd be Michael Weatherly, Eva Cassidy or Marilyn Monroe :)
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
< nothing much on facebook :D
V if you could go anywhere any place back in time where would you go and why?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
**Congrats on your medal Jenna! You really deserve it. =)
^ the Native American times...

< HW

v What do you think an NCIS episode would be like if it crossed over with a show like Scrubs, which is comedy, and a show like Charmed, with is magic???

over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ i think it would be hilarious, certianly with scrubs wow :)
< off to bed
V would you enjoy a musical ncis if they did one, haha mcgee singing :) would make my day :D, it could be like a singer/marine was murdered so they all decide to sing, or a bomb is planted in a microphone and is sent to NCIS and if they stop singing the place will blow up how cool would that be :P it would make my day <3
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ LOL that would be so funny; I can see that happening even though that will never happen. = ( But I can see them getting annoyed and Ziva threatening numerous people LOL.

< Essay

v I'm going to high school next year and I'm uber nervous! Anyone got any tips for me???
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Just be yourself and learn to dodge the crowds! :)
< Watching Hustle.
v Do you think the series will end with Gibbs retiring or something to that effect?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ No. They already did that, and NCIS isn't really the type to re-do things...I hope. I just have a big feeling that it involves that darn lawyer, though!
< Same as before.

v Well, speaking of the season finale, do you believe that Gibbs will end up marrying the lawyer or something??????? (That doesn't really affect the whole team..I think, but hopefully that's not it LOL)
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I very much doubt it LOL.
< Watching Hustle still.
v Before the show ends permanently [which will hopefully be never] do you think that Ducky will hand over his King of Autopsy crown over to Palmer and retire?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ I have toyed with that idea, but with the way the show has constructed the character of Palmer, it wouldn't work, IMO. He is suppose to be immature and still in need of direction, not a full-fledge medical examiner.
< Haven't decided
v How do you view another confrontation with the team and Eli David? Would you look forward to it, dread it, or be neutral towards it? (my two cents: I want them to bring him back and finish up that story line)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
*LOL thanks for the advice, Dannii! = )
^ Yes, I hope so! Palmer's been an assistant for too long!
< HW
v Do you believe that McAbby and Tiva will happen in the last ever season of NCIS or before that?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** No problem!

^ Jenn's: Definitely want that storyline to be over.
Janie's: Last ever season :)
< About to go to bed.
v Which character ALWAYS makes you laugh, no matter what?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ Palmer. I would've said Tony, but he's getting more serious, and Palmer is just so geeky and clumsy, it's adorable. = )
< HW
v We've seen how Gibbs looked when he was younger, and how he acted, and it's given us more insight on him. Do you want to see that with another character on the show, and if so, who?

I would like to see Tony..
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ I would like more insight on Ziva. She has such a complicated and emotional past - I think it would be fascinating.
< Eating dinner
v Are there ever moments when you just want to stop watching NCIS?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ No. I know that people hated parts like when they split the team up, and Rivkin, but I liked them all, because I wanted to see how the team would pull through, and frankly, I thought that it was very exciting!
< HW

v Would you like to see a Ducky storyline with him having a son/daughter that he never knew about or something?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Janie - Thanks about my medal! <3 And as for advice about HS... def just be yourself like Dani said - some people are going to love it & some are going to hate it, but as long as you are comfortable with who you are brush off the negative people. And do everything you want to do... don't be nervous to join a club or sport or take class just b/c you aren't sure you'll do or b/c you won't know anyway. Take place in all homecomings/proms/pep rally's etc b/c if you don't you'll regret it. Sorry that's so long. lol*

^ That would be quite interesting & now that his mom is gone it would be nice for him to have someone to talk to.
< Watching NCIS
v When you first began watching NCIS did you think it would eventually be in the 7th season as we are now?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
**LOL thank you for the great advice. Def want to go to Pep Rallies!!! For some reason they make me laugh....=P LOL don't worry about how long it was, I'm glad for the advice, don't care how long or short it is!!!
^ Absolutely! I was hooked on it from the start! (Well, from Kill Ari, because that was the 1st epi I watched, but you know what I mean!)

< Finishing essay

v Exactly how do you get these green/yellow/etc. medals??? Does it just come randomly to you or something???
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ There's actually no clear guideline surrounding how to earn the medals. It's rumoured that the amount you contribute to a site (forums, picks, rating people's items, images, etc). I thought long ago that I deserved one (lol), but I just got it.
< Watching NCIS
v Favorite quote between Tony & Kate?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^ I believe that it would be the scene from when they were singing "Outrageous" in the bathroom.
< Finishing up my essay!!! *Only one more paragraph to go!!*
v Ok, hopefully you won't mind me asking three questions LOL.

#1- Will you join the Betty White spot? She's an actress-88 years old, just a funny actress, she's amazing! You may have seen her on The Proposal or on the show Golden Girls???

# 2- What was the name of the woman who played Mrs. Mallard?

# 3- Do you see yourself still going on fanpop a few years from now, or do you think that you would be done with it by then?

LOL sorry for all the questions, I just had to ask before I forgot. = )
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ 1. Maybe. I wouldn't say I'm a total fan, but she's a good actress.
2. Her name was Nina Foch.
3. I definetely see myself coming her years from now or at least still being in contact with those I've met on here. I love my fanpop girls (& the occasional guy who pops up - like Joe!). These girls aren't just girls anymore, they're friends.
v How did you hear about fanpop?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
big smile
*Great answer, Jenna! Exactly what I was thinking about fanpop! = )

^ I was looking for a picture/greeting card that I found that had the Friends cast on it, and I found the Friends spot! I got on, joined it, joined NCIS-and the rest is history! I never did find that picture, though...


v Have you ever made a club on fanpop?
over a year ago glee_lover_96 said…
^ nahh,
> painting my nails(:
V favourite actors/actresses?
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ it has to be Tom Hanks :) or Simon Pegg :D
> getting ready for school TGIF! :D

*i would like to see Mcgee as a child or Palmer that would be so adorable :) sorry felt like answering that question :)
V do you believe that there is life out there beyond our universe? ALIENS!! :) :P i dunno i don't think there is.
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
haha i just watched a michael weatherly interview "first thing off is to rename the coupling from tiva to Zony" haha :P he is so funny :)
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ There has to be something out there somewhere! I'm not sure about the alien thing but i'm sure there are other forms of life out there!
< On here and Facebook.
v Are you starter, main course or desert person?
over a year ago smileandnod said…
^dessert! My grandparents taught me well...always eat dessert first!
< getting ready to shower and go to work... ugh...
v have you ever been contra dancing? (I'm going this evening, I'm totally addicted!)
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Can't say that I have. (But you should have fun =])
< Working
v Do you think SB is purposefully getting us all worked up just for us to go... "oh that's all.. I can deal with that"?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I hope so lol. I'm woried sick something awful is gonna happen!!
< Makng Dinner!
v Whats the worst spoiler you've heard so far??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
*** I love my fanpop girls (& the occasional guy who pops up - like Joe!)*** I DID HAVE TO LOL AT THIS HAHA. i think of you all as friends aswell :), even though i am very envious of you all for having medals hahaha

^ i dont really look for spoilers (until reacently), i prefere to watch an episode and be more surprised and spoilers annoy me too much lol
< watchin tv
v what moment in your life has made you the most nervous? (e.g. sitting exams etc)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*No worries Joe you'll get one soon enough I'm sure. =]*

^ Just one moment? I was crawling out of my skin at my HS graduation... I'm not good in groups & having to walk with everyone watching... scared the bejesus out of me!
< Working
v Do you ever write fan letters to the cast?
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ no don't think there is a point, its not like they will ever read them and i'd prefer to meet them in person :L and i just find fan mail creepy (no offense) like feel awkard writing it and i would never ever send it, i love ncis and the characters but the actors/actresses have a job to do and i wouldn't want to disturb them..
< getting ready to go out with friends and feeling really worried and nervous bout going to work tomorow and i don't know why :L.
V have you ever met any famous person?!
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ ye i have met the ex england cricket captain micheal vaughn but thats not very interesting lol, hoping to talk to peter kay when i see him in december
< nowt interesting
v have you a film that if someone says there gonna watch it, you immediately say its crap and tell them not to watch it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Yeah the Clive Owen film The Internationalist, it really dissapointed me. Was crap!!
< Just back from the shop.
v Best film you've seen this year??
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ watched the shawshank redemption for the first time this year. if you mean whats been released this year i dunno lol
< same as before
v lifes ambition?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Don't worry, Joe. Having a medal doesn't mean anything LOL. But if you want anything rated just ask and I'll be happy to do it! :)

^ To be happy with everything that I have.
< Getting ready for tonight. PARTY! :D
v Favourite song in the whole wide world?
over a year ago smileandnod said…
^"Amazing Grace" ever since I was an infant in a crib! <3 that song :)
< stapling things together. (@work)
v Who is one actor/actress you'd like to see guest star on NCIS?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Holly Marie Combs :)
< About to go to a party :)
v Do you like having philosophical discussions?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Oh I love having philosophical discussions, or debates!
< Relaxing!
v Favorite song right now?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
**Haha, don't worry, Joe. I don't have a medal either. = (
^ Family Portrait by Pink, No One by Alicia Keyes, most Hindi songs, and According to you by Orianthi.

< HW

v Do you have any favorite people on fanpop?

I gotta admit that I do LOL. They are mostly people on this spot, such as Dannii, Joe, Jenna, Joyce, - well, there are too many people to list them all, or else this list would be really really long!! But mostly on this site, and I just love people on fanpop because most of them are just so nice and sweet, and as Jenna said, they are my friends now LOL.
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Aww thanks Janie! =] The people on here are great aren't they!*

^ Of course I do! <3 [[Joyce, Dani, Lauren, Jenn, Janie, Joe, etc]]
< Exhausted so I'm just relaxing.
v In Judgement Day Part II, when the team got called into Vance did you think he was going to disband the team like that?
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
**Haha ya, I know. I just love this site. = D Unfortunately there are some really mean people on here, but no way am I going to let that ruin my fanpop fun!!

^ Yes and no! I felt that something was going to happen, but I thought that he was going to like, give Tony/Ziva a suspension or something for not protecting Jenny, or something along the lines of that! But I'm glad that he disbanded the team. They needed to cool off, and at least no one got suspended or anything.

< Reading.

v Two questions:
1. Did you feel that it was Tony's fault that John Maine died, considering Tony "disobeyed" the doctors and questioned him anyway?

2. Don't you find it cool how we are all connected through fanpop regardless of our age and country? And do you think that if we didn't have fanpop but we met each other in real life, we would all be friends like we are on here?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Well I wouldn't say it's his fault per se because he was only trying to do his job. I do find it very awesome that we are connected through fanpop. I think that we would be friends if we met in real life. I mean our main link is NCIS/Tiva, however we are very supportive of each other when something is going on too. =]
< Bones
v Booth & Brennan in "Two Bodies in the Lab" had a scene were they kind of went crazy & were dancing. Would you like to see NCIS dancing scene? (& Tiva?)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
^Yes! I would like to see it be a McAbby dancing scene, however, because I really just can't see Tony and Ziva just rocking out to the music LOL.

< Just got out of the shower.

v Do you believe that in 2012, the world will end?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Eeek... I'm a bad person to answer that question b/c I'm scared to death of dieing and I'm over analytical. I try to be optimistic and say no the world won't end in 2012, but it's hard to ignore the fact that we really don't know what's going to happen.
< Bones.
v What's something you'd love to see the team do outside of the office? (dinner, night out, ice skating, concert, etc?)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
*Haha, ya, I know. I'm like so scared of death, which I know is stupid, but I know that I'm going to be really really pissed off if 2012 happens...I have a whole plan for my future LOL. Go to college, become a pharmacist or something, meet the guy of my dreams, and start a family...= ) LOL of course things never work out like they're supposed to, so I guess we'll have to see what happens!!

^ Absolutely! I can oddly see Ziva as a dancer-in like the "cha-cha or the tango......

< Nothing....

v Do you think it would be funny/cool if they jokingly combined the names in NCIS and were like, "Oh, Ziva, did you know mine and your name combined mean Tiva? There are a lot of meanings for it...but I think that Zony sounds better. Italian!!" (IDK why, but I can imagine Tony saying that..) or the same with McAbby?? LOL I think it'd be funny but also pretty weird..
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think that would be genius... although I picture Abby being the one who says it about Tiva. =]
< Bones
v Which two would you like to see change places for a day? (It can't be two agents, should be like Abby & Ducky or Palmer & Tony, etc)
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ palmer & tony :) ha that would be so cool :)
< just relaxing :)
V what are your plans for the weekend?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Taking my daughter shopping for school shoes and stuff for my mum's mothers day! Then going for a few drinks and dinner with friends!
< Just out of bed!
v Whats your fav time of year??
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
^ Christmas is my fav time of the year, a time for family and togetherness, just love spending time with the whole family and acting stupid and nobody cares :)
< nothing
V what is your favourite song?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
*** Awwwww, I love you guys too! I feel like I've made friends who truly understand what I'm like because we have the same interests!

^ Right now? Safetysuit - Anywhere But Here
< At my friends house after the party.
v How far away is your birthday? Mine is in seven days!
over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
* i would love to see an episode where Mcgee needs to learn how to dance to go undercover or something so he dances around abbys lab with abby then gibbs comes in and is like what are you doin! :L