Penguins of Madagascar Incorrect Answer

MaxTheCat posted on Aug 15, 2012 at 05:14PM
I was browsing through the Twilight Spot and found this game, so it dawned on me to bring it here on this spot.

Basically this game involves a question where someone asks POM related things and the next poster has to answer it with a wrong answer.

Here let's begin :

First Poster : What is the name of spin off show that Includes Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private?


Poster Below : The Beavers of Madagascar

Poster's Question: What is the name of the pairing between Skipper and Marlene?


Poster Below: Lenskip

Poster's Question: Private's former archnemesis in mini golf was___________.


Poster Below: The Pink Gorilla

And so on and so forth!

It's a lot of fun because you don't have to think of the right answer. Go ahead and use creative imagination, there almost no restrictions.Except maybe keep it POM related and try not to make like it will offend other people. Other than that..HAVE FUN

Tip: Try twisting your answers to make it sound funny! XD

Here I'll give out the first one: Why does Skipper always make up stories about Manfreedi and Johnson?

Good Luck :)

Penguins of Madagascar 1447 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 1447

over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Because Private didn't invit him to his tea party.

Why is Dale so slow?
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Because he injured his legs in the 2012 Olympics. :P

Does Kowalski carry a clipboard around with him?
over a year ago LeonardFan said…
To write the longest love poem for Doris so she will love him back XD

What do you think went wrong during Rico's childhood that made into what he is now?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
He ate too many potatoes. (XD)

What kind of vegetable was Mort holding up at the end of the Christmas special?
over a year ago LeonardFan said…

True or False, Julien once said that Mort doesn't take a shower?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
False. And I don't think you want to know how he knows that. O.O

Does Julien think mangoes are sweety sweet?
over a year ago LeonardFan said…
Nope, he hates mangoes and they taste like Mort who doesn't take a shower XD

What is the name of pet that Glady's mistakenly identified as a cat?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Officer X. (O.O...Gladys REALLY needs to have her eyesight checked!!!! XD)

What is the name of the snail in Arch Enemy?
over a year ago LeonardFan said…
big smile
Marissa, my aunt from Maple Street who walks to her workplace

Why did Marlene initiate Game Night?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Because the magical flying pixie potatoes told her to. (O_____O)

Who is Manfredi and Johnson anyway?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(0_o!!!XD!!!) Two girls who are redhead sisters and haves blue eyes. They carry potatos everytime and will realize their dreams singing today in The Voice BR(DAFUQ?0_o!!!).

Who likes butterscotch lollipops?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
The previously mentioned magical flying pixie potatoes.

Who had a major sugar rush in Skorca?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) Barry and Hans,they said that Skipper is a wale what wears a tutu and sings "Margaritaville"(YEAH,the continuation of the poll and image!!! XD!!!).

Who are the flying pixie potatos???
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Oh you know they're those little winged sparkly potatoes that grant you POM wishes and Marlene talks to them all the time.

So what happened in Denmark?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(0_o...Marlene haves...uh...nevermind...0_o...) Hans have meet Skipper,then he showed him the city,told him how use oranges in his pants, them they hav falled in love and Hans kissed Skipper and Hans forgot that he haz a girlfriend. Skipper discovered,freaked out,killed her with a plastic knife , then Hans get sad,tried 2 say sorry and Skipper hav tried 2 kill Hans ,so Hans hav hurt his feelings,Skipper hurt Hans back and now they r enemies (DAFUQ).

What is Dr. Blowhole's nickname(in his tank,remember?)?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(Well remember when they told her to have game night? XD And you totally copied that from your wallpost on the POM wall. I agree...O___O)

Blowhole's nickname is Justin Bieber. (O_______________O)

What is Skipper's nickname for Max?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(Hey i copied that from MY wall post!!! I can do it! ) (And...DAFUQ!!!XD!!!) Ringtail (PFFFFF...).

What is Skipper's nickname for Mort?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(^That's what I said. You copied it from your wallpost on the POM wall. And Ringtail? HAHA! XD)

Skipper's nickname for Mort is Eva Longoria. (O____________________________O XD)

What's Skipper's nickname for Alex?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) (0_o...XD!!!) Sad Eye(XD!!!).

What is Skipper's nickname for Julien?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Skipper's nickname for Julien is....Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

What is Skipper's nickname for Burt?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!Marry Poppings!!!) Mooncat.

Who is Alice?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
A potato.

What type of animal is Maurice?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(U R REALLY A POTATO!!!LOL!!!XD!!!) A cockroach(He is one of Rico's friends!!!).

Penguins vs. Lemurs: what species is the cooler?(reference 2 the videogame)
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
I'll go with....POTATO! (What makes you think I'm a potato? It's not like I say potato in every sentence. It's not like I'm obsessed with potatoes or anything. I mean, potatoes are cool but I'm not one of those weirdos who goes on and on about potatoes.)

Who won the fight in Crown Fools: Skipper or the Rat King?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) The Ratqueen(XD!!!).

Who saved the zoo playing minigolf?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
A potato. (Seriously, what makes you think I'm obsessed with potatoes?)

Who is Rodney?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(Maybe the same thing what makes me obsessed with 42!!!LOL!!!) DA RED SQUIRREL!!!

Who is Hans?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(^Pfft I was kidding XD)

DA CHARTREUSE SQUIRREL! (or a potato. whatever works. XD)

T/F: Skipper is the leader of the lemurs.
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…

over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(Interesting question...I'll have to think on it. XD)

Absolutely. (randomness. the second best thing in the world.)

If randomness is the second best thing in the world, what's the first? I'll give you a hint. This is the ________ __ __________ spot. XD
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) Haters of potatoes.

Why r u obsessed with potatoes?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…

How many times must I tell you?! I'M A POTATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's Rico's favorite thing?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) Lunacorns.

Who's Rico's girlfriend?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
A potato.

What's Skipper's favorite kind of coffee?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) Coffee with 42 different potatoes.

Doctor who?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…

Doctor POTATO!

Who's the king of the lemurs?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!#DEAD!!!) A potato!!!

over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(I can just imagine a potato walking..err..rolling in the OR wearing scrubs. XD)

What do you think? A POTATO!!!!!

How many grains of salt are there in the mess hall salt shaker?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…

over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
(that's a question? ok I'll see what i can do...)

678, 435 kartoffels. (potato in danish. XD)

Who said: "POTATO!" at the end of the Christmas special?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!#IMDEAD) Burt!

Batata?(potato in portuguese!!!XD!!!)
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
The answer to everything is potato.

CAT! AS! TRO! TUN! ITY! was said by whom?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…

Doctor Who?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Potato Who.

Who's the zoo's zookeeper?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(0_o...XD!!!) Roy.

Who is Fred?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
That random potato that steals the penguins' watermelons and sells them on ebay.

Who is Gladys?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(XD!!!) A potato who haves carrot hair and dances hula dance to cockroaches and Rico.

Who's Potato???
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
A Watermelon that steals your potatoes and sells them on amazon.

Who's Dale?
over a year ago Penguins_fan said…
(U r obsessed with this too!!!) 42 potato.

Sonic screwdriver?
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
42 penguins eating potatoes.

Does King Julien love dancing? (I'll give you a hint. Do I love potatoes? XD)