Hetalia My Hetalia Family

BeB posted on Jul 05, 2011 at 02:27AM
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!

Hetalia 28392 replies

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Showing Replies 851-900 of 28392

over a year ago BeB said…
big smile
ya sure! ^^ *hands over froggy* can you make me a alien plushie??
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Yes...I have alot of time on my hands XD
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Yush! -hands alien plushie-
over a year ago england-rocks said…
can one of you tell me what HetaOni is?
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I couldn't do it.. I try to refrain from watching videos RELATED to HetaOni! If I watch it, I'll start crying again like I'm about to cry now!! And because 17 part 2 isn't out.. I'm still waiting x___x I hope the creator will be fine soon..
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Switzerland link
over a year ago NanaChi said…
@Swissy: HetaOni is a fanmade horror RPG! It's made into videos and a person translated them into English and put them on Youtube. Basically, everyone is trapped in a fucking scary mansion and that alien I showed you keeps screwing with them every chance he gets..

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
I actually don't bother to read HetaOni,I think it'll be too scary or something..<<
over a year ago england-rocks said…
big smile
:D cool
over a year ago NanaChi said…
LOL It's not scary after you get used to the ugly naked bastard! It's just sad and makes you anxious..
over a year ago england-rocks said…
i'm watching it now :D
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I'm still waiting for part 2 of 17...TT__TT but while I was waiting I watched RomaHeta and HetaQuest and a new one was released called HetaHazard
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I heard RomaHeta got cancelled.. so I didn't start watching it. I may start watching HetaQuest though. And I already started HetaHazard, it seems very interesting! DAMN, now I'm depressed again...........
over a year ago BeB said…
... I never watched HetaOni... I have no real opinion ^^ and yaaaaaaay *hugs* thanks!...but that was a cool pic Romano!! THATS TONYS GIRLFRIEND 8D
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
RomaHeta got cancelled? TT__TT I just started that...
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
America...you know theres more than one right?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: China.I'm your friend here.You can tel me what you said.And I've NEVER heard of HetOni.

Russia: Don't be fooled China! She-*gets mouth covered by me*

Me: Shut it brother!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
America...you know theres more than one right?
over a year ago BeB said…
??? whats RomaHeta?? GOD DAMN IT I FEEL LIKE A FAIL :/
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Welcome aru.8D-hugs panda and frog-
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Oh... I'M SORRY! D: I heard a buncha people and the translator say that the maker of RomaHeta quit and so it's being discontinued.. Have you seen that video HetaOni Douga?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(Did my reply show?)
over a year ago BeB said…
I thnk I know HetaQuest 0_0
over a year ago england-rocks said…
tony has a gf?!?
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Fem Russia ..Nothing,nothing aru.^^"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: Tell me China!Pwease?
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@America *sigh*You're not the only one feeling that way aru..-is very confused-
over a year ago BeB said…
and ya I think idk ?_?
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Fem Russia ..B-but there's nothing to talk about aru.^^'-backs away behind Belarus-
over a year ago NanaChi said…
HetaOni is the one where they're trapped in the mansion.
RomaHeta is the one where they're trapped in a video game.
HetaQuest is something I forgot..
HetaHazard is when they fall into a secret lab below the meeting room at America's place.
over a year ago BeB said…
YAY, China,you dont know either? TwT Lets talk about something too!!! ^^ Like.... THIS do you think that France likes Canada??
YAY, China,you dont know either? TwT Lets talk about something too!!! ^^ Like.... THIS do you think t
over a year ago england-rocks said…
big smile
HetaOni is soo funny!!! lol hahaha
over a year ago BeB said…
Huh 0_0 its fanthings though right?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me:I know there is!
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Yep they're all fanmade, but they're pretty freakin SWEET. That is, if you like the darkside/drama side of Hetalia.
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Yes,he does.He also likes you,England,Japan,Germany,Italy,Romano,Swi­tz,­Hun­gar­y,P­rus­sia­,Ko­rea­,Ho­ng Kong,Russia,Belarus,Ukraine,and,sadly,me aru. ._.
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Fem Russia I-It's nothing really aru..^^"-looks away-
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I think France likes Iggy and Spain the most. Or maybe I just read too many doujinshis with him being alone and wishing he was with one of them. :|
over a year ago LunaShay said…
I thought he'd like Iggy or America aru..Considering I read a doujinshi with America wanting to use the "French way" of dieting..0_o
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: Nighty night guys.I'll get that information out of you China! ^^

Russia: Come on sister!It's very late!

Me: I'm coming! *leaves*
over a year ago LunaShay said…
..N-Never.No one will EVER know aru.>/ / /<
over a year ago BeB said…
XD lol I bet, but huh since he and I are the only ones to know WHO Canada is half the time... I was just wondering. -3- I'd kick his ass if he hurt my bro though, and psh I dunt care if he likes Iggy -_- ... and that does sound kinda cool...
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I do think France and Canada might have something going on...
I do think France and Canada might have something going on...
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Daaaaaaaaamn I wish there was a way to just ASK him, but he'd probably say everyone, then try to rape you...

Also cool HetaOni fanart!
Daaaaaaaaamn I wish there was a way to just ASK him, but he'd probably say everyone, then try to rape
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
damn it. i hated that part. it made me cry... TT____TT
over a year ago LunaShay said…
..Yeahh I don't want to watch it aru.<___<
@America Well,you have had some sexual "relationships" with France though...Or so I've read aru..
over a year ago BeB said…
?? WHAT??? SINCE WHEN? 0//0
over a year ago BeB said…

btw this website rocks dudes 0w0
over a year ago LunaShay said…
*cough*Since last month aru.I was looking through some doujinshis and found an America x England and America x France comic.One was you starting it with England and the other was to get rid of some of your weight and become skinnier aru.-w- The French style is sure convincing,hmm America aru? :D
over a year ago BeB said…
0///0... -///- that'd explain this
0///0... -///- that'd explain [i]this[/i]