Hetalia My Hetalia Family

BeB posted on Jul 05, 2011 at 02:27AM
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!

Hetalia 28392 replies

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Showing Replies 501-550 of 28392

over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I feel like I missed out on something....
over a year ago maneafaiga01 said…
I'm new here and I'm russiaxchina3's big sister in real life. russiaxchina3 cannot talk to you guys because her account was suspended and we don't know when she can be back on. so she'll make a new accont if her old one is still suspended.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
America, you and France argue so much. But I think there's obviously something going on between you two..
America, you and France argue so much. But I think there's obviously something going on between you t
over a year ago NanaChi said…
ahhhhhh what the hell!
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
Oh shame! We lost Turkey!
And I agree with you Belarus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
And this isn't photoshopped, I took this picture myself, I was looking for Russia with my camera, and I found this!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Maneafaiga01 AIYAH!Not Turkey aru!;A;
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BeB said…
0///0 w-where did you... ITS ALL A LIE!!!! *turns red and pulls out photo* And this is real too! You say your in love with your precious Nii-san, well well! What do you have to say about THIS?
0///0 w-where did you... ITS ALL A LIE!!!! *turns red and pulls out photo* And this is real too! You
over a year ago BeB said…
Same for you Hungary, ya I WAS STILL THERE AFTER THE MEETING CONFERENCE ROOM WHEN YOU TALKED TO PRUSSIA! Ha! Now you 2 wont pair me up anymore- with France or England!
over a year ago BeB said…
And that sucks, Turkey was really cool...
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
Turkey-san will be missed.
*observes moment of silence for the loss of Turkey*
We have lost yet another member of our Hetalia family....such a sad day this is.
America-kun you and England BELONG together! >:L
last edited over a year ago
Turkey-san will be missed.
*observes moment of silence for the loss of Turkey*
We have lost yet anoth
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@America What about this..?-w-
[b]@America What about this..?-w-[/b]
over a year ago LunaShay said…
YES!-high fives Hungary-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
Yes America-kun! Explain THAT!
*high fives China*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
WHAT THE-?! That is fake!!! I've never done such a thing!!!!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
And explain this, America. I know this wasn't just a friendly hug between you and England.
And explain this, America. I know this wasn't just a friendly hug between you and England.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
you cant deny these pictures America >:3
you cant deny these pictures America >:3
over a year ago BeB said…
0///0' damn it!!! >//< fakes! ALL FAKES! Fngirls are so cruel! ENGLAND AND I ARE NOT TOGETHER! >//< Name a time when we ever got along! How do we belong together??? And China I didn't know you liked Taiwan like that...
0///0' damn it!!! >//< fakes! ALL FAKES! [i]Fngirls are so cruel![/i] ENGLAND AND I ARE [b]NOT[/b] TO
over a year ago BeB said…
DAMN IT BELARUS! And you know you like Lithuania!!!! And I can deny for as long as I want!
DAMN IT BELARUS! And you know you like Lithuania!!!! And I can deny for as long as I want!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Well, didnt you and England get along when you were younger? It seemed like it...
Well, didnt you and England get along when you were younger? It seemed like it...
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
>///> nonsense. I have no interest in Lithuania!!
over a year ago BeB said…
Psh and you can't deny these!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Those photos aren't real! I don't like Lithuania!!! >_<
over a year ago LunaShay said…
T-That never happened aru!T-T
Well,you can't deny the pictures for England also,huh America aru..:3
[b]T-That never happened aru!T-T
Well,you can't deny the pictures for England also,huh America aru..
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Captain America huh? >;3
Captain America huh? >;3
over a year ago BeB said…
...Thats when I was younger! We... haven't been the same since the Revolutionary War... And ya sure ya dont, you know hes been digging ya, and sooner or later you'll come around!
over a year ago BeB said…
NO NONE IS TRUE!! >//< This is sexual harrasment! Why do you want me to be with England so badly?? The dude hates me!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Huh? *blushes* w-what?
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@America -sigh-I feel your pain aru..
over a year ago BeB said…
What about this?
What about this?
over a year ago BeB said…
And how would YOU know China?? T_T
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Me and Japan,baka!I even have a freaking scar from him when he attacked me with his katana aru!T_T
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Do you not see my knife against his face?! I love Russia and no one else.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
See? I told you theres nothing going on between me and Lithuania! He's obviously interested in Poland!!
See? I told you theres nothing going on between me and Lithuania! He's obviously interested in Poland
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: Hi guys.....France is here?!COME HERE YOU WINE GUZZLING S.O.B!

Russia: WAAAAAA!BELARUS!!! *runs away*
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
BIG BROTHER!!! *runs after Russia* *_*
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
^Ohhh! That's such an ambiguous paring! It confuses even me.
Also quit pestering Belarus-chan America-kun!
Unless you want a knife shoved up your vital regions....
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…

Me: *gets in front of Belarus* I don't think so! *holds my shovel*
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
*___* even if you are the female version of my brother. I won't let you get in my way. *pulls out knives*

Vital regions? Hungary, you have been hanging around Prussia too long.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: I won't let you hurt my brother.

Russia: *hides in a closet*
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I wouldn't dare to hurt Russia! I love him!!
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
D: Perhaps you are right Belarus-chan. *stares off into the distance* -_-'
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
C-China....what have you been feeding Shinatty-chan?
C-China....what have you been feeding Shinatty-chan?
over a year ago BeB said…
Hm.. I guess your right dude.. and Hungary... your helping me?? 83
over a year ago BeB said…
And maybe hes into both >_> You and Poland...
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
-________- Poland and Lithuania are always together.
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Belarus Shinatty chan!~X3 -hugs-
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: You scare him.And who's Shinatty-chan?

Russia: Kill her! Squish her like a bug!
over a year ago Trainofdoom said…
Oh right I was helping you wasn't I...um..but France-san left already...
My Frying pan is thirsting for blood.....
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
How rude.