Hetalia My Hetalia Family

BeB posted on Jul 05, 2011 at 02:27AM
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!

Hetalia 28392 replies

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over a year ago NanaChi said…
Lithuania loves you just the way you are, that says something. LOL
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Romano True aru.And hey,didn't you have my "disease" before aru?<_<
over a year ago BeB said…
big smile
Belarus I think your really cute and nice ^^ ... sometimes... and hey Lithuania LOVES you dudette! ^^ .... BUT WHATS UP WITH THE PICS OF ME AND BELARUS?? -//- and wow Romano, when did Spain die ?? 0_0 but your bro loves you Belarus, see? :)
Belarus I think your really cute and nice ^^ ... sometimes... and hey Lithuania LOVES you dudette! ^^
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Jeez America,I never see you around for the last couple days,what have you been doing aru?-w-
And yes,I got those pictures from Hong Kong aru.I just took them,copied them,and now here they are aru.>_<
over a year ago NanaChi said…
America you're quite late!! And.. I don't want.. to talk about the past -tears up-
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
but he doesn't love me like that....big brother has always payed more attention to Lithuania. He spends more time with him..that's why I hate Lithuania...
over a year ago BeB said…
Heh sorry, and wow *hugs Romano* s-sorry!!! I was talking to ... someone. ^^' Hero buisness
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I-I'm fine.. I'm the manliest one here.. -sniffles-
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Belarus *cough* Then take advice from the "hero" I need to go get some cough medicine.<<
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
America how do you love someone?
over a year ago BeB said…
Hahaha okay okay ^^ *gives tissue* and Belarus, your bro... lets just say he thinks of you as his baby sis, but maybe you should give Lithy a chance! Hes a pretty great dude, and at least you have your family! ^^ Thats most important!
Hahaha okay okay ^^ *gives tissue* and Belarus, your bro... lets just say he thinks of you as his bab
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
That doesn't help me love someone! How do you love someone?!
over a year ago BeB said…
U-Uhh... ^//^' sorry but the hero doesn't like talking about his personal love affairs~ If you mean love, love, ask someone like France. If you mean brotherly/sisterly love... ask China, he has the most siblings!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I'm not talking about that kind of love >///> im just wondering how i don't force my love like China says. How can i show someone that i love them?
over a year ago BeB said…
Oh, well thats easy. Be your self. Just be the kind sweet, nice Bela you've been hiding all these years!
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm try spending time with them casually! Not overdoing things is best.. and be there for them when they need you to be. And listen to what they have to say.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I guess I can try that...thank you America, Romano *smiles*
over a year ago BeB said…
No prob, and wow Romano, your really good at giving romantic advice!!! ^^ Wow maybe you are a ladies man huh? XD And you can do it Belarus! :)
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Well yeah! I'm the sexy Italian that's going to date everyone's sisters but then run off to marry a dude!
over a year ago BeB said…
LOL wow XD I'm glad I dont have any sisters now!!!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
.____. uhh.....
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Maybe that came off the wrong way.. -shrugs-
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
it really did...o.O
over a year ago NanaChi said…
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
*rolls eyes* sure....whatever you say.
over a year ago BeB said…
It so did -3- and I'm also still the hero!!! With my pet frog 83
It so did -3- and I'm also still the hero!!! With my pet frog 83
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: I leave for like a freaking day and look what all you guys have done!!....I don't even know what you've done!!So please tell me!

Russia: Wow......
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago NanaChi said…
Last night I had a dream that there was a buncha Tony aliens from HetaOni and I said they had a fat head and laughed at them, then they opened up their stomaches and sprayed me with alien water!!! D:
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Romano ..0_o?
@America My panda bear is cuter aru.>w<
@Russia and Fem Russia Ah,hello there.You didn't miss much aru..^^"(Thinks:I hope Belarus doesn't tell Russia what I said,I'd be dead.<<)
over a year ago england-rocks said…
I'm Switzerland.
I'm Switzerland.
over a year ago BeB said…
hehe wow dude, what happened afteR??? did you die?? 0_0 DONT SAY YOU DIED!!!
... And your probably right China, but Froggy is a fun toy- I got it imported from YOU after all XD

and you didnt' miss much, just pairing everyone up, sam bizzness
over a year ago BeB said…
Hey Switzerland!!! Welcome to the family!
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I don't remember.. I just remember being in a car next. 8D
Someone must have drugged my pasta... -glares at China-
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@America True true,Froggy is very kawaii,but panda bears are even cuter aru!>w<
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Romano ..Don't look at me,I only did that to your chocolate milkshake aru.
over a year ago BeB said…
Now Liech-chan has her big bro!
over a year ago england-rocks said…
Froggy is so cute <3

over a year ago england-rocks said…
yes,yes she dose
over a year ago BeB said…
lol I like Aliens and stuff, I'm not into cute things really ^^
over a year ago LunaShay said…
..Then I can have your frog aru?83
over a year ago NanaChi said…
over a year ago england-rocks said…
haha nice one china :3
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
That alien scares me... *shivers*
over a year ago LunaShay said…
@Romano That scared me while I was scrolling down aru..o_o"
over a year ago england-rocks said…
@ romano
WTF!!! thats creepy!
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I've watched HetaOni 3 times and that still scares me...
over a year ago NanaChi said…
My mission is complete then.
over a year ago NanaChi said…
I... take my hat off to you..