Bones Lately from HartHanson

deedeedot posted on May 16, 2009 at 12:28AM
I decided to make this topic according to his announcements about Bones...i will try to update this topic every time Hart say anything new about Bones on his twitter will give us the whole point of his view and the Bones season 5 airing.Also if you find any news about this add it here please:) thank you!

sometimes tweets from Stephen Nathan and TJ Thyne includes:)
last edited on Jul 26, 2009 at 01:07AM

Bones 345 replies

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over a year ago natulle said…
Hahaha yeah that one was a little funnier d;
The bones panel at Comic Con of what I've seen was so funny (;
And why is it that the cast keep getting hurt d;
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Ooh, we'd very much like have "Pritch" from England on BONES again. The wonderful Indira Varma. Scrulumtuously talented. @sophiewebber

merder4ev: what was Brennan doing in Cuba that she wasn't allowed to tell "Pickering" from the state department ?

HH: I could tell you what Brennan was doing in Cuba but it would violate the National Securities Act and they'd deport me to Canada.

*!!! HH: Regarding the note Brennan wrote while being held by the Gravedigger; it may come up during the Gravedigger's trial. Maybe. !!!*

HH: Sadly, I do not know when the next promo comes out though the gallery shoots are happening very soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
big smile
It's a very clumsy Bones cast! :P Yes! The note!! :D :D
over a year ago ebathory said…
Ohhh.... The gravedigger trial, huh? So maybe the season 5 gravedigger episode just revolves around the court case kinda like 'verdict in the story'. I was hoping for another kidnapping!
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah the note :D I hope so.. Maybe it can be both you know a trial and a kidnappening. Of course with a good storyline but if they play their cards right that could make an other good episode.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Yeah I think the trial would definitely be interesting to see, don't get me wrong! But I'm still hoping for a B&B kidnapping :D
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah the kidnapping is great ;D
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: The Squints are having their gallery photo shoot tomorrow while B&B are ComicConning. Who schedules all this stuff? Some genius General?

(HH: I will not be Tweeting from ComicCon. I only Tweet from my computer when I'm writing, not from a phone. I'm sure someone else will cover it.)
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
Does that mean none of the other squints will be at ComicCon? :(
over a year ago deedeedot said…
they wont be and like the interns they didnt even get an invatation, i talked to Ryan Cartwright (Vincent Nigel-Murray) today and he told me hes not even shootin Bones atm, even in the scripts hes in the second episode...hes doin his shoots in september now hes doin on Mad Men serie...
when i asked about Comic Con he said that only big guys are invited maybe squints are doin photoshooting cos they werent able to go to CC anyway.

Stephen Nathan: Hart and Emily are frolicking at Comic-Con, talking to the Bones fans. I'm here thrilled with how good the new cameras are.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: ComicCon crowd was amazing. DB couldn't make it so just Emily and me. BONES fans are vociferous, opinionated, and fun, fun, fun.

-(well and cos of article in the links section we already know why DB couldnt make it)-

Stephen Nathan: Episode Three: Get out the handkerchiefs.

-(what the hell is that supposed to mean????)-
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
A sad episode...
over a year ago deedeedot said…
yeah but what kind of sad? death? agrue? break up?....
and maybe it could be just very touching, but in a good way...who knows...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago natulle said…
Oh what do they have in store for us this time ? Hope it's not too sad but like you said deedeedot that it's in a good way... Arrrgh what can it be d;
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Back, safe at home from ComicCon. Emily was GREAT throughout. Spent time on the phone this morning describing EVERYTHING to DB. In detail.

HartHanson: Brennan would NEVER abandon Booth in a time of need! No spoiler in that, just basic character.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
little announcement: It's Hart Hanson Birthday today, so everyone who's got a twitter wish him something nice:) link
over a year ago natulle said…
Okay so I've joint twitter recetly and I also wanted to ask him something even though I know he might not reply but how do you wirte to him ? Because whem I'm on his twitter page I don't know where to write... Could you help me d; ?
over a year ago deedeedot said…
well when you are at your home page and see one of his updates, when you come there with your cursor you see a litlle star and an arrow so press the arrow and in your status window appears @harthanson so you just let it there leave a space and write what you want and appears to him...
whats your name up there btw?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago natulle said…
Okay thanks (; I thought it might be there but wasn't sure d;
My name is the same as here 'natulle' d; What is yours (; ?
over a year ago deedeedot said…
same, or well almost the same, its deedeedott...double t, cos single one was taken:/

jrfanfrommo: Why doesn't Booth wear his seat belt? It's the law in all states! Bones doesn't all the time either...setting bad example!

HartHanson: You're so right about Booth not wearing his seatbelt. Believe me, I've tried. I'm a fuddy duddy Dad type. He's devil may care.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Rumors today that we will be asked to do a very interesting cross-over episode. Hint: It ain't "Family Guy".
over a year ago deedeedot said…
jbn19872005: Why wasn't ED told about DB directing? We fans heard about this in June! Do DB and ED not talk? This was a WTF moment for us :(

HH: Absolutely Emily was told about David directing. They talk ALL the time. They are partners on and off screen.

KatGirl44: In Hero in the Hold, did Brennan see Teddy or did Booth think she saw him?Asking again to settle a little bet between loyal fans

HH: I suppose the answer depends upon whether you believe in ghosts. If so, she may have seen Parker; if not, Booth only thought so.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Looking for music for episode 3 ... WOW! We have never ever been this classy before. Stephen Fry is rubbing off on BONES.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Emily's broken toe was doing very well until I stepped on it at ComicCon. She is a gazelle, I am a rhino. Thanks for asking. @AuntTerriP

HartHansonPal David Shore tapped to remake ROCKFORD FILES. Best project in the world combined with wonderful writer. Hope he doesn't cast DB!

*I hope so too!!!! David B. belongs to BONES haha*
over a year ago deedeedot said…
hannahibal247: will we ever hear Sweets sing lime in the coconut?

HH: Sweets singing "Lime in Da Coconut" is almost as big a desired outcome as Booth and Brennan hooking up.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
just some more random:)

librarypaste: Is Jack Hodgins (the character) based on Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws) or are they just coincidentally similar?

HartHanson: Jack Hodgins the character started out as a different, more phlegmatic academic trope but TJ Thyne took him a whole new way.
over a year ago JoweSparrow said…
I've wondered the same thing myself.
over a year ago g3u16 said…
"What we do know about the next season is that it picks up six weeks later and after Bones returns from a trip to Guatemala. We also know that her baby plans are on hold and that Booth is still in a state of confusion at the season opener."

i got this from link

can't believe Bones would leave Booth when he is sick...
over a year ago deedeedot said…
yeah we know that, but Hart said "Brennan would never abonded Booth"

HartHanson: I'm reading what Craig Ferguson has to say about TV rather than writing TV. If you don't like ep. 5 of this season, blame Craig.

HartHanson: We have not yet decided what happened to Angela's Mom. It's a Story-In-Waiting. @2PennySparrow
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: There are firm plans to meet Booth's grandpa. A real tough guy war hero type. Well, as firm as TV plans can be anyway.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Lol I just watched Gran Tourino and the description of Booth's grandpa made me think of Walt... Except hopefully he won't be quite so racist ;)
over a year ago natulle said…
I hope we get to see Booth's gandpa, I think it would be an interesting episode (;
over a year ago Lucretia said…
I agree with you Natascha because of his grandpa Booth is still alive....
over a year ago deedeedot said…
agree with you guys, id love to see his reactions on Bones:) cos so far all Booth guys like her a lot(even Parker) :)
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah I agree... I would love to see what he thinks of her, and how Booth acts around him and stuff like that
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: link - Emily's boyfriend David gave me this shirt so now I love him.

thats strange that her bf name is David :D i would like to see the guy, hope he doeasnt also look alike DB :D
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
Strange coincidence :D
Love the shirt :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah kind strange/ a coincidence that his name is David d;
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: I've never understood these persistent rumors that there is tension between David and Emily. They get along terrifically well. @amc815
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: A Bones/NCIS crossover is not a good possibility because they are produced by different studios for different networks. @jenAgraham
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Stephen Fry is looking less likely for our Christmas episode but he will definitely be in an upcoming episode. @resa53

kaylla: I can't wait to see what ur excuse is gonna be to explain how Booth's hair is already all grown back in 6 weeks!

HH: But it DID grow back in six weeks! Does it help that DB is Italian and has an excellent head of hair?

pixelek: Another intern? Seriously? Why can't the show focus more on the characters we got to love in season 1&2? Hodge, Angela, Cam?

HH: Because it's my show and I can do what I want with it.

HH: Attention: I left my Twitter page up and a certain director from another show answered your Tweet. It wasn't me. Please hate him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ebathory said…
Lol that last bit is funny... But seriously, I kinda agree with pixilek, I miss bren/ange girl talk, booth/hodgins love/hate friendship and all the other great non-BB interactions between the characters (except Cam/Booth shenanigans!) not that I don't love BB but there's still heaps of that so I don't miss it... Did that just make any sense?
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah me too... Just pick one intern and add him to the team d;
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: I keep saying our bodies are made by the Yeagher bros. Incorrect. They aren't test pilots. Bodies are created by Chris and Kevin Yagher.

HH: I of course mean our dead corpse bodies on the show BONES. Not our bodies as humans on the Earth. I don't wanna get into THAT debate.
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
over a year ago Kaydie said…
big smile
I cant wait for season 5!!
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HH: We plan on having all our interns back. Plus, perhaps one more. Possibly a bipolar intern, inspired by an encounter at ComicCon. We'll see.

HH: One of us, a BONESER, got recognized and mobbed by girls at Disneyland today. I'm pretty sure it was his pretty new golden-red head o'hair.

HH: I can do better than hint. Definitely we'll Wendell back. He's our hunky blue collar salt of the earth squint. @KerriMaryBerry

HH: First time ever for BONES: we have two complete scripts in front of us and we can debate which one to shoot next. I'm giddy and paranoid.
over a year ago natulle said…
Why one more intern d; ? Isn't ther enough d; ?

mobbed d; ?

I love Wendell ;D But Vincent too ;D

I can't WAIT to see aaaaaaaall the episodes ;D
over a year ago deedeedot said…

HartHanson: Ultimate sign of success: a homeless man at Pico and Centinela wearing a BONES t-shirt. By the time I looped back around w/ $, he was gone.

HartHanson: Rats. Looks like HEROES got pal Ernie Hudson, who plays Caroline Julian's ex-hub and our favorite defense lawyer. Good for Ernie not for us.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago natulle said…
Hahahahaha ;D