Bones Lately from HartHanson

deedeedot posted on May 16, 2009 at 12:28AM
I decided to make this topic according to his announcements about Bones...i will try to update this topic every time Hart say anything new about Bones on his twitter will give us the whole point of his view and the Bones season 5 airing.Also if you find any news about this add it here please:) thank you!

sometimes tweets from Stephen Nathan and TJ Thyne includes:)
last edited on Jul 26, 2009 at 01:07AM

Bones 345 replies

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over a year ago ebathory said…
I'm sorry but I didn't like that B&B kiss at all... :( As much as I want them to kiss, it seemed a little dodgy but oh well thanks for posting deedee!
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
It could just seem weird because we're reading it rather then seeing it...Well, we'll have to see. :) Thanks deedee! :D
over a year ago deedeedot said…
squarechicken(Stephen Nathan): Just gave Cyndi Lauper a big hug. So glad she's on our show! Even old boys like me just want to have fun!

well its not HH, but its almost like him haha:) Stephen is actually doin the second episode of season 5:)
over a year ago g3u16 said…
"it is Brennan and her arm:) from the sides"

what is this 'sides' you are talking about??
i have no idea...
over a year ago deedeedot said…
sides is a part of script for actors...and you can find the one, or well just a part of it in Links section. sides for episode 5x01...

In the meantime Hart didnt mention anything really for Bones..but there are some nice notes from Tj Thyne -
TJThyne: working on scenes for tomorrow morning: Shoot Day 1 of Season 5, of Fox's Bones! Shuffle complete. And thus, Bones, begins...again! :-)

and than

TJThyne: Day 1 of Bones. Leaving for the lot now. Stage 6, here we come again! :-)
over a year ago deedeedot said…
taking back:) HH starts today hehe

HartHanson: Heading over to Stage 9 for the first shot of Season V: Sweets and Booth in Sweets' office. Sound ...Speed ... ACTION!
over a year ago Lucretia said…
I love this site!
over a year ago g3u16 said…
by the way great forum thank you.

Sweets office means Booth is out of the hospital and that means HH have jumped forward.i really hate that!!!
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
big smile
I can't wait! (:
over a year ago ebathory said…
g3u16 - They very rarely actually shoot TV/movies in the order of the episode, ie. they don't shoot the first scene (that we see) first, they'll shoot it all out of order depending on which sets and actors etc. they are using in each scene. So just because they are shooting a Booth/Sweets scene first doesn't mean that's how they're gonna start the episode.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
amandakosloski: Makes me laugh (just a little) to see that you went to Stage 9, and TJ Thyne went to Stage 6. Not laugh ... furrow my brow?

HH: The first scene of the day shoots on stage 9. The second scene, with TJ, Cam, & Brennan, is on Stage 6 -- the LAB.

to g3u16, mmm well they are not shooting scenes in exact order so maybe there still is a chance they will mention something of his amnesia...but i believe a bit they gonna jump it, cos it would need "to be continued" line for the finale to be continued the story in the season opener...just mine thoughts
over a year ago deedeedot said…
okey interesting note from Stephen Nathan: Production draft of ep. 2 coming out tomorrow. Lookin' goooood. Ep. 3: trains and Chopin. We're diving in now...
I dig up some very doubtful titles for next three episodes, lets see what will be real, in the couple of weeks:
5x02 - The Tough Man in the Tinderbox/Tender Chicken
5x03 - The Bond With the Boot
5x04 - The Plain in the Prodigy
over a year ago natulle said…
Thanks deedee ;)
I really hope they bring up the amnesia thing.. It's a really big deal and it's something they can't just get past like that
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Today's cast lunch, TJ! Let the record show that he wants the fanciest restaurant. Not that we objected. Especially Stephen The Gourmand.

HartHanson: Emily has teeny tiny elegant shrimp-like toes. So why when one is broken does she have to wear a boot bigger than Shaq's size 21's?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: You will have to tune in to find how we dealt with Emily's broken toe. It's our greatest hook EVER! (We didn't replace her toe with a hook.)
over a year ago natulle said…
It's so typical that she broke her toe right before they had to start shooting :p
over a year ago ebathory said…
Lol hook toes :D That would be awesome...
over a year ago deedeedot said…
anniex3leigh: Emily and David are producers on the show, I was just wondering how much input they have on storylines, char. dev., etc.

HH: I listen to David & Emily especially but all the actors really. These are smart creative people who inhabit their characters.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: A few minor issues with our new camera system (blind, horrific panic...) but it's all working out due to a balance of prayer and curses.

*lets pray for the camera system haha:))
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
big smile
Haha! He's hilarious! :D Praying for the camera system. :)
over a year ago deedeedot said…
firstofoctober: I'm curious, who decides what spoilers for the show are shared with fans? The producers? The network? Others?

HH: Who decides on spoilers? Everyone but us. We hate 'em. Hate being asked about what's going to happen. Hate sides going out.
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
I love sides going out lol!
over a year ago deedeedot said…
doctorsuez: Do you know the official number of episodes there will be in Season 5 and could you share that number?

HH: Season V has an order of 22 episodes, as does Season VI.

forensicmama:I was surprised and delighted with David Boreanaz's directing skills. The Bones that Foam was really good from all standpoints.

HH: Thanks for noticing!Yes, the 100th ep will be special in some way we don't know yet. And Boreanaz will direct.

over a year ago deedeedot said…
GSDfan:Hi Hart, I would love to see a gravedigger ep this season! maybe with both Brennan and Booth kidnapped! that would be awsome!

HH: Don't worry the Gravedigger will return!

over a year ago natulle said…
I really hope the gravedigger episode will be good :D
over a year ago deedeedot said…
i always love GD episodes so i think its gonna be awesome:) and that idea of B&B kidnapped together, i thuoght about it like milion times:) they never actually been together in a really dangerous situation together, so i think it will be just brilliant to see that:)
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
big smile
It would be amazing if Brennan and Booth were kidnapped!
over a year ago natulle said…
Yes it would be amazing :D And I also love both grave digger epsides :D I think they can make it interesting if she had like an accomplish ;)
over a year ago ebathory said…
Not sure how they'd work this, but would love to see another GD eppy. Agree with natulle too, I definitely think she had to have an accomplice.
over a year ago nyssatanya said…
I just can't wait, i hope thw grave digger episod, b&b both get abdudted, and see how that pans out.. cool
over a year ago deedeedot said…
PaxPhoenix: Are we going to see Booth having more problems with clowns these season?

HH: There is a crucial Booth/Clown scene extremely early in the season.

over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
Sounds fun. :)
over a year ago JoweSparrow said…
EXcellent... muahahahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...........
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
I always love the Booth/clown thing. =)
over a year ago Bubbly131 said…
dandan_2300: Are there going to be any storylines similar to those of the Kathy Reichs books? I adore them.
HH: In order to take storylines from Kathy's books, we'd have to buy the rights. That would cost a TON. So ... no.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
When I saw Booth forward slash clown, I immediatley thought of shipping. and now i seriously need brain bleach. :P

Anyway, the one in season two, with the guy in the trash bag, was kind of similar to one of Kathy reich's books... I think it was the first one. I'm going off topic now.
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
Booth/clown as a sign of shipping??? OMG! Now that you mention it - eww the idea is disturbing. (and that's not how I meant it ^^ )
over a year ago deedeedot said…
dandan_2300: RE:Bones s5: Are there going to be any storylines similar to those of the Kathy Reichs books? I adore them.

HH: In order to take storylines from Kathy's books, we'd have to buy the rights. That would cost a TON. So ... no.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HH: Cyndi Lauper illustrates that BONES may have the tallest cast on TV. But boy howdy Cyndi has presence!
over a year ago natulle said…
I would love to know if we see more to Hodgins tatoo d; I wish someone asked that d;
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: Rumour has it that BONES got an Emmy nomination for production design. That's Michael Mayer! Our first! We are so pleased!

HartHanson: Dinner w/ Millegan: You gotta be prepared for him to burst into song at any time. Horrible, awful, Broadway crap, very loud with tremolo.
over a year ago natulle said…
Yeah the emmy nomination is so cool :D
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: I went to my office window to tell the people out by the fountain to please be quiet and it's David and Emily shooting a scene.So I didn't.

HH: For those who were curious BONES wrapped at approximately 3:20am Saturday morning. A little later than ideal but the work was good.
over a year ago deedeedot said…
HartHanson: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN FRANCIS DALEY! I'm torn between getting you a bottle of prime tequila or an ice-cream cone. You're confusing.

HH: Oh no! The president wants another prime time news conference. Could this be the first one that doesn't bone Bones?
over a year ago natulle said…
Oh it's his birthday d; I didn't know that (;
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
Happy birthday John :D
over a year ago deedeedot said…
Sandy_adiga: im curious, who had the idea of the joke on Bones set in Aprils fools hahahah

HH: The April Fool's Day joke was the network's idea. The actual gag came from a little brainstorming session amongst producers.
over a year ago Bones_Obsessor said…
That was so hilarious! :)
over a year ago deedeedot said…
Stephen Nathan: Episode two begins shooting today, episode three preps tomorrow. Tonight I feast.

TJ Thyne: Hello All! Just broke for lunch. Last day of shooting for episode 1, season 5. How crazy amazing is that! Jacks lab-coat still fits. :-)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deedeedot said…
this one is funny hahahaha

HartHanson: Ooh, LA TIMES says BONES is one of the Top Ten Must-Sees at Comic Con this year. Thank goodness I got a haircut.

HartHanson: The camera loves Michaela Conlin so much that it decided to bonk right into her. Luckily, no damage was done. To Michaela.

important info: HartHanson: Neither Emily Deschanel nor David Boreanaz maintains a Twitter account. I think it's because they are already famous enough.