Random Wall

Displaying wall entries 651-660 of 30082

Emy1402 said …
Listen baby, Ain't no mountain high, Ain't no valley low, Ain't no river wide enough if you need me call me no matter where you are Just call out my name I'll be there in a hurry you don't have to worry.......

'Cause baby there Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you!! Posted over a year ago
candylover246 said …
All the ages are finally back! (at least to me..)

Guess all that complaining rly did work :v Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Did i honestly,, not realize i typed *ages instead of *images until just now??? over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
God i'm such an idiot over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Ahhg i see,, glad i'm not the only typo person then ;;; over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
Best friends: Ready to die for each other, but will fight to the death over the last slice of pizza. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I hate when I am about to hug someone really sexy and my face hits the mirror. Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
lol over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Teacher: Why didn't you come school yesterday? Student: my dad's in the hospital. 7days later, Teacher: is your dad still in the hospital? Student:Yes....he's a doctor Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
XD over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
ahahaaha XD over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
© 2006-2017 Fanpop, Inc. So I guess Fanpop.com started in 2006...which means I was 3 years late to join Fanpop at the launch. I wonder how many active users that are still here that has a 2006 account lol. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
I joined in 2008... From my old account over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
ppl used to rate stuffs over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
misanthrope86 is from 2007 over a year ago
Nick16 said …
KID: Mommy, what's in your stomach?
MOM: Your baby sister!
KID: You love her?
MOM: Of course!
KID: Then why did you eat her!? Posted over a year ago
Servamp said …
Image uploads have been temporarily disabled while we upgrade our image servers. Normal image server operations should resume before Tuesday, March 21.

HERE NOW STOP COMPLAINING XD Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
But what if complaining makes it come back quicker xD over a year ago
Servamp commented…
xD over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
^ Lol and everyone said that it wouldn't. over a year ago
deathding said …
Is anyone else on here right now getting the same massive image wipe-out glitch that I am? None of the pictures to virtually anything are loading, huh.

Probably just me, it always is. XD Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Maintenance problems .-. over a year ago
RainSoul commented…
It's happening to me as well, and it's bloody annoying. I want it to be fixed!~ over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I have an idea. A Life Alert romance novel....I should stop having ideas. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
"Image uploads have been temporarily disabled while we upgrade our image servers. Normal image server operations should resume before Tuesday, March 21." Darn, just when things were getting active right here. Idk, I think it would of been better if they did it during the weekdays. Don't people spend more time online on weekends? Seems like unfortunate timing, idk. Posted over a year ago
Karoii-chan commented…
Well, I'm safe from boredom... unless they decide to disable polls as well! xD over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
I'll flip my desk if that happens xD over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
In the memetime, I'll be making memes. over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Teacher: What do you do after school?​ 1st Student: I go and buy weed from Yakobo​ ..2nd Student: I always go and buy cigarettes from Yakobo.​ 3rd Student: I go and buy cocaine from Yakobo.​ 4th Student: I always stay at home and do my homework.​ Teacher: You are a great student, I hereby appoint you as the class monitor.​ You are a good example to other students. What's your name?​ 4th Student: Yakobo Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 commented…
XD over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
I didn't know Yakobo was a legit name. over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Bruh these always get me 😂👌 over a year ago
Servamp said …
Te amo my perverted fanpopers<3
xD Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
This needs some bick symbol on this. over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
Perverted?XD over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
yu know we are all perverted XD over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
Winter is FINALLY here- in March Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Let us exchange climate, slowly miserable from sudden heat wave. Must ban summer in March... over a year ago
flightFlora commented…
Very cold over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
damn let it snow XD over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I'm not weird, I'm just limited edition. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I'm not running away from hard work, I'm too lazy to run. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
If I had 10 cookies and you took half, do you know what you would have? That's right, a black eye and a broken hand. Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
And 5 cookies. over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
XD over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
De XD indeed. over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
Be strong, I whispered to my WiFi signal. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I don't go crazy, I am crazy. I just go normal from time to time. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
When people tell me "You're going to regret that in the morning," I sleep in until noon because I'm a problem solver. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I never make the same mistakes twice, I make it five or six times just to be sure. Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
I am more pissed off than a dragon trying to blow out candles. Posted over a year ago
Servamp commented…
xD over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
For anyone who wants to make a Quiz and see how well others know him/her:

A Club has been made too so everyone can post their links there:
link Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
*cough* I totally did not start the trend *cough* over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ *cough* Of course you didn't.... *cough* It's not like I first witnessed it at your Club or anything... *cough* over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
*cough* over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
*vomits* over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
Happy birthday to both my little niece and Tsubaki Yayoi from BlazBlue! Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Happy birthday! *throws confetti* over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
That's right Tsubaki's bday is today and happy bday to your niece as well. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Happy Birthday to Both !!!! over a year ago
Nick16 said …
A man receives a phone call from his doctor. The doctor says, "I have some good news and some bad news." The man says, "OK, give me the good news first." The doctor says, "The good news is, you have 24 hours to live." The man replies, "Oh no! If that's the good news, then what's the bad news?" The doctor says, "The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday." Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 commented…
lol over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
😂 over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
RIP over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Sad yet funny af tho! over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
I like having Regina as my icon because when I leave dumb comments I can picture her saying them and it provides me with entertainment. Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
It would be interesting if Regina said really dumb stuff. XD over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
XD over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
@legend *CoughSheDoesSometimesCough* over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
Idk why people use their memory as a way to prove something sucks or whatever because they forgot it. I mean, I forget what I did yesterday and I'm pretty sure my day didn't suck. I forget parts from amazing / good movies, yet I can remember some of the stupid stuff in The Room. Forgetting something in a movie or whatever is not good evidence that it sucked, yet some people act like it is.
(No real reason for this rambling :P) Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I agree. It is nice to see someone bringing it up. Most people tend to focus on the negative aspects rather than the positive ones no matter the contrast between them. For some reason, the first always seem easier to remember !!!! over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Dude if everything I forgot about something automatically meant it sucked then I sure do hate a lot of video games and animes over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Whoa hold up this hurt my brain,, let me try & process it first over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I was offered sex with a 21 year old girl today. In exchange, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner. Of course I declined, because I am a person with high moral standards and strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Nowavailable with scented lemon or vanilla. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Lemons do smell nice. over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
Don't lie to us Nick. over a year ago
Emy1402 said …
What kind of stuff do y'all Watch & Listen too? Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
I listen to wordless music :v over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
link over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Then I watch Pokémon, Regular Show, Azumanga Daioh, Loonatics Unleashed, Static Shock, some documentaries on Holland and Surinam, etc. Then I listen to Far East Movement as well. over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Now is probably the best time to have a porn addiction. Like, it's really hard to break, but at least you aren't having to pay for that shit. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
A cockroach's last word to Andrew:
'Go ahead, kill me coward. You are just jealous i make your wife scream more than you do when i climb her' Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I hate cockroach but GODDAMN MAN JESUS over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Trap it. It's a talking cockroach. It will make us a ton of money. over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
*kills cockroach* over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Savage :v over a year ago
Nick16 said …
My girlfriend broke up with me. She thinks that I'm childish. So, I calmed down. Took a deep breath. Went to her house. Rang the doorbell and then ran away. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
You forgot the flaming poop bag xD over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
x3 over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
I would have told her that we can talk it over in my blanket fort. over a year ago
Emy1402 said …
Hi Posted over a year ago
JosepineJackson commented…
Hi. :) over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Hello there !!!! over a year ago
Emy1402 commented…
Oh okay lol over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I asked an old man, "Even after 95 years, you still call your wife 'Darling', 'Honey', 'Love'. What's the secret?" . OLD MAN: "I forgot her name 10 years ago and I'm scared to ask her" Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
XD over a year ago
Emy1402 commented…
Lmao over a year ago
DanDan211985 said …
"Can't stop smiling" got locked out of my account for almost a week, just now all that sudden I remembered it and started jumping up and down. YES.. I finally remembered and now I'm back Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Hoorayy! Welcome back !!!! over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Welcome back! over a year ago
DanDan211985 commented…
thanks guys over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
I just suddenly remembered the cartoon show, Kenny the Shark. I...I suddenly want to rewatch it lol. Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
Never heard about it XD over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Watching it, its okay xD I remember these shark facts from the show lol. It's educational and you learn about sharks. Although, Kenny isn't exactly super likeable looking at it as an adult...xD over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I hate guys who inbox girls, asking for their numbers. Ladies, if you agree with me, inbox me with your numbers so we can discuss this matter in more detail.!! Posted over a year ago
DemonOfDaNight commented…
ok i will give you my pizza place phone number i like extra large pizza with onions mushrooms and a ton of beef over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
me too :') x3 over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Pizza partay! (/^_^)/ over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
(/^.^)/ \(^.^\) (/^.^)/ over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Here's my thing about gender identity. I really don't give a fuck about your gender. I will call you by gender neutral pronouns and you can go and have fun identifying as whatever the fuck you want. Call me transphobic, but I don't worry about what doesn't effect me. Posted over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
Also Mami Tomoe is best girl. over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I bet you $ 13456324567 dollars you didn't read that number. You just skipped right over it. You didn't even realize I put a letter in it. No I didn't but you went back and looked. Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I didn't really skipped it though !!!! over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Of course I skipped over it and I didn't went back to read it. I know your tricks by now dude. over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
xD over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I was in a cab today and the cab driver said, "I love my job, I'm my own boss. Nobody tells me what to do..." Then I said, "turn Left" Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
XD over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
Alright fellow members. PAY ATTENTION! Since the technique of Multiple Answer Posting is on high demand, after a bit of thinking, I decided to share the secret with everyone. Honestly, it is pretty simple. The way of doing that was right under your noses all this time. Just see this instruction video and you will understand. Honestly, for some reason it is terribly unpopular despite working. Anyway, here you go !!!!

link Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Thanks but could you at least post it in links? over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Plus, I had been waiting to use that infamous meme prank for a long time so don't judge me. EgoMouse: Yep. I even placed it in my Favorites playlist just for these kind of purposes. I want to be prepared for similar situations !!!! over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
I quit. over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Social construc is a gender! Posted over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
xD over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
Cash me outside how bout dah? Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Sorry I spent my money on a pet rock. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
:'D you took my spending advice. A solid purchase indeed. over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Ever listened to an artist named 'D3FAI' btw? over a year ago
THaSlimJim said …
everything will be daijoubu Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Nothing is ever daijoubu over a year ago
THaSlimJim said …
it hurts senpai be gentle Posted over a year ago
The_Real_Dio commented…
no over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I have made a frozen yogurt popsicle. Life is good. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Wife: Can you help me in the gardening ?
Husband: What do you think I am...a gardener ?
Wife: Can you fix the door handle ?
Husband: What do you think I am... a Carpenter ?
In the evening, when husband came from work, he saw everything has been fixed.
Husband: Who did all this ?
Wife: Our neighbour. But he gave me 2 options..... Either I should give him a burger or a kiss.
Husband: I am sure you must have given him a burger.
Wife: What do you think I am.......McDonalds ?!! Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I don't need no money (u worth more dan diamond more dan gold)
As long as I keep dancing (free up urself get outa control) Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Attention please: Today is March 06, 2017 03 + 06 + 17 = 26 Its the 21st century: 21 x 26 = 546 Now we add the two Numbers: 546 + 2017 = 2563 As you can see this number has no meaning at all. Thanks for your attention. Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
See now that is too much math, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket for this unlawful graffiti you just posted on the wall. over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
I ain't too good at math. :P over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
I'm planning to do something on April 1st, but I just couldn't wait any longer! Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
A prank? over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Iros identifies as female. Don't be such a bigot, trucks have rights.
#ThingsIGotToSayToday Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
The other day i saw two blind people fighting, I shouted "i'm supporting the one with the knife" ...You must have seen how fast they both ran away. Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 commented…
omg XD over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
Plot twist, it was you with the knife this whole time. over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Before making any promise to a girl, Masturbate twice!!I It may actually change your decision Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Like in front of her? over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
I've done that. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
Would you love a Monsterman? Could you understand, the Beauty of the Beast? Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Erm, if you mean in a romantic way, no. Different species, won't work out. But love as in love to draw em, sure. The more complex, the better. over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
I would do it all for you.Would you do it all?Do it all for me? over a year ago
Nick16 said …
I just saw my reflection blinked. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible. We will get back to you soon. Send nudes. Posted over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
k over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Michael is the other admin. He doesn't deal with the users. over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
fite me irl admins ill bash ye fuckin 'ead in m8 i swear on me mum over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said …
I think I know why I like relating myself and other people I care about to fictional characters. It's like whenever I see the characters that cause these realizations to come up. It just reminds me of how awesome the people I care about are. There's also profiling and understanding people but I gotta say I do it for the other reason just as well. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
That's really cool, bro. It means you are really tuned with the fictional world. I do it as well. Not always though over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^I wouldn't say I am really tuned witht he fictional world. It's more so I know the people I care about really well. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
That's awesome though. I think seeing which characters people relate to gives you a handle of who they are. over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Yesterday I gave up my seat on the bus for a blind person. Today, I lost my job as a bus driver...... This world is too cruel for the kind hearted. Posted over a year ago
Nick16 said …
1. I got a dig bick
2. You that read wrong
3. You read that wrong too
4. You checked
5. You smiled
7. You are wondering why you're still this reading this bs
8. You saw that mistake... right? (On 7)
10. But did you see that I skipped 6?
10. You checked
11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9
12. I said saw you, not you saw
13. I also skipped 2
14. You got tricked
15. I'm just wasting your time Posted over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
17. I skipped everything from numbers 3 to 16. over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I hate it when girls on Fanpop ask me to be their boyfriend. One reason is because I don't want an online relationship in the first place. And the second reason is because I have to go through the awkwardness of rejecting them and telling them that I'm gay. Yesterday I had to do it for the second time this week. >~<' Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
For some reason, gay guys are asked out by girls frequently. I can't understand this phenomenon, but it just happens. This seems to unaffect bisexual men. over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Mr popular over here lelel. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
You sure you didnt mistakenly see an ad that asked you out..? XD Jk jk. I know what you mean had to make the joke doh over a year ago
Nick16 said …
A man was so jealous of his newly born baby that he put poison on the wife's nipples while she was asleep. The next day their driver died of poisoning. Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I cannot help but wonder how exactly did he put the poison in her nipples !!!! over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Wow over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
hehe someone the wife was cheating on xD over a year ago
Nick16 said …
A rapist entered a bedroom, tied up the husband and wife, kissed the wife's ear and went to the bathroom... The husband said to the wife "satisfy him or he will kill us, be strong. I love you" Wife said "he didn't kiss me, he whispered in my ear that he is gay, he needs vaseline and I told him it's in the bathroom. So be strong, I love you too......!!! Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Then the husband ends up finding out he's gay and leaves the wife for the rapist and lived happily ever after. over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
This is the quality content I like to wake up to on Fanpop :v over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Still a better love story than Twilight over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
lmfao over a year ago
Servamp said …
Anime is life (´ ε ` )♡
(´ ε ` )♡Life is Anime Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
AMEN !!!! over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Tru over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
True story. over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Any Gravity Falls fan? Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I am one over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
Awesome :D I wish Dipper ended up with Wendy. I'm a huge fan of GF. over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
On the bright side, they still show reruns. over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I find group therapy to be more comforting and effective than one on one counseling. Posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said …
Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me.
//shot Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
Should we report Wolfx3? Posted over a year ago
suck_toad commented…
Well, he does seem to spam a lot of unnecessary questions. I guess so. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I already report that account for spamming, but don't know why it doesn't work until now. over a year ago
Wolfpaw6 commented…
once its done its done over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
I actually enjoy tofu and that makes me feel insecure in my masculinity. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Tofu is amazing. over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
As I currently eat tofu lol. over a year ago
BennieBear27 said …
Today I made the WONDERFUL life desicion of watching the music video for SING by My Chemical Romance!

I haven't cried this much since Shelter....kill me please. Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
It's good to be adventurous, but don't be too adventurous with new foods. You might just end up with and have a bowl of rice noodles with tofu, chicken, octopus, corn, broccoli, and a MOUNTAIN of rosemary, other herbs, and random seasonings and spices....Don't be adventurous like me. Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
that sounds aite :v over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
Just sounds like another day at the Chinese buffet. over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
Okay. That smells killer. over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
No one told me life was gonna be this way Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
No one told me life would become such a tiring chore one day over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
But here i am over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
No one told me that death would be this way. Now I am a vampire. over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
Patrick when he found out gary only wanted him for the cookie in his pocket Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said …
Idk but when I play as certain characters in some video games. I give no fucks at all. 1v5 Okay. 1v5 with turrets with dangerous hazard Okay. I am pretty much yippee ki yay mother fucker all over people man. I am worse at nighttime but goddamn it is SOOOOO liberating nott o give a fuck. It's therapeutic. Posted over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
Taking shots of lemon concentrated Bleach and Windex who's with me? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
link over a year ago
IFeelLike commented…
Not caring 😁 over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
A series of unfortunate events Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
link over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
Eating a whole box of mac n cheese Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
link over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
OMG! My mom just told me that on 2/28/17 i have to get my top braces! I thought i would get them past March, but i was W R O N G! Idk how it is like to have braces, but from what my friend told me, she said it will hurt like a toothace, but throughout my whole mouth. I now dont know if im exsited to get them or not. Posted over a year ago
ace2000 commented…
It doesn't hurt tho over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
I'ma be blunt here; at first it's hell, tho it only hurts for the first few days until you don't even feel them at all later on over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
At least in my case over a year ago
big smile
BennieBear27 said …

mine. it's mine. ^v^ Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Happy Birthday ~ 👏🎉🎊🎈 over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Happy Birthday! The Garnet UMBR3ON has spoken. (Late) over a year ago
RainSoul commented…
Happy belated birthday or in this case happy merry unbirthday because your birthday already passed. over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
A misunderstood potato Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
🎵 A potato flew around my to before you came here ~ 🎶 over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
Eating everything in my house and watching netflix Posted over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
A new B here Posted over a year ago
IFeelLike said …
can i just curl up into a ball and sleep forever? Posted over a year ago
DanDan211985 said …
I stopped using my social media accounts all of the sudden as soon as my dad added me, then started monitoring me.. Coincidence? Sure!! Posted over a year ago
RainSoul said …
I don't particularly know why, maybe because I was in a pensive mood, but while I was showering I had the sudden urge to self-improve my person. I want to develop more healthier habits, and start exercising regularly. I want to better express my emotions, and not really become more social, but improve my social skills or at least better understand people. Some of things I want to do I can't until I'm older and have a car and permit, but in the future I want to work a part time job- Posted over a year ago
RainSoul commented…
and just be more self sufficient. I want to be more knowledgeable about the world and myself, I'm going to try to start keeping a journal, but I usually become depressed when I try.. Maybe it's just me being a teenager, but I want to try changing and sticking with it. Or maybe this feeling will fade by tomorrow and I'll be back to me moody, isolated, anxious self. I wish this feeling turns into a permanent mindset however it's certainly a better feeling to have then feeling total soul-crushing paralyzing fear and anxiousness each blasted ticking second. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Oh, the feels... I can understand that. It is the moment where a flash of inspiration rushes through you. Whenever I let myself relax I tend to make similar self-improving thoughts. I don't believe that this feeling can fade away. Rather, it stays locked up inside you, waiting to be released the next time you let yourself free. You can stick with it but it will require determination or you will just keep repeating yourself !!!! over a year ago
RainSoul commented…
^ That's an interesting on look at it. I like it. Thanks for sharing and for the advice I appreciate it. :) over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^_^ !!!! over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
It was over 70 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday and now it's snowing today. Come on Ohio make up your mind. Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Beaumont is the same way except it didn't snow this year. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Semester starts tomorrow - if I was a good student, I'd block fanpop for a few months, the fantastic time-wasting and procrastination-enabling mechanism that it is. Not gonna happen though. What even is fanpop if it's not for wasting time and avoiding responsibilities? Posted over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Lol samee,, i feel this 👌 over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Sameee over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
^Oh god such a time-sink, the "suggested videos" sidebar is just an vortex into a world of 5-hour-long youtube binges xD over a year ago
big smile
RainSoul said …
RainSoul's rankings of their least-to-most favorite Kuroko no Basket Openings!~
Link: link Posted over a year ago
The_Real_Dio said …
You thought I was just some random fanpop user, but it was me, DIO! Posted over a year ago
The_Real_Dio commented…
Wanna be friends? over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
How many friends have you made? over a year ago
The_Real_Dio commented…
XD over a year ago
Nick16 said …
Hope this place is still alive... Posted over a year ago
Karoii-chan commented…
Don't worry. It sure is. >__0 over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Random is like an opossum. Poke it enough and it comes back from the dead. over a year ago
Nick16 commented…
awesome. Good to know. @blind: Kevin, dude. long time. Good to see ya around. @8thegreat: Hannah, you are as awesome as ever, I see. Love your humor. Anyways, feeling nostalgic. over a year ago
Karoii-chan said …
Servamp! Can you hear me? =0 Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I doubt it. I can't hear you either. Only see you !!!! over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
Even if it makes me blind I just wanna see the light~ Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
You can still see it regardless. Within a person can be the Light of a thousand Suns !!!! over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
Sometimes I wish I could live inside someone else's imagination and study what they think about. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
My thoughts are um...interesting, I guess lol. Although, you would probably need to learn Cantonese to comprehend most of it xD over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
@roxas ^ over a year ago
BennieBear27 commented…
I have a feeling you could guess 70% of my thoughts just by looking at my average outfit. over a year ago
8theGreat said …
Can someone *cough* donate me $33.67? I-It's an emergency I swear!
...okay fine I just want clothes. Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
Can someone donate me money too? :D over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
*donates 100 dollars to 8theGreat and EgoMouse* o3o~ over a year ago
Peaceandlove67 said …
I just discovered what I sound like with helium. I cracked myself up. I have a naturally deep voice, (not deep enough to pass for a man), and I sound like a bass chipmunk or something. Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
Helium is so fun to play around with. XP over a year ago
Peaceandlove67 commented…
Yeah. It really does make people's voices sound so funny. over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv commented…
That's really funny. over a year ago
big smile
to0ota111 said …
hello humans
i am back after many years off
is anyone interested enough to tell me what changed in here i can see new things and stuff Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Welcome back fellow. Well, there are a few changes like the chat box, more options when it comes to customization of a club and your profile as well having gold to do the latter. It will increase as you make more contributions !!!! over a year ago
to0ota111 commented…
oh ok thanks a lot so the gold is only for the profile customization oki thanks again over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
Is my love letter about Nu-13 disturbing?
link Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
I don't find it disturbing. I didn't think it was a love letter, though, just a list of reasons why you like a certain character from a show. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Not at all. It was a simple and cute explanation of why you like her. It was fitting for you to express that love on that specific day !!!! over a year ago
RainSoul said …
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I just wanna dance~ Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I feel you !!!! over a year ago
kingcesar67 commented…
Let's party!! * party rockers in the house tonight * over a year ago
DanDan211985 said …
"Happy Valentine's day" Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
Happy Valentine's day to you, too! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Happy Valentine's Day !!!! over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
"a comment was made to the answer: " .....Maybe Fanpop should provide the link under the word "comment" instead of the answer, because it's stupid seeing an update for a response under an "empty" answer that you can't click on. Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Indeed. I was thinking of that for a while. Showing up on the updates is meaningless if you can't click on it !!!! over a year ago