Random Wall

Displaying wall entries 411-420 of 30082

2ntyOnePilots said …
About to go get ready... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
lol im ded Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Once again, you'll be just fine and you're going to have FUN! Enjoy yourself !!!! over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
Just go ahead and have the time of your life. Trust me I know what it's like to go to a concert you've been eager to go to. Especially first time concerts over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Enjoy yourself don't freak out too much xD over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
Let us all know how it was when you get back over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Wednesday. I wish you all a wonderful day. Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine said …
Waited so long to stand before you Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
boss battles be like that over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
XDD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
2ntyOnePilots commented…
My really good wholesome friend gave me a pep talk. Lol. She said I will not have a panic attack, I won’t die of anxiety, and above all chances I will have fu;! (The ironic difference between us, her optimism and my expect- EVERYTHING-to-go-wrong attitude. I live i contestant preparation for disappointment. over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
I hope that you will have a great time over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Calm down. You'll be fine and you'll definitely have fun. over a year ago
wantadog said …
My successful return to streaming after the horrible "wonky internet" of 2018. Honestly I am liking how active I am on these streams. There's some cool recurring viewers showing up lately. Either way. This is just shameless advertising for tomorrows stream which'll be Valkyria Chronicles lol XD Posted over a year ago
Rihanna312 said …
Well, damn... just look at it!!!! link Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
OMG...... over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
My dad sent me a picture of this earlier today and it's seriously the cutest thing ever and I want one as a pet over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
I would name him Boris over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
^That`s a fitting name! He looks very Boris-like over a year ago
1012jackson said …
Man. I have to go vote today. I don't even know who I'm gonna vote for. Or what the election is about Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
You can always research the candidates in your area before you go on. There's a quick test you can take on isidewith.org and if you put in your zip code it can tell you which candidates agree with you most on the issues that matter to you. over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
It's really important to vote for the issues you care about! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Everyone: go vote!,!, me: haha jokes on you mothaf*ckas I’m not a citizen! *slaps with green card* over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
the struggle is real.....
im trying to wait till dinner to eat but i look at a small bag of bbq chips and want them.... Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 commented…
oh well im eating them! its only 4:51 pm over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
It's ok to have a snack before dinner. I do it all the- everyday over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Tuesday. I hope that you have a great day. Posted over a year ago
wantadog said …
If you share my views, please vote.

If you are opposite me in every way, please vote.

If you clearly are just regurgitating something you read off *insert famous persons social media*, you should prolly sit this one out. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^*^* over a year ago
SilentForce said …
"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders we're getting in tune
The music's played by the mad man" Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine said …
When your dad is beating you for eating his pain pills, but you can't feel the pain. Posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Americans, if you're not happy with the direction the country or world is heading - even on just one or two issues - please vote today. It's one of the most impactful things you can do. Posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
If you feel like you don't know enough about the issues and the candidates, find your sample ballot with candidate's positions explained, along with your polling location and everything you need to bring with you, at link over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
...Or take a political quiz at linkor link over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I already did. Early voting woot over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
TWØ DAYS NØW AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Posted over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
If this is about the 21 pilots concert you were talking about earlier, then have a great time! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Thanks!!! *Twenty Øne Piløts (or TØP) over a year ago
wantadog said …
When the sun comes up on a sleepy little town
Down around San Antone Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
i never cry during movies. But when watching "coco" in my spanish class, i almost cried a lot of times. Posted over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
I've cried in a few movies myself. One was in my science class over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
I have never cried at a book or a movie. I will admit that I found Forest Gump sad thou, and some others too, but I have never shed a tear. over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
The only movies I've cried over were Marley and Me and Bridge to Terabithia. over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
I found this anime about this otaku girl who ships people IRL and she is literally only hanging out with these dudes to try to hook them up. The English title is 'Kiss Him Not Me' and honestly this is the only acceptable reverse harem. Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
Dude I've seen people that legitimately act like that over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
I have too and they're annoying as hell over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
It sure is intriguing !!!! over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
That feel when you have 3 unfinished Wattpad stories and writer's block -_- Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Monday. I wish you all a wonderful week. Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
"Wait. When is the drop?"

-Dr. Phunk & Lowriderz - Drop Posted over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
omg. looking back at my posts when i was 11..... gosh..... what was i??? i was totally not who i am now. my posts where embarrassing.... gosh.................................... Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Same! Have you seen my old profile posts :/ over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
Ye, I can relate over a year ago
twinklestar11 commented…
i remember annoying everyone on fanpop cuz of my posts.... over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
Tfw the Meme is just right. There's nothing quite like it !!!! Posted over a year ago
Riku114 said …
Me @ My Brain: Make serotonin and dopamine you lazy fucker Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Imma PRETEND tagging works on this and... @2ntyOnePilots @Mauserfan1910 over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Sameee wait... oh haha over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
Call me, may be over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
So... Can't sleep? over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
>Nam flashbacks over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
@lefty -my existence over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
Can someone please tiebreak the countdown poll I have posted? I don't want to extend the time of this poll any longer.

link Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
ASDFGVD* BHUHJJMMNBNN. IM GOINGTO. A TWENTY ONE PILOTS CONCERT IN 3 DAYS!!!!,!!,!!!,!,!,!!!,!,!!!,!!!,!,!,!!,!,!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates* IM GOING TO FUCKING CRY???!!!! Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Oh shit that means I’ll have to fulfill my promise to myself.. over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
OH SHIT I FORGO5 TO USE *S!!! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
That forum spamming was FUN! Posted over a year ago
JetBlack__ commented…
What did I just..xD xD over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Quite inspirational !!!! over a year ago
big smile
1012jackson said …
Well there was a contest at the trunk or treat for best theme or display. And I won first place because of my autumn paintings. Didn't expect that. I guess I am special. And I almost thought I wasn't. But hey I won Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Gr8 job!!! Of course you are special! Not everyone has such artistic talent! ❤️ over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
Yea thks! I didn't even know it was a contest over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Congratulations to you. Really great job !!!! over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
I decided that I'm going to learn programming. Just python, something simple. I doubt I'll ever use it, but I with how important computers are going to be in the future, I want my baby to be able to learn hardware and software so that she can have a good head start for the modern world. I want to see her given the education she needs to find a successful life Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
I'm also learning python. Learning python because I want to build my own chess AI. over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Should I kill myself of have a cup of coffee? It became clear the other day what that phrase really means. Coffee is how we cope, how we compensate for the misery of existence. Drinking it is the acceptance of the misery, and drinking it is like signing a contract with the human condition. I chose to have my cup this morning, but suicide will always be in the back of my mind Posted over a year ago
Karoii-chan commented…
Don't kill yourself, Mauser. It may seem like a lost cause right now to continue living, but don't lose hope. Your life will get better and more happier. Have your coffee, don't ever forget it! over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
^ over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Ma everything will be alright. I’m always here. Seriously. And you know what’s gr8 to think about? That little baby of yours growing up better than every other in this world because she understands, and knows that it’s possible to deal with the tough sh*t the world throws at us. she will know that her mother is an incredibly strong woman, and know that your strength runs through her blood. ...I know for a fact that you can make it through. I believe in you. ❤️ over a year ago
PunkQueen said …
Autocorrect is testing my patience. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Automobile has always testified my previous over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
Duck this shirt! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^ROFL over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
Anyone watched the Grammys? Posted over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
I haven't over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Some yes, I do believe Panic! won TØPs award. jK theiergr8, and I know Ty’s vocals were off at the Grammys lol over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Ughg I should probably tr and sleep now. It’s 12:13 pm... sh*t I DO NOT want to start up that old nicknam3 joke again... Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
(Local Insomniac) over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
You really should. A good rest always does the trick. Goodnight and sleep well !!!! over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
People often ask, "Cody, if you're allergic to bananas, why do you eat them?"
Um, have you ever had a banana? A swollen and itchy tongue is a small price to pay to taste its deliciousness. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
*Disagrees* over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
*disagrees as well* over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^ over a year ago
8theGreat said …
>be me
>fall in love with red packaged Shin Ramyun spicy instant noodle
>basically all I've eaten all week
>running low on spicy ramen supplies
>go to store
>they're out of stock
>now my kokoro is brokoro
>rip Posted over a year ago
springely commented…
>when your mg in sodium intake exceeds your actual calorie count over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
^tru tbh over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
So, Fanpop's Ramen is out of Ramen? Then, I suppose some donations are in order? over a year ago
wantadog said …
Oh wow. Severe, soul-shattering, wish-it-all-would-end levels of depression. Haven't had this since...like....July or some shit. Welp. Time to sit back and ride it out. Posted over a year ago
RTS2000 commented…
Okay, hang in there buddy over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
Good bye computer...
I have to give you up now
all because
someone claimed you
that someone is
my cat
:P Posted over a year ago
RTS2000 commented…
Sadness.... over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Friday. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
Thanks.I wish you a wonderful weekend as well :D over a year ago
RTS2000 commented…
It's all happy days, hope the weekends are amazing too over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
''You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?

You're the love that I hate
You're the drug that I take
Will you cage me?
Will you cage me?

You're the pulse in my veins
You're the war that I wage
Can you change me?
Can you change me?

From the monster you made me?

From the monster you made me?'' Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
YEESSSS over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
Whoa! !!! over a year ago
Kahma said …
Kahma said …
dis might be a stupid question but how do these forums work? how is fanpop even alive without da cbox? Posted over a year ago
DarkGirI27 commented…
Rando was the original hotspot, where the cool kids would submit their finest pieces. The tradition has simply evolved, and it continues to thrive. over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Also. (FAM PLZ READ) do have permission to make a forum for band trash, updates, my tears blood and sorrow (not rlly. Just important band things)?
I co7ld use it to prevent my unwanted spamming of things no one really cares about. What I mean is, I could put sh*5 there and not overload every forum with b@nds etc. IDK. I think I’m getting on my buds nerves lol. (Mom? Dad? Siblings? Captain?(Mauser) Talking mainly to you guys lol) Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Whatever is fine with you. I do not believe anyone in here has been annoyed by your Posts. I wouldn't even consider them spamming. Plus, there are quite a few who have similar interests to you, myself included. If you feel like making a Forum to gather and share things you love as well as your thoughts instead of just letting them out in the open, do it without hesitation. Do not think that you are being a bother though. Either way is just fine !!!! over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Bro you can make a forum for whatever you like XD over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
@Riku :v over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Hey. Guess what? I’ve never met any of you and I love all of you. You may not even know me- guess what? I still love you. You could hate my guts. Hey. I love you.
There will always be someone who loves you. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Don’t f*cking say 5hats not true. There is a point, you have a purpose, hope exists, and despite this sh*tty place we live in, you will always be beautiful. No matter how much or how little, you still have a life in front of you. People do care. I do. I know there’s something missing even when I don’t know what’s gone. don’t leave. Don’t be missed. Stay. Stay Alive. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
^Ill agree and say same over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
I LOVE YOU TOO MAN over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I am in such an orc mood. Posted over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
link over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
^ Amazing. Thank you. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Have always been in more of an Elf one myself !!!! over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
^ Elves are amazing as well. over a year ago
wantadog said …
RIP. Family issues so can't do a stream today. =/ Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine said …
I'm sad and low, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
So sad that not even in the mood to talk to anyone over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
Just wanted to share over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
Suicide if you ever try to let go. (RIP XXXTentacion.) over a year ago
8theGreat said …
Happy spook guys Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Happy Spook to you too !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Happy spoop my dude! over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
happy spook boy =D over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Happy ireoween!!! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK IREO!!!) Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Noice! XD Happy Ireoween (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM) !!!! over a year ago
THaSlimJim commented…
happy bday 2 him my bday buddy over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
R.I.P !!!! over a year ago
wantadog said …
Had to cut my stream short today cuz bad internet T_T I can't believe how legit bad I feel about it.... Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Halloween. Posted over a year ago
RTS2000 commented…
Halloween is here :3 over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
Thanks.A Happy Halloween to you too :D over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
thanks for you too bat over a year ago
luminousshams said …
I saw zanhar last night in my dream
Don't know why Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
lol over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
It was like we found out zanhar is a male and when we knew about that we were so shocked cause we thought zanhar is a female :D I only remember that over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Same. Will never forget that withering leaf spammer !!!! over a year ago
wantadog said …
Time to go play Rise of Insanity on Twitch. Posted over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
Hello world, it's another sad day in my miserable life. I think I'll spend it sad and unloved like usual Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
No you won't, because we all love you. Please do not be sad. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ !!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ You have my permission to do so. Mauserbabe seems like she could use all the love that she can get !!!! over a year ago
GDragon612 said …
👻👻🎃🎃👽👽💀💀😈😱🍬🍬🍂🍂🍩🍩🍫🍫🎃🎃 ӇƛƤƤƳ ӇƛԼԼƠƜЄЄƝ TO ALL OF YOU!!!👻👻🎃🎃👽👽💀💀😈😱🍬🍬🍂🍂🍩🍩🍫🍫🎃🎃 Posted over a year ago
JetBlack__ commented…
Back at you.🍫🎃 over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Happy Halloween !!!! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
You too over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
thank you all<3 over a year ago
1012jackson said …
I'm so tired. I'm finally done with all those paintings. And right at the last day till Halloween. I can finally relax Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
jsut relax now and have a good night<3 over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
Spoop? Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Spoop over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
spoop over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Spoooooooooooooooooppppppp over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
Halloween (2018) was horrible (to me). It was just a few jump scares. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Same here. I’m sitting alone in my dark cold house because I have no real friends. over a year ago
8theGreat said …
Is it just me or did September go by really fast and October went by really slowly? Posted over a year ago
SwordofIzanami commented…
Same here. I love October, but it felt super long. I just want to move on to November already. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Idk went by fast for me XD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
The older 8 get, the faster time goes. over a year ago
wantadog said …
Not the greatest stream tonight, but that's the whole point of why I do this. If I'm gonna not be so quiet, I need to interact and before I officially start up my Youtube channel, I need to get comfortable talking consistently in front of the microphone in a way that is both interesting and relevant. Posted over a year ago
wantadog commented…
Days like this where I don't have viewers and people don't chat are necessary hurdles. I gotta work to earn it over a year ago
SilentForce said …
"She's like a frostfern in my head
The lamplight burns my eyes and then she fades away
My pencil's frozen in my hand
And the letter I can't write, it seems to be a desert without end
I woke up late at night
She called me up, then disappeared
And the echo of her voice
Filled the empty places in my dreams
With the silent tide

She fades away
Oo, she fades away
She fades away again
Don't go now
Please stay" Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
... What song is this? It’s beautiful over a year ago
JetBlack__ said …
I've been feeling too much positivity lately,I'm starting to feel sick xD Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
That happens to me a lot. It's fun. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Welcome to my World. Do not worry. You might be feeling that way every now and then but the sickness will subside before you know it !!!! over a year ago
JetBlack__ commented…
^ I see :) over a year ago
ShadowFan100 said …
Yesterday was my first day of work, and it actually went a lot better than I originally thought. Basically, I work there as a greeter. It's my job to greet others who drive by with their donations, and take said items to wherever they need to be sorted into. They have specific places for specific items, so it makes it easier. And that's pretty much it, and it's fun. Until I get tired, of course. XD Anyway, I'm glad I had fun, and I'm actually looking forward to going back this Friday. Posted over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
Awesome, man. Thanks for sharing!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
This is certainly great to know. Well done, buddy !!!! over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
Am i the only one here who hates everyone and wants to kill them? Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Bro thats so angsty but dude, been there. More than youd want to know tbh over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Honestly though it isnt healthy or a good place to be. I was there before and honestly really regret it in hindsight. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ !!!! over a year ago
Ranty-cat said …
Ask me any question Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
are you gay or straight? over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
If you found a humongous tree with an empty inside, would you carve out doors and windows in it and move in? over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^ @Borse YESSS of course! There is no f*ckin way I could miss that awesome chance! over a year ago
8theGreat said …
Guys Prez stole my spooky icon arrest him please Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
It's even both our fuking waifus jesus christ XD over a year ago
THaSlimJim commented…
i din even see ur icon 4 i changed it ramen over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Yeee I ship them too! over a year ago
THaSlimJim said …
octobr 31st is my bday u r not alloud 2 celebrate it guys or u r appropriatin my culture ok u have 2 ask my permission Posted over a year ago
wantadog commented…
Jokes on you. I'm streaming that day so I'll just do it there where no one will se-wait...that's mildly depressing over a year ago
THaSlimJim commented…
oh ok over a year ago
THaSlimJim commented…
@jay yea ofc man over a year ago
THaSlimJim said …
i got a s p o k k y hall ooo ween icon 2 u guys am i cool Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
TheLefteris24 commented…
8theGreat commented…
^Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas over a year ago
wantadog said …
8 hour stream! Success! It twas awesome! I love games where you assign troops. Posted over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
One day... Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
One day...I’ll be dead over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^^^ @Prez good point. Lol over a year ago
springely commented…
1dayumay over a year ago
wantadog said …
Halfway through my first loooong stream which will hopefully be 8 hours long. Been playing Bloodborne no blood vials but about to swap to Valkyria Chronicles. Sir Duckington got me through the first half but now its time to vary things. Posted over a year ago
luminousshams said …
It is okay if u don't know what to feel , if u don't know what u want and you cant figure things out as u go. It's okay to not want something u worked so hard on getting - after realising it wasn't what u thought it was. It's okay to change your mind, to make mistakes to walk away from someone you once loved - from something that meant the world to you . It is okay because this is your life , your cause , your body , your wants ,your heart and your feelings . Posted over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
and you don't need validation from someone , other than you . And I hope it doesn't take you a life time to realize that over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
U mad? over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Thank you. You are a wonderful, wise person. ❤️ over a year ago
Ranty-cat said …
The cake is a lie. Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
Ah yes 2009 memes my favourite over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
You're lying !!!! over a year ago
Lusamine commented…
I GET IT over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Monday. I hope that you all have a wonderful day. Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
MAKE SOME NOISE!!! Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs, I don't need it But I'll sell what you got, take the cash and I'll keep it Eight legs to the wall, hit the gas, kill them all And we crawl, and we crawl, and we crawl you be my detonator!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
The sims version is better :v over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
*disagrees* over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Love, gimme love, gimme love, I don't need it But I'll take what I want from your heart and I'll keep it In a bag, in a box, put an X on the floor Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, shut up and sing it with me Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na (From mall security) Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na (To every enemy) Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na (We're on your property) Standing in V formation over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 said …
My truck has 10,294 duckpower. B) That's 10.3 kiloducks Posted over a year ago
Mauserfan1910 commented…
link over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
!!!!! over a year ago
JetBlack__ said …
You guys I want to inform you in case you didn't know!!
If you see me talk about Halloween or Christmas^^ that's only because I find it interesting and awesome but hey 🙏🏻I'm muslim xD

Love ❤️ Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Cool! Thanks 4 letting us know over a year ago
JetBlack__ commented…
It’s my pleasure. over a year ago
JetBlack__ commented…
@ Hi whatsupbugs,Ironically that was one of my old usernames xD over a year ago
wantadog said …
You never realize how much you need your toenails until their gone Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Oouchh over a year ago
BlueDopamine said …
Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience. Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Sunday. Posted over a year ago
JetBlack__ said …
*Eats breakfast* fucking life..work shit xD Why can’t I sleep for 10 more hours..😭😩 Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Sammeeeeee over a year ago
Riku114 said …
Honestly, you never know what you might change for someone by showing them a small bit of kindness in the world.

A well timed kind gesture could go miles, it could save lives.

Sometimes people can't really see much other than the darker more evil sides of the world and sometimes they need someone who can help them get their faith back. Someone to look at and entrust themselves to in hopes of finding that light again. Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Not to go and say be super nice to everyone or to give yourself to everyone or to forsake yourself to help someone else be happy, but honestly, if you can bring light to one persons world and show them that things arent as bad as they see it, you could honestly help save their life and potentially other people's lives in the future with just that one time over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
^Exactly man. over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^^^ Dude that’s true. So awesome. over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said …
OMG I want the ironic wedding so bad but I do not want to be married. If I play I write sins not tragedies at my wedding and my wife and I get it but everyone is confused. I am just gonna die laughing. That is just quality ironic humor. Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Ill do it over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
VIDEOTAPE IT PLZ over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Yeeesssssssssss!!!,! PLEASEEEEEEE DOOOOOO ITTTTTTT!,! ! !!! THATS GR8! @Borse I chime in with a Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door? No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality over a year ago
Riku114 said …
If I jokingly call myself gay too much people might start thinking Im serious and then be really confused when they find out I have a boyfriend. Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
Lesbian: *walks up to Riku* hey I uhhhhh.... do you maybe uuuh wanna go out? Riku: Nah I have a boyfriend Lesbian: If you didn't want to go out you could just say so instead of pretending to be straight!! Riku: no really over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
^ over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
XD over a year ago
wantadog said …
Proper dog ownership is control. I can, and have, reached into my dogs mouths and taken treats back and they just let me. Posted over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
Even if it's already chewed up??? over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
XD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Proper dog owenership may be control but proper dog companionship is an understanding and a trust between the two. I sometimes walk my dog with my eyes shut and let her lead me because I trust her instinct to keep her and I out of any possible dangerous situation. She trusts me not to force her to got to say, a pound. over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
a cat on my arm..... he gets mad when i move my arm or try getting him off. Why is he so wanting my arm? lol Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
When I was
A young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band... Posted over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
He said, son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten, and the damned? He said, will you defeat them Your demons and all the non-believers? over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Welcome to the black parade then !!!! over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^^^ (best comments ever) over a year ago
luminousshams said …
There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.

And bingo was his name-o

It's stuck in my head !!
My nephew don't eat anything without listening to it we had to listen to it after every 2 hours with full volume!!!! Posted over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
We are gonna have such fun today with 5 little duck ! over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
We are gonna have such fun today with 5 little monkeys !! over a year ago
luminousshams commented…
Didn't know I was gonna learn them all again over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
XD over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy weekend everybody. Posted over a year ago
Rihanna312 said …
link This is what hell looks like Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I couldn't agree more... over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
Number 15...

link Posted over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
Damn,you got me there XD over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
Yknow I'm kind of surprised no one did this sooner over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Believe it or not, I have been waiting for the right chance to post this particular Meme for years !!!! over a year ago
Riku114 said …
Ya know, I should go to Burger King cos I got some pretty bad Athletes Foot and you all know what that is...


its foot fungus Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
The last thing you'd want in your burger king is Riku's foot fungus over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
But as it turns out, that might be what you get... over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
A Davis Student uploaded a photo anonymously to the University's site showcasing Riku's foot in a plastic bin of lettuce. With this statement, "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, she had removed her shoes. But that's even worse !!!! over a year ago
SilentForce commented…
lmao over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Hey. You. It’s late. Get of the device and get some f*ckin sleep! Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Relatable !!!! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
No can do. You will resume tomorrow. Good Night and sleep well, Mrs. Jackson !!!! over a year ago
1012jackson commented…
^ "🎵I have to go to sleep. Mommy says🎵" over a year ago
8theGreat said …
There I spammed some Lolita :v Posted over a year ago
THaSlimJim commented…
wait u always do tht over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
Ok true over a year ago
Rihanna312 commented…
Yay! over a year ago
CokeTheUmbreon said …
Who do I like as far as music but not as a person?

The Chainsmokers. Posted over a year ago
8theGreat commented…
This is how I feel about Morrissey. over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
The Chainsmokers: hey can I copy your homework? TØP: sure, but make sure it’s not too obvious. The Chainsmokers: Oh no. over a year ago
whatsupbugs said …
Happy Friday. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. Posted over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Fridays are always super busy for me XD over a year ago
wantadog said …
Tonight will be the continuing adventures of Sir Quackington in Bloodborne on my stream.

Good thing I created the !quack command Posted over a year ago
Riku114 said …
Too many good Hijikata Icons. I was gonna go for Halloween but got distracted. Maybe Ill give him a witch hat Posted over a year ago
ShadowFan100 said …
I’m just 8 hours away from starting my first day of work at Goodwill, guys. And it’s weird how I’ve managed to come so far within the past year, because I can literally recall my time at job training. I just hope I have a good first day, and that I keep this job. TBH, I despise going through the interviewing process. So, wish me luck! Thank you! Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Gl dude over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
Yeah, saw your answe. Best of luck, dude. Let me know the updates. Share your experiences to me. over a year ago
ShadowFan100 commented…
So, my first day was actually just my orientation. And I officially start on Monday. Yay. over a year ago
wantadog said …
Best stream thus far! Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots said …
Hey I’m shutting off for the night. See y’all later!
Alright, Children
The lights are out and the party's over
It's time for me: Doctor D
To start running and say goodbye for a little while
And I know you're gonna miss me
So I'll leave you with this... Posted over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? Well it'll burst you into flames If you stay in one place too long That is if the static don't get you first So remember even if you're dusted You may be gone But out here in the desert Your shadow lives on without you This is Dr. Death Defying Signing off over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
-“Goodnight Dr. Death” My Chemical Romance over a year ago
twinklestar11 said …
im reading a manga called "Assassination classroom" and damn nagisa's mom is a bitch. i hate her! Why can't she except nagisa the way he is. he don't need to be a girl.... geez. I like nagisa the way he is! Even my friend (who im borrowing the series from) said she is a bitch and that she hates her. Posted over a year ago
Hanii-shi commented…
Ohhh i remember reading that manga like in 2015 over a year ago
Hanii-shi commented…
nagisa's mom can go do herself over a year ago